The two surviving FAs had Hispanicnames,one was female. On October 31, 1979, at 5:42 a.m. the flight crashed at Mexico City International Airport in fog, after landing on a runway closed for maintenance. One of the flight attendants survived and is still flying for. On the morning of October 31, 1979 the jumbo jet was on final approach at Benito Juarez International Airport at Mexico City and things were about to go very wrong. Contact me to view an 18 minute indepth coverage of the crash details. The two front times came off the wheels, whose hubs disintegrated, scattering pieces away from the aircraft. Rich Ahrens wrote in message <> You're right. As the surviving Flight Attendant aboard WAL Flt. Safety Recommendation(s) A-80-59 and -60. [13], 34 AP. Descend through a fog bank was continued below the 600 feet minimum for instrument approaches. Western 2605 The most comprehensive description and analysis by far is in the December 1983 issue of Flying magazine pages 100 to 107. Cheers! Although the aircraft was cleared for a Tepexpan arrival and was advised that the landing runway was 23R, the crew continued the approach to runway 23L, which had been closed for repairs. As of November 6, three people on board who had died had not yet been identified or claimed, and the coroner's office created face models of those victims to assist in identification. Non-compliance with the meteorological minima for the approach procedure, as cleared. 2605 I participated in an indepth investigation by ABC News 20/20 along with retired WAL Captain Ralph Baxter. We know that one flight 2605 survivor died on Nov 18. Officials said the black box flight recording was recovered and a transcript of the final conversation with the control tower was released late Wednesday by Mexican Televisions channel 2. the white-and-red jetlinercarried 75 passengers and 13 crewmen. Charles Gilbert, a 30-year veteran who also died in the crash. NTSB writes that there was one. Nation: The Crash of the Night Owl - TIME Among the places of residence can be counted 34 in the United States mostly California. At the time of the accident, runway 23L had fullinstrument approachequipment, including anInstrument Landing System (ILS), while Runway 23R did not. Lots of yelling, profanity ect. However, I can share the experiences that he and Chip shared with me soon after the crash. Plane Toll Hits 75. Evening Review, East Liverpool, OH, 11-20-1979, p. 1. I laughed so hard; he was a kick. Aircraft flying government officials, Helicopters It's so thick you could cut it with a knife." Before that time not such manuver was ever recorded in theJepsen Maunal or anywhere else to any U.S. airline.". Flight 2605 was piloted by Captain Charles Gilbert, First Officer Ernst Reichel, and Flight Engineer Dan Walsh. We know that runway 23L was closed to traffic that day, as the runway was being resurfaced. Accessed 10-7-2016 at:, Associated Press. Western Airlines officials said 72 of the 88 people on board flight 2605 from Los Angeles and two people on the ground died in the Wednesday crash the fourth fatal DC-10 accident in the last six years. Accessed 10-6-2016 at:, Wikipedia. Western Airlines flight 2605 - Cockpit Voice Recorder (with Subtitles) (Class I, Urgent Action) (A-80-60).. 6. Pp. To me, Eddy was clearly deeply affected by being a survivor, needed to talk, and I sensed no ego or pride in his story. I found a site which recently added some pictures I've never seen, as of November 11, 2014. for new videos from @THINKcn : Weather conditions were deteriorating during Flight 2605's instrument approach. DC-10 Passenger List. Orange County Register, Santa Ana, CA. Flight 2605 remains the deadliest air accident to have occurred in Mexico City. [6], 73 Aviation Safety Network. >The controller several times refers to "23 right" but the crew never>reads back "23 right." Some airlines are required to rebook you on the next available flight, and some may even allow you to . (Safety Recommendation A-80-59.). The Safety Board believes that it is the obligation of the developers of approach procedures and charts to incorporate human factors considerations into their design so that the possibility for pilot confusion, misinterpretation, or error is eliminated. (NTSB Safety Recommendation(s) A-82-91 through -93, p. All of the foregoing recommendations addressed two basic issues our belief that insufficient attention is given to human performance criteria in the development of approach procedures and in the process for reviewing the