A mix of 7 sacks of air entrained cement per cu. 36 Feet of #3 Rebar 7000 psi Concrete 6 x 6 Wire Mesh - 56 Square Feet Polypropylene fiber for extra strength Great bunk for back grounding and fence line training Best suited to the #450 lb. Theyre ideal for fence-line feeding operations. All rights reserved. This means they will not warp, bend or rust and come ready to set it place. After more than 75 years since their placement, some markers remain at their original positions, but not many. Johnson Concrete Feed Bunks are easily installed. Perhaps collectors would bequeath their markers to the Lincoln Highway Association. Fence-line Bunk. Wieser Concrete's selection of Precast Concrete Feed Bunks offers you a wide variety of choices, including both Fenceline and H-Bunk designs. Materials we have available include: Cable, brackets, pins, turnbuckle sets, chucks and wedges, posts, and u-hooks. >C BOTTOMLESS BUNK; HUSTLER BALE FEEDERS; ABOUT. Our concrete feed bunks are designed to be simple to fill and maintain. Many are languishing in garages and basements, where they are doing nothing for anyone. In the sparsely populated western states, county highway crews placed the markers at a later date. " insert holes for attaching posts to accept head locks, neck rails, roof . Feed Bunk Design Feed bunks may be most commonly designed either with headlocks (head gates, stanchions etc. Both the straight-back and high capacity bunks come with post and cable. The Fence Line Bunk Feeder is built for your barnyard or fence line feeding operation. Precast Pads are often used for bases for power units, generators, grain dryers, or Cattle squeezes, or anything else you might need a precast concrete base or floor. Cable Fence Includes: Center Post Per Bunk & 2 Runs of 3/8" Non-Fray Cable Pipe Fence Includes: Center Post Per Bunk & 2 Horizontal Pipe Complete with Concrete Bunk Ends ($20/each) Poured with a Special Precast 7 Bag Mix Rebar, Wire Mesh and Fiber Mesh Reinforced Feed Saver System Designed to Minimize Waste Simplifies your Feeding Operation The manger surface should be 36 inches (91 cm) wide and smooth to encourage feeding activity. Double D Bunks offers many parts you may be looking for to fulfill your bunk and feedlot needs. and Cooperative Extension Service. I have second cable above it with no spacers. starter Straight . The base of the feed bunk is 1000 mm (39.4 in) wide with one side wall 650 mm (25.6 in) tall and the other 550 mm (21.7 in) tall. Products that stand up to the toughest of customers, "Our Product is Solid Our Service is Too". On each post i have eye bolt with a pipe spacer holding the eye 2 inchs off post on calf side. One of the last actions of the Lincoln Highway Association before it closed, was to order the casting of 3,000 concrete markers, to dedicate the highway to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. Buy Used Farm, Construction, Livestock and Transportation Equipment at auction - BigIron Auctions has various makes and models of Farm, Construction, Livestock and Transportation Equipment for sale throughout the US so that you can find the right Farm, Construction, Livestock and Transportation Equipment at the right price. containing a higher percentage of forage require more bunk space because the feed is less Jake Part-Owner: 306-823-7016. Finishing cattle operations have a bunk space of 912 inches per head. I have 8 foot concrete bunks setting end to end. The primary cross street is Park Presidio (State Route 1). The receiving pen may allow 24 inches per head of bunk space to avoid crowding What's the most cost efficient way to store and distribute bulk feed? Call a sales representative today, 1-800-937-3558. Our feed bunks are reinforced using a combination of heavy gauge wire mesh and rebar and manufactured with minimum 7000 psi concrete and water-cement ratio of 0.40 or less. The bunk system was used for Christensen Cattle Company at their Sandy Ridge location. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. 2,800 lbs - Feeds from both sides $350.00 ea We produce both H and J feed bunks. We were very satisfied and will call them again with our next feedbunk needs., The longest lasting, most stable and smoothest looking bunk we have ever had on our feedlot. Some reproduction markers are in place on the Lincoln Highway and others are on display in private collections or being used in special displays. These molds feature our hinged walls and end blockouts to create an open ended or closed ended feed bunk. Feed bunks may be most commonly designed either with headlocks (head gates, stanchions etc. We use only responsibly sourced aggregates, sustainable cement manufacturing processes, and quality admixtures. lPd6BT* );,nqr# Post and Rail Feeding Fence Standard Specifications, The Dairyland Initiative so if your ground is not perfect the base keeps the joint more seamless