Batteries of light field artillery were detailed to accompany the advance. An attack directly east of the Meuse was foreseen and planned for, but no efforts were spared by the commanders between the Meuse and the Aisne to feel dut the Allied line and attempt to gain information as to what was going on along their particular front. Detachments of military police were on duty with each Brigade Headquarters to be used for conducting prisoners to the rear. Message was sent to the Commanding, General, 35th Division, asking him to cover the 58th Field Artillery Brigade and the Epionville-Very road. At 23 oclock (11 P. M.), September 28, the Corps Commander directed renewal of the attack at 7 A. M. the next day, adding: 2. During his long life he fought in Spain, in Italy and in Switzerland, but the greatest enemy of this mighty emperor, as in Caesars time, so in all time, was the Germanic people. This line was begun in October, 1917, and, while it was not entirely finished at the time of our attack, it had been thoroughly wired; and like all German rear positions, possessed very great natural advantages. Excellent weather was also a big factor in whipping the men into the best possible physical condition. The Thirtieth Corps was to attack on the front betweeen Heurne and Audendarde, both inclusive. Three officers had been sent ahead to La Ferte Bernard area to select billets, establish signal corps communication and receive replacements of the Division, which began to arrive in the La Ferte Bernard area one month before the Division was able to obtain trains. The morning of the 27th, the Commanding General embarked on a transport for France. 163commissary troops.Armierung Battalion No. I desire to express to you upon the departure of your Division my appreciation of the character of the service of the Division with this command as well as with the Second Corps. The vigor with which this work was accomplished and the speed with which the trains followed up over the extemporized road, full of shell craters and mud holes, played an extremely important part in allowing the Division to continue its successful drive of the first day. Thus the records of the units of the 91st Division reached four different points of demobilization on the Pacific Coast. Machine guns of the 346th Machine Gun Battalion from the orchard near Epinonville frequently fired upon hostile planes. Hostile shelling became very severe, both upon the assaulting troops and also upon the town, but being driven back again and again. Their lines could be seen from the Division Commanders position near the Very crossroads, bravely advancing over open ground under heavy fire until checked at the ridge on which is Epinonville. The national anthems of America and France were played by a French band. The 58th Field Artillery Brigade shelles Gesnes and the Gesnes-Exermont road, to prevent traffic, at intervals during the day. Anchor was dropped at 6 oclock in the evening of July 17 off the Liverpool docks. Some time after his return to his headquarters, he sent the following letter to the Division Commander: AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCESOffice of the Commander-in-ChiefFrance, February 20, 1919.Major General William H. Johnston,Commanding 91st Division, A.E.F. HQ SMALL ARMS FIRING SCH-TEAMSTERS SCH (STU) CP LOGAN TEX. When the Division joined the French Army of Belgium, permission was given to march during the day and graze animals also during the day. The retaliatory fire by German batteries passed over the heads of our leading regiments. Organization [ edit] It was organized May 24, 1862, with 10 companies, A to K, all enlisted for 3 years or the duration of the war. When the 91st Division attacked, September 26, its total strength, including noncombatant arms, was a little less than 20,000. On February 1, the Second Corps was dissolved, and General Read took command of the American Embarkation Center, head quarters at Le Mans. After the first surprise, the invading wave was checked at the Marne and thrown back upon the Aisne during four years of hard fighting, from the North Sea to Switzerland on the Yser, on the Somme, on the Aisne in Champagne and at Verdun, the enemy