The first step is to fix these glaring inequalities. Many women were extremely unhappy with this, especially conservative mothers and grandmothers. US Presidential Elections 2028 (Joe'sWorld), 2028 US Presidential Election (Populist America), Scenario: Eastern European Democratic Crises, Explore the Future--All pages longer than 3000 bytes--pages longer than 10,000 bytes in, people who burn buildings and books containing information that would be useful to the cause of matriarchy and global unity, all motorized vehicles will be driverless,, All pages longer than 3000 bytes--pages longer than 10,000 bytes in, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. But no one could ignore the size and national impact the same shift had on the outcome of the midterm elections in November 2018. F*cking feminism. It's the story of boardrooms with breast-pumps, of blind dates without fear, of short skirts that don't "send signals", and gender without binaries. Implied in The Witchlands when it's mentioned that the Marstoki Empire is a "female-dominated" society. There is certainly some validity to that perspective. BBC 100 Women is asking: what could the future look like in 2030? A major event occurred when the United States made a decision to bring back conscription for mandatory military service. However, we then come back to the historical framing of both books. Women are also endowed with the right to prep the cacao used in sacred Bribri rituals. A mans hat hung on the door handle of a womans quarters is a sign to other men not to enter. In many ways, it doesnt matter to young Mosuo: tourism is providing careers from waiter to guesthouse owner, tourist guide to taxi driver until now, a foreign concept. And a January 2020 NBC-Wall Street Journal poll indicated that suburban women identify as Democrats over Republicans 47% to 34%, up from 43% to 40% in 2010. But is it as utopian as it seems? Gender equity in STEM means that females account for 50 percent of the individuals involved in STEM fields. Since (mostly) Chinese tourists began arriving in the early 1990s, bringing paved roads, an airport and jobs for Mosuo people, their traditional way of life has started to feel outdated to its young inhabitants. . This question tends to be posed by those who have never personally felt the negative effects of inequality. It's the story of boys in skirts, girls in spaceships, governments with compassion and sex without power. . Part of why I lovedWonder Woman so much was because its still so unusual to see any woman defy conventional power dynamics and be able to be so fearless. Get a roundup of the most important and intriguing national stories delivered to your inbox every weekday. Want to discuss? Please read our Commenting Policy first. Scenario: Chig-Human War Women called fraws have somehow come to rule over men (called plugots). With many men off fighting in the war and women graduating at higher rates, more and more professional jobs were now being taken by women. It helped evolve the way most women see the world, helping to identify weaknesses and act upon them . Free UK p&p on orders of more than 10, online only. But her defeat has set off a chain reaction likely to lead to a realignment of party coalitions and relative political strength in 2020 as sweeping as FDRs victory in 1932. The actual documentary that will be inspired by these comments: Male fragility, and their inability to understand a joke.'. Subsistence farming is on the way out, slowly being replaced by the commercial farming of prized local crops. With most women assuming the role of family breadwinner and men as primary caregiver, it became increasingly more difficult for women to breastfeed their children on a regular basis. She is less sure. But this isnt how the Mosuo see it to them, marriage is an inconceivable concept, and a child is fatherless simply because their society pays no heed to fatherhood. The Nagovisi live in South Bougainville, an island west of New Guinea. For example, in suburban Bucks, Chester, and Delaware Counties, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia, the Democrats took over the Boards of Commissioners in 2019the latter two for the first time since before the Civil War. Alcohol would not be banned, but would contain some type of encoding that would sense when the imbiber's BAC (blood alcohol content) reached a specified danger point (possibly .10 to .12) and would automatically reformulate itself to become a non-alcoholic drink at that point. It was inspiring.. Maglev train That would be telling., With life centred on the maternal family, motherhood is, unsurprisingly, revered. At the very least, I hope that future generations will find The Handmaids Tale just as implausible as The Power seems today. Transhuman body Have a tip or story idea? The end result of a globalized matriarchal society would be an all-female global parliament under the guise of the United States of Earth. In addition to tribal law requiring all clan property to be held and bequeathed from mother to daughter, the Minangkabau firmly believe the mother to be the most important person in society. If it runs its course, the usual reasons for staying together for the children, societal or financial reasons dont apply. In those rare cases where both the man and woman worked, it was assumed the man would quit work to stay at home unless there were special circumstances where the woman could not work. There is