When you are about to get close to reaching 100 Eighth Dimensions, don't buy until 10 - buy singles to exactly 99 Eighth Dimensions to earn the achievement 'The 9th dimension is a lie', which gives Eighth Dimensions 10% more production. V is pretty freeform and this is just the suggested path. You can also use Ra Perk Points for farming Perk Points (thanks to HELLOPERSON), though don't worry too much about it - if you put it off, there will big multipliers to perk point gains and even automatic perk point generation later on: AntimatterDimensionsAutomatorScriptFormatAABeJwVjksKwzAMRPc5hQ6ghSU5n96i9AYmcahJsIs0ci960bU5inAfEQcs6JfwV6xnrRs6TcGzbzEkYvFHusOfUvlfOcWh9Hio0a0bo0b7v0aCKJsCLKJmyYxl7YK80cCC6K8Gm0cGD2NxALrAF9gCUaDJ8kdZVvQG4Kp43NxYzU8j32W0c6Eh36KnkqcZw450aff20av1wEndOfAutomatorScript. This allowed me to get ~1.6k glyph levels quite easily. Around 1.5e10 IM, 1e74-1e75 sac, 50-52% continuum purchases and e198-e199 black hole years, you can use the Lai'tela build (ydddd) to get 80k galaxies and unlock the 4th DMD purchase (Dimensional Symmetry). (if you reached eternity before a full second bar, you will want at least e1800+ replicanti filled.). It should only take ~1 hour at most. Starting at 143 TTs, you can do ECs again! You can't really simplify it beyond using the mostly dark EP push build with 226>225 and 234>233 (optional) as non dark. However, the complexity of the game has just shot up dramatically. If you're still stuck, you forgot to turn Auto-EC or ID autobuyers back on after Fabrication of Ideals! errrr can also work. Always selects the most effects/rarity. Previous challenges that you have completed before will have to be completed again, until they are automatically completed in later eternities. The importance of grinding infinities in this challenge is decreasing, so you don't need a lot of infinities. If you are going to use the waiting method, it is time consuming, so you should choose the Automatic Big Crunch challenge to complete the achievement, as it is faster and requires less waiting. t Spend your first EP on First Time Dimension. Around 1k Singularities/e35-e36 DM, you'll be offered the option to Ascend a DMD for the first time. More than 1e300 EP, around at least 3,000 to 4,000 TT, and at least 1,012,680 eternities (if you want to grind for them, but is recommended that you at least have a decent amount of eternities). Ideally you want to have 1 time glyph with EP, 1 power glyph, 1 dilation glyph and 1 replicanti glyph with replication speed buff. To the left of TS192 is TS191, where 5% of Infinities on Eternity become Banked Infinities (and can help increase EC10's reward and other Infinity factors permanently), and to the right is TS193, Antimatter Dimension multiplier based on Eternities, with the maximum being 1e13000x multiplier (around 1,012,680 eternities). Now do a relic shard farm, setting your reality autobuyer to when relic shards/min peaks - you should reach 3e9 pretty fast for all glyph QoL. Each Glyph has 4 attributes: type, level, rarity and effect. You get one every 2 levels of Teresa. Now you want to focus on upgrading the bulk purchase until 512x (max). I think the former build is slightly better but the latter also works. 4) EC1 can be completed infinitely, you might want to rechallenge it if you get stuck somewhere. 3) Notice that entering C10 is really good for IP/AM production! Recommended for: early Realities (speeds many slow sections up including EC11, pre-eternity and Dilation), empowering other effects from Replication Glyphs. This is an insane tickspeed upgrade multiplier, and you should get this before you buy anything else. During this period - check the perk order above as it will last you the entirety of this section. Since 1st dimensions are not produced by the 2nd dimension, you can easily get this achievement without having to wait. Make sure to set the button to Offline time used for production! Keep trying to get as much EP as you can on a single run, and it should gradually be an increasing income. If you're playing idly, leave it on at all times. This is really good for EP/IP/AM production. You need 1e260,000 Antimatter in dilation under 1 minute to get this achievement. Vary 'Amount of IP to wait until' by +/- 10% at a time, and keep checking Statistics > past infinities