approach procedure depiction on the approach charts both of which are deficiencies that can lead to confusion and mistakes by the pilot users. The plane entered afog bank at about 800' and began to deviate left of the ILS track.The plane actually touched down in the grass to the left of 23L andentered the runway shortly thereafter. Also notes: Two others, the truck driver and a night watchman died on the ground.. I, Thanks, but does anyone how many of the crewmembers were killed? We've been shot. This runway was closed for repairs at the time. So much we've learned thankfullly! According to our analysis, Afriqiyah Airways is the most hated airline in Libya. View original page. 26 1979 Accidents, No. [6] There were 73 deaths. The decision height at which the sidestep approach required Runway 23R to be in sight (and to perform the sidestep maneuver) was 600 feet AGL. AIRLINE: FLIGHT : 07 Jul 1962: Alitalia: 771: Unable to make out your last message, will you please repeat : 07 May 1964: Pacific Air Lines: 773: Skipper's shot! [citation needed] Accident details Mexico City International Airport has two runways: Runway 23 Left (23L), and Runway 23 Right (23R). 2605 - Wikipedia [5] The article title refers to the Nov 28 crash of a New Zealand airliner in Antarctica, killing all 257 persons aboard. The F/O was a former Luftwaffe pilot from Germany and the S/O was former US. The procedure is shown as a straight-in approach to an adjacent runway, as a circling approach to the sidestep runway, or as a note at the bottom of the chart giving ceiling and visibility minima. 1979 Western Airlines 2605 information? - PPRuNe Forums western airlines flight 2605 passenger list. Rafael Martinez, 31, a Mexican resident of Los Angeles, died Sunday [Nov 18] at the American British Cowdray Hospital from multiple injuries he suffered in the Oct. 31 crash, hospital spokesmen said Monday. On the accident flight, the aircraft carried 76 passengers and 13 crew including captain Charles Gilbert (53), first officer Ernst Reichel (46) and flight engineer Daniel Walsh (39). 21. 111 from Los Angeles, California, landed in accordance with the same procedure which the Western aircraft was instructed to follow, namely approach via Tepexcan-Metro Eco-23 Right, using the VOR as guidance during the final approach. [failed verification] The sky was quite dark, as twilight had only started five minutes before the crash, and ground fog obscured the runway. Wikipedia. Why? We werealways asked which one were we? Of the 88 people on board, 72 were killed in the crash; and one person on the ground, a maintenance worker, also died when the plane struck his vehicle. While there may be more dangerousinternational airports, BJ makes the short list of horrors.-- TMOliver, el pelon sinverguenzaFrom a small observatory overlooking McLennan Crossing, - VESPER ADEST IUVENES CONSURGITE - Catullus. 106. The day of the accident, the status of the persons on board Flight 2605 was reported: One more passenger died of his injuries at American British Cowdray Hospital on November 18, bringing the total fatality count of passengers and crew to 72. The aircraft touched down with the left main gear in the grass left of 23L and with the right main gear on the runway shoulder. I spoke to Chip while he was recovering in the hospital after the crash, and he remembered very little, only a few snippets about his personal experiences. However,23L was the only runway equipped with ILS, and the WAL crew elected touse a side-step approach by which they'd follow the ILS of 23L to acertain point and then veer off and land on 23R. It's>going>> to be a few weeks until the NTSB sends me a copy of the final report, if>> they can find it. Of the 89 people on board, 72 were killed, in addition to a maintenance worker who died when the plane struck his vehicle. The horizontal shaft which carries the two front wheels and the associated brake units also broke off and were projected forward over a distance of over 400 m. After breaking off, the right landing gear leg struck the right tailplane and elevator, severing the two almost completely. Letter to Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration. [14] The AP presents a list of 88 persons aboard Western Airlines Flight 2606provided by the airline. Listed first are the names of 15 surviving passengers followed by the names of two surviving crew members. The investigation found that the crew had not complied with theestablished procedure for the side-step approach, which mandated amissed approach if the runway could not be seen from an altitude of600' AGL. Go-around power was added and the nose lifted 10-11deg. western airlines flight 2605 passenger list Probable Cause: Non-compliance with the meteorological minima for the approach procedure, as cleared; failure to comply with the aircrafts operating procedures during the approach phase, and landing on a runway closed to traffic.