October 20-21, 2011, Springfield, Illinois, CHAPTER 15: Compound Sentences Answer Key PRACTICE 1. lt was well-known lor its graft and corruption.. Step 10: How to develop and use your testimony to explain the gospel? Neur York Tribune, May Note; Tourgee was a white, Northern soldier who settled in North Carolina after the War. In 1877 attempts to reconstruct the South officially ended, leaving white-only governments in power. cbd gummies uly best vegan cbd gummies, green roads cbd gummies how many 1000mg cbd gummies can i eat eagle hemp cbd gummies for smoking.. After all, they couldn t bear to kill this boy.Seeing that he agreed, Lu Mingyi couldn t help but heaved a sigh of relief, and said Ah Liang, thank you very much, I ll buy you a drink when I get back.A Liang also smiled, and said My brother, why are you . Document C describes a letter sent from Albion Tourgee, a white, northern soldier turned North Carolina judge, who gives his fairest concerns after one of their assumed close friends, State Senator John W. Stephens, was found mutilated by a Ku-Klux-Klan ambush. The image, therefore, is a threat to any who support the Republican efforts at Reconstruction. Chapter 15, Section 5. 2. A. For example, during the Revolutionary War, cannons, It s a Party but not the kind with ice cream and cake (usually). You can also use our tools to come up with interesting topics and points to argue in your By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. 1. was born a. in a log cabin in Kentucky in 1809. b. in a hospital in Springfield, Illinois in 1865. In The Shawshank Redemption, our main character is Andy Dufresne who has just been, 5th social studies core skills (5thsocstud_coreskills), Devotion NT267 CHILDREN S DEVOTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF: LESSON TITLE: The Second Coming. This example has been uploaded by a student. 1876 was an exciting year for America. Grant was distracted by all the problems his administration,aced, and Reconstruction became just one ol the problems. In the aftermath of the Civil War, the Policy of Reconstruction was developed for the purpose of reconnecting the eleven states that had left the Union and welcoming the millions of freedmen (former slaves) as full American citizens. Evidence: cartoon showing a barrer of 991d1. DuBois Lesson Plan, Grade 4: Module 3B: Unit 3: Lesson 2 Reading Opinion Pieces, Part II: How Authors Support Their Opinions with Reasons and Evidence. lt shows how powerless the Freedmen were without forceful governmenl protection. What is a "ring"? Explain the basic structure of the Georgia state constitution. However, there is also a great deal of resistance to change. Large, majestic trees are iconic symbols of great age among living organisms. Scalawags were white Southerners who wanted to improve their economic position and did not want the former wealthy planters to regain power. Materials: Lesson Plan Central Historical Question: Why did Federalists oppose the? Looking Deeper Looking Deeper What are you worried about? It should not be too broad or vague, but rather should be focused on a specific argument or point that the paper will explore in depth. General Background Knowledge for Political Cartoons, Slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction Gettysburg and the Gettysburg Address. As soon as he finished speaking, the young man behind the bushes snorted and shouted, Brother in law won t hurt anyone.You lackeys, shoot your arrows quickly, and give me a good time.Eighteen years later, I will be a good man again Hong Xiuguang The more you listen . Sam Houston, 1793-1863: An Early Leader of Texas. 'Have students read, or read aloud to them, the Background Essay. This 1876 image was a scathing attack on Southerners' use ol violence to inlimidate the black vote. The Guided Essay is especially helplul for students needing extra support. His focus was spllt. How do this cartoon and letter help explain why Northerners lost interest in 2013 Ths DBQ Project This page may be reproduced for classroom use 19, 20 Reconstruction Mini-O Step Five: Bucketing - Getting Ready to Write Task One: Bucketing Southern Resistance Northern Neglect more important reason) Task Two: Thesis Development and Roadmap The Chickenfoot Reconstruction died from two causes: s6nl)ff - Northern neglect, the more important reason 20 O2013Th6 OBQ proj cr, 21 Bucketing - Getting Ready to Write Bucketing Look over all the documents and organize them into your hnal buckets. 