A series of fairly major buffs made Arcane an incredibly powerful PvP spec in the beginning of WotLK in fact, many RMP teams ran with an Arcane Mage over a Frost Mage. The buffs dont end there however: our survivability is a lot better with the new talent Molten Skin & particularly against casters with the reworked Nether Protection. As a result, they take up the top spot of the C-tier, though it could be argued that they may even belong in the B-tier. This allows us to finally commit to the Affliction tree all the way, without having to go that deep in Demonology in order to become tanky monsters. It is thus no coincidence that pure Affliction is still a top spec, being unshackled from the Demonology spec. WoW PvP Rankings. BM isnt a terrible spec, but it isnt a particularly great one, either. Compared to Subtlety, Combat is unfortunately a low mobility, low survivability, and most of the time low damage spec as far as PvP is concerned, anything we can do, Subtlety can do better. Why you should play Ret: They pump Why you should not play Ret: literally everybody will be playing Ret and only Ret because of how much they pump. Also almost every one claims to have "the worst" tier set. PvP Slot. Introduction 2. Needless to say that doesnt even begin to cut it, being significantly worse than Arms equivalent, Juggernaut. As a result, Frost Mages occupy the top spot of the A-tier. Indeed, therere some decent PvP talents in there, such as Icy Talons, Chilblains, Improved Frost Presence and Acclimation. Updated daily! This slot is something that we haven't seen before and it's available for all of your epic pieces of crafts. EASIEST to HARDEST Classes to Play in Wrath Classic! You will typically see these specializations pretty often, as they have a few strong comps and occasionally have good match-ups against meta comps. These weaknesses are absolutely massive, and to make things worse, theres just no real pay-off. Good DK's will be insane as they can pull those pesky living bomb mages and starfall druids into your team mates for an instant kill train. Both of them are meh. Thats on top of all the great spec-agnostic spells that Unholy gets to benefit from, such as the overpowered Death Grip, Strangulate, Anti-Magic Shell, Lichborne, etc. Furthermore, the improved Improved Succubus talent (heh heh) gives us the powerful ability to easily hold 2 people in 8 second crowd-control at the same time an incredibly annoying trait to face off against in the 2v2 arena bracket. How the Specs Are Ranked Arms Warrior (S-Tier) Destruction Warlock (S-Tier) Affliction Warlock (S-Tier) Elemental Shaman (S-Tier) Frost Mage (A-Tier) It's been many years and Blizz is getting better at separating tuning for PVP vs PVE, there are times they just nerf across the board to "fix" something for PVP. Melee DPS in particular can just focus you down and prevent you from casting altogether, effectively taking you out of the game. A good few of our new talents are fairly good for PvP: Owlkin Frenzy, Typhoon, Balance of Power, Gale Winds all very good talents in their own right. For example, we have exceptional healing power thanks to Touched of the Light, but we lack The Art of War for instant-cast heals, meaning we have to always cast in order to heal, which opens us up to interrupts. We have some surprisingly decent comps, so we get a spot in the C-tier, but we unfortunately dont really belong much higher than that. WotLK Arena PvP Tier List/Rankings - Wrath Classic - Guides - Wowhead WotLK Arena PvP Tier List/Rankings - Wrath Classic By Rokman Last Updated: 2022/10/21 Changelog Patch: 3.4.1 Favorite: Rating: Table of Contents Get Wowhead Premium $2 A Month Enjoy an ad-free experience, unlock premium features, & support the site! Premium. Depending on how the meta shapes up, it might even temporarily be a C or even B-tier spec, though that will remain to be seen. Rapid Fire Frame (260 RPM) The highest DPS in PvE among all five is obviously Rapid-Frame, while the worst one is Aggressive Frame. With Barkskinnow usable in all forms, Frenzied Regenerationnow healing for a significantly higher amount, and a brand-new defensive cooldown in Survival Instincts, our survivability is actually pretty strong most teams wont want to target us. Tier 1 Tier 1 team compositions have both strong defensive and offensive cooldowns throughout an Arena match. A minor gimmick prevents Combat from being the worst of the worst, but were certainly among the weakest specs in the game if were being honest, barely clawing our way into the D-tier. As you can see, elemental shaman, arms warrior and holly paladin are in the S+ tier, one special note about arms warriors is that they . Our incredible damage and control makes us exceptional in caster-cleave type teams, where we can coordinate our damage with our partner in a combo, frequently killing players