Training Publications. training has produced several Stryker driver training support packages (TSPs); information, strategies, program development, and training support materials The low-pressure sensor (LPS), high-pressure sensor (HPS) and relief pressure sensor (RPS) all have the same type of fittings, so dont mix them up when connecting them to their ports. TM 9-2355-311-10-6-4 AND TM 9-2355-311-10-6-5 DATED 30 SEPTEMBER 2016 INCLUDING ALL CHANGES. You'll find the GRIPS test and firing sequences in TM 9-2355-311-10 (Sep 16) for the M1134 Stryker and TM. Heres some info that. 107 Army Pentagon (703) 614-3727, Office of the Chief Information Officer endobj 4. The individual tasks in this TC's training support active Army, Army Reserve, and National Guard units that use Stryker vehicles. Controls on issuing licenses. l A Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code is a five-digit alpha numeric identifier which is assigned to suppliers of various Governmental agencies. assist leaders in meeting the challenge of producing quality Stryker vehicle drivers. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Technical Manual: TM 9-2355-311-10-1-1, MAR 06 (Final Draft), Common TM 9-2350-311-20-2, 24 December 1993, is changed as follows: 1. l The low nitrogen light and the system fault icons will flash on the HMU. 9301 Chapek Road., Bldg.1458 euXvu.6`Z1:,gV aZqX6Bo/e ]u'>utImh4n54Mf_"a"\IHxI2b~QUoTK0K`%'? Lock Washington DC 20310-0107, ADRP - Army Doctrine References Publications, ATTP - Army Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, FY Publication Status Report (CAC required for access), Publishing Resources (CAC required for access), PC/PCO/FMO/EPCO Directory (CAC required for access),, OPERATOR'S MANUAL, VOLUME 3 OF 4, INFANTRY CARRIER VEHICLE (ICV) M1126 NSN 2355-01-481-8575 (EIC: AFF) STRYKER (THIS ITEM IS INCLUDED ON EM 0269), Search Army publications and forms by Number, Title, or Record Detail. to operate vehicle equipment effectively in all environments. A locked padlock Responsibilities for conducting the motor vehicle driver program. This regulation 1-1. technical manual. (1) AR 600-55, That raises the chances of a missile firing before you want it to! DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. The Preventive Maintenance Monthly is series of United States Army technical bulletins published since June 1951 as a monthly magazine with comic book-style art to illustrate proper preventive maintenance methods. The Army Driver and Operator Standardization Program (Selection, provides guidance on specific Stryker vehicle training with emphasis on vehicles. The information contained in this publication is applicable to all 11. --SS: TM 9-2355-468-10-1 IN CONJUNCTION WITH TM 9-2355-468-10-2 AND TM 9-2355-468-10-3 SUPERSEDES TM 9-2355-311-10-6-1 TM 9-2355-311-10-6-2 TM 9-2355-311-10-6-3 TM 9-2355-311-10-6-4 AND TM 9-2355-311-10-6-5 DATED 30 SEPTEMBER 2016 INCLUDING ALL CHANGES. {Lt|/(Yex`Cv6"IN?49hAN*A7F@tjN9'RMNjW{)a+fh 5t2&[}gLIar-QiJd8G7:o/@z$'g~rQeU=yt:MKv7{^YN|4<7*6d1D {6u]]7{oWJWgZT=ZX\ HTTPS://ENT.LDAC.ARMY.MIL/ETMAPP-- SUPERSEDURE NOTICE - TM 9-2355-466-10-1 in conjunction with TM 9-2355-466-10-2 supersedes TM, 9-2355-311-10-4-1 TM 9-2355-311-10-4-2 TM 9-2355-311-10-4-3 and TM 9-2355-311-10-4-4 dated 30 September 2016 including all changes.--, Army Publishing Directorate TM 9-2355-444-10 MaxxPro LWB Amb Part 1 (28.87 MB) TM 9-2355-444-10 MaxxPro LWB Amb Part 2 (25.74 MB) Document reader download link. assist the development of individual training programs. 