to see what the IP/min is of each strategy. As this will make IP growth much faster, focus on maxing the interval of all Dimension and Tickspeed Autobuyers. Go to options and change your notation to Scientific or Logarithm. I will assume you have spent 1 night(or ~4-6 hours semi idling if you are active) on reality farming right after unlocking perk shop and farming to e27 RM with it. card classic compact. Generally the time dimension path is a lot more useful with TS171 than otherwise. You won't need to juggle glyphs a lot in this section. A generally strong pick that entirely affects ADs. Thank you and everyone else who worked on the original AD. The upgrades further on will eventually make it impossible (or very hard) to get this achievement until later. Once you reach it - assuming you followed my advice you technically should be ready to tackle it from get go. Also, before proceeding, don't forget that you can figure the game out on your own:). 5 more eternities until the update - In practice, you'll get this when you finish EC10x5, because you cannot really beat EC11 or EC12 before getting more TT. (This study will not help you much unless you're in a situation where studies 225 and 233 better than their dark counterparts, or when TS201 is good enough to justify spending over 1600 Time Theorems on). The glyph sacrifice bonus is visually rounded to 2 decimal places, but is actually continuous, so you can do one relic shard run every so often to update it. 4) If you can buy a galaxy, do so and restart from step 1. So, we now have different strategies we can explore for farming IP/min as fast as possible: For a more thorough and specific breakdown of what's going on and what's best for IP/min: The Big Crunch button has three lines: Your whole goal in this section is to crunch at Peak IP/min. The run may take anything from 1 to 300 minutes, probably depending on what upgrades you got. Recommended for: The Boundless Flow, EC4 requirement. (. In fact, so fast some of them won't even need a single boost or galaxy! NOTE: a xIP glyph is MANDATORY. You currently won't be able to get enough antimatter, but you will be able to get it later. Second best is 'Achievement, Buy 10, AM Prod, one more'. When you have Infinite Replicanti you can reset them for a free Galaxy, and you can do this as many times as you've bought up to the third upgrade (maximum galaxies). Overall shouldn't take longer than ~15 minutes if you are following this walkthrough. Replicanti multiplier power +X [ ] - This effect increases how much Replicanti affects IDs (and after Dilation, TDs). This is the final stretch, you will be using dilation glyph mostly, but sometimes you might still want to juggle. There is strong offline progression in this game, as all Dimensions continue to produce lower-tier Dimensions and you gain Antimatter. If all else fails, try doing a GS run to bank BH time. Having "When will it be enough?" You can complete 2 layers for now but will instantly be able to complete layer 3 with new mechanic from next celestial. The Time Studies tab is a skill tree that has the currency of Time Theorems (costing Antimatter, IP or EP) that you can buy time studies, or respec (reallocate TT for other studies) every Eternity. Spend the antimatter on getting the new Infinity Dimension, and then spend 1e9 IP, to unlock the 2nd Infinity Dimension. Replication Glyphs become increasingly important during Teresa, but this will change again going forward - keep trying different things out, as often which Glyphs work best will shift and flow over time. You want to be active during this farm for best result. : This is a very simple achievement, an achievement that may have been already achieved if you were far into the late game of April 2018, although you could get this achievement way before that. This will be important for getting to 1e50 EP. You will very rarely need to disable rift 5, so just keep it on, unless you can't reach another dilation upgrade. Dilation isn't useful yet, but the other four glyphs all have a specific purpose thanks to the Pelle-specific effect: Replicanti: Best at replicanti amount (for Rift 2 -> Rift 3), Infinity: Best at IP (for Rift 1, TT and Remnants). Make sure you reality instantly after discharge, otherwise you will lose multiplier! Probably