Second, dinosaurs actually have existed in mythology in most cultures for thousands of years. They determined a skull found in a quarry in Utah in 1910 was the true Apatosaurus skull. Over the years I have done a lot of research from others who did a lot more research than me, and I merely summarized the info here in a concise fashion and still got a massively long article for a blog post. I cant believe lamestream media outlets dont ever discuss this. I looked this topic up because I have always refused to believe in dinosaurs even as a child. And what about the sightings of dragons, cockatrices and other other mysterious animals found in the Bible and medieval sources? Theres no real concept of 1 million years. Simple and to the point. It can do this because it's apparently 35 feet long, amphibious, and carnivorous. Still others feel the vertebra is both real and enormous, but it's simply somewhere. Not every single dinosaur lived together at the same time for that exact same period of time. One person tells everyone that dinosaurs are too big to exist (Blue Whale is about 98 ft. Interesting article. How anyone could believe these things existed when they took sooooooooo much food and water to maintain, its beyond me. One thing though, I collect fossils from cliff falls on the Jurassic Coast, Dorset, Uk and have found bones from Ichthyosaurs etc. He sent the teeth to paleontologist Charles Marsh, who decided they belonged to a diplodocus he dubbed "lacustris." The Next Technological Revolution Is Here: Privacy, Security, Blockchain & More. However, as I have not studied it deeply, I will not assert whether the moon landing happened or not. #7- You site Holden 1994 so Ill have to check that out. For me, the jury is still out on this subject. Wow, this is truly one of the best I have read on this subject! #10 you state 3) If such an event were to occur, it would mean that there would be archaeological evidence of a period of time, perhaps many millions of years, in which no life existed on Earth except maybe some surviving cave dwellers and deep sea creatures. The Future of Consumer Internet Connectivity and Demise of Oligopoly ISP Giants. hide caption. Third, if you believe in Noahs ark, Noah could have taken young dinosaurs on board. so much can change geologically and that long time. Thank you. Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope of Philadelphia. Ten years before, near where Lakes had found Diplodocus lacustris, paleontologists found something extraordinary: the wonderfully preserved snout of an Apatosaurus ajax, which Morrison Natural History Museum director Matthew Mossbrucker lovingly named "Kevin." Thank you for calling B.S. Now over the course of that 170million years there must have been species that cropped up and lived for a few thousand years, maybe some only hundreds. But I became more convinced the more I learned about nature. Take the story of the archaeoraptor, which is just that: a mere story. Many bones can be mistaken for other animals, sure. Sue was by bone volume, the skeleton is 90% complete. Easily googled. This we can most certainly say for a fact: absolutely not, no more than you would tell them that dragons, leprechauns, or trolls exist. However, there are a couple problems with that. The only problem is, they're not real. I am merely going to point out that there are more scientific anomalies in the theory of dinosaurs than there are evidence that dinosaurs did exist. Dinosaur is a term which is defined as a terrestrial reptile with one of two possible hip structures. Also keep in mind only a very few number of people are actually perpetuating the myth intentionally, the rest of people perpetuating dinosaur mythology are just going with the flow, they just blindly believe what they are told. The problem with this great dino hunt is that, since they lived dozens of mega-ennia ago, our perception of them is limited at best, and always changing. I KNOW internally that it is extreme elaboration if not myth entirely. Also we are talking about a past the expanse of which we dont know nor are we physicists or mathematicians. (2009, June 9). Dinosaur communities were separated by both time and geography. If millions of years of separation between us and dinosaurs doesn't make figuring them out confusing enough, sometimes mischievous humans make things even harder. It proves nothing. Like a monkey into a human. Dragons do not count as dinosaur mythology. Overall, Im refreshed after reading your piece. (1994). It only says behemoth etc. Everything made so much more sense when we could say, "No, they were just ducks.". Certain things we have to accept we cannot prove. Its ok, cognitive dissonance isnt your fault. Cant wait for Jurassic World 5: The Cretaceous Chronicles: Ice Planet. DINOSAURS NEVER EXISTED.. There were wildfires. Holden, Ted. The armor-plated destroyer never existed, and this one meat-eater now had two names. Today, visitors have the opportunity to see the bones in-situ, which means that bones have been carefully exposed but left in the ground as they were found. The local museum Id been going to since I was a child has dinosaur bones on display. I realise these are marine reptiles and not dinosaurs as such but does the finding of such bones not prove that something existed previously that is not there now? Me and you have the knowledge we have today regarding microwaves, TVs, How To harness electricity etc but the other 100 people dont (lets say they had Amnesia after the war). - The Greatest Deception In History.. Thanks again, and it is too sad to know that some people still try to defend dinosaur theory! Thanks to some very well-preserved skeletons, we now know the hadrosaur was a landlubber that ate far more than just soft plants. Your