3. In contrast to the south, the northern 1874-76 harvests were abundant and ordinarily would have provided ample reserves to deal with the kharif deficit in 1878. Discuss the Document Analysis questions: 1. Indeed, real progress was made. ls lhls Protecting Life, Liberty, or Property?" Southern Resistance Document A: Terrorizing "Carpetbaggers,, and,,scalawags,, Document B: Targeting Af rican-american Voters and Government Oflicials Northern Neglect Document C: Problems and Scandals in the North Document D: Popular Opinion and Bacism in the 2013 The DBO Prcjed, 3 North or South: Who Killed Reconstntction? According to state police, a . A political party supports this during an election: A. FLORIDA BECOMES A U.S. TERITORY By Laura Harder and Toni Migliore, Academic Standards for Civics and Government. 1865. civil war ends. Step Three: Understanding the Question and Pre-Bucketing The first task of recognizing and defining key words in ihe question is a crucial habit of mind. Website studydriver.com is owned and operated by RATATATA LTD, Bulgaria City of Sofia 1000, District of Sofia (capital); Municipality of Sofia, Triaditsa Region 48, Vitosha Blvd., ground floor. This shifl in attitude toward Southern blacks is not surprising given that many Northern states had tight restrictions on black suffrage until the 1sth Amendment was passed.. lf Northern racism was the reason the Federal Government became less interested in Reconstruction, then who was really responsible lor bringing Reconstruction to an end _ Northerners who were unwilling to lorce change, or Southerners who used violence and terrorism to resist change? Don Fanning Liberty University, The Early Church Peter Preaches After Denying Lesson 1 LESSON OVERVIEW Key Point: Jesus makes a difference in people s lives. But dying or dead, what had gone wrong? 2. Reconstruction happened after the Civil War. One o, Grant's greatest etforts led to the arrest of 600 Klansman in South Carolina. The L3th Amendment ended slavery. April 2012 ~SHARING MY PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE~ Dear Friends, It is a certainty that shared values encourage cooperative relationships. The rock would bounce, CHAPTER 15: Compound Sentences Answer Key PRACTICE 1 1. Although these are not actual headlines, the events did happen. Some of us lie awake at night worrying about family members, health, finances or a thousand other things. Not surprisingly, freedmen overwhelmingly voted for the Republican ticket. lts.iob is to provide a sense ol time, place, story, and introduce important vocabulary and concepts. North or South: Who killed Reconstruction? The Civil War had cost 600,000 lives. Many, 1 Bettyann Foley Final Project: Book review, The Radical and the Republican, by James Oakes A More Perfect Union Year Two September 15, 2010 The book, The Radical and the Republican, written by James Oakes, World Book Online: The trusted, student-friendly online reference tool. In the image above, what group or groups is the KKK threatening? Encourage siudents to use contexl clothes to discover 2013 The DBQ Prolect, 33 Reconstruction Mini-Q Background Essay North or South: Who Killed Reconstruction?the slave went free; stood a brief moment in the sun; then moved back again toward slavery. the worksheet activity to the class. Place: Review the inset map showing the five military districts which Congress established in District 1, Virginia; District 2, North and South Carolina; District 3, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida; District 4, Mississippi and Arkansas; District 5, Louisiana and Texas. Black churches were founded, public schools were built for black children, and universities like Howard, Fisk, Morehouse, and Hampton were established for black students seeking higher education. An example was Abram coiby who was a black man in the Georgia legislature. 2. They hanged people even when they were riding on horses and they hanged people on hooks. Democratic Socialism. A group known as Radical Republicans worked to help all freedmen gain rights, but white supremacist groups interfered. THEME: We should take every opportunity to tell others about Jesus. Turning the tide of the War. Title: The Organizational Structure and Powers of the Federal Government as Defined in Articles I, II, and III of the U.S. Constitution Grade 5. 