during Shadowfurys 2 second stun. Juggernaut gives us a significant mobility boost, making us one of the most mobile melee DPS around. However, you likely wont run into them very often, as a few major weaknesses prevent mean you have to try a lot harder than specs listed in the higher tiers in order to get a win. One might be surprised by this placement in the C-tier, were they to take a look at the Frost talent tree. The unfortunate reality is that we just trade too much for that extra damage of ours. A handful of nerfs later, were unfortunately nowhere near as strong as we once were. Rets have always been about 1 thing: burst damage. It is a PvE spec through and through, so just do yourself a favour and have Arms as your 2nd spec if you intend to do PvP on your Warrior. For a short period after WotLKs launch, Ret was wildly overpowered. I don't know everything, but that's my tier list. Jank in general is unfortunately still our biggest issue in WotLK. $2. MM Hunters just have to put in a lot more effort than other classes in order to succeed (for example, where other classes can just disarm with 1 button press, you have to Scorpid Sting, wait for a global cooldown praying it doesnt get dispelled, then Chimera Shot) but if you enjoy the playstyle and are committed to the class, it can also feel very rewarding to play. Whats more, Protection Warriors have some insane damage as well when theyre stacked with armor penetration, thanks to Shield Slams (which also dispels a magic effect??) Chances are, youre not surviving for 2 minutes until you can use Metamorphosis again, either. Thats certainly still true in WotLK, where we even suffer a fairly substantial nerf, with the Mace Specialization talent no longer having a random stun proc, which was by far our strongest point previously. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Enh isnt the best spec around, but its certainly a very solid spec. Moreover, the Blood tree has ZERO crowd-control or mobility talents, which is an absolute disaster. PvP Tier List DPS Tier List (PvE) Healer Tier List (PvE) Tank Tier List (PvE) Class Guides and BiS Lists. But of course this all pales when compared with Bladestorm, our incredibly overpowered 51-point talent which absolutely shreds everything (and Warlocks in particular) and gives us CC immunity for 6 seconds. If you fail to kill someone during those 10 seconds, you likely lose. It's Librarian Husky here today, going to World of Warcraft here. We can pick up Preparation by dropping several Assassination talents including Hunger For Blood, but thats a pretty awkward position to be in. Preg plays pretty similarly to Ret, so naturally it has most of the same strengths and weaknesses, and works in the same arena comps. As a result of these changes, we have incredible control and burst damage, which makes us highly lethal when combined with another spec that also has control and damage, such as Shadow Priest or Frost Mage. Our Frost brothers with their Ice Barrier and other amazing survivability tools can barely survive the onslaught of Arms Warriors, Unholy DKs and MM Hunters we simply dont stand a chance, as they delete us faster than we can delete them. Furthermore, were far tankier than Destruction, thanks to Siphon Life and Drain Life helping us heal ourselves while necessary. Anti-Magic Zone gives us a way to save team-mates in trouble, while Summon Gargoyle makes people flee in terror with its insane damage though unfortunately, it is fairly easy to counter with line-of-sight. As a result, were severely limited to what comps we can play in; we really need partners that can similarly pop an offensive cooldown and help us delete someone in 10 seconds. of Moonkin Form. Note that this Tier List covers classes and specs in their patch 3.3.5 state. Check out World of Warcraft PvP Rankings for various expansions based on the latest statistics from World's Top Players. PTR Posted 24 days ago by Jaydaa. Its good for all Rogues to know they have this potential, as they go about their regular arena games as Subtlety. Wrath 3v3 Arena Tier List 3. 10.1 pvp gear will be upgraded with the new system and is earned in pvp also. On paper, Survival has a lot of the same strengths that MM does: very high damage, paired with an instant-cast ranged healing reduction effect in Aimed Shot. Shaman (Elemental) Gameplay-wise, things havent changed drastically for us in WotLK, but a series of nerfs intended to bring our power down to the level of other specs has limited us to the A-tier. We finally have some CC with the new Shaman spell Hex, which we can turn into an instant cast thanks to Maelstrom Weapon. Honestly, you kinda deserve it! Fire has always been a PvE-centric spec that has stayed in Frosts shadow, and this unfortunately doesnt change in WotLK. TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE 1. Furthermore, where MM is already a janky spec, we crank the jank up to 11; our main damage spell, Explosive Shot, does AoE damage, which means that enemies can intentionally move closer to their crowd-controlled allies and break the crowd control effect with your Explosive Shot. The A-Tier represents strong DPS specializations that have great damage and/or crowd control abilities. It is still not very easy to keep Immolate on the target, as it lacks dispel protection, but thankfully we can now Conflagrate off the Shadowflame DoT if needed, with the Backdraft talent further providing us with some spell haste to get casts off more easily. Over time however, our damage begins to fall off, while Frost gets better and better. Moreover, Protection has some very awkward issues. Our most glaring weakness is that despite all of these survivability buffs, were still not as tanky as our Affliction brothers; were still a squishy clothie in the end of the day, so physical DPS classes like the aforementioned Arms Warriors will hurt us in ways that not even psychotherapy can help us deal with. We will be discussing this in more detail in the sections below. Join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/scwow Get the RATING You've Always Wanted: https://www.skill-capped.com/wrath/pricing/plans#wotlksolopvp SUBSCRI. Survival isnt a completely awful or unusable spec, by any means, hence its not in the F-tier. Arms Warriors and Unholy DKs (frequently paired together) are particularly annoying in that regard, as they can break out of our Psychic Scream and keep training us. A series of buffs to Protections damage has finally made it actually viable as a PvP spec, with some unique strengths and differences when compared to the 2 other Paladin DPS specs. Our survivability isnt much better either, as Icebound Fortitude only reduces incoming damage by 40%, so many teams can crowd control our healer and straight up kill us at any point. Masters Call is nice, but were already immune to slows thanks to The Beast Within. Aiming it is awkward as enemies affected by Scatter Shot move around randomly, and Paladins (the most popular class in WotLK) with the Unyielding Faith talent stay disoriented just barely long enough for you to trap them, so if you get CCed even for a split second, youve failed. All that being said, we have an interesting gimmick: Dragons Breath only breaks on direct damage, not damage-over-time. What would be the tier list of classes for BGs and world pvp in WOTLK? How the Specs Are Ranked Holy Paladin (S-Tier) Discipline Priest (S-Tier) Restoration Druid (A-Tier) Restoration Shaman (B-Tier) Some would argue that due to a lack of top-tier comps, Sub Rogues belong in the B-tier instead, but we would argue that the comps they do have access to are plenty strong. Introduction 2. Coupled with a lack of healing reduction effect, and our options for team-mates become limited somewhat; as Enh you need to play either with a spec that has a healing reduction effect ( Hunter or Arms Warrior), or a spec that has so much burst damage that you can kill someone before they have a chance to get healed ( BM Hunter, Ret / Preg Paladin, etc). Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. Moreover, thanks to our ability to apply 3 poisons (Deadly Poison, Wound Poison, Crippling Poison) courtesy of the Deadly Brew talent, on top of a 30% dispel resist chance afforded to us by Vile Poisons, our Wound Poison is incredibly hard to remove, which no other Rogue spec can brag about. This tier list for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion for World of Warcraft ranks all classes and specializations against each Courses 342 View detail Preview site You may be acquainted with the franchise but have never really played the game. Mutilate and Envenom hit very hard, very fast, which can catch a lot of people off-guard. Feel free to also consult the 3v3 bracket and 5v5 bracket tier lists, as well as our PvP DPS and PvP Healer rankings in order to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of each class and specialization when individually assessed. Enjoy an ad-free experience, unlock premium features, & support the site! Beast Mastery has never been a particularly strong PvP spec, as it lacks the control tools that the other 2 specs have, restricting its usefulness. Plainly put, Assassination is largely a budget version of Subtlety, trading control, survivability and mobility for damage. Patreon. In fact, this weakness is even worse for us, as we really need strong PvE gear in order to do the ungodly damage were known for, meaning we die even easier than normal. Boomies didnt fare very well in TBC arena, and unfortunately we dont do significantly better in WotLK. Protection gains a lot of damage out of the strength stat now (f.e. This in turn greatly limits the comps we fit into, and means