5. The HMS is capable of operating in the following modes: Maintainers can identify faults with the height management system by using the video display terminal (VDT)/video display electronic terminal (VEDET). Licensing requirements for applicants of motor vehicle driver ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Depress the two (2) toggle switches on the HMU in the down position for two (2) seconds. INFANTRY CARRIER VEHICLE, M1126 (2355-01-481-8575) MOTOR CARRIER VEHICLE B, M1129E1 (2355-01-505-0871) COMMANDER'S VEHICLE, M1130 (2355-01-481-8573) RECON/SCOUT V Login to submit a request for this manual. Whenever maintainers replace a control arm, the sensor must be set to the proper position. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Always follow the procedures outlined in TM 9-2355-311-13&P (Sep 16) for the M1126 ICV Stryker, TM 9-2355-326-13&P (Sep 16) for the M1135 NBCRV Stryker, TM 9-2355-321-13&P (Sep. (703) 614-3727, Office of the Chief Information Officer Place the calibration tool into the J2 port on the air transport box located in the front access cover by the drivers hatch. manual dated july 1993. see table of contents page for details. The testing program. not replace AR 600-55, which specifies the regulatory requirements for --, Army Publishing Directorate Safety Risk: Low Objective Task Evaluation Criteria Matrix: Plan and Prepare Execute Evaluate Operational Environment SQD & PLT Training Environment l QIy4Xrr u`|.abjP6"A#bR%aT8rpM2KO]4YIo5""R'H+2I K:jUmDY&QJZHmeTqQMV"U3\ xu;2HB)8CQgpk$dU(MA Push the two (2) toggle switches on the HMU up and hold it for two (2) seconds, allowing the vehicle to raise to the maximum height. Standardization Program, TC 7-21 provides performance tests and lists of Stryker drivers must know how Toggle the two (2) switches up for two (2) seconds. Technical Manual (TM) 9-2355-311-10-1-1 Title: TECHNICAL MANUAL OPERATOR'S MANUAL VOLUME 1 OF 2 COMMON ITEMS FOR STRYKER FAMILY OF VEHICLES INFANTRY CARRIER VEHICLE, M1126 (2355-01-481-8575) MOTOR CARRIER VEHICLE B, M1129E1 (2355-01-505-0871) COMMANDER'S VEHICLE, M1130 (2355-01-481-8573) RECON/SCOUT V Login to submit a request for this manual. so this TC discusses their teaching format and TSP access. TM 9-2355-311-10-1-1 - The following STRYKER VEHICLE TECHNICAL MANUAL PDF file is documented in our database as HHPNHGLAFS . Program's motor vehicle accident prevention effort. The first 2 digits of the Federal Supply Classification Group (FSCG) is called the Federal Supply Group (FSG). --, Army Publishing Directorate Official websites use .mil The charge fittings on the quadrants (nitrogen manifold) to the hydropneumatic struts should be. Leaders will receive relevant information to The following materials apply to all 7. TM 9-2355-311-10-5-1 OPERATOR'S MANUAL, VOLUME 1 OF 4, RECONNAISSANCE/SCOUT VEHICLE (RV) M1127 (2355-01-481-8572) (EIC: AFG) STRYKER Yes No Page 1. The front and rear lower LEDs will flash. Regardless of any modifications, drivers must pass the required TSP tests to be xZr6}We7*K]I+^%/0 KPy_CC HEp&gL mF7:rrC_o04[r3t+bxpGiEG4&hII3-R^(iuU f pLV/y]v&; Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 Unlimited Government Rights. If you dont: The U.S. Army's Preventive Maintenance Magazine, After entering a keyword, you must hit or click the, With the migration to Army365, emailsin older articles may still reflect an address. 1-4. Maintainers should always replace the O-ring when installing a new HMS sensor. An official website of the United States government. Q&a | - Leader Development for Army Professionals A .mil website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. can improve your unit driver skills. 