1. lt is a direct threat to carpetbaggers and scalawags who sided with the freedmen.. B.E.T/CBS News Poll African Americans and the 2004 Vote July 6-15, 2004 q17 How much attention have you been able to pay to the 2004 Presidential campaign -- a lot, some, not much, or no attention so far? 18 6 O The DBO Project, 7 Background Essay Reconstruction Mini-Q North or South: Who Killed Reconstruction?the slave went free; stood a brief moment in the sun; then moved back again toward slavery. Explain the phrases '\Meary of the 'Negro Ouestion"' and "'sick of carpet-bag' government." A cartoon one year later\n Harper's Weekly magazine showed black legislators beating each other in a government building (Doc D). Blood coats his back, drying in the sun s heat. As blacks were being brutalized in the South, many Northerners turned a blind eye to the problem, and even began seeing blacks as the cause of their own problems. Students are provided with the same document list but it is not divided into analytical categories or buckets. Third parties usually impact government by: A. Electing large numbers of politicians, FLORIDA BECOMES A U.S. TERITORY By Laura Harder and Toni Migliore Summary: After the British returned Florida to Spain, Florida came under Spanish rule for a second time. The North was ready to end sravery, but.it was not yet ready for the long, hard job of cieating freedom and justice for all. Then, the students will sort, BOOK 1, PART 3, LESSON 4 THE FORGIVING FATHER THE BIBLE: Luke 15:11-32 THEME: We can discover what Jesus wants us to do and be by hearing the parables Jesus told. CLE On-Demand. They wanted an Reconstruction was new plan for rebuilding the South. First of three "Reconstruction Amendments" passed after Civil War (1865-70) 14th Amendment (1868) (1) All persons born in the U.S. are citizens; (2) no person can be deprived of life, liberty or property without DUE PROCESS OF LAW; (3) no state can deprive a person of EQUAL PROTECTION of the laws. by Reginald Rose. 5. Republican Rule in the South, The Civil War and Reconstruction 1860-1868. The North wanted to integrate blacks into society as quickly as possible. The only way that Reconstruction was going to succeed was il Northerners wanted it to do so. Reconstruction started out quite well but it began to weaken in the early 1870s and it was dead by 1877.The question is who or what caused Reconstruction to end? 2. What seems to be the ultimate goal of the KKK? Place: Review the inset map showing the five military districts which Congress established in District 1, Virginia; District 2, North and South Carolina; District 3, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida; District 4, Mississippi and Arkansas; District S, Louisiana and Texas. It seemed the United States was creating enough opportunity that all Americans could pursue their hopes for happiness just as Thomas Jefferson had envisioned 100 years earlier. The Changing Border of the Southwest, Name: Abraham Lincoln. However, each democratic government has a unique way of implementing, World Book Online: The trusted, student-friendly online reference tool. HOW MANY STARS ARE THERE IN OUR FLAG? g2,500 in cash if I would let another man go to the legislature in my place' I told them that I would not do it if they would give me all the county was worth' "' No man can make a free speech in my county. During the Civil War, the North and South battled, The North won and the South laid in ruins. Reconstruction Essay After four years of gruesome fighting, the Civil War ended, leaving the South, confederate territory, in ruins and defeat. Mini-Q Sample Essay: Basic proficiency North or South: Who Killed Reconstruction? In 1877 attempts to reconstruct the South officially ended, leaving white-only governments in power. Then, with the presidential election of 1876, Reconstruction was dealt a death blow. View and record the Secret Words. With a partner, read the descriptions of each group, and then read the headlines at the bottom of the page. New York b. Philadelphia c. Washington, D.C. d. Boston, Marty's Big Mistake A short story about character by Wes Fessler Marty mouse was walking home from school one sunny day. The cartoon is a graphic depiction and powerful attack against the intimidation tactics of white supremacist groups. As a first step in Reconstruction, the US Congress removed the Confederate state governments and put the South under the rule of the US Army.The army then held new elections' Three groups - freedmen, carpetbaggers, and scalawags - worked together to form new state governments. 5. Houston holds week-long NUCLEAR training exercise led by the FBI and the military to learn how best to deal with a nuke dropped on a US city . He was also brave and clearly would not be intimidated. . 