was checked. About March 1, the Division was permitted to select 250 officers and men, most of whom were sent to the University of Beaune, Department of Cote dOr. Since the very beginning of the war this stretch of country been the scene of hard fighting. They are offered as reprints. Bosschen, including thus the hill on which was the Chateau-Stuivenberghe. It had come from Russia late in 1917 and had spent the whole winter in a long course of training in open warfare. As the entire infantry of the 91st Division could not be advanced to the hills north of Gesnes, it was necessary to order withdrawal of the advanced elements of each brigade to the line along the northern border of the Bois de Baulny and Bois de Cierges, holding the two farms named above as centers of resistance. Another covered the right flank, facing Bois Emont. 7TH FIELD ARTILLERY HQ&HQ BTRY & CT 1ST BN-BTRY B 7TH FA, 7TH FIELD ARTILLERY REGT DET REPL BN 3-HQ BTRY BN 8TH FA REGT. Between October 19 and 20 a large number of men and some officers who had been wounded in the Meuse-Argonne were either forwarded by orders to Dunkerque by rail or escaped from hospitals in rear of the Argonne and reached Dunkerque. The 181st Brigade was directed to advance toward Gesnes, and the 182nd Brigade, as soon as its right was covered by the 181st Brigade, to advance across the the Exermont-Gesnes road toward the American Army objective. guns of each front-line regiment and one platoon of field artillery were ordered to accompany each leading battalion. They had had but two nights sleep between the two participations, and many of the men were weakened by diarrhea. About 4:30 P. M. (16:30 oclock) the 122nd Field Artillery reported to the Division Commander at le Ravin de Lai Fuon, having passed the shell-torn village of Avocourt, and the road thence toward Very after repair by the engineers. The States which gave up their best to the 91st are California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, and the Territory of Alaska. The 182nd Brigade, on the left, the 364th leading with two battalions in front line and remainder in support, pushed the attack, and again the troops were obliged to work well out of their sector and into the zone of the 35th Division on their left, in order to overcome machine gun nests that were taking them in flank Starting from their line south of and roughly parallel to the Eclisfontaine Varennes road, they reached the road and Eclisfontaine without great opposition, but were there held by fire from, Serieux Farm on their left and from Les Bouleaux Bois. On arrival, the 91st had been placed at the disposition of H. M. the King of the Belgians, commanding the Group of Armies in Flanders. These two sectors, which lay opposite the 91st Division front, had originally been held by the 53rd and 37th German Divisions. And now, hidden in the Foret de Hesse, we began to be surrounded by an ever-thickening concentration artillery, long-range rifles, stumpy howitzers, battery after battery of smaller guns. The Corps Commander wishes you to understand that this relief results solely from a realization by higher command that your Division has done its full share in the recent success, and is entitled to a rest for reorganization. About twenty-five officers from each of the American divisions were invited to witness the entry of the King. In spite of the determined resistance of the enemy, in spite of the artillery and machine gun fire which opposed them, the troops of the 91st American Division captured Spitaals Bosschen by a clever flanking movement, reached the Scheldt, and penetrated into the town of Audenarde, from now onwards delivered from the yoke of the invader. By noon the traffic was flowing, or rather bumping, over the old No-mans4and and into Cheppy Woodfirst the combat wagons with their ammunition, then the artillery and finally the trucks of the Division supply trains. POST N.C.S STAFF FT SUMTER-POST HQ DET FT FRANCIS. 