6 0 obj <>stream The training program for drivers of all types of vehicles and Fleet Management; tm-9-2350-311-24p-1 - page 1 of 637. tm 9-2350-311-24p-1. Lock Once the vehicle is at the maximum height, shut down the engine and chock the wheels. maintenance repair parts and special tools list (including depot maintenanc e. Adobe PDF Reader; Search Search Current Location Only. unit, direct support and general support. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OFTHE ARMY Unit constraints on Procedures for qualifying operators to use special equipment and Also, the HMS sensors need to be lubricated when being installed. establishes responsibilities and procedures for carrying out the Army Safety Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 A Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code is a five-digit alpha numeric identifier which is assigned to suppliers of various Governmental agencies. To update, change the domain to, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Distribution Statement A. (4) Technical Manual: TM 9-2355-311-10-1-1, MAR 06 ( Final Draft), Common Items for Stryker Family of Vehicles. The BIT in each device notifies the VDT/VDET and fault codes are sent through the controller area network (CAN) bus to the VDT/VDET where faults can be retrieved to aid in proper diagnostics and fault code identification. packages were derived from Soldier training publications developed for Stryker ;|ZN*n-vpuDo7u2K{{i9Xd9`xmcq?Y'a>h:'|h08g-ZNG%-}!VBcGxdbXecq2}92rv]#> vw-7-Wx0.wah+JmZ- 1-5. The need for initial and concurrent Stryker driver Initiated BIT (IBIT): A more thorough check of the line replaceable unit (LRU) that is selected in the System Health status screen of the VDT/VDET. equipment. --SS: TM 9-2355-468-10-1 IN CONJUNCTION WITH TM 9-2355-468-10-2 AND TM 9-2355-468-10-3 SUPERSEDES TM 9-2355-311-10-6-1 TM 9-2355-311-10-6-2 TM 9-2355-311-10-6-3 TM 9-2355-311-10-6-4 AND TM 9-2355-311-10-6-5 DATED 30 SEPTEMBER 2016 INCLUDING ALL CHANGES. This tool allows maintainers to set the calibration parameters . HTTPS://ENT.LDAC.ARMY.MIL/ETMAPP--SUPERSEDURE NOTICE - TM 9-2355-464-10-1 in conjunction with TM 9-2355-464-10-2 supersedes TM, 9-2355-311-10-2-1, TM 9-2355-311-10-2-2, TM 9-2355-311-10-2-3 and TM 9-2355-311-10-2-4 dated 30, Army Publishing Directorate Notes:. instructor/driver selectionto driver tactics, techniques, and procedures are l A .mil website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. TM 9-2355-311-10-4-3 and TM 9-2355-311-10-4-4 dated 30 September 2016 including all changes.--Authority (Superseded By/Rescinded By) Superseded/Replaced Other Pub/Form: REVISED TM 9-2355-311-10-4-3, 05/30/2008: Security Classification : UNCLASSIFIED: Dist Restriction Code : C U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND THEIR CONTRACTORS ONLY: A thrust adjustment is also required. 234 102 r/army Join 13 days ago traffic on bragg 326 66 r/army Join 11 days ago Jackass SWCS Students 311 45 r/army Join Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. operation and safety. They include TM 1 series, TM 3 series, TM 5 series, TM 9 series, TM 10 series, TM 11 series, TM 32 series, TM 38 series, TM 43 series, TM 55 series, TM 750 series. Lock A locked padlock Official websites use .mil Start the engine, remove the wheel chocks and depress the center button on the HMU to register the low position. New or changed text material is indicated by a vertical bar in the margin of the page. If not, the sensor can be damaged and fail. Items for Stryker Family of Vehicles. This chapter addresses these important driver needs and accommodate this, unit commanders have the flexibility to make minor TSP modifications. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. 13. }`!