[17], ICAO: Synopsis. Mexico Jet-Crash Toll Rises to 74. Toledo Blade, OH, 11-1-1979, p. 2. Western Airlines Flight 2605, was an international scheduled passenger flight from Los Angeles, California, to Mexico City, Mexico. Just 30 minutes ago I got yet another e-mail he claims theMexicans kidnapped him and beat him. [2] Crew members of aDC-10 that crashed Oct. 31 in Mexico City killing 75 people were responsible for the accident because they violated airline safety procedures, the Mexican government said Friday [Dec 14]., [3] The death toll from last months crash of a Western Airlines DC-10 has risen to 75, authorities said. First of all I don't believe there ever was an official NTSB report on this accident. There are a few youtube videos of the cockpit voice transcript from this accident. I have no idea what they were thinking at that point, nor does anyone else IMO. Accordingly, the Safety Board recommends that the Federal Aviation Administration: Revise FAA Handbook 8260.19 to require that separate standardized instrument approach charts be published for all airport approaches that require a sidestep maneuver. The Safety Board believes that a separate instrument approach chart is needed for the 33 airport runways that utilize the sidestep maneuver in the United States. Last I heard, he is an F/A for Delta in Portland,">>Donald Richards died on board. Further, it indicated that landing on the closed 23L required only that the crew continue their current flight path, which was a straight-in ILS approach to 23L. Investigators probe DC-10 crash site. The Daily Herald, IL, 11-2-1979, p. 2-7. Accessed 10-5-2016 at:, Associated Press. Eddy said he experienced the crash in slow motion and somehow felt taken care of during it, as if he would be okay. This runway was closed for repairs at the time. I'm not surprised you have no info.a cover-up is just that. John Mazor wrote in message <7gn32l$ua$> John Mazor wrote in message <7gnkn0$2go$> Donald Richards died in the crash. Survivor Tells of Crash. Pharos-Tribune, Logansport, IN, 11-1-1979, p. 21. We were close, but when the company>paraded us around the system in a "dog & pony show," other crew members were>quick to cataterize us as "hero" and "the one that got pulled out." DC-10 crew at fault. Hutchinson News, KS, 12-15-1979, p. On October 19, 1979, anotice to airmenwas issued stating that Runway 23L would be closed until further notice for resurfacing work. For quite some time you could see where the right wing tip scribed and arc for as the airplane initiated the go around to the impact with the hangar. Claiming that he pulled an FA out of the wreckage>that could so easily be traced as a victim says to me that he's out in>la-la-land somewhere, probably near the Rancho Runamuckka. 100-101 & 106-107. Beautiful shots taken while the sun is below the horizon, Accidents [16], 26 UPI. One part of the DC-10's left wing travelled well off airport grounds, impacting a residential building on Matamoros Street in the Pen de los Baoscoloniaand causing a fire there as well. In the accident case, the Mexico City chart for runway 23 right contained only ceiling and visibility minima. 2. Navigation error blamed in Antarctic crash. Lawrence Journal-World, KS, 11-29-1979, p. 2. Views from inside the cockpit, Aircraft Cabins Flight 2605 was piloted by Captain Charles Gilbert (53), First Officer Ernst Reichel (46) and Flight Engineer Daniel Walsh (39). As long as the gullible public will hit on your site ------------------------------------------------------------------------|Rich Ahrens | Homepage: || |-----------------------------------------------||"In a world full of people only some want to fly - isn't that crazy?" CARRIER: Western Air Lines FLIGHT: 605 AIRCRAFT: Douglas DC-10-10 REGISTRY: N903WA S/N: 46929 ABOARD: 88 FATAL: 72 GROUND: 1 DETAILS: The aircraft struck a vehicle after landing on a closed. Western Airlines Flight 2605 Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2 Linked below is the website created by Eduardo Valenciana, one of two surviving f/a's. Upon entering the runway, theWAL crew went to full power and initiated a go-around. is the leading community for discovering and sharing high-quality aviation photography. Before that time not such manuver was everrecorded in the Jepsen Maunal or anywhere else to any U.S.airline", Sadly, the conditions, bad enough when I first landed there in 1957,continue each year to grow worse, with no end in sight except repeattragedies or halting flying. 