the most niche of the five glyphs, especially in the pre-Cel1 phase of Reality. You need to have a setup like this: 11,21,22,31,33,32,42,41,51,62,61,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,161,162,171,181,191,211,212,223,232,221,193,213,214|0 (3912TT setup). At this point, you should be able to start Eternity Challenge 1. It is strongly advised you join the server as it has more up-to-date help in the pins of each progression channel. Once its interval is at 0.1 seconds you won't have to touch it until attempting to optimise some Challenges later. When you hit 1e1000 RM, a strange new resource and tab will unlock. After you have these two upgrades, set your autobuyers up like this: Now buy the 3.12e9 IP tickspeed cost multiplier upgrade 'Tickspeed cost multiplier increase 5x -> 4x' and then, when you have enough IP, buy the 1.56e10 IP tickspeed cost multiplier upgrade 'Tickspeed cost multiplier increase 4x -> 3x'. You can also now use the savescum approach to farm for glyphs, as follows: Store real time, export save, amplify a GL reality, and look at what glyphs you got. Buy a first dimension. Black hole charge is what allows us to purchase the next set of upgrades. Around 4.7e15 Singularities and Lv 21.8k Glyphs, you can destabilize Lai'tela for the 5th time. One nice thing this does help with is speeding up EC11, since dimboost multipliers still apply there (the other three Power Glyph effects are negated by EC11's restriction). In eternity challenges 7, 10 and 11, the antimatter dimension path is best because infinity and time dimensions are either disabled or heavily nerfed. After that you might push, then do EC1, completion 2, with a full tree or very nearly so, and then do EC3, with TD and the Idle path. Infinity Dimensions will be a very important and powerful type of Dimension as in one second you can already make about 1e150 times more antimatter! - lilk0408, 4/8 (max boosts/galaxies required to dimboost). Gonna give it another crack later. DON'T CRUNCH yet. You should click its mode button to set it to Buys max. Now is the moment you've been waiting for! Recommended for: Innumerably Construct, Pre-Eternity phase. You can finish it in 5 minutes with 1e59IP). Recommended study tree setup for first dilated run: AD/ID + Idle (Active loses IP multi too fast) + 222, 223, 225, 228, 232 and 233. Short summary is that glyph instability is only for farming glyphs, RM multi is only for farming RM and game speed is mostly for improving all farm builds. If you had bought eternity challenges and respec your time studies when you eternity, you don't need to get the required resources for the challenge, but on the web version you cannot have 2 EC unlocked at the same time, so pick wisely for which challenge you will buy. RM, GL, perk points, relic shards). (IMPOSSIBLE without TS31), 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,62, [71,81,91,101], 111, [121,131,141], 151,161,171,181, For each EC, just experiment with the time studies. 2) Second blackhole is used to push EP and DT. This means that in ECs 1, 5 and 6 the infinity dimensions path is better than the time dimensions path. Next, get the achievement Yet another infinity reference in high boost Galaxy 62 (1.8e308x dimensional sacrifice multiplier in one sacrifice), which will be further increasing dimensional sacrifice's power. You then should be able to do EC5x3, followed by EC3x5, EC2x4 and EC6x3. The bonus from this one is very powerful with good black hole upgrades, and in just a day or two of black hole upgrading it'll be easily passing 1e100x. Also, it is possible to buy Tickspeed Cost Multiplier Increase 5x -> 4x first, and that will make the run only take about 2 hours. Its content takes months or even years to complete and is the perfect choice if you want to get into incrementals. With this you will filter quite a lot and won't need to check often. If you don't like them, import save, do 100-500 realities and try again. For idle play, GL and reality every 133-166ms. Don't forget the infinity charging changes, I won't remind you to change those on RA/RM/Glyph farm anymore. Since they are massively more powerful, they become your main means of progression. NOTE: The optimal GL Effarig is currently 'GS, Instability, Achievement, one more' (AM Prod > ALL > Buy 10 but it's extremely close). After a while it will hit that super fast, then do the same for higher multipliers. Also, farm 100 glyphs for achievement 152. But how do they work? RM is capped at 1e1000 and you now improve your IM (Imaginary Machines) based on how much RM you would have generated if there was no cap. Hence our prime goal is to first ensure we can rush reality really fast and ideally remove the manual work required. It has loads of content, with 5 Prestige Mechanics and 3 extensive Prestige Layers. At this point in the game Sacrificing is still more efficient, but go out of your way once to get this Achievement. When you have enough IP (preferably at least 1e45 IP), at least 1e11000 total antimatter and are ready, you can finally begin Infinity Challenge 2. "Never again": You need to get a sum of IC times of 0.75 seconds or less. Infinity Point gain X [ ] - More IP is always nice, but the values on this aren't all that high. 1) Hold M until progress stops. The stronger your glyphs, the more leeway you have in using 'wrong' glyphs. This part takes about 1 hour of active play, but then the game starts to slow down after 1e170 IP. When you hit 1e100 EP, the purchases for the eternity multipliers start to slow down, as they have increased in price. You will get the "Time is relative" achievement as the reward for doing your first eternity. Perk - achievement perk line. The optimal glyph build for a first time Teresa is: 2 rep (rep mult, rep speed, xDT), 2 time (TD pow, maybe xEP), and then finally a third rep (but a good pow, inf or time is only slightly worse). Since this will take about 6 hours, you might also be able to complete "No ethical consumption" (with TS191), knocking out 2 row 13 achievements. If you feel like you are far behind on time glyphs - feel free to farm glyphs for a bit, but you should be ready to proceed. They will act like regular dimensions, but will cost IP to buy, and in return generate infinity power (giving x^7 multiplier to all antimatter dimensions, where x is Infinity Power). But asides from those and getting The Eternal Flow it doesn't do too much. If you get one - it will likely take a LONG time to improve it. This pushed me to ~5e29 sacrifices. When will it be enough? Hevipelle - Creator of the legendary original game, Antimatter Dimensions. First Dilation (and before 3 paths upgrade) (with 1M eternities, uses ID+TD/active, may require a crunch or two) All achievements up to some or all of row 12, and possibly some row 13 achievements. 2 This works because glyphs are seeded by number of realities performed, and because we can now do realities extremely quickly starting from different seeds until we get our desired result. Additionally, instead of all dark time studies, take 225 and 233. (you may use the 4,5,6,7 hotkeys to quickly do dimension boosts). To get more relic shards we need to use a royal flush build - 5 different glyphs with 3 effects (rarity and level do not matter). As of the Reality Update, offline progression is now fully simulated with a lower number of ticks, which you can configure in the Options, and skip through if you don't want to wait as long. Now that you have done the Challenges, you have unlocked every main Autobuyer. EC11x1: (EP: 7.20e421, TT: 4,164 | Goal: 1e450 IP): Using the setup 11,22,21,33,31,32,42,41,51,61,62,71,81,91,101,111,121,131,141,151,161,162,171,181,191,192,193,213,212,211,222,231|11, with some time (and big crunches), you will be able to get to 1e450 IP in a minute. But, you might want to buy ID2 first if that is too slow. I usually found getting a sixth galaxy takes some time early post-break but this is just my experience. (this can be done at ~e4000EP or earlier, but It's much easier to do this at the end of the second reality, the trick is to start with a high EP as the achievement says "have your last 10 eternities be 1.8e308x higher EP than the previous one", NOT "have your last 10 eternities be 1.8e308x higher EP than your highest EP", so if you start with e4100 EP, then eternity for e1000, e1310, e1620, etc for 10 eternities, you will get the achievement. lazy boy rocker recliners clearance, rekonvalescencia po operacii myomu, cell defense the plasma membrane answer key step 8,

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