3. In fact, the South wanted an end to all Reconstruction effort. In order to move on from the war reconstruction is essential. The Klan was bad, but Northern soldiers could have finished them off. Colby's testimony was part of an effort to expose the cruel and illegal nature ol the Klan's activilies. These images reintorced an existing racisl stereotype of the lazy, dishonest black man who was a threat to society. There was even talk of a new Civil War. How does this document help answer the DBQ question? Be prepared to explain your answers. THEME: Jesus is coming again. esporta fitness personal trainer cost; is it cultural appropriation to wear beads in your hair; bouvier family net worth; andrew edmondson accident; are dogs allowed at schoetz park; sciatica military discharge; what sharks are in greek waters? Remember the Alamo The Changing Border of the Southwest Interact: What do you think this picture shows? The documents are grouped into two analytical categories (buckets). Chapter 9: The Policies of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson, USA - A Divided Union? Document AnalYsis 1. Belknap accepted bribes from merchants who wanled lo trade with lndians in the territories.. ln 1872, a retorm-minded group of liberal Republicans led by Horace Greeley broke away lrom the Radical Republicans and president Grant. World Book Student Database Name: Date: American Civil War: Battles Have you ever visited a battlefield from the Civil war or any, Lesson Plan Central Historical Question: Why did the Founders write the? However, plan dead by stating the question with key terms defined: Reconstruction means rebuilding. Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the United States. 3. north or south: who killed reconstruction hook exercise. Central Historical Question: Did Lincoln free the slaves or did the slaves free themselves? Actions that led to the Revolutionary War, Act 5: scene 1:32-34 (34-36) scene 4: 25-29 (25-29) scene 5: 26-30 (26-30) scene 7: 15-18 (15-17) scene 8: 17-20 (17-20), Immigration. List words that describe George. Reconstruction meant building up the South, and helping the ex-slaves by giving them citizenship, the right to vote, and education. Below is a part of his speech. The North did not make consistent efforts to progress Reconstruction and even began to oppose its policies, causing the South to continue its collapse. 4. The second purpose is to begin thinking about Reconstruction from different eyes. A second big reason lor the death of Reconstruction was Northern neglect. 12 O 2013 The DBQ Project, 13 Document A Source: Albion Tourgee, Letter on Ku Klux Klan Activities. sometimes they hung carpetbaggers or their friends who were southerners called scalawags (Doc A). He served as a judg5 during Reconstruction and wrote this letter to the North Carolina Republican Senator, Joseph Carter Abbott. by Cynthia Sherwood, 4. ln tact, they saw southern Reconstruction state governmenls as corrupt and unworthy of support. First, several important dates and events are introduced to the students. The most likely student responses to the headlines are as follows: Headline A: "Federal Troops Sent South to Enforce Reconstruction" F: CB: S: RR: KKK: H H U Headline C: "Financial Panic of Fear Loss of 3 Million Jobs" F: CB: S: RR: KKK: M Headline B: "Hiram Revels Elected Senator From Mississippi in 1870 First Black Man to Enter Congress" - F:H CB: H S: RR: KKK: Headline D: "Rutherford B. Hayes Elected President in 1876 Agrees to Remove Federal Soldiers from - Louisiana and South Carolina,,,, F: CB: S: RR: KKK: U 2013 The DBQ project, 31 Hook Exercise: Reconstruction Directions: Below are several groups that played a key role in the Reconstruction period. Orders: Northern and Southern perspectives on Reconstruction differed dramatically. This essay will address the question of who killed Reconstruction, the North or the South (1.1) After the Civil War, there was an exertion to change the Southern states and their general public; the North needed to incorporate black citizens into society as fast as could be expected, the South, however . Then, with the presidential election of 1876, Reconstruction was dealt a death blow. What term in the question needs to be defined? 2. These wars have in some ways differed drastically. The election saw Rutherford B. HaYes, the Republican candidate, square off against Samuel J. Tilden, the Democratic nominee' This was one of the most controversial presidential elections in American history. Grant,s close triend and private secretary, Orville Babcock, was clearly involved in the scheme, but Grant relused to believe it and prolected his frlend from convictions.. How does the way that John Stephens was killed support the idea the Ku Klux Klan was a terrorist organization? 1870. Published evidence suggests that trees do not die because of genetically programmed senescence in their meristems, but rather are killed by an external agent or a disturbance event. 1 The DBQ Project Mini-Qs in American History Voluvn 2, UNlr 1 North or South: Who Killed Reconstruction? Before the civir war most African Americans in the south were sraves. Long tree lifespans are therefore allowed by specific combinations of life . The Klu Klux Klan (KKK) was a group of white southerner men who publicly tortured or brutally harmed blacks and republicans for several reasons. Rewrite the question in your own words. The Republican governments are seen as illegitimate because they are supported by blacks (former slaves) and Northerners (carpetbaggers). 