Favorite Dinosaur Never Even Existed, Says Jurassic World Scientist Evolution and Carbon-14 Dating. Others say Cope mistyped the vertebra's size as 1,500 millimeters instead of the actual 1,050) and perhaps abandoned the fossil rather than be exposed and embarrassed. The air was totally different with more carbon in the air (or was it less), and so the feeding requirements would be different from todays animals. If they were big ducks, naturally they sported bills like ducks. Let me explain. As FiveThirtyEight explains, in the late 1800s a nearly 5-foot dinosaur vertebra was unearthed in CaonCity, Colorado. It seems to me that if somebody has enough money ,they can get a dino manufacturated for promotional purposes XD. An Honest Comparison, 18 Top Free File Hosting Sites 2022 | Reviews and Ratings. Regarding flat-earth mythology, please see my articles about how flat earth is scientifically impossible. The 'Age of Dinosaurs' (the Mesozoic Era) included three consecutive geologic time periods (the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous Periods). As shown in the picture, the skulls are easily mistaken for completely different animals, like the skull of the rabbit, for example, or the whale. The Bible does not specifically mention any animal that could not be simple a whale or elephant. Your own question should open your eyes. It wasnt intended to fully document every single point, just to point out some obvious flaws in the theory and point out that the entire thing is a myth and unsubstantiated. A dog skeleton doesnt even look like a dog. Thanks to museums, books, and pop culture, dinosaurs remain larger-than-life. Even if you knew that, you may not know how the fictional dinosaur came to star in the prehistoric landscape of popular imagination for so long. Amen to your article. DinoBuzz. First of all, keep in mind that it is absolute certain and proven historical fact that Jesus of Nazareth was a real person who lived on Earth. The React team investigates as conspiracists take to social media to dispel dinosaurs' existence Though the first dinosaurs appeared about 243 million years ago, they remain as prominent as ever today. Author reply: Thank you, nice to have positive feedback from you and this is the most compelling evidence, which is why its #1. How so much pseudoscience is being forced on our kids and if they question it then they not only fail they are ridiculed. So poor kids at a young age are taught not to question the establishment, this is not only wrong but damaging to them becoming truly free thinking human beings. Any proper look at the facts will reveal that dinosaurs simply never existed. "It's a big, evocative name, whereas Apatosaurus means 'deceptive lizard.' It's quite a bit more boring. Sure I made a couple original arguments but most of it is well documented, I just compiled the evidence here, so I cant take credit for that. Note the word "mostly." The reality is that the only way to determine the age of a rock would be to have a person who was alive at the time it first originated in order to confirm the age of said rock. If I was trying to mix dinosaurs and the Bible, I would believe that, but I dont. Were they for grooming? And hunting was the cause of extinction no doubt. Lyons, Eric. Lamanna says their mutual dislike, paired with their scientific ambition, led them to race dinosaur names into publication, each trying to outdo the other. Before that, they were called something else, probably dragons. Two years later, the prolific Brown discovered yet another dinosaur, which won the name Tyrannosaurus rex. Check out my other articles why Flat Earth Theory is wrong. In the Bible, it says that God created Adam and Eve then God created land animals. Dinosaurs Never Existed! - The Greatest Deception In History.. Science can prove how bumblebees fly. Theyre too big, necks too long, mating would be ridiculous. Youd be surprised how wild the skeletons of normal animals like whales and rabbits look so different from the animal itself, look it up. The extinction level event could have caused most of the dinosaurs to devolve into savagery and eat each other to extinction. All the news stories you see online about it are a total work of fiction. There were certainly many creatures that have gone extinct over the past few thousand years, and if any bone does not apply to any known life forms (as if it were possible to really prove, which often it isnt possible to prove), it may very well just be an extinct normal animal that used to be around just a few thousand years ago. Carbon dating is not the only radiometric dating method. #2- not a lot of evidence or references to go with that one. An interesting article John, always enjoy a good alternative to what we are taught. Overall, several millions of dollars have been spent promoting the existence of dinosaurs through movies, TV, magazines and comics. No one knows for sure, but many people have theories. Also, the fake dino fossil business is huge business, making billions of dollars, as well as it is really great for movies and makes tons of advertising revenue in museums and news stories. : With Eric Dubay. The word dinosaur was coined only within the last 100 years or so, so of course youre not going to see that word anywhere before then. As explained by the Smithsonian, back when paleontologists first discovered the hadrosaur they were convinced it was an aquatic dinosaur that only ate soft plants. Perhaps. #6 no has ever accidentally found a dino bone. And in some ways I theorize it is possible, but it seems someone else already thought that too: Paleontologist Othniel Marsh . Yeah I thought the same! Carnegie Museum of Natural History First, youre comparing the food volume per day required by a