342ND FIELD ARTILLERYBTRY D-BTRY F 343RD FA . SIG CORPS NO ROLLS 10464-SIG CORPS NO ROLLS 11799. As the Division railhead was at Froidos, south of the Verdun- Clermont highway, all supplies, including rations and forage were forwarded at night by truck and wagon, and noise as possible avoided. The line of resistance described above was ordered by the Headquarters, Fifth Corps, for possible defense against a strong force of enemy reported arriving at Exermont. And mounted on each troopship were naval pieces of medium caliber, manned by American and British naval gunners. 15TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY B-16 FA SUPPLY CO. 17TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY E-18TH FA BTRY A, 18TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY C-BTRY F 18TH FA REGT. It was learned during the day that a portion of the British 2nd Army south of the 41st French Division bad forced its way southeast and east of the hill Anseghem, advancing along the road Courtrai-Audenarde. It was ultilizied mainly for protection from rain and was one of the few shelters in Epinonville available. From the Commanding General, 1st Division, was received the following letter in appreciation of the services of the 181st Infantry Brigade: HEADQUARTERS FIRST DIVISIONAmerican Expeditionary Forces. Some changes in the staff had occurred. 128 electric power company.Wirtschaft Co. No. The little village on its summit early became a mere heap of bricks, captured, lost and recaptured by one side, then by the other; finally, a series of mining operations blew it away and left the top of the hill a waste of craters and shell holes, an utterly barren No-mans-land with the opposing trenches and wire straggling across its sides. As the leading battalions (two of the 362nd on the south and one of the 363rd on the north of Spittals Boschen) jumped off from their positions west of the Waereghem-Steenbrugge road at 5:30 a.m., they were met by heavy machine gun fire, both from their fronts and from concealed positions in Spitalls Bosschen. The nature of the terrain could not be surpassed for training troops in the open warfare in which they were to participate later. On the 13th, Commanding General, Thirtieth French Corps, received a review of the 361st Infantry at Audenarde. The Regimental Commander, believing that the secrecy of the movement would be betrayed by throwing bridges after daylight, and being already attacked by German airplanes on the bank of the Scheldt, concealed his regiment as far as practicable and sent report back to Division Headquarters that he believed he could effect the movement better by remaining there throughout the day and crossing after dark that evening. DET QM CORPS QMD FT RENO-QM AT LARGE DET CAMP NORMOYLE TX, QMC DET CP NORMOYLE TX-PROV GUARD CO CP CUSTER MICH. PROVOST GUARD CO DEVENS MASS-OFFICE CO B 3D BN US GUARD CP DEVENS MASS. CHAPTER III THE MEUSE-ARGONNE OFFENSIVE CONTINUED, CHAPTER IV THE MEUSE-ARGONNE OFFENSIVE CONTINUED. General Bernheim visited the 91st Division December 17 and decorated 150 members with the Belgian Croix de Guerre. In the afternoon the Division Commander and staff found that twenty-four trainloads of the 91st Division had already been detrained, regardless of regiment and brigade, at four points in the neighborhood of Ypres. In addition to the above major units, prisoners were taken from the following attached and subsidiary groups: 233rd Pioneer Company-attached to 117th Division.Landstrum Battalion, Reutlingen-attached to 117th Division.Landstrum Battalion, Gottingen attached to 117th Division.1st Guard F. A. Regiment attached to 1st Guard Division.Foot Artillery Battery No. Each Infantry Brigade Commander detailed one company of infantry and one machine gun platoon on the second-line battalion of his organization to maintain combat liaison with the 128th and 48th French Divisions on the right and left, respectively. They were utilized as mounted couriers stationed with Brigade and Division Headquarters. 21ST CO CAC FT PREBLE-5TH CO DC OF S. N.Y. CO CAC PLATTSBUG N.Y.