that Ferals have to try a lot harder than some other specs, like Arms Warriors, in order to perform at the same level. Devouring Plague becomes available to Priests of all races, which helps out non-Undead SPs a lot, while the newly buffed Shadowform causes us to deal some truly scary damage-over-time. If it does prove to be a viable, or even stronger, version of Ret, itll be good news for us Rets, as it is a very interesting way to play our class! The Resilience stat found on PvP gear reduces the chance that enemy attacks on you will be crits, which in turn makes it a lot harder to score Hot Streaks. The way to do it is simple, after all: we lack reliable CC breaks (particularly Fear, with Warriors, Warlocks and Priests running rampant in WotLK) so a single CC during our cooldowns can shut us down. Just aoe the mob, especially living bomb mages, druids, warlocks and hunters. Blood is a spec for people who want to live out a power fantasy of being an immortal god. The final class that has seen improvements for the PVP in patch 10.1 is the Totemic Shaman, with all three specs gaining powerful tier set bonuses focused around Stormkeeper gameplay for Elemental, Sundering increase as Enhancement, and empowering Healing Rain Visual as Restoration. Were strong in both the 2v2 and 3v3 brackets, and the 3v3 bracket in particular is very good for us as we work very well in a lot of different team comps. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. WoW Classic WotLK PVP tier list breakdown S Tier Warrior (Arms) With Hamstring, Bladestorm, Disarm, and heal-crippling wounds, Arms warriors with the right mentality can fend off attacks, close gaps, and shut healers and DPS down with ease. Blazing Speed, Fiery Payback and Dragons Breath are all practically useless in PvE while being amazing in PvP, so what gives? All of these issues can make MM very challenging to play, specially against enemies that know our weaknesses and how to exploit them. We are one of the most resilient caster DPS, as our high armor counter-acts their armor penetration. Things are good for Ret Paladins in WotLK, and they get even better when we finally get the legendary Shadowmourne, during the last phase of the game, which propels our burst damage to really scary levels. However, they are just average they lack the overwhelming strength of the specs in the tiers above, and they occasionally have minor weaknesses that make playing them pretty challenging. PvP Healer Rankings Summary. Instead we selected the top comps for every spec and then organized them into tiers. Arms Warriors are great in both melee cleave and balanced (melee-ranged-healer) type teams in the 3v3 bracket. The Affliction/Demonology hybrid SL/SL spec was one of strongest arena specs in TBC, slowly but surely rotting people down with its heavy & consistent damage-over-time. Sure, it has incredible survivability, and an insanely valuable buff for your team-mate in Hysteria, but arena unfortunately isnt a dungeon, where your DPS specs can deal enough damage without you. So we dont really have any of the strengths of the other specs, but we do have their weaknesses; our CC is extremely jank, with Freezing Arrow getting resisted. Finally, the trap has a spell hit chance of its own and can be resisted due to the Frost Resistance stat (Frost Resistance Aura, Mark of the Wild, many class talents), so a lot of the time your trap will just randomly whiff, with you being completely unable to do anything about it. Fury gets a whopping 2 new PvP-focused talents in WotLK: Furious Attacks (poor mans Mortal Strike) and Heroic Leap. Unholy has a whole lot going on for it. While theyre still extremely strong, particularly on the CC side, Warriors get more mobility in Wrath which makes them harder to control, and the meta includes several specs (Warlocks, Elemental Shamans, Disc Priests) that give us trouble. Get Wowhead. 3. You should just know that patience and dedication are required in order to succeed as a Feral Druid in WotLK arena. Avengers Shield in specific hits incredibly hard now, which often catches people off-guard. Truly a roller-coaster of a spec! Thankfully, this combination of strengths and weaknesses makes us a little less slanted in terms of what teams we can play in, compared to Destruction at least. Still, thats unfortunately not a good enough strength for us to really make it in any bracket, and finding a partner as a Fire Mage will be very challenging. There might be an absolute maniac out there that makes it their life mission to get a Gladiator title, and if theyre incredibly skilled they might even succeed, but for the overwhelming majority these specs are so bad that theyll hold you back severely, most likely preventing you from even finding arena partners to begin with. The reason for this cataclysmic rise is very simple: Soul Link, our