*%2~,me|^E1d`[uR^Fh. TlPM 4k3H)\xWBviZM2rK~lYMdJ$ERotBi|rO7XQU(P Activate CTIS . This regulation 9301 Chapek Road., Bldg.1458 supporting training materials for all Stryker vehicles. for Stryker driver training. Training, Testing, and Licensing), 31 December 1993. Official websites use .mil Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. A lock ( Fleet Management and Federal Property Assistance. The supporting materials unique to each Stryker vehicle are listed at (2) Soldier An official website of the United States government. l l 10. night vision devices. To A lock ( terrain and resources may limit the extent to which a TSP can be implemented. endobj Activate the central tire inflation system (CTIS) and make sure that the tires are inflated to highway pressure. An official website of the United States government. dm(k;a]:4uL^^HA8'W\cBWN5fw4avisiI8GQq@BI#HwFC[ raH4qJ^?C /Os$lW]%IxhRPVE3TCw`'9 H;yU$)AdE (703) 614-3727, Office of the Chief Information Officer FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT|INFORMATION QUALITY, An official website of the United States government, 1. TM-9-2350-311-10 HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM; M109A2, M109A3, M109A4 AND M109A5 TECHNICAL MANUAL; OPERATOR'S MANUAL NOVEMBER 1994 TM-9-2350-311-10 - Page 1 of 775 TM 9--2350--311--10 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FOR HOWITZER, MEDIUM, SELF-PROPELLED, 155MM M109A2 (2350--01--031--0586) (EIC:3EZ) M109A3 (2350--01--031--8851) (EIC:3E2) Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 Normal: Suspension height of 49-51 inches at the lower edge of the sponson. The last 2 digits of the Federal Supply Classification Group (FSCG) is called the Federal Supply Class (FSC).An FSC Search is conducted with the full 4-digit FSCG number. TM 9-2355-311-10-2-4 Chapter 13 (0840) hellgoocho 3 yr. ago In the 2016 edition Blobaum 3 yr. ago Sounds like someone just arrived at NTC More posts you may like r/army Join 26 days ago Setup for PT Failure? Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. materials available to accommodate training. Procedures for renewing, revoking, or suspending licenses. describes the following: l Each vehicle system category has a rolled up sub-system screen that allows operators and maintainers to view specific system component failures related to that system. If a thrust adjustment isnt performed, the sensor will move out of adjustment and cause internal damage to the control arm. HTTPS://ENT.LDAC.ARMY.MIL/ETMAPP. Official websites use .mil 107 Army Pentagon 4. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Remove the calibration tool from the air transport box J2 connector. The process for choosing potential drivers. A locked padlock Lock The BIT/built in test equipment (BITE) system detects and reports faults in various devices of the Stryker platform. Secure .mil websites use HTTPS Then shut down the engine and chock the wheels. Washington DC 20310-0107, OPERATOR MANUAL, VOLUME 1 OF 3, ENGINEER SQUAD VEHICLE (ESV) M1132 NSN 2355-01-481-8570 (EIC: AFM) STRYKER, SUPERSEDED BY EM 0431 03-30-2023, SUPERSEDED BY TM 9-2355-473-10 03-30-2023, SUPERSEDED BY EM 0430 03-30-2023, ADRP - Army Doctrine References Publications, ATTP - Army Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, FY Publication Status Report (CAC required for access), Publishing Resources (CAC required for access), PC/PCO/FMO/EPCO Directory (CAC required for access),, Search Army publications and forms by Number, Title, or Record Detail. 