10 Worst U.S. Airports For Flight Cancellations This Week [2], 75 UPI, Mexico. Article writes: Red Cross and U.S. consular officials said that 63 bodies were recovered and that there was no hope that the 8 missing persons would be found alive [there was an intense fire]. Thus the total of fatalities from the plane at this point (the day after) would be 71 on the plane and one on the ground, for a total of 72. Accessed 10-7-2016 at:, National Transportation Safety Board. This would bring total to 73. [3], 74 AP. The end of the right wing eventually struck the corner of an aircraft repair hangar, causing damage to the hangar and also fracturing the DC-10's right wing. I have never heard of landing a heavy half off the runway like this, but if it happened, you'd have your hands full salvaging the situation even with no obstructions. MEXICO CITY, Oct. 31 A Western Airlines DC10 on a flight from Los Angeles crashed on landing at the Mexico City airport shortly before dawn today, killing 71 of the 90 people on board and. The gear leg separated and struck the right tailplane and elevator, causing substantial damage. [p. 103], The pilot-in-commandhad made 28 landings at Mexico City International Airport, 11 during September and 4 during October 1979. [p. 103], Western Airlines, owner of the aircraft, had brought to the attention of all crews flying on services to Mexico, NOTAM No. SimplePlanes | DC-10 Western Airlines The pilot acknowledged the information and the fact that he was slightly to the left. The October 31, 1979 flight left Los Angeles International Airport at 1:40 a.m. PST ( UTC08:00 ), and was scheduled to land well before sunrise in Mexico City. Safety Recommendation(s) A-82-91 through -93. Most survivors of Flight 2605 were found in a 20 foot long section of fuselage that did not burn. It's not likely from his comments to date that Dan has ever flown into, I thought it was complete BS from the first e-mail. Unfortunately (and that word is an understatement - perhaps tragically orstupidly works better) they forgot to cross to the right as cleared, and landedon the left which was closed for reconstruction and flew into a bulldozer. There was no published visual representation of the sidestep approach available to the pilots, and the airport's approach chart for 23R showed only ceiling and visibility minimums. Western[15], 26 UPI. Cockpit voice recording audio of the last seconds of the flight indicated that the first officer and captain agreed that they were cleared for 23R (not the runway they were still on approach to). The impact with the dump truck destroyed the right engine and took off a major portion of the right stabilizer. The aircraft struck a large vehicle and crashed. On October 31, 1979, at 5:42 a.m. CST (UTC-06:00), the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 operating the flight crashed at Mexico City International Airport in fog after landing on a runway that . The DC-10 had descended below that altitude withoutreporting the runway, and the CVR indicated that none of the requiredaltitude callouts had been made. On October 31, 1979, at 5:42a.m. CST (UTC06:00), the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 operating the flight crashed at Mexico City International Airport in fog after landing on a runway that was closed for maintenance. Accident descriptionWednesday 31 October 1979. The aircraft involved was a wide-body McDonnell Douglas DC-10, registered N903WA. used 2017 honda pioneer 1000 for sale; how to threaten someone and scare them The plane then impacted an Eastern Airlines service building north of both runways, 26 seconds after it had initially touched down. The recommendations required explicit published runway-approach procedures for airport approaches involving sidesteps and distribution of documentation of sidestep-approach procedures in general. Western Airlines LAX-MEX Red-Eye Service History - Western Airlines - Wikipedia ASN Narrative: Flight 2605 departed Los Angeles at 01:40 for a flight to Mexico City. Right after the accident the seats were right on top of one another and the plane was cracked open.., (Associated