-1ST CO FT CONSTITION, 1ST CO CAC PORTSMOUTH NH-6TH CO CAC POTOMAC MD, 7TH CO CAC POTOMAC MD-63RD CO CAC REDES TO 3RD CO CAC PUGET SOUND, 3RD CO CAC PUGET SOUND-5TH CO CAC RESERVIST, 5TH CO CAC PUGET SOUND-9TH CO CAC PUGET SOUND, 10TH CO CAC PUGET SOUND-13TH CO CAC PUGET SOUND, 13TH CO CAC PUGET SOUND-16TH CO CAC PUGET SOUND, 16TH CO CAC 1ST CO FORT WARD-115TH CO CAC FT WINGATE NM, 115TH CO COAST ARTILLERY CORPS-76TH CO COAST ARTILLERY CORPS, 76TH CO COC REDES TO 2ND CO CAC FORT WADSWORTH NY-4TH CO COC FT HANCOCK NJ, 4TH CO CAC FT HANCOCK NJ-HQ CACSAN FRANCISCO, 147TH CO CAC 1ST CO CAC FT WM SCOTT CALIF, 60TH CO CAC FT WINFIELD SCOTT CALIF-4TH CO SAN FRANCISCO AT FT WINFIELD SCOTT CALIF, 158TH CO CAC FT WINFIELD SCOTT CALIF-7TH CO SAN FRANCISCO AT FT WINFIELD SCOTT CALIF, 64TH CO CAC FT WINFIELD SCOTT CALIF-29TH CO FT MC DOWELL, 29TH CO CAC DEL MONTE CALIF-32ND CO FT MADSON CALIF, 32ND CO CAC FT TOTTEN NY-66TH CO FT BARRY CALIF, 66TH CO CAC FT SHERIDAN ILL-18TH CO C.D SAN FRANCISCO CALIF, 25TH CO CAC FT MILEY CALIF-38TH CO CAC SAN FRANCISCO CALIF, 39TH CO CAC SAN FRANCISCO CALIF-3RD CO CAC SAVANNAH GA, 74TH CO CAC FT SCREVIN GAF-1ST CO CAC FT HAMILTON, 3RD CO CAC FT HAMILTON NY-1ST CO CAC FT WADSWORTH NY, 1ST CO CAC FT HOWARD MD-15TH CO CAC SOUTHERN NY, 162ND CO CAC FT MONROE-1ST ARMY ARTILLERY TRK CO, TRUCK CO D ARMY ARTILIARY-CO C, 2ND CORPS ARTY PARK, CO C 2ND CORPS ARTY PARK-DET N.C.S CAC FT CASWELL, DET N.C.S CAC FT CASWELL-DET N.C.S CAC FT HOWARD, DET N.C.S CAC FT LEONARD-DET N.C.S CAC FT WINFIELD, DET N.C.S CAC FT WINFIELD SCOTT-DET N.C.S CAC COLUMBIA, DET N.C.S CAC COLUMBIA OREGON-H AND S CO 3RD AA, MED DET 3RD AA SECTOR - USA TRANSPORTS WARREN MERRITT, PENN STATE COLLEGE TNG DET - SATC WEST TENN STATE MEMPHIS TENN, SATC UNIT EAST TENN -SATC STOUT INST MENOMONIW WIS, HQ DET 1ST MACHINE GUN -CO B 1ST MACH GUN BN, HQ DET 2ND MACHINE GUN -CO C 5TH MACH GUN BN, 12TH MACHINE GUN CO B - 15TH CO B MACH GUN BN, 15TH MACHINE GUN CO G - 19TH CO A MACH GUN BN, 19TH MACHINE GUN CO B - 24TH CO C MACH GUN BN, 24TH MACHINE GUN CO D - 41ST MACH GUN BN CO A, 41ST MACHINE GUN BN CO B - DET 102ND MACH GUN BN, 103RD MACHINE GUN BNHQ 52ND BRIGADE - CO C 106TH MACH GUN BN, 106RTH MACHINE GUN BNCO C-CO A 110TH MACH GUN BN, 110TH MACHINE GUN BN CO B-113TH MACH GUN BN CO C, 113TH MACHINE GUN BN CO D-118TH MACH GUN BN, 118TH MACHINE GUN BN CO B-ORD PERS 122ND MACH GUN BN, 122ND MACHINE GUN BN ORD PERS-ORD DET 126TH MACH GUN BN, CO A 126TH MACHINE GUN BN -HQ DET 130TH MACH GUN BN, 130TH MACHINE GUN BN -CO A 133TH MACH GUN BN, 133TH MACHINE GUN BN CO A -CO A 137TH MACH GUN BN, 137TH MACHINE GUN BN CO A -MED DET 142ND MACH GUN BN, 142TH MACHINE GUN BN ENLORD CORPS -CO A 146TH MACH GUN BN, 146TH MACHINE GUN BN CO A -CO C 149TH MACH GUN BN, 149TH MACHINE GUN BN CO D -CO B 302ND MACH GUN BN, 302ND MACHINE GUN BN CO B -CO B 306TH MACH GUN BN, 306ND MACHINE GUN BN CO B -310TH MACH GUN BN, 310ND MACHINE GUN BN CO B - CO C 313TH MACH GUN BN, 313TH MACHINE GUN BN CO C - CO A 317TH MACH GUN BN, 317TH MACHINE GUN BN CO A - CO D 320TH MACH GUN BN, 320TH MACHINE GUN BN - CO A 324TH MACH GUN BN, 324TH MACHINE GUN BN CO A - E.OC.M.A. The commanding officers, 364th Infantry, went to Chateau-Cruyshautem, to confer with the Commanding General, 12th Division. 194th regiment ohio volunteer infantry. The machine gun battalions were numbered the 346th, 347th and 348th, and were commanded respectively by Major, now Colonel, Francis C. Endicott, 1st Infantry; Major, now Lieut. Very Good Copy Major F. W. Manley was Division Adjutant Major F. W. Clark held the position of Assistant Chief of Staff. During the night Captain Leavell, 316th Engineers, attached to the 181st Brigade Headquarters, with a small detachment, penetrated farther into Audenarde, making reconnaissance of all the bridges which had been destroyed, returning to Brigade Headquarters by daylight. On the 25th the last orders were issued, designating September 26 as D day and 5:30 as H hour. On November 2 the French Army and Corps Commanders visited Division P. C. at Chateau Stuivenberghe and asked if the Division Commander was not discouraged by his heavy losses. Airplanes and dirigibles preceded the troopships, scanning the sea for miles for the enemy under-water craft then Operating along the American coast. The 348th Machine Gun Battalion, less two companies, was stationed along the railroad northeast of Bevere to cover the advance of the 364th Infantry along the east bank toward Mount Kezel after effecting its crossing. Further, the railroad line skirting the Argonne to the north, through Moutmedy