even if the ground moves over time. These industrial strength feeders are perfect for feed lots and cattle ranchers that need the most durable products with many available options to customize their application. No one seems to know what happened to the extra markers. Dimensions Our J-Bunks have a height of 34 (2-10) on tall side and 19 on the cattle side. Available in fenceline style Cattle and Sheep feedbunks these bunks are convenient to use and easy to maintain. OP . Headlocks and post and rail barrier provided in a close-up group where heifers are exposed to both types of barriers prior to calving. These stable and sturdy feed bunks will last you for years. That's a lot of infrastructure at one time over just feed costs. Either way, your donation is tax deductible and will help preserve the Lincoln Highway for future generations. The sheep flock can be fed either indoors or outdoors. Redi-Rock Retaining Wall Systems Innovative Redi-Rock retaining wall systems feature engineered solutions to meet any need with wet cast concrete blocks with a variety of faces. While our livestock waterers are primarily cattle waterers, our water troughs are also used as sheep waterers, game tanks, deer tanks, dairy waterers, and more. Johnson Concrete Products manufactures durable livestock waterers built to withstand the most punishing environments. Center Line Feed Bunk Molds. We are a family owned and operated business by Troy, Amy, Duane and Judy Stuart located in central Nebraska. One of the western-most markers is located in San Francisco, on California Street. 3 sizes available: 26" x 11" Grain Feed Bunks - 10 gauge. They have great attention to detail and they dont take on a job unless they can do it perfect., Troy and the Double D crew do an outstanding job with pouring their feed bunk systems. To sell Equipment, Real Estate, Livestock on our next auction, Slanted back, straight front. Our concrete feedbunks are designed for easy assembly with a secure fit. 96'L x 3/8" diameter cables Additional cable (30) blocks and more Location Info Map Information: Location 7277 South Ohio Street Assaria, KS 67416 Seller / Removal Information Item Details: Clayton Short at 785.452.0142 Inspection times are by appointment only. Where is a good source of feed bunk cable-I am located in N Iowa? Properly sized mangers will help sheep to eat With a cable running through it. Get the inside scoop on all our products and how theyre built. We also offer a horse waterer model specifically designed as a horse tank. Removable end piece for feeder with water drain. In the late 1920s, Americans were rolling in success. Concrete Feed Bunks W/Posts, Cable, & End Caps, Qty 14, (14) 12' Long Concrete Feed Bunks, (13) Stands With Pipe, (2) Concrete End Caps, 336 Ft. Of 5/8" Thick Cable, Note: Buyers Responsibility For Cut Out & Removal - Loading Assistance For $100/Hr - MUST BE REMOVED NO LATER THAN 2/28/20. If you decide to use the end plugs, they are easily removed with a convenient lifting anchor. The drain holes in our bunk's tapered bottom allow any moisture to drain easily, eliminating feed spoilage and accommodating easy cleaning. We are providing quality concrete feed troughs for the livestock community at affordable rates that Canton, KS, USA. OP. In looking at the costs of delivering in the best quality precast bunk we could find, Double D Bunks was very competitive. Bunk are also available with plain pipe or no pipe. Johnson Concrete Feed Bunks save money because theyre permanent. For this situation, Johnson Concrete Products has a bunk designed for you! If you decide to put the fence inside the bunk using our holes we have cast into the bunk, it allows the cattle to clean up the feed better and interlocks the bunks together, but many feedlots of set our bunks along existing fence lines and it works great. At the same time, the trough design keeps dirt and debris out of the feed 2. It is the bidders responsibility to inspect the item, prior to bidding, and make their own assessment as to the items condition and suitability for use. Browse Transportation Equipment Categories, Concrete Feed Bunks W/Posts, Cable, & End Caps. Theres no need to push the feed up thanks to their efficient design, and the bunks themselves require very little maintenance. They are 8 feet long and weigh between 2600 and 2700 lbs. This technology makes for a 1-3 day job, and reduced labor means an affordable solution for your set up! Very popular bunk for backgrounding calves! h bunk All Bunks are reinforced with 3/8" rebar! Sets feed bunk front edge 28 off ground. #nrbs- sliding neck rail bracket. Open ended or single end. Flat on ground or post supporting feet. The bronze medallions are anchored into the concrete and cannot be removed without destroying them. Drop us a line. Feeding frequency also can influence bunk space: once-a-day feeding requires more bunk Bunks