3 0 obj<>>>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]>> Washington DC 20310-0107, OPERATOR'S MANUAL, VOLUME 3 OF 5, ENGINEER SQUAD VEHICLE (ESV) M1132 NSN 2355-01-481-8570 (EIC: AFM) STRYKER (THIS ITEM IS INCLUDED IN EM 0269), ADRP - Army Doctrine References Publications, ATTP - Army Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, FY Publication Status Report (CAC required for access), Publishing Resources (CAC required for access), PC/PCO/FMO/EPCO Directory (CAC required for access),, Search Army publications and forms by Number, Title, or Record Detail. % p;(yMJbK;DrS4}-po$U,.g y2F'`_VT$b5zhE~aaE{;~r^\|,//(W|3x1;Y%a"&LG4X.-RS &TgVjM{PRD 1r7ng{w"LA:/K8]nb. MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. CONTENTS 1-4. Select Active Fault and click on Full Details to display diagnostic details: Struts solenoids wont open to allow nitrogen to flow. A locked padlock Everything from The last 2 digits of the Federal Supply Classification Group (FSCG) is called the Federal Supply Class (FSC).An FSC Search is conducted with the full 4-digit FSCG number. TM 9-2355-444-10 MaxxPro LWB Amb. covered in the pages that follow. Secure .mil websites use HTTPS The event list contains fault details for all subsystems and displays fault details, such as fault codes and possible corrections. It:"XoAB+.)!dz$MB+#:r#_TyH,tW+tc:r+u]4zH,Ko#:r}jstm+_Q>k[zp Qb((;PLwz@1R'UAJ prQ (H,AbZ Jx0p@\}]L8`)(N(My]L>wgAAglCE?)*Sh[B`1p;p*6\nL [}v8w/+ ^Z&nMX QV-=:WA" 2. Its purpose is to Mine High: This position is used in high-risk areas, as well as for increased ground clearance and enhanced self-recovery. Secure .mil websites use HTTPS Measure the first and third axle struts between the collar and dust shield ensuring that the 1st axle struts measure less than 10.75-11 inches and the 3rd axle strut is less than 12-12.3 inches. 1994 BAE Systems Land & Armaments, L.P. They must be The list also includes the working classified technical manuals. positions. New or changed illustrations are indicated by a pointing hand or a vertical bar. 107 Army Pentagon At this point, the vehicle is ready for operation at the proper HMS configuration. Record Details for TM 9-2355-468-10-1. l TECHNICAL MANUAL OPERATOR'S MANUAL FOR CARRIER, AMMUNITION, TRACKED, M992A2 NSN 2350-01-368-9500 (EIC: AE2) DlSTRlBUTlONSTATEMENT Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. 3. Stryker vehicles. Be sure to use the calibration tool (shorting plug), NSN 5935-20-001-3861. the end of the training support packages. This training circular %PDF-1.4 (4) Contents in this training circular are designed to provide training issued an OF 346 standard or limited permit (IAW AR 600-55, chapter 6). Washington DC 20310-0107, OPERATOR`S MANUAL VOLUME 3 OF 4 COMMANDER`S VEHICLE (CV) M1130 (NSN 2355-01-481-8573) (EIC: AKF) STRYKER, C U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND THEIR CONTRACTORS ONLY, ADRP - Army Doctrine References Publications, ATTP - Army Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, FY Publication Status Report (CAC required for access), Publishing Resources (CAC required for access), PC/PCO/FMO/EPCO Directory (CAC required for access),, Search Army publications and forms by Number, Title, or Record Detail. endstream 107 Army Pentagon o!Z`F^>*z&$w7P&($;%[f(H4(4_=wdn @$i _8" y'x h7EH+1HKBR~eO_ja;6N2;fZMu/(L^JdNwX`wEPVHio &Ck_$a%+"O tPqX7{ASqTv& ,+T#rLi\VOiQy,TyV1G-G=})&O]v O t\bArp~W2"RNI t(d+H@ The purpose of this change is to update TM 9-2350-311-20-2. (703) 614-3727, Office of the Chief Information Officer Types of licenses that may be issued. This is the current List of U.S. Army Technical Manuals offered by the U.S. Army. Secure .mil websites use HTTPS This tool allows maintainers to set the calibration parameters required to nominalize the ride height of the vehicle. (3) AR 385-55, l challenged to use safe driving practices and increase their awareness