mammal (elephant) to that of a reptile (were told dinosaurs were reptiles). If dinosaurs were reptiles, that means they were cold blooded, and so the amount of food they would have required would have been not comparable to a mammal. However, no such archaeological evidence exists. I wish this theory wasnt taught in schools and to the public because it supports evolution which is a complete fraud and confuses many Christians and even causes them to question the Word of God. Then, that same kid goes to South America for two years and finds more cave paintings with the same shape hands like in France all done with vegetable matter dye. TRUTH EXPOSED 189,166 views Jan 10, 2012 2.9K Dislike Share Save jpmetz 165K subscribers DINOSAURS NEVER EXISTED THERE IS NO PROOF DONT BELEIVE EVERYTHING YOU HERE OR. Serpent could have been a dragon. Long-Bone Circumference and Weight in Mammals, Birds, and Dinosaurs. Have we all lived this life before? Duck-billed dinosaurs, as far as we can tell, simply didn't exist. First of all, Im not going to say that dinosaurs did not exist. So that would have affected the dinosaurs in the local area, but they also gave us evidence that a lot more happened after the impact that caused most of that extinction. "Two years later," Lamanna says, "his fossil collectors that were working out West sent him a second skeleton that he thought belonged to a different dinosaur that he named Brontosaurus.". Or is it true, that giant dinosaurs roamed the Earth in prehistoric days? If You want to be part of Jehovahs heavenly kingdom rule over the entire earth and explore and discover the various forms of creation and not ever again be told lies about it come to know Jehovah God and His Son Jesus Christ and be drawn to them, read John 17:3; John 6:44; Psalms 37:11,29; and Isaiah 65:17-25. You cant say they were more dangerous because if its all the animals, there were also lions and tigers and polar bears. It seems like a big business, as you said. In 1979 the correct head was placed atop the museum's skeleton. 4) Not true, actually it is possible that flat-earth mythology in recent years has been perpetrated primarily by the institution itself in a way to criticize and confuse those who disagree with the official agendas. I know that some stories in the media about children playing a beach and suddenly finding fossils could be hoaxes,but what about Pliny Moody and the footprints that he found? First, the Bible says that all the animals were brought onto the boat, two by two. Apatosaurus (right, opposite a Diplodocus skeleton at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh), is what paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh actually found when he thought he'd discovered the Brontosaurus. How could they have built such monuments without tools and todays knowledge my bet is they were knowledgeable and that this knowledge has been passed down through the ages. But despite popular perception still being fixated on "duck," the world of paleontology abandoned that idea decades ago. Something has baffled me for years regarding the ancient Egyptians and believe it or not it has led me to research the existence of dinosaurs. In the Congo River basin, the locals describe Mokele-mbembe (means one who stops the river) as sauropodian. Required fields are marked *. Those are probably not dino bones but just bones of normal marine life. I often find myself searching for answers. The only problem: The vertebra described has been missing for more than 100 years, and many people think that it may never have existed at all, or at least not as it was described in the first place. Top Ten Scientific Flaws In The Theory of Prehistoric Dinosaurs I am glad you enjoyed the post, although I am not trying to convince or persuade you to believe one way or the other, I am only pointing out the facts. The Dinosaurs Never Existed - YouTube Anyway, thank you for this well crafted and hard hitting article. Carnivorous dinosaur researcher Tom Holtz at the University of Maryland in College Park, US, agrees there would have been some extinctions 66 million years ago anyway, due to eruptions and. You stated it would destroy all life on earth. (2012, December 9). Well, that really isnt proof of anything because no one receives harsher criticism than flat earthers; does that mean the earth must be flat? Dragons may have existed, as there is historical evidence of dragons throughout the ages. The earth has existed for millions of millions of years? Why do some people think dinosaurs don't exist? | Fandom I am merely going to point out that there are more scientific anomalies in the theory of dinosaurs than there are evidence that dinosaurs did exist. I want to see the end of this false science before I die. No grammatical eras and excellent logic. I was thinking I read a lot of right wing non sense on here from the earth is flat, dinosaurs never existed , we were put here by an alien species LOL Proof that evolution is true .. Nutrients provide our body with various types of fuel that create different processes by Show more. But, I wouldnt be surprised that the whole thing is some hoax perpetrated by the powers that be to promote their own agendas. As Scientific American explains, in 1999 a brand-new dinosaur was supposedly discovered in Liaoning province, China. That Brontosaurus finally met its end in the 1970s when two Carnegie researchers took a second look at the controversy. I was just talking with a friend the other day about this. Effectively, radioactive dating is simply used to confirm a researchers assumptions even if the real science says the opposite. Dragons may have existed. Besides, Earth is still a mystery, we keep finding always new things and species everyday. #3 Ever heard of Trex