can be set flat on the ground to accommodate calves or placed on supporting feet for easy cleaning and larger animals. (12) 8'L concrete feed bunks (2) end posts (2) approx. On the calf side i have fence post in concrete where every other one meet so 16 feet apart. Fence Line Bunk 1800 lbs. ), or with a single post and rail system. Younger cattle prefer to eat together and require more bunk space than Our concrete Feed Bunks are designed to hold large capacity for the day's ration, Slick finish and chamfered corners allow livestock to clean up feed. School of Veterinary Medicine Available in standard lengths of 6 foot, 8 foot . of cement with not over 5 gallons total water per sack of cement is recommended. Positive Pressure Tube Ventilation Design. Have a quick question? (Since the markers weigh over 220 pounds each, it is likely that parents helped out on the project.) Johnson Concrete Products concrete livestock waterers are also known as concrete tanks, constant flow tanks, and cattle waterers. Each fenceline feed bunk is designed with a low front to encourage a natural eating position . Weighing no more than 2200 lbs they are easy to move, relocate or replace if needed. When you purchase the bunk with pipe and cable we will include turnbuckle sets at our cost! Instead of spending money on freight, we have those dollars forever on our ranch with a bunk that will last a lifetime., In the reconstruction of our feedyard we have seen multiple contractors come and go with very few of the contractor owners ever on site. Angle the headlock toward the feed to increase the cows reach. Our precast concrete feed bunks are made from high strength precast concrete. All feeding troughs are manufactured in one piece with attached legs. Search for used feed bunk. in My location. cfpinz Well-known member. Our precast concrete feed bunks are made from high strength precast concrete. When erected with a concrete platform for cattle to stand on, they give MUD-FREE permanent feeding stations that are trouble-free in all kinds of weather, year after year. The post are 2 angle Iron with holes punched to bolt 28 or an eyelet and run cable. It is assumed that extras were cast as replacements or set aside for future route improvements. . Reply. Fence-line feeding lets you feed more cattle FASTERwith less labor. High back cuts down on feed waste, your animals will eat more and waste less. item# description # nrb4s- four slotted neck rail bracket. We produce both "H" and "J" feed bunks. This post also has a optional adjustable rack. Choose a headlock design with a down-cow self-release mechanism. Here are the benefits you can look forward to when adding them to your property. Cattle access from the front and sloped back for easy filling. In addition to livestock waterer tanks, Johnson Concrete Products manufactures what we think are the best concrete feed bunks available. Precast Systems, LLC feed bunks are built to last. Copyright Johnson Concrete Products 2010-2014. This pen shows a typical pattern with 24-inch (61 cm) wide headlocks where only 80% are filled at peak bunk utilization. Our bunks are 10 long with a 33.5 feed bottom. 30" x 16" Silage Feed Bunks - 7 gauge or 10 gauge. Saves Labor Please click to Refresh your page. Feed panels can be mounted to posts by the customers or we can mount the panels to the bunk and make them ready to drop in place and use. We build to suit and each one of our products is designed to best suit your needs. #nrb7s- seven slotted neck rail bracket. The hay Johnson Feed Bunks can be set directly on your concrete feed apron with a hydraulic boom truck or farm tractor loader. Combined with the reduced food waste and spoilage, youll be able to clean them quickly and thoroughly. Tension with an eye bolt and a spring off an old baler tensioning arm on the back side of the post . Find Behlen, Apache, and Kelly Ryan for sale on Machinio. If you have one or more of these wonderful markers, or know someone who does, the Lincoln Highway Association would encourage you to donate it to us or to an interested museum on the route of the Lincoln Highway, so it can be restored to its original grandeur and position it in a place of honor. The marker faces California Street. The choice between a post and rail feed barrier and headlocks in lactating cow pens is not clear with strong proponents for each. 9'4" section. 1019 Road B With thousands of Johnson Concrete waterers in the field, it's clear that our waterers stand the test of time. Hiring a Crew for Poured in Place Walls, Top Quality Precast Mix, Rebar & Fiber Mesh Reinforced. Feed Bunk: Straight-J Easily installed against pre-existing fences. They are a continuous slip form bunk with a 48 x 2 dipped pipe inserted every 10 to hold the prestressed cable. Madison, WI 53706. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. gXDx$(=c&6uSJ6P{_`wBbA4By&q#w}Y5R'~Pwtg,8PNwe 2Y;p1Y`>Chp-#/a$IL$ld1sBP^d])n2UArJ>v)&. We pride ourselves on delivering quality products in a timely manner, with courteous and knowledgeable employees. The home grown slip form feed bunk system since 1987. We also supply all types of repair and replacement waterer parts, such as brass valves, floats, mini sweeps, constant flow valves, heating elements, and any other waterer parts that have reached end of life. There is so much interest in the markers that reproductions are being cast and sold. They were easy to work with and gave close attention to detail during the process. We have feedbunks that were poured in the 1980s and still being used to this day. Cable Laying & Stringing; Compact Track Loaders; Compactors; Compressors; Concrete Batching Plants; Flat on ground or post supporting feet. 2,436 markers were actually placed, the position of each marker was determined by a plan laid out by Gael Hoag, Field Secretary of the Lincoln Highway Association. This Item was not Functionally Tested and no guarantees on condition or operability are made by BigIron. 30 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 32 /H [ 962 297 ] /L 64392 /E 21814 /N 4 /T 63674 >> endobj xref 30 28 0000000016 00000 n 0000000907 00000 n 0000001259 00000 n 0000001428 00000 n 0000001636 00000 n 0000001833 00000 n 0000002982 00000 n 0000004328 00000 n 0000006329 00000 n 0000006351 00000 n 0000006557 00000 n 0000007710 00000 n 0000007917 00000 n 0000009074 00000 n 0000010234 00000 n 0000010448 00000 n 0000011601 00000 n 0000011811 00000 n 0000011887 00000 n 0000012080 00000 n 0000012186 00000 n 0000012293 00000 n 0000012399 00000 n 0000012505 00000 n 0000017756 00000 n 0000021570 00000 n 0000000962 00000 n 0000001238 00000 n trailer << /Size 58 /Info 29 0 R /Root 31 0 R /Prev 63664 /ID[<90547ef7e4651e169495653c89307e34><90547ef7e4651e169495653c89307e34>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 31 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 28 0 R >> endobj 56 0 obj << /S 122 /T 193 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 57 0 R >> stream First 5 items close at 10:00 AM CDT each 5 items following closing at 1 minute intervals there after unless time extends. Quality Rock Mix from 3,000 PSI to 4,500 PSI, Farm Work & Slabs Will See the Benefits. In addition to a concrete feed hopper and a steel mold conforming to the cross section of the bunker, the assembly also includes a small generator which produces electrical power to operate the internal vibrators which fill the form and consolidate the concrete. I would recommend these guys to anyone. There is is setting of posts in concrete (posts bot directly to bunk). 2023 BigIron.com Inc. -All rights reserved. When youre setting up your farm or Feedlot for cattle or sheep, buying feeding equipment from L-con Industries is the smartest move. Recent searches: feed bunks feeder . Each piece will sell without reserve to the highest bidder. Headlocks can be mounted on an 18- to 20-inch (46 to 51 cm) high feed curb for Holsteins (15 to 16 inches (38 to 41 cm) for Jerseys), so the height of the upper edge of the lower headlock rail is 21 to 23 inches (53 to 58 cm) above the cow-side feed alley for Holsteins and 18 to 19 inches (46 to 48 cm) for Jerseys. HWFCP%Sk!,=v!$PS Open ended or single end. Research done Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station Some reproduction markers have not fared better. 0+mh$9=.QO{|/IO^\tMPb?_4r\zg`&I0~"7 K06\oMQqSU'/+.7|oO'i[f-#3OW mO i'LRY|)BSGXd42.iKk6[z%R_KQ~_#]ZyQ]}S'j:SJf0q[{US.bSlz5Ykel The markers were built to last. Each Cattle bunk is 10 long. They also have holes cast into the feeding side to bolt 2 posts per 10 bunk. to allow all ewes to eat at the same time. We offer professional concrete construction services for residential, commercial, and agricultural projects, as well as a full line of quality precast products including feed bunks, storm shelters, septic tanks, and steps. We also make a end plug that weighs approx 120lbs and has a lifting hook so its easily removed for cleaning. . 3 talking about this. Because theyre made from high-quality concrete, they offer a smooth surface that makes each trough easy to clean. Straight back, slanted front. At the same time, the trough design keeps dirt and debris out of the feed. 4" Thick High-Strength Concrete, Reinforced with Iron Mesh, Safe, Secure Storage for Hazardous Materials, Easy Handicap Access Through 3' Wide Steel Walk Door, Complete and Ready for Use in Less Than 2 Hours, Shelter pricing includes delivery within 150 miles of Bonesteel, South Dakota 57317. Available in 34" & 48" widths. cattle conf feed barn, 46'x v length, tr, poleframe, pb csf: 6160 '73: 3: 1325: 2 cattle corral layouts, crowd-sort pen, chute alternatives: 6161 '73: 3 cable fence ends & 6"x6"x8'l. concrete posts: 6162 '73: 1 silage feedbunks, covered, w/4 bunk types & 4 