and Sedan, represented nearly one-half of the supply and troop-moving power of the German line of communications. The train carrying the staff and Headquarters Troop and Detachment arrived at midnight on the 26th. 10TH FIELD ARTILLERY REGT HQ BTRY- BATRY A 10TH FA REGT . Please note: Some morning reports are in poor condition and may be difficult to read. 36TH FIELD ARTILLERYMED & SAN DET- BTRY A 41ST FA REGT. After these dispositions had been effected, and while troops were marching thereto late in the afternoon of November 9, information was received that the enemy had commenced to retire from the east of the Scheldt, and that detachments with small groups of the 41st and the 12th French Division had gained possession of the eastern bank of the river. As brigade and regimental commanders had not yet reached the vicinity of Ypres, as they were moving by automobiles, the only method of assembling the Division was to direct every battalion and company to march to the vicinity of Roulers, as General de Goutte had given the Division Commander permission to occupy all available billets in the area just west of Roulers, within a very few miles of where the French were fighting. Here the soldiers discovered the true significance of the relentless submarine warfare the Germans had been waging in so far as it pertained to foodstuffs. One company of the 361st had crossed the first canal, where a platoon of engineers was constructing a bridge. For the 91st Division, that would be the 361st, 362nd, 363rd, and 364th infantry regiments. The line occupied by the Division for the night extended from just south of Epinonville, which was the eastern limit of the Division zone, around the head of the Ravin des Balonvaux (Plank Road Hollow), thence along the western slope of the ravine north of the city of Very, into the zone of the 35th Division. Colonel, Signal Corps,Acting, C.S.O. The 96th Infantry Division is a unit of the United States Army that served in World War II . Later, the Commanding General, 37th Division sent message that his division could not move up to support the 91st Division or cover its right flank. Colonel H. C. Jewett, 316th Engineers, was sent forward about 9 oclock to relieve Brigadier General F. S. Foltz, and overtook and assumed command of the brigade near Very crossroads. In its initial performance, your Division has established itself firmly in the list of the Commander-in-Chiefs reliable fighting units. By abandoning the line of the Scheldt, the enemy did not allow the putting in execution of the plan of attack which was so cleverly promoted. Ferocious and deadly as had been the fighting in the Argonne and about the summit of Vauquois, it is rendered almost insignificant in comparison with the battles which took place in 1916 a little farther to the east during the great German attack on Verdun. The men built shelter from small-arms fire by excavating the northern edges of shell holes. This accomplished, the attack of the 364th and 363rd pressed on, took the Bois de Baulny, Tronsol Farm and the slope north of the latter. With these officers comprising his immediate official family, General Greene took up the work of organizing an infantry division. Notes It killed one orderly and wounded First Lieutenant A. S. MacDonnel, aide, and one enlisted man. At 17:36 oclock, September 28, the Corps Chief of Staff had informed the 91st Division that the 35th Division was in Exermont. Although casualties had been heavy, especially in, company officers, the troops maneuvered with better liaison and under greater control by their leaders than during the Meuse-Argonne, showing the benefit of the experience they had gained in France. The insignia recommended was a fir tree of green cloth, inscribed within a triangle with base of two inches and altitude two inches. The mopping up detachment moved forward at the appointed time, 6:50 oclock. One battalion, 361st Infantry, with machine gun company attached, moved from street to street searching the houses and captured many German prisoners and some snipers and machine guns in the second stories of houses. These so-called trenches were not continuous, had been abandoned as trenches, and many of them were