Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I have no problem with someone being 9ft if thats what the Scripture says, but the evidence seems to favor the reading of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Septuagint. Semyaza, Shemyaza, Semjaza, Semiaza, Samyaza, Shemhazai. Those look to be defenses akin to Giants. Given that the common height of an ancient Israelite was somewhere between 5 feet and 5 feet 3 inches, this could make the common cubit somewhere between 16-17 inches. Although I have always been inclined toward the reading of the MT, as noted above, I must admit that Hays presents some strong arguments. Great, you might say, what exactly is a cubit? A cubit is the distance between the elbow and the tip of the middle finger, or roughly, 18 inches. 20:5 is not a late product manufactured to ease the contradiction in 2 Sam. Hi Marla, To summarize, we have seen that Goliaths height depends on the size of both the cubit and the span, and which reading of the text is the most reliable. 3:1-11). God bless, I would recommend going back in time and finding the actual truth, once and for all. Which is interesting because its the length of the Ark. They are present in movies, series, books and comic books. 1. They are Giants! David said he killed a bear so that God would deliver this uncircumcised philistine into his hand. However that Anakim were descendants of Nephilim and that Nephilim were usually tall (and that Nephilim existed post-flood in the first place, for that matter) all comes from one single verse: an evil report (Num 13, see vss. Check out the work of David Rohl. Also they are hard to be understood, because their body language is different from ours. 2. If your reference is regarding Firths point. i dont care when in history a human was born 6ft. The human body has no trouble in the 7 foot height area, its only the 8 foot range where it starts struggling, because its reaching its limits. Let me make a few points: God bless! In the Book of Enoch it speaks to 450 tall. Michael Heiser in his book, The UnSeen Realm, points out that Ogs bed size may actually be a reference to the Babylonian god Marduk whose bed was described by these same dimensions. Well heres the thing. How tall were the biblical giants? Comparative height chart I would agree that it seems we are trying to rationalize what we do not want to believe here with the 6ft. How do you expect a guy who cant hardly walk to be a soldier? Today someone who is 6 feet or taller is a common occurrence, but remember, most people in the ancient world were nearly 9 inches to 1 foot smaller. The word for cubit in verse 4 and hundredin verse 7 look very similar in Hebrew. Thanks again for writing. The bigger a person becomes, the harder it is on their organs. Our English Bibles traditionally follow the reading of the Hebrew manuscripts known as the Masoretic text (MT). According to Travis Sanders, many Nephilim look just like us, and they often dont even know what they really are. Thanks for your comment and question. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The name Jaare-Oregim is incorrect and the Oregim has been accidentally copied from the statement of the weavers beam later in the verse. Goliath my not have been 30 ft tall but he was definitely the normal size of a man. God bless. They are also evil, blood thirsty monsters. Four Theories - I would date the final form of Samuel to the exile. Maybe the four cubits could be the measurements taken from Goliaths dead body. It should be pointed out, however, that this explanation is not necessarily an objective point of view whereas other explanations are based on preconceived ideas. I appreciate your thoughtful response. God bless! Are there descendants of the Nephilim in the world today? Thanks for your comment. Being unnatural creatures, their souls had no place to rest in peace. It makes more sense if they updated and not changed the cubits. There are theories that claim that Og was buried at Gilgal Refaim, Landa said. It might be interesting to note that one of Davids men killed as the scriptures say 2 lion of men and a lion in a snow storm then mention the killing of an Egyptian 5 cubits in height. Whether this is the correct explanation or not, I cant say for sure, but my point is that there are other explanations for the size of Ogs bed and the reference may not be to his stature. If one could go back in time by looking at the footprints that are imprinted in the ground you would be able to determine the actual height and weight of some of these prehistoric giants. It would be akin today to saying that the only people who live in New York City are Americans, or the only people living in London are English. Since we are only given the height of Goliath (and as this article points out, there are two different recordings of his height), it is not possible to know if he was the tallest or if someone else was taller. The name Jaare-Oregim is incorrect and the Oregim has been accidentally copied from the statement of the weavers beam later in the verse. I appreciate it! The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. Sometimes the