He has said we dont know why God decided not to give women the priesthood but that we shouldnt engage in old fashioned rationalizations justifying it. Ill never not think of that now. The Salt Lake Tribune, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity and contributions are tax The patriarchy didnt come from God. LDS Church changes policy about civil ceremonies and temple sealings, making way for more family members to be part of weddings . Somehow I think maybe I knew these things about D&C 132 already but I couldnt connect them in my consciousness. I get that even small changes are difficult for members to adjust to. . I actually spend all kinds of time doing all kinds of great things in my area. By the way, many of us (myself included) have in fact spent a lot of time in other countries wheee temple attendance is more difficult. I propose a correction. A Big problem. This is also an excellent series on polygamy: http://www.thefaithfulfeminists.com/2021/11/polygamy-in-pieces-part-one-timeline.html. LDS Endowment If everything in the temple werent so very rigid and formalized, this isnt the sort of change that youd even notice. But there. Do these changes retroactively apply? The church wants women to believe women are equal, but I dont think the church or church leaders believe it or even want to believe it. It also creates a two-tiered membership for those who can and cannot or dont want to attend for whatever reason. No longer interested. I look forward to attending and seeing how they did with that. Eve, for example, has a new line in which she talks about the blessings Latter-day Saints will receive if they are obedient. The murders were all based on descriptions in Masonic rituals. They are a vigorous exercise for the mind and spirit. Obfuscating this is worse than redressing it, and expresses that who ever is in charge of temple changes either doesnt fully understand it, or is manipulating it. They really believed polygamy was a necessary part of salvation. 5 intriguing changes to early Church handbooks. Read about the dedication at Church News. And the third is assuring that the efforts [and] activities of the Choir align with the mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As a wife and a mother of 5 sons I find your comments about men to be denigrating to both men and women. I stood in a prayer circle with sister missionaries a couple of times and no one said boo about it. The Assembly Hall, Tabernacle, Family History Library, and Church History Library also began reopening this summer in July, followed by the Beehive House and Church History Museum in August.Read about the announcement on Newsroom. Because of the eternal nature of the temple and the work that takes place there, it has been decided that time-only marriages in the temple will no longer be performed. Maybe. @Travis Im surprised that you dont see any connection to Masonry and the Temple endowment. They will no longer feel like Gods favorite. Originally planned to have a final run in 2021, the Hill Cumorah Pageant was canceled due to the pandemic. Some things go without saying. We do not obey covenant. I figured there had to be more symbolism and meaning that I was missing, so I persisted, waiting for greater light and knowledge. The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released the following statement on Monday, July 20, 2020, about the changes to the temple endowment ceremony: The sacred teachings, promises, and ceremonies of the temple are of ancient origin, and point God's children to Him as they make further covenants and learn more . Those are the three categories that I have in my mind right now, Leavitt told LDS Living in an interview. I renewed my TR last year only so that I could attend a family wedding and felt totally coerced and manipulated by the questions because it was almost impossible for me to answer them honestly. The Creation Room room in the Idaho Falls Temple. For the Strength of Youth conferences were postponed during the pandemic but will begin again in 2022 and 2023. Heres a look at some of the announcements and other events that have taken place in the Church over the past 12 months. Primary General President Joy D. Jones also shared a message of love and encouraged Primary children to serve others. More to be done: The most problematic parts of the endowment presentation are (1) the conceptual metaphor used for covenant, and (2) the satanic green fig leaf apron that is worn throughout. It seems like it took so long, two hours plus. Should shave off a minute or two from the endowment. You dont physically touch anyone until you cross the veil (probably a covid change). And Carol Lynn Pearsons book goes into the problems with current spiritual polygamy practices: I also loved Jennifer Finlayson-Fife LDS marriage & family therapist thoughts on polygamy: https://finlayson-fife.com/blog/post/jennifers-thoughts-polygamy. These volunteer advisers give training for local leaders of Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary outside of the US and Canada. Dont we have a Father who knows us as individuals? Check out Viewpoint on Mormonism's 10-part series on the temple that originally aired from July 26-30, 2021: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Participation in what is called the temple "endowment" ceremony is an important facet of the LDS faith since it is in this ritual where Mormons learn secret "key words," "signs" and "tokens" that . Im also interested in how strongly we can disagree about issues relating to the temple and dont want to have strong feelings about that. And mimicking slitting my throat and disemboweling myself, this is worse than creepy. I actually have positive feelings about polygamy myself. Traveler, Anddenex, zil2 and 2 others. If you are dissatisfied with your temple experience, do these changes move the needle for you? For me personally, however, the greatest evidence that Joseph was tuned into the ancient Israelite temple, is his tactful coordination of the first temple ordinances, directly with the Hebrew calendar and the ancient Israelite Festivals (King, Calendar, and Covenant: Joseph Smith, Restored Temple Ordinances, and Israelite Temple Festivals https://academia.edu/resource/work/94819636). Present the basis of your statements. Elisa, Read more about the notice at Church News. But it remains their choice, not ours. Thats really odd to me. Im left with too many questions. Promising to obey my husband doesnt match my values. Just one month