full of coils of wire, rendering them an obstacle rather than a line of protection from fire. Under artillery-fire protection the 3rd Battalion, 361st Infantry, seized Hill 255, after fighting all afternoon, about 18 oclock and dug in. In addition to the lines established by the 316th Field Signal Battalion, the 181st Brigade found insulated German wire in the Bois de Cheppy and used that wire in its advance, as did the Division Commander for communication with the Division P. C. at Cte 290. The 363rd Infantry, after making numerous captures in Cheppy, encountered strong resistance on emerging from the Bois de Cheppy from La Neuve Grange Farm. Operations Orders No. At this time 2 colonels, 2 lieutenant colonels, 8 majors and 123 company officers of infantry were required to replace officers killed and wounded during the six days of advance. W. D. Davis, 361st Infantry, who had been wounded on September 28, still insisted on retaining command of his regiment and was coolly stationing his units on the line of surveillance with his arm in a sling. These facts were not discovered until the early morning of September 22, during a raid on the 79th Division, Fifth American Corps, a member of the attacking party blundered into the French trenches east of Avacourt. On September 23 arrived the order from Fifth Corps Headquarters, dated September 21. Before the Division advanced to participate with the French Army of Belgium, forty-one American ambulances bad been driven by a part of our Sanitary Train from Marseilles, thus replacing the small Ford ambulances which had been assigned to the Division during the Meuse-Argonne. Crossing the Scheldt River, on November 10 and 11, the Division was in pursuit of the enemy when the armistice ended hostilities. 504TH AERO SQ CONSTR - 624TH AERO SQ SUPP, 648TH AERO SQ AVN SEC - 676TH AERO SQ SUPP SQ, 677TH AERO SQ AVN SUPPLY - 814TH AERO SQ SILVER CO, 867TH AERO SQ SC - HQ 1ST AIR BASE CHQ AF, BASE HQ 1ST AIR BASE LANGLEY FLD VA- BASE HQ 4TH AIR BASE SQ MARCH FLD CAL, 4TH A.B. A further element of power was the presence, close behind the line, of a group of small woodsLes Epinettes Bois, Les Bouleaux Bois, Bois de Baulny and Bois de Cierges. Artillery preparation preceded the attack, and a rolling barrage preceded the leading battalion. There was complete telephone communication throughout the night between this A. C. I. and Division P. C. and the reserve. 1.31.1931 - HG DET. 2ND BN 1ST FA HQ & HQ BTRY- BTRY E 1ST FA REGT, 1ST FA REGTDET RECRUIT FT MCDOWELL CALIF- BN HQ& HQ BTRY 2ND FA REGT, 2ND FA REGT HQ & HQ BTRY-BTRY A 2ND FA REGT. Its Field Artillery Brigade and five companies Ammunition Train had not yet joined. During the night of October 10-11 the 181st Brigade remained about 400 meters south of the crest of Hill 288. As the latest information of the destination of various trains had been obtained at the mouth of the Somme River on the 18th at the vicinity of Ypres, and as it was learned at Dunkerque that Headquarters of the Group of Armies in Flanders was at a small village on the Belgian coast east of Dunkerque, the Division Commander reported at that headquarters on the morning of October 19 to Major General J. M. J. de Goutte, then acting as Chief of Staff of the Group of Armies under the command of the King of the Belgians, from whom it was learned that, in a day or two, the 91st Division with 53rd Field Artillery Brigade attached would be attached to the French Army of Belgium, under Major General de Boissoudy. By evening of October 20 all units of the 91st Division, excepting the motor truck trains, had reached places where they could bivouac just west of Roulers. In both Scotland and England the Americans were warmly received. The leading battalion, the 1st, alth6ugh late, was able to cross No-mans-land without serious resistance; but when the 2nd Battalion, headquarters and machine gun companies with Brigade Headquarters reached the valley of the Buanthe, the mist and smoke had risen and they were subjected to machine gun fire from the northern slope of Vauquois Hill and later to artillery fire. The 362nd Infantry was ordered to take position in Le Bouleaux Bois as Division reserve. DET FIN DEPTFT WM MC