MT is the superior reading and sometimes the LXX is. Its unfortunate that though you dont know me you consider that I dont believe the biblical text. I wish we could go back in time and see these things Arian! However, this sounds more like some of the conspiracy theories you read on the web. Ancient Roman Giant FoundOldest Complete Skeleton With I dont have an answer to your question (its a good one!) The skull, which is 23cm long and more than 15cm wide, is substantially larger than a modern humans and has ample room, at 1,420ml, for a modern human And why 5 smooth stones and not 4 if Goliath has 3 other brothers and not 4? Maybe the later manuscripts had to update a change in cubit length? We have to add the word roughly because, quite obviously, the length from one persons elbow to the tip of their middle finger may be shorter or longer than that of someone else. 5 total brothers as David knew when he killed Goliath that Goliaths brothers would come after him. Second, it is important to examine the textual evidence for each reading. This could mean he was extremely tall but there is also another explanation for it which I have mentioned already in the comment section here. If you check the Hebrew text, Goliath is never referred to as a giant. The fact that 4QSam(a) is earlier than the MT and that it, and Chronicles, and the LXX, always agree with each other whenever there is a variant is compelling. At its center is a mound of loose stones over 65 feet in diameter and over 16 feet tall, covering a central chamber carved into solid rock. Also, if Saul was a head taller than the other Israelites, and if Goliath was only 6.5 feet, that would put Saul at around 6 feet. Furthermore, Josephus, living in the first century AD is also a witness to the reading 4 cubits and a span.. I am willing to bet the evidence for this wont be there. This reference is to Goliath and here he is associated with the Rephaim, who were also considered to be descendants of the Nephilim. by manipulating the text to falsely state that Elhanan did not kill Goliath but his brother Lahmi. I dont know about the discovery of people in the 7ft+ range in the US, but no such discoveries have been made in the Middle East to this point. By the time David was born, there were no more giants, descendants of giants who were less than 10 feet tall, as well as tall men were around however. So.. However, if we adjust the size of the cubit and span to what would be more likely for an ancient Israelite, then, according to Billing, 16.5 inches would be a reasonable cubit and 7.5 inches would equal a span. It is also amazing to me that the basic reading at any level of understanding leads us to Gods central message to His people, difficult differences in culture notwithstanding. They might give more insights into the discussed height of Goliath. Since the Israelites didnt refer to their appx. Remember that the early church used the LXX. David was not looking at the height of Goliath, he was looking at the size of his God. It makes sense to start in Israel where the story of the Nephilim began, Landa emphasized. On this particular passage, however, bible scholar, J. Daniel Hays argues in a very convincing way for the reading found in one of the Dead Sea Scrolls (4QSam[a]) and the Septuagint (LXX). Finally, in spite of all of the fantastic (trick) photography on the internet, no remains of people who were 9-10 feet tall have ever been found in the Middle East. It is no doubt a very reliable tradition of the text so thats one reason. 1. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Here, this is the best list I could find: 1. Thanks, Randy. The things you site in your comments (Wall of China, South America, etc) are not evidence for people of that height. Thats whats going to happen in the future when someone digs up former NBA players in 100 years! From the ground, it appears as random piles of rocks. Therefore, there is a high chance that youve already met a nephilim in person. plus is not a giant. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Nephilim, the original giants that could reach the size or almost the size of skyscrapers (which isnt unbelievable when you look at how high planes can go before air becomes a bother). The description of his tall stature certainly suggests a connection with the descendants of the Nephilim. One of the points of the story is that Saul was the tallest of Israel and he should have faced Goliath, but he was controlled by fear rather than by faith. . My figures are based upon what other scholars have said. As a result, I find myself partial to the MT. Actually, if you look at Goliath and the Philistine background, they are not descendants of the Nephilim. Being a veteran myself, I cant imagine being scared enough of a man only 1.5 taller than I am(63) that i wouldnt fight him. However, the phrase the giant is used several times in 2 Samuel 21 in referring to Goliath and his sons. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. . Each one is said to be related to the giant (the word is rapha which is the singular of Rephaim).

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