later, he announced the Ephraim Utah Temple. For many of us, not feeling free to talk about these things for so long (I even felt weird about writing this post, even though I think thats totally irrational) has been damaging and its so nice for that burden to be lifted. But as this is listed as a new change, I dont know what it refers to. Your sexism across multiple threads is extremely disturbing, disgusting, and out of place. Lawyer. The hoped for light and knowledge, even after hundreds of sessions and effort on my part, never really came. That is their right in the hierarchy of the church. . A example of this is there are five pointed stars adorning the temples, and under certain circumstances, some people see the five pointed star as a symbol of Satan. But even as heretical as I am I dont think that would go over well right now. I had initially thought some changes were designed to shorten the ceremony to encourage more people to comeif my stake and regional communications are any indication, I think temple attendance is still way down and nowhere near pre-pandemic levelsbut apparently thats not the case as some are reporting it is now 13 minutes longer. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online, First Presidency Letter: Adjustments in Temple Ceremonial Clothing. Omission: no reply to specific questions directly addressed to your claims. Taking that part out may have made it more comfortable, but it also made it sterile. This so-called covenant, which obligates the ego to obey obedience, is a neurocognitive construct for mind-washing. The First Presidency approved a new position, international area organization adviser, in March 2021. Why do you think they were not made in 2019? The initiatory consists of four main components: washing, anointing, clothing, and finally, naming. Like several of you commenting, I was a dedicated temple-goer for several decades, attending on average once a month. Even if youre right and its all of the ordinances, the reality is still that the promises given to men and women in the temple are not the same. In the past, there was a point in the ceremony when anyone not willing to make those covenants was invited to leave (though I have never seen anyone in the temple actually depart at that point). John and Mary Douglas came to Utah in the Martin hand cart company. If more women than men went up, another man was invited or a male temple worker was found. If you can point out somewhere in that section (or any other) where the two are equated, Im more than happy to listen, but I just read it again and still dont see it. We would do better to align our concept of covenant with Judaism, not Protestantism. Which make symbols a BAD way to teach religious principle unless those symbols are explained. And in so doing she received knowledge that she was not able to live up toknowledge having to do with the mystery of Godliness (IMO). It says a person who dislikes despises or is strongly prejudiced against men. Photo by Ravell Call, Deseret News. I applaud the changes and know they personally helped me gain a better understanding of the purpose of life and the plan for us to be able to return to the presence of the Father. And to pollinate, a wasp enters the fruit, loosing its heavenly wings upon entrance and unable to escape: the wasps dead body pollinates the flower inside the fruit. Thats great that you feel like you have everything you need based on your baptism. Also, I dont think its improper for a covenant to require the reception of ordinances in order to live up to it. I am deeply relieved it is gone. Ive very happy with it, despite ongoing questions. Boredom has been another top issue that I have with the temple. These safety protocols are temporary, based on COVID-19 conditions, and will be rescinded as soon as circumstances permit, a letter from the First Presidency reads. The point is that he felt that in the few years he had been a member of the Church, every General Conference address about men had focused on their depravity and need to repent; while every address about women had focus on our spirituality and eternal value. It appears that Leah Remini has written a book and produced a show on leaving Scientology. Kabbalah has a longer history and claims a more exclusive mystery than the commonplace fraternal order of freemasonry. I felt really bad, but better they know before they are there. I remember the change to hearken from obey. I like Jesus, so why not have more of him on screen? I welcome these changes and look forward to more. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Danielle is a features writer and editor for, Enter your email to receive updates on our LDS Living content, 2022 LDS Living A Division of Deseret Book Company, No more bathing caps? And one more thing: Exchanging money transaction in the temple (renting clothes) is a mockery and a contamination of the sacred space, full stop. Our church leaders clearly intend that or they would not refer to the new & everlasting covenant. It was not a comfortable experience. The many complaints, comments, feedback received, combined with dwindling attendance and availability of ordinance workers. My interviewees said there were several points when the script reminded people that the temple endowment is symbolic and mentioned how those symbols pointed to Jesus Christ. Learn more about senior service missionary opportunities at Newsroom. That they perform ordinances. At least one of the coupleeither the bride or groomis a member of the Church. God decides to send his son. This couple represents each of you as if you were at the altar . Thank you for posting this link. There is no textual basis for applying it to monogamous marriage. I went through the temple first in 1988 before my mission and then again when I married in 1991. Wouldnt he be kinda pissed we didnt feed, clothe, and house people instead? Angela, Ive been in three sessions in my years where I was paired up with a man because there werent enough women. I agree. News of the changes in the ceremony was pick up by wire services and received nationwide coverage including a front page story in the New York Times, comments by Paul Harvey, and a report in Time magazine. If you are going to look at roles, you might consider Eves position of questioning and considering on her own, rather than obeying, and then exercising her own spiritual authority to disobey God, and then to lead Adam to follow after her.

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