But the theory gets even weirder; the Beatles and their management, realizing the huge financial losses that might result from announcing the death of one of the members of the biggest band in the world, decided to cover up his death. Neither is the story", Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics, "Why fans think Avril Lavigne died and was replaced by a clone named Melissa", "The Avril Lavigne conspiracy theory returns", "The Four-Color Adventures of the Fab Four: The Beatles and Comic Books", "The Beatles flesh out zombie mash-up craze", "George Harrison Stabbed in Chest by an Intruder", https://twitter.com/JoelSGilbert/status/1648738007577669633, https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/latest-from-the-trump-conspiracy-factory-bill-clintons-black-son/2016/11/01/d05e321e-a070-11e6-a44d-cc2898cfab06_story.html, "EL VY post lyric video for new single 'Paul Is Alive', "Paul Is Dead A Comedy Short Film Inspired by the Classic Bizarre Rock & Roll Conspiracy Theory". [2] McCartney then alluded to the rumour during a press conference held around the release of Sgt. After Paul was killed in 1966 Brian Epstein is said to have bribed police and journalists to keep the accident under wraps. Cookie Notice Billy became such as good musician that he played better than Paul. Really Look. And this would had be kept secret. User:Vague Rant). [15] On 22 October, the day that the "Paul is dead" rumour became an international news story,[16] McCartney, his wife Linda and their two daughters travelled to Scotland to spend time at his farm near Campbeltown. It took some real effort, but I finally saw them as 2 separate, individual guys. [75], During the 1970s, the phenomenon became a subject of academic study in America in the fields of sociology, psychology and communications. Look at the film footage of The Beatles' appearances on Ed Sullivan when "Yesterday" was performed. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, The Beatles withdrew from touring and shifted musically. Mr. Starr alleges that the group did send out a lot of hidden messages through the years to prepare the population for the truth. What about the IMDB article on [William Campbell]? Paul McCartney was Irish, so wouldnt have been singing mull of kintyre. Screw the eye Color, you'll be able to see it in black & white, as well. When I was 11 years old and heard Penny Lane for the first time, I thought to myself who is the new person in the group singing this song and who was singing She Loves You Yeah, Yeah, Yeah at the end of All You Need is Love. But that hasn't happened, has it? [59] In Winn's description, the family portrait used for Life's cover shows McCartney no longer "shabbily attired", but "clean-shaven and casually but smartly dressed".[58]. Fan Feed More Fictspedia Wiki. -As for the badgeIt's actually OPP, Ontario Provincal Police, and there is an Ontario Flag on it. [45][46], A DJ put all those signs together: Paul with no shoes [on the cover of Abbey Road] and the Volkswagen Beetle. This article does not yet have a related to do list. Secretlondon 02:40, 13 Jun 2004 (UTC), Or if anyone were to take one moment and actually study the origin of that patch they would see it doesn't even stand for "OPD", but "OPP"; the Ontario Provincial Police in Canada. Theres a lot we dont get told and you morons believe the mainstream media by calling people who can reason, morons. So begins a new novel, Whatever Happened to Billy Shears? Afterward, I revisited videos, film clips, songs & interviews with John, George and Ringo, and it all finally made sense. William Campbell allegedly became Billy Shears on Sgt Pepper , while William Sheppard was supposedly the inspiration behind 'The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill' (actually an American named Richard . Amusingly, though, during the height of the BeeGees' popularity in the seventies, Barry Gibb lost a Barry Gibb look-alike contest! This site is no longer updated. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me.". The replacement, originally called William Campbell or, more recognizably, Billy Shears, according to Salon, and known as "Faul" to true believers of the theory, has, if the story is true, written some of the Beatles' greatest work, fathered four children with Paul's first wife, Linda McCartney, went on to establish the mega-popular band Wings, and had success with 20 solo albums, all under the moniker of the tragically deceased songwriter he replaced on the fly. That's because William Campbell is McCartney. It is inconceivable that not one of these people would be tempted to reveal if Paul had died to their families, friends and, most notably, for money to newspapers an TV companies. "We didn't know what to do, and Brian Epstein, our manager, suggested that we hire Billy Shears as a temporary solution. No matter what the truth is, it doesn't really matter if they're wrong, they're right, where they belong. Does anyone even think about why the thing was done in the first place. "He died in 1965 oooh he died in 1967 he was in a scooter crash oooh no it was a Lotus Elan - He posed on the cover of Abbey Rd"oooh no wait a bit that would have meant he was admitting it so well forget that" Conspiracist liars need to STF sensible sane normal people know you are talking complete utter total BO**OCKS!! Pepper Beatles. [8] Others contended that the man's name was Bill