just one future reality that truly interests me. Reproduction Women own and inherit property, sow crops in this agrarian society, and run the households cooking, cleaning and child-rearing. Lineage is traced through the . The first recorded matriarchal marriage was during the year 2001 in Ohio where Joseph Harkless and Christina Ellison became Ms. and Mr. Christina Ellison. But couples never live together, and no one says, I do. We are approaching a maternalistic future where men are prohibited from voting, running for political office, and owning real estate, and this is one of the first steps towards this brave, new world. She's the kick-ass CEO with heels as sharp as her tongue, an army of nannies at home caring for her kids and a trouser-suit that brings cold, hard fear to all the men who serve beneath her. If men disappeared who would build our homes, fix roof tops, repair roads, do our plumbing, wiring and take away the trash? My sense is that Im pitied, she says, but people are too polite to tell me.. In the past two years alone, women's representation in state legislatures has increased from 25.4 percent to 28.9 percent of all state legislative seats. But I think Im seen as an oddity because Im not from here, and I live alone, rather than with a family. Feminist activism is on the rise in China, battling ongoing discrimination; China still describes unmarried women over 27 as leftover. ElfQuest: The future stories show planet Abode as being run by a human matriarchy, . The war ended in 2015 and many men would head home only to find that it would be very difficult to get a job. Bonobo apes, primates unique to Congo and humankind's closest relative, groom one another at a sanctuary just . The program was a massive success, with male and female health and happiness increasing markedly from 2010 to 2030. In fact, along with elderly maternal great-uncles, who are often the households second-in-charge, younger uncles are the pivotal male influence on children. They are united through a matriarchal marriage and Christina is considered the head of the household. Ms. and Mr. Christina Ellison are a model couple of the future. Nagovisi women are involved in leadership and ceremonies, but take the most pride in working the land entitled to them. The Chinese government officially classifies them as part of another ethnic minority known as the Naxi, but the two are distinct in both culture and language. Wen Spencer (Goodreads Author) 3.95 avg rating 2,676 ratings. To order a copy for 15.29, go to or call on 0330 333 6846. Special Note: Please note that this scenario is meant to be read as entertainment, not as an accurate prediction of the future. The non-commissioned ranks of the military are still dominated by men, but women hold the majority of high-command positions and commissioned officer ranks. Scenario: European-Union Strengthens, Yunzhong Hou(Admin) magine a society without fathers; without marriage (or divorce); one in which nuclear families dont exist. It felt viscerally wrong to read about women becoming violent as soon as they become dominant (wed like to think wed be able to do a better job if we were in charge, right? Traditional gender roles have resulted in a gender barrier which exists solely to discourage women from training and eventually acquiring well-paying "traditional male jobs" (engineers, lawyers, doctors, politicians, businesswomen, corporate executives, professional athletes, etc.). At age 10, boys leave their mothers home to stay in men's quarters and learn practical skills and religious teachings. Via the medium of letter-writing, Safie, like Wollstonecraft, makes the argument for women as independent, rational beings. Yes, says Waihong, to wear their singlehood with pride.. All Votes Add Books To This List. In 2015, every UN country agreed to 17 sustainable development goals, and number five is gender equality. The Mosuo have what's called walking marriages." Meanwhile men, in an effort to look nice for their wives, would start to wear clear lipstick. Bonobos proved them wrong. Pedro Pascal Joins the Hottest Cast in Town, Gladiator 2, Donald Trumps Lawyer Really Thought Victim-Blaming Was the Best Way To Go in E. Jean Carroll Suit, Peter Pan & Wendy Reminds Adults That Growing Old Doesnt Have To Suck. A minority of men and women marry outside the community and move away. RyansWorld: United States of Venus Since children always remains in the mothers care, sometimes the father plays little role in the upbringing. More important for the long term, the Democratic margin over the Republicans in party identification grew from six points in 1994 (48% to 42%) to nearly twenty in 2017 (56% to 37%). By contrast, 81% of men identifying with or leaning toward the GOP perceive that the obstacles that once made it harder for women to get ahead are largely gone. More recently, a January, 2020 poll found a 19-percentage-point gender gap in President Trumps approval rating. Ms. and Mr. Jane Doe instead of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. My takeaway: men cant live with us, cant live without us.. I think it might be the stuff of dreams, of visions, of stories yet to be told. By standard definition, a matriarchy is a family, group or state governed by a matriarch (a woman who is head of a family or tribe). Anthropologists and feminists have since created more specific classifications for female societies, including the matrilineal system. The response is simple but generally not one that I like to whip out over cocktails; one in three women will experience physical or sexual violence, while 61% of 15-24 year-olds infected with HIV are female. As the 21st century progresses, traditional gender roles were slowly reversed, as more liberated women entered leadership and high-paying professional positions workforce and househusbands stayed at home to provide the neccesary services that their successful professional spouses required. . by. Sawers also told men to chill out (and maybe seek some counselling?) because his plot-lineis just a joke. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. But is this fair? Tundes perspective also shows both the good and the badwomen are only human, after all, despite the higher standards that seem to be set for us. A Mosuo woman weaves with a loom at her shop in Lijiang, China. Although men have no paternal responsibilities it is common for women not to know who the father of their children is, and there is no stigma attached to this they have considerable responsibility as uncles to their sisters children. With women now taking a more dominant role in relationships, there was an increase in anal sexual intercourse. AKAN. Having trained and worked in Canada, the US and London, she felt drawn to visit China, the country of her ancestors. Mobile phone These fictional societies have long been one of the primary ways to explore implications of gender and gender-differences in science fiction and fantasy. Grandmother sits at the head of the table; her sons and daughters live with her, along with the children of those daughters, following the maternal bloodline. Scenario: Nomenclature VideoOn board the worlds last surviving turntable ferry, I didnt think make-up was made for black girls, Why there is serious money in kitchen fumes. User interface All rights reserved. To even ask that question is to see the Mosuo through our eyes, our way of doing things. The shift is far from over. Can these naturally emancipated Mosuo women and men show Chinese society a different approach to family life? These would be menial tasks and would only be open to one gay spouse per household. But with the speed of news and information in an era dominated by social media and cable news, the trend is likely to spread further and faster this time, certainly soon enough to greatly influence the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. Boys think nothing of looking after their baby sisters, or taking their toddler brothers by the hand everywhere. At four million people, the Minangkabau of West Sumatra, Indonesia, (pictured above, during a harvest season celebratino)are the largest known matrilineal society today. 2023 BBC. While men and women both were serving in the war, the decision was made that men would be the ones subject to conscription. After reading about the Mosuo, she decided to take a trip to their picturesque community a series of villages dotted around a mountain and Lugu Lake as many tourists do. Especially men, he joked. These range from one-night stands to regular encounters that deepen into exclusive, life-long partnerships and may or may not end in pregnancy. RyansWorld: NASCAR, SamuraiClinton Hang on, the Met Gala Theme This Year Is WHAT? When you look at social media that is more image . I am not a fan of science fiction. [1] By 2015, this number would sore to 220 women for every 100 men. Marriage is not institutionalized. Scenario: Human Mind Project fewer women leading FTSE 100 firms than are run by men called Stephen. So, let us take the grand unveiling of the 2019 BBC 100 Women list as an opportunity to imagine what this world could look like by 2030. Robert Smith argued that the film is actually proof were living in male-hating society. Government Ladzu and her friends may still be living for motherhood, but she is part of a pioneering generation in transition: she is married, and to a Han Chinese man. The shocking defeat of Hillary Clinton at the hands of the overtly misogynistic Donald Trump put the existing trend into hyper-drive. A woman with a male partner can at any time take a lesbian partner and the man will be expected to serve both women as if he were married to them both. Moreover, Birkelund expects gender stereotyping to gradually change in the future. "She is the queen of uplifting and supporting women," Norton said. With men assuming a primary caregiving role, the idea of an extended maternity leave would vanish. INTERVIEW: Priyanka Chopra Jonas Loves Being an Action-Hero in Heels in Citadel, INTERVIEW: Poppy Liu Chats About The Oddity of Greta on Dead Ringers, Barry Takes Not So Subtle Dig at Superhero Films, Heres Everything Coming to Peacock in May 2023, Barry Episode 4: NoHo Hank Has Crossed the Point of No Return. Scenario: End of Marriage, Stoic Viper But is it as good for women as it sounds and how long can it last? He thinks its hilarious. Even though the trend toward the Democratic Party among women is most pronounced among college graduates, it is also visible both among those who went to college but didnt graduate and those with only a high school education. Nanotechnology Unemployment would soar to 12% by 2011. Upon marriage, every woman acquires her own sleeping quarters. Virginia became a thoroughly blue state in 2019 as women voters finished the state legislative revolution they had started in 2017. Instead, the males childrearing responsibilities remain