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Crowley Independent School District is part of the Education industry, and located in Texas, United States. "src": "Athletics/1.png", // ALTERNATE IMAGE SRC { // BIND DROPDOWN EVENTS { "showText": true, Crowley Independent School District Dedicated to excellence in education Our District" ANNOUNCEMENTS; Accountability Reports **test** - do not use; School Report Cards . // CHECK FOR EMPTY SITE NAME { } '}';*/ } else { } else { ["Chichewa", "Chichewa", "ny"], if($.trim(mobilePhoto) == "" || mobilePhoto.indexOf("default-man.jpg") > -1) { $(thisChannel).removeClass("hover"); // FOCUS DROPDOWN BUTTON Crowley Independent School District - Glassdoor "onImageLoad" : function(props) { ["Slovenian", "slovenski", "sl"], }, }); // ADD THE COLUMN UL $("#hp-slideshow .cs-fullscreen-video-button.unmute-button").attr("aria-label", "Unmute Background Video"); } } else { this.Search(); Curriculum and Instruction / Home - Crowley Independent School District }
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"Footer": function() { We cannot wait to see our students compete and perform in this amazing venue.The new complex joins a long list of athletic and fine arts facility upgrades from Crowley ISD in the past five years. 9900 Hemphill Street. ["Latin", "Latinae", "la"], ["Finnish", "suomalainen", "fi"], "fullScreenBreakpoints" : [], // OPTIONS ARE [960, 768, 640, 480, 320] }, "display": "block", "efficientLoad" : true, 'top: calc(((100vw * .4) - (100vw * ' + (props.height / props.width) + ')) / 2);' + dynStyleSheet.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); background: #417206; /*lighter green*/
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} var dropdownList = params.dropdownList; Funding for the project was approved by voters in the 2007 bond package and the new facility is scheduled to be complete in the fall of 2022. Visit our website: www.crowleyisdtx.org Welcome to Crowley ISD!
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