Shepherd,[43] later abbreviated to Billy Shears,[44] and the replacement was instigated by Britain's MI5 out of concern for the severe distress McCartney's death would cause the Beatles' audience. So let me introduce to you Guess the original know he was going to die and left clues before he died. Mr. Starr alleges that the group did send out a lot of hidden messages through the years to prepare the population for the truth. As in his and Linda's segment in the Beatles' promotional clip for "Something", which the couple filmed privately around this time, McCartney was unshaven and unusually scruffy-looking in his appearance. It would have been easy to replace Paul in the 1960s. The Beatles on the left wearing all black and are a younger version than the older psychedelic Sgt. Both changes are, supposedly, explained by the . [62] Sgt. I've always liked the prospect of happy endings. They do not want to find out that so much of what they have believed all their lives was a lie. [2] The rumour was acknowledged and rebutted in the February issue of The Beatles Book. The winner of this 1965 contest was Keith Allison, who had a brief brush with fame on teen shows such as "Where The Action Is" and apparently later joined Paul Revere and the Raiders, circa 1966. Listen carefully. Then there's the Billy Shears alter ego (a shepherd shears sheep). Ringo Starr didn't give an exclusive interview to the Hollywood Inquirer, and Paul McCartney is not dead: WNDR is an entertainment website that does not publish factual articles. Billy Shears is just a ficticious name. [58] His next visitors were a reporter and photographer from Life magazine. To spare the public from grief, the Beatles replaced him with a man named William Shears Campbell, who was the winner of a McCartney look-alike contest and who happened to have the same kind of jovial personality as Paul. If you watch the videos of them both playing you will see thatPaul knew the Bass and rarely ever looked at the fretboard in stark contrast to Faul. . The Beatles were such a money-making machine that most of their hits singles and LP's brought in to the GB and enormous Tsunami of $$$$ that it would seem to me that they would not let the death of one of the Beatles stop the cash flow from continuing to come in. Billy Shears was Ringo Starr's alias on The Beatles 1967 album Sgt. [42], In LaBour's telling, the stand-in was an "orphan from Edinburgh named William Campbell" whom the Beatles then trained to impersonate McCartney. However the Paul Is Dead Beatle's hoax is encylopedic - what we need is evidence of this person's connection to the hoax, not necessarily of their actual real-life existence. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and was replaced by a look-alike and sound-alike. And we're talking merely on a biological level. And Sgt. The Beatles were allegedly the first Tavistock owned and operated musical band that exceeded anything that Tavistock ever dreamed that they would become as worldwide famous as they are, still even today. The legend goes that in 1965 (one year before McCartney is said to have died) young Shears entered a Beatles lookalike competition organised by the band's manager Brian Epstein, in the . It is he, too, who invented the details of the death that conspiracy buffs still cling to till this day: "Paul McCartney was killed in an automobile accident in early November, 1966 after leaving EMI recording studios tired, sad, and dejected. the question is how many faux pauls have there been? Since then you were just a man named William Shears Campbell! George died but not the way we were told in the media. I have not read the book "The Memoirs of Billy Shears" but have listened to enough interviews about the book that I find it harder to believe that Paul was NOT killed in '66. However, the purported clone's birth name and birthplace may vary depending on the source; per Musicoholics, he was a Canadian man named William Shears Campbell. Whoever really believes that crazy crap is a moronic fool. Maybe the arrangement wasn't perfect for their friends, relatives and business partners, but sometimes money and loyalty make for excellent bed partnersso all was made well with John directing and basically slipping into the shadows with little ego, but very fond memories, no bitterness somehow about an accident brought about by his own ignorance. Has not changed. His family and friends??? [56] According to author John Winn, McCartney had conceded to the interview "in hopes that people hearing his voice would see the light", but the ploy failed. If you can think of any ways to improve the article, why not create one? "[8], WMCA dispatched Alex Bennett to the Beatles' Apple Corps headquarters in London on 23 October,[27] to further his extended coverage of the "Paul is dead" theory. Billy was introduced by name on the Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album. And maybe Ringo did really commit suicide after telling Neil Aspinall he was going to do so, and Ringo was also replaced by a look-alike. I'm even getting telephone calls from disc jockeys and others in the United States. No winners were ever announced for this competition. I am sad. If you really want to prove that Paul is really Paul, find out what happened to the real Billy Shears. I turned 64 in May and I celebrated it by playing guitar and singing when I'm 64. This is my first post still trying to get the hang of things. Also Somerset House staff where all births, deaths and marriages are recorded. A livid McCartney stormed out of the building, hopped into his Aston Martin and sped off into the night. Plastic surgery was in it's infancy stage in 1966. Also too many stories. Embarrassed by his fat lip he began to grow a moustache. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. All of the clues and hints are so well versed together. I can't go on like this. When that guy stabbed him, Campbell realized that he should get while he could and killed off Harrison too! It was really John Lennon that died in Nov 1965. What IF faul was knighted for his lifelong dedication to the lie? In 2008, he joked that his success as a musician had extended his fifteen minutes of fame for his part in the rumour to "seventeen minutes". So he did what he does best and retired and died two weeks later. I have to add that as John said, and I quote when he was asked if Ringo was the best drummer in the world, he replied with " He's not the best drummer in the Beatles". I'm a Beatle Now; and to think that to this day his nuts are still in a vice. While conspiracy theorists point to lyrics, album covers, and odd noises that can be heard when Beatles albums are played backward as proof that the singer was replaced by a lookalike, the World News Daily Report bases their claim on a fake interview with Ringo Starr: In an exclusive interview with the Hollywood Inquirer, Mr. Starr explained that the "real" Paul McCartney had died in a car crash on November 9 1966, after an argument during a Beatles' recording session. Every time he sells a 99 Flake he gives the game away by asking if you want Strawberry Sauce Forever! Backward messages hidden on records, unusual photographs, the OPD badge that Paul is wearing on the fancy blue uniform that he is wearing on the Sgt Pepper sleeve being official police slang for Officially Pronounced Dead, the first line of Shes Leaving Home - Wednesday morning at 5 oclock as the day begins as printed on the Sgt Pepper sleeve being a direct reference to the time of Pauls death on Wednesday 9th November 1966. She got a great amount of $$$$ in their divorce settlement and then not a peep anymore from Ms. Mills.We may never know the real truth or, we already do? Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. [24] These included "The Ballad of Paul" by the Mystery Tour;[32] "Brother Paul" by Billy Shears and the All Americans; "So Long Paul" by Werbley Finster, a pseudonym for Jos Feliciano;[33] and Zacharias and His Tree People's "We're All Paul Bearers (Parts One and Two)". John Lennon wrote the song in response to "gobbledygook" said about Sgt. (Officially pronounced dead VS. Ontario Provincial Police), has anyone dared to ask the Question what Canada has to do with the British Pop Band, The Beatles? It is the source for Billy's Back!, Beatles Enlightenment, and The Talent Contest, and also includes nine chapters that were not selected for those compilations. William Campbell has this faint scar on his upper lip, PM doesn't. This page proof that people like to lie lie lie there is NO evidence to suggest that Pau McCartney died - The conspiracists change their story every time someone sees through it!!! [56][nb 5], McCartney was secretly filmed by a CBS News crew as he worked on his farm. In his anger, he failed to notice the traffic light change and he spun out of control, smashing into a light pole at full speed, thus decapitating him.". With a little plastic surgery he also assumed Pauls baby faced good looks. [34] Another song was Terry Knight's "Saint Paul",[24] which had been a minor hit in June that year and was subsequently adopted by radio stations as a tribute to "the late Paul McCartney". 168K views 8 years ago A hidden camera catches the moment John Lennon convinces Faul McCartney (AKA Billy Shears AKA William Campbell) that taking The Deceased Paul McCartneys place in The. They saw the Sgt Pepper album as yet more proof of the on-going speculation that Paul McCartney had been killed in a car crash on Wednesday, November 9th 1966 and replaced with a look-a-like, sound-a-like called William Campbell Shears a.k.a Billy Shears born in Shreveport, Louisiana on September 16th, 1940. Today, we see the real Paul performing all over the world. But if they don't, he's been replaced. Some rights reserved CC BY-ND 4.0. They are two different people fact, the dna proves it..why do you think Heather Mills is banned from ever telling the truth? Gibb ran with the story on-air for several hours, treating his listeners to backward snippets of supposed hidden messages. I've never seen any reports about whatever happened to the real Billy Shears. Whoever took over knew how to write songs with bite in them and not those poppy paulies although he can do those as well. claims Ringo, obviously very emotional. The REAL truth about William Shears Campbell Did you know that John Lennon was abducted by aliens on 23rd August 1974? == The Real Question Here Is- == ITS REAL BELIEVE IT. It takes a special kind of person: a person who seeks and WANTS truth, even when it embarrasses, hurts or is painful. He was reincarnated as a hamster which I owned as a schoolboy. has the best of the Memoirs' "Paul is Dead" material (excluding those . "When Paul died, we all panicked!" LaBour later said he had invented many of the clues and was astonished