in his own matrilineal household. By 2018, for the first time in history, there were now more male Stay at Home Dads then Stay at Home Moms. However, sexual intercourse will remain for pleasure purposes for the matriarchal hedonistic society of the not-so-distant future. Click to share quote on Twitter: "The dwindling population of men are desperate to reclaim their place in the sun.". Colonies of Mars will probably be matriarchal and ultimately rely on male pregnancy to realize the goals of their society. It's the far-off, magical world titled "The Female-Led Future". . Gantt chart Once married, the husband lives in his wifes house. She lives in the UK (at least until Brexit happens) surrounded by unfinished stories, games and too many books, and can be found at You decide. Our society may tolerate male . When we look at . If you look at the type of social media and break it down by gender, it becomes quite clear how gendered it is. It broke upon the national scene in cities across the country with previously unseen numbers starting with the Womens March the day after Trumps inauguration. Imagine a world where the tables were turned: females held the power, and the nearly-extinct males were relegated to tasks like hanging up women's underwear? As this realignment takes place Hillary Clinton may well go down in history as this centurys equivalent of Al Smith. In Minangkabau society, women usually rule the domestic realm while the men take the political and spiritual leadership roles. BDSM was also a common practice around 2050. I know one Mosuo man who is living in [the nearest Chinese city of] Lijiang, married with two children, says Waihong. Click to share quote on Twitter: "It's a mockumentary," someone replied. At the same time, the passion and emotion of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has sparked a much-needed fire within the US political climate, while Tarana Burke's #MeToo movement has used simple, powerful storytelling to reframe global perceptions of sexual harassment. It was inspiring., Feminist activism is on the rise in China. Virtual reality Exit polls that year showed women favored the Democratic candidate for Congress by 19 percentage points (59% to 40%), while men favored the Republican candidate by four points (51% to 47%). In a way, this gives me hope that the world might have adapted to the change in power dynamics more gracefully, if not for that otherworldly external influence. The National Womens Law Center (NWLC) found that women state legislators introduced and enacted more legislation than men over the two most recent legislative sessions. Want more stories like this? No Men Beyond This Point, film about female-dominant world, sparks outrage. The trend continued in the first two Democratic nominating contests in 2020 with women making up 58% of Iowa caucus participants and 57% of voters in the Democratic primary in New Hampshire. However, a matriarchal society might ban alcohol because it causes violence to the user's body. In Garo tradition, the groom-to-be is expected to run away from a proposal of marriage, requiring the bride-to-be's family to "capture" him and return him to his potential bride's villiage. A Conservative Christian America would allow police officers to kill alleged suspects instead of prosecuting them and turn firefighters into people who burn buildings and books containing information that would be useful to the cause of matriarchy and global unity. Unless there were complications from childbirth, women would have to use normal vacation days when choosing to have a child. By the year 2010, 142 women were graduating college for every 100 men. Inner-city districts may be dominated by Mega Skyscrapers; home to thousands of poor residents. No one likes to give up control. In contrast, the entirety of The Handmaids Tale seems eerily plausible, being rooted entirely in power dynamics women have experienced throughout history. In Wood's imagined future, Vanara world settled by and populated by womenis the most powerful planet in a future galactic civilization, because it controls the means of interstellar travel. Artificial womb technology is also a part of reproductive cloning, because a woman can freeze her eggs at 25, have a career, then have the eggs unfrozen and placed in a artificial womb when she decides to become a mother. It's extremely rare for a society run by women to function simply as background. It's the story that needs YOU if it's ever, ever going to become a reality. Her visits grew longer and more frequent. With traditional gender roles changing, many women still wanted to be in touch with their femininity. That result, which stemmed in significant degree from defections of Republican women in the states cities, suburbs and college campuses as well as a massive turnout of African-Americans, was quickly dismissed as an anomaly since the Republicans had nominated a sexual predator and pedophile as their candidate. It is unknown whether this couple currently has children or not. Men do not outnumber women in all STEM fields. They were the original trendsetters, 2,000 years ago; they dont know how good they have it. 3. So, let us . Scenario: Uploading. Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, 2023 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. The most profound change in American politics today and in the years to come will result from a massive movement of women into the Democratic Party. Democrats already enjoy a built-in advantage in the demographic trends that are continuing to make the American electorate more diverse, more educated, younger, and more urban. Importantly, one of these people, Tunde, is a man. That led me to a world where women ruled and men were going extinct. I'm a "soft" person. Biotechnology My father and I fought a lot he was the quintessential male in an extremely patriarchal Chinese community in Singapore. These goals are not a dream - they are a promise, and unless this groundwork of equality is laid, nothing else is going to be possible. I think that's what we're all trying to figure out. RyansWorld: Lunar Protectorate Scenario: Ben Goertzel It would be interesting to see how others, especially women of color, tell a story about women in power in a fictional version of our own world. RyansWorld: United States of Mars In the absence of marriage as a goal, the only reason for men and women to have anything resembling a relationship is for love, or enjoyment of each others company. What happens if a woman doesnt want children? Explore in 3D: The dazzling crown that makes a king. In 1976, Jimmy Carter won all of the former Confederate states except for Virginia as well as the border states of Kentucky, Missouri, and West Virginia. Single-gender world. As the world of The Power descends more and more into chaos, with women setting up their own regimes, punishing men for increasingly indiscriminate reasons, and generally causing terror in certain parts of the world, Naomi Alderman is clearly sending the message that power can corrupt anyone. Oftentimes, the youngest daughter's marriage is arranged for her. However, whereas The Handmaids Tale tackles life in an extremely male-dominated society that restricts women to the roles of wives, servants, or walking wombs, The Power covers the start of a power shift toward a female-dominated society, with the two historians that are used as framing characters living in a world where its preposterous to think that men could ever be the ones in charge. They had always struggled for every small step along the way to their goal of equality. Even fewer head on to further education. The trend may be larger or smaller in each of these categories but always in the same direction. The trailer shows women partnering up to co-parent their kids, asmen stand on the sidelines. But with most superhero stories, its just one person being powerful and defying the norm. 5. I get a lot of dinner invitations, and my friends are always egging me on to find a nice Mosuo lover. Has she? She is not alone: although her grandmothers generation, in their 60s and 70s, still practise walking marriage, as do many women in their 40s, about half of women in their 30s live with their partners the fathers of their young children. Senators are women, became the first majority female legislature. Despite womens marches and small victories, its hard to imagine what would happen if women as a collective were to take over, or even go on strike on a global scale. So if we find my world to be a dystopia, then we are already living in a dystopia.. Cosmetic treatments Certainties This new rising class has money and the chance to meet people outside the Mosuo community; many families are renting out land for hotels to be built on. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Nearly 80% of people in Japan believe that society benefits men over women in the Asian nation. Free from the bonds of conservative tyranny that has held them for more than a century, teenagers will become low-level politicians (i.e, aldermen, mayors, Members of Parliament), poker champions, horror movie fans, breadwinners, corporate executives, and eventually wealthier than their parents. RyansWorld: Atheism The Akan social organization is fundamentally built around the matriclan, wherein one's identity, inheritance . 1. Many suburban regions will become dominated by househusbands and female service workers. While the clan chief is always male, women select the chief and can remove him from office should they feel he failed to fulfill his duties.. Fewer than one in five of the world's landowners are women, and in 18 countries a husband is still allowed to ban his wife from working. Less intelligent teenagers are content with basic studies, becoming a househusband and changing their kids' diapers while their smarter peers will colonize Mars in addition to other planets and galaxies. RyansWorld: The Colonization of Space Scientists assumed that patriarchy was only natural. Scenario: Emergence of India Become a subscriber and support the site! Scenario: Google as God The matriarchal society will not insist on outright bans on specific behaviors and on specific products. But something beyond the views and clean air grabbed her. However, when a group that represents half or more of the electorate, as women do, shifts even slightly in party preference, it has a lot more impact than when a relatively smaller demographic group realigns by larger percentages. Nash observed that when it comes to marriage, the Nagovisi woman held gardening and shared sexuality at equal importance. According to its TIFF synopsis, Sawers envisions a world where women have stopped giving birth to boys. Traditional gender roles - patriarchy - has been the norm since the beginning of civilization, although there has been exceptions to it.

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