named Sue ? The scientists conclude that three known species of Brontosaurus exist: Brontosaurus excelsus, the first discovered, as well as B. parvus and B. yahnahpin. Dinos are big business, just like dragons. Cultures all over the world have myths about dragons extending back thousands of years and the word dragon appears in the KJV Bible over twenty times. Biblical creationists believe that man and dinosaurs lived at the same time because God, a perfect eyewitness to history, said that He created man and land animals on Day 6 ( Genesis 1: . For fiction movies or stories I think dino should stay but not for science. Whats wrong with replicas? The dinosaur industry should be investigated and questions need to be asked. I look for a few hold nuggets in every thing I read. There are some amazing dinos out there, but no dinosaur is more famous and beloved than Tyrannosaurus rex, even though it would likely devour your flesh if you asked for an autograph. The brontosaurus once ranked along with the T-Rex and triceratops as the most identifiable of the terrible lizards. As we know a fossil can be created in as little as just a few months. This was the most true thing I ever read. Dawkins, Richard. Take a look at this: Looks convincing, eh? In fact, one of the biggest reasons to doubt the theory is that in fact there is no scientific evidence. All radioactive dating works generally the same and none can reliably predict any dates and all have been proven false at some time or another. What about the almost full skeletons found of various dinosaurs? Discovery Raises New Doubts About Dinosaur-bird Links. The rapid spread of the rabbit led to the destruction of large tracts of vegetation, leading to the extinction of many plant species. Ok but they did exist in statues from South America and elsewhere. You make some impressive points slightly more elaborate than mine. But now researchers are saying it's not a triceratops--that dinosaur never existed. Id rather that be in the textbooks (encouraging people to remember that their brain is just as competent as anyone elses here on this Earth) than any of the complete nonsense Ive read in all of my classes except Communication and Mathematics. I read the article you linked to, basically it is talking about the theory that the dinosaurs were killed during the Great Flood. So then all the sea dinosaurs would have also stayed in the water. Even if dinos actually existed at some time period, Jesus would not have been around on Earth at the same time, since we can be fairly certain that everyone can agree that there were no dinos around only 2,000 years ago. Ok well, you gave no creedence to theories from the likes of Kent Hovind who explains things including plants grew much larger then ( and then to him means 6000 years ago) when the earth had an ice dome over it and oxygen and pressure was much higher. You have 1 skeleton and 10 museums around the world. It could be argued that Noah brought on dinosaur eggs or babies instead of full-sized dinosaurs. Some feel Cope simply made the animal up in a bid to one-up rival paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh. A flesh eating plague perhaps? God would have asked Noah to build a much, much, much bigger boat! No real historian worth their salt would deny the fact, unless they were outright lying. Youre going to get a lot of views for that post. According to Bob Strauss, a reporter and author that has three books about science and dinosaurs on Thought.Co said a common reason people believe that dinosaurs never existed is because of religion. The last time I went there, the guide said the bones were all replicas, & the real bones were elsewhere. The radiocarbon stopwatch buzzes round at a great rate, so fast that, after some thousands of years, its spring is almost wound down and the watch is no longer reliable. The Edmontosaurus hadrosaur, for example, sported a beak that was square and nearly vertical, capable of grabbing far more than just leaves. Complete nonsense) Another has his own YouTube Channel and say's that Yutyrannus and other feathered dinosaurs don't exist and are all made in China. 1. When one looks into who was involved Erasmus Darwin darwins phenologist grandfather and then phrenology techniques were applied to the skulls of the two supposed cave menwe have no clue what kind of creatures they were. *clap clap* to you. What fossils? This video will reveal one of the greatest hoaxes in human history. Id like to prove these dinos didnt exist because as you stated in the article, the physics makes no sense. What Killed The Dinosaurs: The Invalid Hypothesis. The best option is to make replicas of the skeleton so all the museums get one to keep the public happy while the original is kept nice and safe for study. An extinction-level event of this magnitude would have destroyed all life on Earth, not just the dinosaurs; this would be evident archaeologically, There would not have been enough food or fresh water for plant-based animals this big to have lived, No one is allowed to question the Dinosaur Orthodoxy without extremely harsh criticism, Dinosaurs were too big to have existed with the confines of the laws of physics, Lack of perpetual fossil evidence - everyone should be finding these bones in the backyards, Radiocarbon dating, also known as Carbon-14 Dating, cannot date back longer than 40,000 years, Dinosaurs did not exist in mythology in any culture before the 1800s, A full skeleton or a dinosaur has never been found - not even close to one, There is more evidence for the presupposition of dinosaurs than the other way around, Even an extinction-level event would not have destroyed the dinosaurs who lived in the deep-ocean.

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