when the story was picked up by newspapers across the United States. [9] American social critic Camille Paglia locates the "Paul is dead" phenomenon to the Ancient Greek tradition symbolised by Adonis and Antinous, as represented in the cult of rock music's "pretty, long-haired boys who mesmerize both sexes", and she adds: "It's no coincidence that it was Paul McCartney, the 'cutest' and most girlish of the Beatles, who inspired a false rumor that swept the world in 1969 that he was dead. Thanks. [24] Bailey left it to the viewer to determine a conclusion. To the poster above and any otherPaul is deadtheorists that want to use theGeorge Harrisons last will and testimentvideo , it was a mockumentory, it was made to be a joke, its not real, which is the same as Paul is dead, thats fake and not real too. In the eight months leading to the completion of their masterpiece Sgt. Peppers album cover has two Beatles groups standing side by side. "The 70 Greatest Conspiracy Theories in Pop-Culture History", Carpool Karaoke: When Corden Met McCartney Live From Liverpool, Let Us in Americana: The Music of Paul McCartney, 1966 tour of Germany, Japan and the Philippines, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Paul_is_dead&oldid=1151446931, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Articles lacking reliable references from November 2019, Articles lacking reliable references from April 2023, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, A graphic novel co-created by Paolo Baron and Ernesto Carbonetti called, This page was last edited on 24 April 2023, at 03:24. But how did such an out-there rumor take hold? You got me. Meanwhile, Hoaxesclaims that Paul's car did crash that night, but he wasn't behind the wheel. I do find it fascinating as to how it was all orchestrated with the untimely demise of the real Paul McCartney. It is an idea that has captured the imaginations of cryptic-minded listeners and stoned truth-seekers for more than five decades. The big one that was actually intentional was "Billy Shears," which means, "Billy's here," of course, although I hate . I for one, am very grateful to have had the pleasure of reading this most informative book. Paul Ramon, Carl Harrison and Long John Silver! It was supposed to last only a week or two, but time went by and nobody seemed to notice, so we kept playing along. It took me 10 entire days of intense Web research, but it finally clicked for me. Faul has admitted that Paul died before during concert. They were, are and will always be the greatest, most talented band that ever was or will be. And what about police reports? Also the picture on the White Album that shows him with glasses (passport picture of imposter) would mean Sir Paul/Faul used/uses contacts most of the time. Afterward, a college kid did a story on clues he thought he found in the album cover and songs, this created a distraction that John jumped on when he later wrote 'Glass Onion", in 1968. " [72] In 2015, he told The Detroit News that he is still periodically contacted by conspiracy theorists who have attempted to present him with supposed new developments on the McCartney rumours. Thanks everyone. During the song Ringo, for the benefit of the numbnuts out there, confirms the true identity of Billy Shears. He actually came back with the rest of the Beatles, but to avoid being caught by Campbell who tried to kidnap him, he disguised himself as Cynthia, when John realized, he decided to help George escape by getting a divorce, but in order to fake Cynthia, after George had left, he convinced Yoko to pretend to be Cynthia and hired William Shears Campbell to replace Yoko. I don't believe the myth, but you should have presented it without an obvious opinion one way or another. Hello. [6], On 17 September 1969, Tim Harper, an editor of the Drake Times-Delphic, the student newspaper of Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, published an article titled "Is Beatle Paul McCartney Dead?" After Campbell killed off his fake George, He wanted to stick to his original role as being just Paul, so he and Harrison came to an agreement. John wanted to leave the business. To me, the greatest argument against the "Paul is dead" theory is very similar to the greatest argument against the "Elvis is Alive" theory. Forget Paul. In early 1967, a similar rumour circulated in London that Paul McCartney had been killed in a traffic accident while driving along the M1 motorway on 7 January. Then there was Magical Mystery Tour, where we three had red roses and he had a black one. Irate at the intrusion, he swore at the pair, threw a bucket of water over them and was captured on film attempting to hit the photographer. "[8], In late September 1969, the Beatles released the album Abbey Road as they were in the process of disbanding. And last, IF you were any of the other Beatles members would you have possibly nosedived your career by going public with the truth?? HA HA!" They all seem to be put off or angry when he refers to himself as McCarthy or speaks of the old times when it was the actual Paul. Unless they got someone to replace Billy Spears so that Billy could replace Paul. Paul did not die but he did leave the Beatles, youtube John Halliday aka Paul McCartney, he just lived a normal life, also, on the St Pepper's album, they the name 'The Beatles' to '5 Beatles' John is NOT DEAD!!! And Listen. I needn't