So before I carry on, is there any way to identify if the arch on my lower back is caused by a pelvic tilt or if its just hyper-lordosis? Thanks for being so prompt in answering my question. Over the last year, Ive lost 50lbs and for the first time am having lower back/hip/tail bone pain. I hope you can give me some advice! As in first fix my hunchback or APT. I do not providemedical advice. You can even choose to focus just on the exercises that you feel give you most benefit. Pain can also refer to the tail bone from the lower lumbar spine joints. Hi! Your posts were incredibly helpful. I will try it at home. and this one: Hunch back posture I sit all day for work and also on the way to and back from work for hours. From here increase/decrease intensity as appropriate. Anterior pelvic tilt refers specifically to the forward tilt of the pelvis. Its pretty severe my family noticed as well. If the mattress is too firm, there is no support for your curves. How do i fix this? Then what you can do is try lifting your knees toward your chest. Your post for hyperlordosis suggests to stretch the hip flexors where for sway back it says to not my psoas does get quite tight what would u recommend here for sway back it also says tight abs ? Do you have an excessive arch in your back whilst lying flat on your back? Im thinking thats a large cause for my hyperloidosis. A lateral view of your Lumbar spine via X-ray scan can be used to determine if you have an arched lower back. Proceed to cover all the muscles for at least. Now, I have bulked up, but still remain in my normal weight. WebTo do the single leg lowers, engage your abs with the basic pelvic tilt and raise both legs straight up toward the ceiling. Also, check to see if you have a corresponding rib flare. The dead bug exercise is great for this! I gained excessive weight because of chronic medication (sodium valproate) and yes, it kept getting worse. Even as a toddler I couldnt force his legs, (or my own back in childhood) into a wider circle where his feet were together. To maintain the head in an up right position, the body will compensate by over arching the lower back. And how long before you would notice results?? Hi , Whenever I do anything. Thanks again. The band of my under wear is uneven the back part of the band is higher than the front of the waist. Extend your leg backwards until you feel your gluteal muscles contract firmly. Is it better to sleep on a medium-firm mattress? Some people can fix it straight away by just engaging the right muscle, whereas otherwise who have a lot tightness, they can take more than 3 months. Its quite hard to say how long it is going to take. Ive found the first one in your Is sitting destroying your butt muscles? article, tried it out and felt the pain mainly in the upper part of the back leg, including the hip. I drag my feet and walk duck footed (feet pointing to the outside.) I lost 24,5kg. 1. Have been experiencing a sore kind of pain on my lower back recently and i can say that I might have lordosis due to the archs. Because my back hurts when I reach, or bend slightly forward. Im so happy that i have found your provide much needed help for people , including myself thanks alot! (Target muscles: Erector Spinae, Quadratus Lumborum) The podiatrist found my feet contributed to some walking patterns which she thinks put extra wear on my lumbar spine. I think it would be best for us to call a chiropractic service for help. The only issue I have with them is if people become too reliant on it! Also the Flat Feet started to bother me in the past two years and I moved to Orthotics, I did not try all the exercises that are on the site on the flat feet before (I tried the stretching exercises of the toes but it did not help so much). Because the pain is so severe I am being referred for fibromyalgia and costocondritis, and also for a neck MRI. Thanks a lot. Lets keep in touch! Do you happen to have thoracic hyperkyphosis as well? I cant sleep on my back, so I usually sleep on my front or on my sides or sometimes In a fetal-like position and my neck is always so far forward. (See below) Hi Mark, This post here may be a good starting point for your neck. Judging by what Ive seen on your site, I probably have: *Swayback or anterior pelvic tilt and/or hyperlordosis, *and probably a light form of scoliosis and some feet problems. Note: Im not saying to completely avoid doing them altogether. (on your back). A bit before 2 years ago, I dislocated my shoulder (it healed great), but something that will have relevance in a bit was in the ER x-ray they saw two small slivers of bone from my shoulder that were sheared I guess but they said they were far too small, in no dangerous position, etc so no worries. Thank you Mark! Ive been doing the exercises youve recommended for APT, I seemed to fit the description when I checked a photo of myself. As everyone is at different strength levels, I have included 3 variations of the Dead Bug exercise for you to try. Also, how do you deal with Hunchback, Arched Back, and maybe even Head-Forward posture all at the same time? My posture has gotten worse over the years from working on the computer. But I would consider the exercises for thoracic kyphosis and forward head posture. Itll be a long lasting fix if you can make sure that you maintain the neutral lumbar position in the things that you do everyday. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. What do I have, do i have everything? Back to Dashboard Provide exceptional care with our new It is important to know the point (red line) of where the most hyper extension occurs in the lumbar spine. Butterfly I am going to do your exercises, but the bridge exercise hurts me too much so I cant do that one. Depending on the level of curve, improving this may allow you to gain couple of cm in height. I did exercises and did well for 2 weeks (without bridge) , but when I decided to start doing bridge exercise , 2 days and something wrong happened, my back returns to arch, and the muscles on either side of the lumbar spine becomes prominent and significantly firm to touch.. Now, I stopped exercising and didnt know what to do. Whilst keeping one knee bent towards your chest, slowly lower the other legtowards the ground. are these lifelong moves that we have to keep doing because of our hyperlordosis? Is it safe to do these exercises to fix my posture? Pics are good too as it shows you exactly Completely relax your legs and allow them to dangle. If you lose more weight, this can reduce this said tension on the lower back. But it doesnt look that good to have my stomach going out like this, in fact I find it quite ugly, I hope to get to fix this someday. How do you know if you have Hyperlordosis? And how many times do you suggest to do these exercise a day, Hi Mark I did forget to mention that I also have lower rib flare. This really helped. Take a deep breath in through your nose and slowly exhale. How to fix a curved upper back, 4. I got APT + Kyphosis + Hyperlordosis. When I sit most of the time my back is straight. When I sit down it feels like I have to sacrifice a different limb every time to survive the day. Im not sure how to include the photo here. Thank you in advance for any advice you can offer. 4. Im very skinny but my stomach pops out and I hate it. So addressing one will help address the other! What do you think its the best position to do so without hurting my back? It varies so much from person to person. Lie on your back with your knee and hip bent at 90 degrees. But in your article, you wrote that back bend poses are not allowed. Noinformation on this channel is intended to be a substitute forprofessional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. My husband has had hyperlordosis forever. The exercises might help with reducing the hyperlordosis, however, it also sounds like you would have to address the pelvis/hip femur complex as well. I dont feel I have Hyperlordosis though I may be the opposite. If you are indeed tight, you may need to stretch one side of the back at a time. I do sit all day at a computer at work but dont seem to have an issue there as far as pain. Several people asked me to do a video on how to control anterior pelvic tilt while walking. Thanks again. This blog post will specifically address the following 7 causes of an arched back (Hyperlordosis). It was suggested by a personal trainer. BEST LUXURY HYBRID Bear Elite Hybrid. I have got really tight quads which have become better by some stretching exercises. Either way, Ive been a commercial cleaner all my life and I dont want to stop because of my tilted pelvis which is really bringing me down. my daughter is 12 and has this, she is very self conscience about it and embarrassed about it because it makes her stomach protrude more than others. Thank you for such a great resource. You cant lengthen them thru stretching, can you? If I do these exercises everyday, how long does it usually take to fix Hyperlordosis? hips, thoracic spine), Hi Mark I have scoliosis is it natural to have lordosis with it or I have another problem too?Thanks. As a result, your body may compensation by bending. Make sure you have a look at anterior pelvic tilt and sway back posture to see if you have them as they may be contributing to your hyperlordosis. All the doctors said that I cant fix them anymore Also could the squatting cause any potential problems? I am twelve now but I was wandering if maybe there was a simpler way. Or if I rotate my back and hips. I fell like Im missing something (see below). Everything should be gentle and pain -free. Ill lean over to wash my face in the morning and have severe pain/spasm if Im not careful. I would just pick 1 area to begin with and see how you go with that. Most of the time it is just tightness and/or lack of control of the region. Is there a way you can suggest to make her focus on fixing her arch during he school day. Try sleeping on your side, or on your back with your knees bent. This is laying straight on the floor tailbone done arms up legs pointing. Whenever I sleep on my side, or do planks or the cat pose, my stomach protrudes ( like it inflates like a balloon) How do I walk without having this posture? You are now viewing our public site. 3. Ive been to personal trainers, and they just kind of shake their heads and modify exercises like squats for me. Hi Mark, Congrats on tackling this early , I hope you had good results I only started 2 years days ago 26 y. When you find a point of tension, hold still for 30 seconds up to 2 minutes. And the only thing that helps is if I lay down. So Im focusing on fixing the APT but it takes so long! But in one of the exercises in the hunchback page (It involves hyper extension in the Lumbar Spine.). I have been experiencing back and neck pain and most sites say the fix for that is good posture but can you accomplish that with congenital hyperlordosis? It is common to have a hyperlordosis in STANDING, but a rounded lower back in SITTING. 3) He examined my feet and said he was referring my to a podiatrist, and ordering full view x-rays of my lumbar spine and knees, and lower legs. Find the link to the image above,I am not sure what it is called but when I lie supine on the floor and try to raise single leg while other leg is straight with knee extended on the floor , Following things happen: b) Knee of the raised leg starts to bend automatically. I have a stretch routine I do nightly before bed, but I often wake up in the same amount of pain. Slowly lower the opposite arm and leg towards the ground. Contact me and I will explain it to you. (Eg. Hi Mark, I want to be that consistent but must admit its a huge challenge. Aim to feel the contraction in the middle to upper spine. My chest and neck muscles also hurt and my arms get very weak. Yes it is possible to regain your normal lumbar curve with the exercises if the muscles mentioned in the blog posts are causing your hyperlordosis. Get a good assessment and some great exercises for the Hyperlordosis. Lumbar Spine erectors) will tend to compensate for weak glute muscles. Thank you! I hought sway back, hyper lordosis and anterior pelvic tilt are all the same thing. Return to the starting position to complete the anterior pelvic tilt portion of the exercise. bird dog I hope you can give me some advice. These exercises would be a good starting point. Hi Mark, Hi Mark, I realize this post is quite old so I hope you still check comments. If so, I recommend sleeping on your back with a pillow underneath your knees. Lie face down and position your foam roller under your quad muscles. Ive looked on the internet and cannot find much of anything about it. He also was getting the x-ray of my shoulder, and from a few years back I fell and my family was panicked so I let them do a CT scan which got my cervical spine so he wanted that as well. And great way of explaining with pictures! Do you suggest to do these exercises once everyday? Thanks for making it so clear! For more exercises like this: Spinal Decompression. If you do not have APT but have a hyperlordosis, then there must be something going on with your upper spine too. The following breathing exercise is designed to encourage the engagement of the main breathing muscle (called the Diaphragm) by lowering the position of the ribs. I tried talking to my doctor about the subject but I think he didnt take my question seriously. Every day is awesome if your body can tolerate it! I too have an S shaped body. Should I perform all the activities mentioned everyday or perform 3 days for shoulder and 3 days lower back? , the abdominal stretch,you r arching your back to feel a stretch in the abdominals. I have bad lordosis, i can fit my hand and arm all the way through, when standing flat against a wall head, butt, heels. I am 40 and have a hollow back and slightly hunched shoulders. Starting from the bottom of your spine, gradually round your lumbar spine one level a time. Your first step would be try to reduce it so that you can start to do more exercises to help fix your issues. Is this what you have? Sometimes God knows why my abdominals hurt a little bit. I cant stand for more than an hour or sit for to long because my back will hurt. Im hoping that I will still see results though. 