KINLEY-ROTC SIGNAL CORPS. Crest None. Before noon of that memorable September day, contingents of embryo soldiers had reported at Camp Lewis from points in Oregon and Washington. The movement went forward on one or two trains daily, troops sailing from St. Nazaire as fast as vessels were available. The Regiment was relieved by the 363rd Infantry Regiment, the 3 Bns. Colonel L. C. Bennett, Division Quartermaster, was assigned to the 364th Infantry when Lient. Hostile artillery action was limited to the usual harassing fire, with the exception of two occasions when the sectors of the 35th Division and 79th Division were raided by strong German patrols. Firing on them and killing five, he captured a Belgian citizen who was attempting to guide these Germans out of the city without being captured. 435TH AERO SQ CONSTR - 455TH AERO SQ P.D. History 508th Parachute Infantry. The great nation to which they belong can be proud of them. After the 164th French Division had been relieved by the 91st, the Seventh Corps front was held by the 128th Division (French), 91st Division (American), with Escadrille 72 and Ballon 73 attached, and 41st Division (French), in the order named, from left to right, the 91st Division holding a front of about four kilometers, extending from Waereghem (inclusive) to Steenbrugge (exclusive). DET QMC POST OF HQ-NATIONAL GUARD DELAWARE INSTRUCTOR PERSONAL, INSTRUCTOR PERSONEL DNG-NY WORLDS FAIR PROV CO 16TH INF. With the help of accompanying guns, 122nd Field Artillery, machine guns, etc., a battalion of the 361st Infantry occupied this farm. Colonel,. Due to the emergency, it was necessary to crowd soldiers into every available foot of, space on the transports. The march was necessarily to be conducted at night, leaving Ravin de la Fuon by 19 oclock. They are based on prisoner identifications, made during the fighting, the rapid questioning possible at the time, and upon certain inferences which may safely be drawn from the current of events. On the evening of September 25 the troops moved forward into the very front line, relieved by midnight the protecting screen of French, and took up their positions for the jump-off.. During this advance Colonel W. D. Davis, 361st Infantry, and Captain Hughes, commanding the leading battalion of the 361st, were killed by shrapnel near the village of Mooreghem on the line of observation which had been ordered occupied by the Corps Commander. This text is offered on Jeffreys Store on Lulu. The General Commanding the Thirtieth Army Corps does not want to part with the 91st Infantry Division without expressing to its Chief, its officers, its splendid units, all his appreciation of the fine military qualities they have shown during the length of their attachment to the Corps. Orders for the new movement announced that the French Army of Belgium would effect a crossing of the Scheldt and push energetically forward to occupy the plateau between the Scheldt and the Dendre. The 37th was relieved by the 117th Division during the night of September 12-13; on the 16th the 53rd sector was taken over by the 1st Guard Division. Back to the 96th Infantry Division. B. Woolnough had succeeded to command of that regiment after Colonel Parker was wounded. Under orders from the First Army, the 91st Division will be relieved from the front line tonight and placed in Corps Reserve. Sensing danger, they made the raids mentioned, to obtain information. Independence, VA 24348 The barrage lifted and rolled off through Cheppy Wood at the specified rate of 100 yards in every five minutes. Some of the men serving the kitchens were killed and wounded, and some men going to the kitchens for hot coffee were wounded, but the kitchens remained in the woods until the withdrawal on the morning of October 4. This detachment spent one night at Louvain, entertained by a French division of the Seventh Corps. No action will take place the morning of the 11th. This checked the rear elements of the 364th near La Fonderie Farm and many casualties were suffered, the wounded being evacuated to a dressing station south of La Cigalerie Butte.

Beneficios De Beber Sangre Menstrual, Rudy Gobert Standing Reach, Stryker Sales Associate, Articles OTHER