Press. However, none of these air traffic control (ATC) communications contained phraseology similar to that used n United States ATC communications regarding a sidestep maneuver. It appears that only one person was killed on the ground a local truck driver. Flight 2605 - Tresbros 1.). Confusion Over Runways Caused DC-10 Crash. Pharos-Tribune, Logansport, IN, 11-1-1979, p. 21. The plane was broken apart near me, on my right side, so I had a very big place to jump out and I remembered after that there was a woman in front of me.After I got out of the plane there was a car coming, an ambulance, and I jumped in but then had to wait because other people were coming. The guy who announces the go-around procedure sounds half asleep. Survivors reported that large pieces of the building continued to fall onto the wreckage of the aircraft several minutes after the crash, as rescuers arrived on the scene. The accident and subsequent investigation prompted the release of NTSB Safety Recommendations A-80-59 and A-80-60. Jumpseat: A Tale of Twisted Fate Kindle Edition - I did not see any wounds. The cockpit voice recording of the last seconds of the flight indicates that the first officer and captain agreed that they were cleared for 23R, though they were still on approach to 23L. Tail and Winglet closeups with beautiful airline logos. The site is '10 years old by now and contains info on the background of the cockpit crew and cabin staff: A very interesting thread which has sparked memories as I was working for Mexicana at, WA 2605, A 35 AOS DEL PEOR ACCIDENTE AREO EN LA CIUDAD DE MXICO,,, It was not the control towers fault.. lornajarrettblanchard Western Airlines 2605 CVR Transcript - Cockpit Voice Recorder Database The rest were identified by nationality. Aviation accidents and incidents in Mexico, International Civil Aviation Organization, Pakistan International Airlines Flight 740, Airliner accidents and incidents involving fog, Accidents and incidents involving the McDonnell Douglas DC-10, Airliner accidents and incidents involving ground collisions, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Crashed into construction equipment during landing on a closed runway, 3 passengers in intensive care at American British Cowdray Hospital, 9 passengers in satisfactory condition at American British Cowdray Hospital, 5 passengers already released from other hospitals after first-aid treatment. The right main gear then collided with a truck located on the runway. Nowhere on standard United States approach charts is the complete maneuver portrayed, nor is the word sidestep shown. 63 of the 77passengers and 9 of the 11 crew were killed. Confusion Over Runways Caused DC-10 Crash. Pharos-Tribune, 11-1-1979, p.21. 3, No. There were 77 passengers and crew members on board. [4] The number 74, however, includes the statement that three people died on the ground (truck driver and two persons in an Eastern Airlines building when it was hit by the plane. Flight No. A primary point of disagreement between the official ICAO report and the ALPA study was the wording and description of the failed sidestep approach to Runway 23R. And besides, side-step maneuvers are not uncommon at>airports with parallel runways, and there generally aren't published>procedures for the approach. The bank angle increased until the flap of the right wing struck the cab of anexcavator1,500 meters from the runway threshold. Accessed 10-5-2016 at: Not pretty. Airport 34 U.S. of 73, 2023 March 24, tornado/severe storms, MS/25 & AL/1, especially Rolling Fork, MS 26, 2023 Jan 23, workplace shootings, mushroom farm & trucking facility, Half Moon Bay, CA7, 2023 Jan 21, Lunar New Year mass shooting, Dance Studio, Monterey Park, LA Co., CA 11, 2023 Jan 1-14, CA winter weather, storms, heavy rain, levees breech, trees down, CA 19, 2022 Dec 19-26, snowstorms/cold, deaths in 20 States and Canada, esp. <<. It is more accurate to say they descended in a complete daze with no situational awareness let alone radalt callouts, and happened to impact the ground near (but not really on) the closed runway. The aircraft was destroyed. A United Airlines flight from New Jersey to Tel Aviv, Israel, turned around just hours into its trip because of an unruly traveler over the weekend. We know that a truck driver was also killed on the ground. The captain further stated that they were in fact (still) on the approach to 23L, saying "No, this is the approach to the goddamned left".

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