argue about that; I'm right and I'll be proved right. Pepper and Magical Mystery Tour, both of which had been off the charts since February, re-entered the Billboard Top LPs chart,[24] peaking at number 101 and number 109, respectively. The bottom line -- Yoko Ono destroyed the world's greatest band! 1 yr. ago Motherfu- I thought he was a real guy that just happened to fall into this theory. How could they find a musician that looks,sounds just like him & be accepted by the other 3,his family & girlfriend Jane Asher? [19] Two days later, The Michigan Daily published a satirical review of Abbey Road by University of Michigan student Fred LaBour, who had listened to the exchange on Gibb's show,[8] under the headline "McCartney Dead; New Evidence Brought to Light". Duh. Fearing that the photos would damage his image, McCartney then approached the pair and agreed to pose for a photo with his family and answer the reporter's questions, in exchange for the roll of film containing the offending pictures. To spare the public from grief, the Beatles replaced him with a man named William Shears Campbell, who was the winner of a McCartney look-alike contest and who happened to have the same kind of. William Shears Campbell is the Billy Shear people were going after to support the Paul is Dead theory. What an exemplary life! "[8] WKNR fuelled the rumour further with its two-hour programme The Beatle Plot, which first aired on 19 October. Musician Ringo Starr admitted that Paul McCartney passed away in 1966 and was replaced by a lookalike. For the graphic novel, see, McCartney in October 1966, shortly before he supposedly died, The allegedly backmasked section of "Revolution 9", The same section reversed, which some have believed sounds like "turn me on, dead man", Estranged from McCartney, Lennon said: "Paul McCartney couldn't die without the world knowing it. "[77], "Paul is dead" has continued to inspire analysis into the 21st century, with published studies by Andru J. Reeve, Nick Kollerstrom and Brian Moriarty, among others, and exploitative works in the mediums of mockumentary and documentary film. A list of articles needing cleanup associated with this project, http://www.snopes.com/movies/actors/chaplin2.htm, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:William_Shears_Campbell&oldid=920583797, This Beatles-related redirect is within the scope of, This redirect does not require a rating on the project's, This page was last edited on 10 October 2019, at 17:42. assassination of President John F. Kennedy, was replaced by a person named Melissa Vandella, "McCartney Dead; New Evidence Brought to Light", "WKBW: Paul McCartney Is Alive And Well Maybe, 1969", "The Life and Death of Paul McCartney 1942-1966: A Very ", "Paul is Dead: The Conspiracy Theory That Won't Go Away", "Separating Fact from Fiction: Paul Is Dead", "THE DAY PAUL MCCARTNEY MET LINDA EASTMAN", "The 70 Greatest Conspiracy Theories in Pop-Culture History", "True Westerners: Fred Labour Too Slim of Riders in the Sky", "Paul McCartney still isn't dead. so far I can find three because the current one has blue eyes, the previous two did not. You know, if investigators find the real Billy Shears working in some factory in Shreveport, LA (his apparent birth place), then you know this whole thing was a hoax. There is no such force named the "Ontario Police Department". If this was the night when the seed of the rumor was sewn, it would be two years later when the theory really took off, particularly among teenagers in the American Midwest, after a song titled "Saint Paul" achieved widespread success in the region in May 1969, according to Hoaxes. [24] This scenario was facilitated by the Beatles' recent retirement from live performance and by their choosing to present themselves with a new image for their next album, Sgt. The question is who or what was behind it? Anyone who can't see (or simply refuses to see) the fact that the "Paul McCartney" of Sgt. [56] Part of the interview was first broadcast on Radio 4, on 26 October,[57] and subsequently on WMCA in the US. [24] In the early hours of 21 October, WABC disc jockey Roby Yonge discussed the rumour on-air for over an hour before being pulled off the air for breaking format. [31], Before the end of October 1969, several record releases had exploited the phenomenon of McCartney's alleged demise. The truth of the matter is, nobody really gives a damn. I.e. Nobody will argue with that. Richard on 2020-05-30 13:24:28 0000 The old "too many people involved" lark. Everybody is different. Again, dealing with grief through jokes. I believe that had no choice in keeping up the charade, like it or not. If they appear on his older work too, it's the same Paul. The original Beatle Paul Was most certainly replaced. My husband, he didn't believe me for the longest time. Persons whom have not honoured their contracts or whom have had doubts seem to have died or mysteriously disappeared. well sorry i am CONVINCED and why did Ringo come out and say that Paul did pass away in 1966, Hello, I am a film maker and making a documentary about this conspiracy (partly because my name is William Shears..). I've been a fan of the Beatles and their music all my life and I have studied this subject at great length for many years in reading about it, watching videos on the topic and making my own conclusions.

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