330 lb deadlifts just wont be reversed by holding legs 90 laying flat. Aim to feel a stretch in the front of the hip of the back leg. But I would keep eye on the new symptom in your tailbone region. Where as, Hyperlordosis refers to the excessive arch of the lumbar spine. I have quite a pronounced arch so Im hyoerlordotic with sway back 6 months ago I decided to change my lifestyle and eating habits. Just be careful! Any other way of identifying if it is fused or not? Inhale Thank you! Is the only thing I can think of. Thanks in advance, Milica. As the upper back curves forwards, the head is oriented downwards. I do yoga at least once a week, walk and/or elliptical at least twice a week and usually dont have problems but if I go on a trip to say New York and walk all day and stand waiting on the wife to finish shopping I find my back starting to spasm to the point I almost cannot walk. I love that yoga pose. An anterior pelvic tilt specifically refers to the position of the pelvis. Hi is it possibly for lordosis to put too much stress on rhectus abdominal muscle size? Health practicioners in my country would not adress it until it caused severe problems either way. I have the perfect post for your X leg shape! I have been reading several of your posts and wondering if you have any knowledge of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome? I wanted to ask, how to tell the difference between APT and hyperlordosis? To correct the forward-bending pattern, the patient was taught how to bend forward while using a hip-hinge strategy. (I am sorry if you have already answered this question on some other comment, but I gave a quick go through and wasnt able to find). It can result in an excessive amount of compression in the muscles and joints in the Lumbar spine. Thank you for your reply and advice! Place both palms on the floor in front of you. Hopefully you can point me in the right direction do my back can stop hurting & I can help my abdominal muscle separation. The amount that is shortens you by it related to the amount of curve in your spine. What should I start correcting first? Should you stretch the hip flexors if you also have the sway back posture? Thanks so much for the great help. I have been studying this online for some time because I have hyperlordosis myself and I was born with it. BEST FIRM OPTION Plank LUXE. (There is time and place for these exercises.) The content presented on this blog post is not medical advice and should not be treated as such. However, its this last one that my question concerns. Will this eventually go away if I fix my posture? Thank you so much. Address any thoracic Hyperkyphosis (See post: Hunchback posture) I cannot fully fold the knee because it bothers there. I like to sweat and do sports. Hi Mark (Lumbar) Hyperlordosis refers to the excessive arch in the lower back and generally occurs with an anterior pelvic tilt. This to allow you to maintain a more neutral spine in these said positions. I did all the above exercises and it work. Thanks so much for your response! However, how can I tell if I have fused lumbar lordosis? So I am thinking of using my podiatrist and finding a PT after a run for a month or two and get to 10 MPW or so, to work on my femur rotation, APT, lordosis, maybe a little hunched back in my upper upper back, rounded shoulders coming forward a bit (but not crazy bad), my pitiful core strength, working on gettingI forget the term, but getting the nerves to connect with my glutes and posterior chain again. If I can get back to weights without pain by Dec and go to the beach for my next birthday, I would have achieved a massive milestone. I would also recommend having a look at this post too: So if some one has spondylolisthesis it means he has anterior pelvic tilts? When Im standing I tend to bend forward and to the right, seems like it pulling me forward no matter Im correcting it, so I have to sit down sometimes which gives me reliefs. If you have multiple postural deviations (which is very common), I would start on optimising your arched back if it is the most prominent. He started physical therapy yesterday he only has right now one home exercise and its for his neck right now. (without pain). Im finding them all very useful, and you also explain exactly why you need to Tuck your pelvis under. This areas is commonly injured with lifting with a flexed lower back. This is usually seen in people with a long thoracic kyphosis. Lie on your back with your knee and hip bent at 90 degrees. (it will help with the APT as well). It aint comfy. warrior pose When Im squatting I always fall back is that a sign of weakness in a certain area ? awsome job! I just tired a couple of the exercises and feel better already. I have pain while breathing also.

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