16 students ordered this very topic and got original papers. But then someone killed the dream in Who was it? Source: The cover ol Harper'sWeeklY, March 14, Document AnalYsis 1. But Klan resistance in the South was also aimed at blacks. Thiist"p help. Doing this well gives all students a more equal chance to succeed with the Mini-e. Time: Be sure students review the Timeline on the Background Essay euestions page. Railroads were being built at an astounding rate. South Killed Reconstruction Dbq Analysis. What animal is he compared to? Name: Date: Contemporary Scholarship. Kent State University. Shays Rebellion. According to the letter from the Boston Evening Transcript, why did some people believe blacks were unfit to be government officials? In the year 1820, the new country of the United States and the newer country of Mexico had a lot. Stephens was not simply killed; he was murdered in a way that guaranteed that people would talk about it. Lesson Summary Summary The Election of 1860 demonstrated the divisions within the United States just before the Civil War. Since Northerners who traveled to the South during Reconstruction often carried such bags, Southerners called these Northern outsiders "carpetbaggers.". Teacher s Name: Employee Number: School: SS.5.C.3.1 Describe the organizational structure (legislative, executive, judicial branches) and powers of the federal government as defined in Articles I, II. Materials Needed Skit. Another brave, honest Republican citizen has met his fate at the hands of these fiends.". I was lonely at first in, No Taxation Without Representation!! Greeley lost, but Republican unity was shattered, making it nearly impossible to continue an aggressive campaign ol Reconstruction in the South. the slave went free; stood a brief moment in the sun; then moved back again toward . Discuss the Document Analysis questions: One reason Northerners tired of Reconstruction has been traced to the racism that existed inthe North.As blacks were being brutalized in the South, many Northerners turned a blind eye to the problem,and even began seeing blacks as the cause of their own problems. The anti-slavery Northerners believed that the African Americans still needed to be further educated on the system, and even viewed them as obnoxious and chaotic according to Harpers Weeklys portrayal, (Document D). Paragraph #1 Grabber: lt was a sad time but it was a hopeful time. Sometimes a particular social class controls a government. It was time to reconstruct! Fellow citizens Pardon me, and allow me to ask, why, Reasons for U.S. Involvement in War The United States has waged several wars throughout its history. paper. However, as Grant and Congress began to take less forceful measures atlet 1972, the ideals of Radical Reconstruction were doomed to fail. After Reconstruction he left North Carolina and became an influential writer and editor in Colorado and New York.. Finally, the 15th Amendment was ratified making it illegal to deny someone the right to vote based on race. 4. 22. You can build a residual income stream that you own. (The PowerPoint works well for this. The 14th Amendment gave blacks American citizenship and civil rights. Radical Reconstruction Lesson Plan. Encourage sluoents to use context clothes to discover meaning. List words that describe Lennie. Martin Luther King, Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was one of the most important leaders, Lincoln's Use of the Presidency to Effect Change- - A Model for Presidents in Advancing Equal Rights for Women? This caused them to lose faith in other government activities across the nation. 1304.109h/326.091 Parts (5): Narrators, The Election of 1860 By Ron Miller - Jewett Academy I. consular corps association of philadelphia tequileras scarborough maine menu pfizer board of directors political affiliation how many grandchildren did fred astaire . 3. 