class-defining PvP talent, gets moved from the 7th row, up to just the 3rd row in WotLK. MM wishes it had that strength, but we wish we had many, many of its strengths. Over time however itll get completely phased out by Subtlety, and we dont have any cool little gimmick to fall back on like Combat does, so nobody will dual-spec Assassination and thus the spec will most likely die off. WotLK PvP Tier List Ranking Criteria. We even get some brand new PvP goodies like Noxious Stings and Resourcefulness. The thing it shines at is doing damage it deals a pretty ridiculous amount of it, in fact, but damage alone is unfortunately not enough to take it higher than the C-tier. Were certainly a good bit better than what we used to be, but so is everyone else. 150 RPM is best for annihilating Guardians, and The Jade Rabbit and Transfiguration are the best examples of this, causing them to be in our Top Scout Rifles in Destiny 2 Lightfall. The S-Tier represents the most powerful classes in the current meta those with the best damage and synergy. Death Grip is quite possibly the strongest ability in the game when it comes to PvP, allowing you to pull anyone into the open and swap to them or crowd control them on a mere 25 second cooldown. S tier: Warrior, Paladin, DK A tier: Warlock, Shaman, Priest B tier: Mage, Hunter C tier: Rogue, Druid CousinMabel 4 yr. ago I thought frost mage was one of the best pvp classes in wrath? Similar to Arms Warriors, Frost Mages have been a dominant force in WoW PvP since the very beginning. These factors combined make us a very easy target in 3v3 arena, though thankfully we fare a little bit better in 2v2 arena, as theres usually only 1 person attacking us and thus our poor survivability doesnt hinder us as much. 4. Death Knights were originally extremely overpowered in PvP, which forced Blizzard to mete out some very heavy-handed nerfs in order to bring them in line with other classes. Our new capstone talent, Chaos Bolt, does an absolutely insane amount of damage, allowing us to easily take away as much as 50-60% of someones health pool when combod with a Conflagrate. Comment by EastB on 2023-04-27T20:35:39-05:00. However, it gets moved up to the 3rd row in WotLK, meaning other specs can pick it up as well without sacrificing their own spec identity. Its main issue is that its gameplay is extremely simple and predictable you use Bestial Wrath and tunnel an ungodly amount of damage into someone for 10 seconds, while youre immune to crowd control. On the flipside however, its as easy to shut down as Ret, as you cant proc Art of War if youre not attacking due to being CCed. However, nothing compares with the new star of the show, Lava Burst, with its jaw-dropping damage, or with the reworked Elemental Mastery, giving us an instant-cast spell as opposed to a guaranteed crit. When consuming Shadowy Insight, Mind Blast deals 30% increased damage and generates 4 additional Insanity. And a temporal discombobulator! As mentioned before, the class-defining Soul Link goes from being a 7th row Demonology talent, to the 3rd row in WotLK. Welcome to the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King PvP DPS tier list! D Tier: Very poor, expect a tough time if you plan on playing one of these. Shenstrual 4 yr. ago It is. The biggest and most welcome change we get however comes in the form of Predatory Strikes, which gives our finishing moves a 20% chance per combo point to make our next Nature spell instant cast. Players have very low Resilience early on, and thus we can blow them up with 2-3 Arcane Barrage casts. The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! Other general buffs to Affliction damage, like Pandemic and Eradication, boost our damage further, but none as much as our new capstone talent, Haunt. None of this is to say that Feral isnt a good spec however; we have an S-tier 2v2 comp and several very solid 3v3 comps. PvP DPS Rankings Summary You can find below a quick summary of the current PvP DPS rankings: Warlock (S-Tier) Warrior (S-Tier) Elemental Shaman (S-Tier) Mage (A-Tier) Death Knight (A-Tier) Rogue (A-Tier) Shadow Priest (A-Tier) Feral Druid (B-Tier) Hunter (B-Tier) Retribution Paladin (B-Tier) Enhancement Shaman (B-Tier) Our crowd control is also buffed, with Shadowfury now being instant cast and the new level 75 Warlock spell, Shadowflame, giving us a very effective slow when boosted by the Glyph of Shadowflame. Furthermore, casters are everywhere in WotLK, and they all happen to ignore our main defensive asset, our plate armor; we dont really have anything similar to Defensive Stance, so teams can just focus us down and kill us. As mentioned previously, we take a few minor nerfs: Wound Poison VII now reduces healing taken on the target by 50% but no longer stacks, making it easier to dispel.

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