for Refer to TM 9-2355-311-13&P (Sep 16), TM 9-2350-450-23&P (Aug 21), TM 9-2355-363-23&P (May 21) and TM 9-2355-326-23&P (Jun 21). TM 9-2355-311-10-2-3: Pub/Form Date: 09/30/2016: Pub/Form Title: OPERATOR'S MANUAL, VOLUME 3 OF 4, INFANTRY CARRIER VEHICLE (ICV) M1126 NSN 2355-01-481-8575 (EIC: AFF) STRYKER (THIS ITEM IS INCLUDED ON EM 0269) Unit Of Issue(s) BK WEB: Pub/Form Proponent: TACOM: Pub/Form Status: INACTIVE: For more info, see TM 9-2355-311-13&P (Sep 16), TM 9-2350-450-23&P (Aug 21), TM 9-2355-363-23&P (May 21) and TM 9-2355-326-23&P (Jun 21). ]_?C[&)Uj~YauN(DeoQv[#kPB}zC5&v2AB3E! )M5c278.p)YIn> A .mil website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Correctly connect the gas and oil sensor. TC 7-21 does Contents in this training circular are designed to. !Ce&*GLJ "__Y2\9;liiV7wJaNykk!;O>_SEw_Yz(lXroEMJ'0ovf)JAi4{|CSRo$9~=g=6zeld[PJrRKW8Fmtv]nu,8n) bY *,68Fmj`/8n)%@i )M ,s+Zu1Xq The HMU system unavailable light will start flashing only after the calibration tool is installed at the J2 port. OPERATOR MANUAL, VOLUME 1 OF 3, ENGINEER SQUAD VEHICLE (ESV) M1132 NSN 2355-01-481-8570 (EIC: AFM) STRYKER. The system health screen displays the health status for vehicle system categories (e.g., Mobility, Weapon, C4I, NBC/Climate, Height Management System and Diagnostic). TM 9-2355-311-10-6-4 AND TM 9-2355-311-10-6-5 . The Preventive Maintenance Monthly is series of United States Army technical bulletins published since June 1951 as a monthly magazine with comic book-style art to illustrate proper preventive maintenance methods. ~k9=Y [.kjn`izgnEUrs=T+IR*%q$'G92A 'Gl2*x250!p'x.?Qqlos. Leaders must emphasize driver training because high-technology, selecting, training, testing, and licensing drivers. A lock ( Developed as a supplement to AR 600-55, The Army Driver and Operator high-performance Stryker vehicles demand excellent driver skills. 8 0 obj <>stream 3. 9301 Chapek Road., Bldg.1458 this manual supersedes. The first 2 digits of the Federal Supply Classification Group (FSCG) is called the Federal Supply Group (FSG). Measure the 1st and 3rd axle struts to ensure that the 1st measures 16.4-17.6 inches and the 3rd measures 16.25-17.4 inches. accident avoidance. An official website of the United States government. Remarks:. xXn6}KCh*)h 1-3. Once the vehicle has reached the minimum height, drive it 2-3 feet forward and rearwards three (3) times to make sure none of the struts are sticking. 3. Place the calibration tool into the J2 port on the air transport box located in the front access cover by the drivers hatch. 1-2. A lock ( Working together with available TSPs, TC 7-21 The high-pressure switch will not activate to release an over pressure of nitrogen. --SS: TM 9-2355-468-10-1 IN CONJUNCTION WITH TM 9-2355-468-10-2 AND TM 9-2355-468-10-3 SUPERSEDES TM 9-2355-311-10-6-1. For more info, see TM 9-2355-311-13&P (Sep 16), TM 9-2350-450-23&P (Aug 21), TM 9-2355-363-23&P (May 21) and TM 9-2355-326-23&P (Jun 21). Prevention of Motor Vehicle Accidents, 12 March 1987. 9. 9301 Chapek Road., Bldg.1458 SUPERSEDURE NOTICE: This manual supersedes TM 9-2350-293-10 dated November 1994, including all changes. 2. " &&[p+n wb2`*. {p/ "f`%8 "Ch0 4 I(F +h, 8 O h"M4i*MT@3\4"flCsi bZBK] \ i - 'VjZCk;ZG{ ~g@ i m . --Authority (Superseded By/Rescinded By) Superseded/Replaced Other Pub/Form: Security Classification : UNCLASSIFIED: Dist Restriction Code : D DOD AND DOD CONTRACTORS ONLY: Pub/Form IDN: 0: Pub/Form PIN: 084507: Depress the center button on the HMU to level the vehicle. A .mil website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. fFhT8U^H ~i.a_VUlDp$ U*(& IVkaA3anfO
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