4. Write final bucket labels under each bucket and place the letters of the documents in the buckets where they belong. was a bad group of people in the south called the Ku Klux Klan. The Democrats got the end of military rule in the South. Down the road a girl is being auctioned, What are you worried about? I was lonely at first in the East. Coolidge was a man of conviction rather than passion, and he believed that American prosperity depended, Lesson Plan Central Historical Question: Who was a stronger advocate for African-Americans, Booker T. Washington or W.E.B Dubois? North or South: who Killed Reconstruction. According to Tourgee, what types of people are being attacked by the KKK? The South killed Reconstruction because of their lack of interest in equal rights, their violence towards the North and blacks, and the North's growing absence of sympathy towards blacks. what was the irony of history that occurred in 1876? Thesis and roadmap: Although South was an important contributor, Northern neglect did the most to end Reconstruction. June 29, 2022; docker swarm load balancing; nigel bruce cause of death . J The Shawshank Redemption Storyline In The Shawshank Redemption, our main character is Andy Dufresne who has just been wrongfully accused of killing his wife and a golf pro she was having an affair with. The fact that he was killed in a courtroom also suggests that the KKK wanted to threaten everyone involved in the courts, not just in the State Legislature. Teaching Tips:. wanted an end to all Reconstruction effort. lf violence like this existed in a large way in the South (and it did), the only way that Reconstruction could succeed was for the US Government to send soldiers to keep the peace. This is a lorm of racism and of seeing one group as interior to another. Often, charismatic individuals gain power and influence others. For many it is imporiant to hear the cadence of the language, to experience pauses and emphasii. Start your day off right, with a Dayspring Coffee Sponsoring Faculty Member: Professor Cindi Bearden. Your thesis is always an opinion and answers the Mini-e question. story: consider reading the Background Essay aloud. Democracy: Starting with Solon In the present day, the term democracy is well known. But I felt that this was the real beginning of my life. Evidence: supporting detail lrom documents with document citation Letter from Albion Tourgee about Klan terrorism (Doc A, below) Cartoon showing hanging of Carpetbagger and Scalawag (Doc A, above) Abram Colby testimony about being whipped Oy Klan(Ooi b) Argument: connecting evidence to the thesis Argument is presented in paragraph 4 Paragraph #3 Baby Thesis for bucket two: Northern negrect was another big reason for the death of Reconstruction. This DBQ asks you to decide who, North or South, was most responsible for the end of Reconstruction Estimated time to complete is 2 to 3 class OBO Proj cl, 2 Beconstruction Mini-Q TEACHER DOCUMENT LIST (EV) There are 4 documents in this Mini-Q. Our feeling about vocabulary is that some pre-teaching is good but keep the word list short. our extensive database of written samples to find the inspiration or research youre looking Knowing that there was a financial panic in 1873, for example, will help students realize why the North may have become distracted with Reconstruction efforts. 2. As this famous cartoon shows, many saw Reconstruction as an imposition on a suffering region ("Strong G. This cost lhe government millions ol dollars. 2. Who ran for President in 1876? You may want students to use the Outlinl Guide Sheet or the Guided Essay in the Toolkit. Explain the phrases "weary of the 'Negro Question"' and "'sick of carpet-bag' government'" 2. The purpose of the military districts was to provide firm military control of the ex-confederate states and to assure that Radical Republican policies, e-specially those concerning Freedmen, would be carried out. The second task of pre-bucketing based on clues in the question is an important categorization skill. Northerners were getting tired of trying to solve the race problems of the South. Fry Phrases Set 1. Reconstruction by historians, this era saw an increase of freedom for former slaves. They had barrels of people who were probably stealing from blacks. ln '1868 President Grant won the popular vote by only 310,000 votes. What is a possible connection between government comrption in the North and the end of Reconstruction in the obe projsct This page may be reproduced for classroom use 17, 18 Beconstruction Mini-Q Step Four: Document Analysis (conrinued) Document D: Popular Opinion and Racism in the North Content Notes:. What animal could he be compared, Teacher s Guide Time Needed: One class period Materials Needed: Student worksheets Projector Copy Instructions: Reading (2 pages; class set) Activity (3 pages; class set) The Electoral Process Learning, Chapter 15, Section 5 Turning the tide of the War Battles General Battles Result Ambrose Burnside Fredericksburg (C/S) The Union suffered 13,000 losses Joseph Hooker Chancellorsville (C/S) Union force, Sample Set Boston Tea Party Grade 4 Standard 7 Government and Political Systems Students explain the structure and purposes of government and the foundations of the United States democratic system using, GEORGIA in the AMERICAN REVOLUTION AMERICA HEADS TOWARD INDEPENDENCE: Until 1763, independence was unthinkable!!!