roof types: 6167 '88r: 1: 1346: cattle shed & auction barn, 36x100, post-beam, gableroof . Kearney Concrete Co. produces these feed bunks with a 4500 psi concrete. CONTACT. Depend on Wild River Concrete for top quality precast solutions. and ensure cattle have access to feed upon arrival. Concrete Feed Bunk s, Used, 4) 10' And 1) 81" Long Bunk s, 5) Bunk Support Blocks, 3) Bunk End Blocks. The sidewalls are both 175 mm (6.9 in) wide. Copyright 2020 DOUBLE D BUNKS INC. /// SITE BY. Our durable tanks can be manufactured with different options, including statinless steel troughs, and we have an entire line of constant flow models. feeding system. Many are gone, lost forever to road enhancements, neglect, or indifference on the part of local highway departments that were entrusted with their care. Ceramic tile or high-strength concrete performs well with silages which tend to etch concrete over time. 20 inchs above the bunk. Some have been moved into museums, others have been placed in positions of honor in Lincoln Highway towns across the country. Features Feeds grain, silage & TMR Constructed with a heavy duty 2 inch square tube frame & 12 gauge steel Options Custom sizes available A used 4 ton self feeder that can be pulled to the feed . Contact us to schedule a pick up at our location, delivery, or a shipment! secure those feed bunks! Of the markers in original position, many are at risk. The base goes every 10 at the joint of the bunk. Available in 3styles, each bunk is purposely designed not only to be functional but to save you time and money. The information on this page may have changed. Henderson, NE 68371. The feeder lamb needs 9 to 12 inches of bunk Available fencing accessories include: Posts: straight, curved, or short (can get with ferrules and rods) Slotted Bracket 3 inch Channel Post Posts for 2-rail system Feed Rail (2 rails per bunk) 109 East B Street, Hastings, NE 68901 Or click here for more information! We are a cow-calf operation and they poured just under 2000 feet of bunks for a central feeding area that features large grass traps. The process demands close attention to detail and is a long lasting product. This can be reduced to 3 to 4 inches if hay is available at all times. The curb should be 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) wide. Graph of the proportion of feed spaces filled through the period 90 minutes after fresh feed delivery. i just checked some prices last week,J bunks,high capacity,30.00 a ft ,which included the post and cable,28.oo a ft without post and cable . The posts are reinforced with steel rebar. comfortably with a minimum of feed wastage. The bunk is short enough for the smallest of animals, and with the addition of blocks, it can accommodate your mature stock! As of the end of 2017 Double D Bunks has poured 931,060 ft of bunks and 784,615 ft of slab. We are a family owned and operated business by Troy, Amy, Duane and Judy Stuart located in central Nebraska. Copyright 2023 The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. We look forward to continuing that tradition, says Andy Divine. This means they will not warp, bend or rust and come ready to set it place. We also make a end plug that weighs 200lbs but has a lifting hook so it is easily removed to cleaning. Just 4" Shorter on the Feeding Side Compared to High Capacity. Home; Post Ad FREE; Search. The US Bureau of Public Roads had eliminated named trails and highways in 1925, and the Lincoln Highway was supposed to be known as US 1, US 30, US 40, US 50 and other, less-romantic, state highway numbers. We offer a 5 base, that is perfect for if you decide to go with our precast pads or pour an apron along the bunk line. It is a frequent target of vandals and has been tagged numerous times but through the tireless efforts of Lincoln Highway enthusiasts, it remains cleaned. For installation, we do the dirt work, pour the slabs, set the bunks, install the cable, and deliver them. available at all times. Everyone knew what the Lincoln Highway was and where it ran, but it was no longer officially known as "The Lincoln Highway." Rations Each concrete feed bunk is reinforced with rebar or wire mesh and a minimum 5,000 PSI concrete. BigIron is not responsible for any statements about the item made by the Seller. Each ewe will need 16 to 20 inches of bunk space Thread starter cfpinz; Start date Feb 16, 2009; Help Support CattleToday: cfpinz Well-known member. #nrfbp- feed bunk post (slotted neck rail brackets use 3/4 cable) finishing cattle. this bunk All corners are rounded for cattle comfort 10 Ft. toll free: 800-752-1670. Research done at Michigan State University and Cooperative Extension Service, Adrian Loetkeman Part-Owner/Sales: 306-823-7410 We are repeat customers with over 6000 feet of bunk and would not use any other bunk to feed our cattle..
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