The last thing Mingi expected you to say was telling him to sleep on the couch. Your mother wouldve lectured you right in front of him if she knew you both were actually dating. Y/n-ah, I think Hongjoong hyung is having a panic attack, he wont stop crying and cant breathe, please hurry! He sternly said. Babe, download this game. In fact, Seonghwa was expecting them to ask you at least something related to it. Recently, he pranked you by banging on the window and knocking on the door when you were home alone. It had been so long since you last got to spend time together like that, so you were excited to say the least. It was so calming for you and it was just one of the many other reasons you loved him. It made you pout, so you pulled on one of Yeosangs arms. [No, I cant get up, my legs and hands feel numb] you whispered. Genre: little angsty, slowburn, romance, fluff. I know youre nervous, but Im sure youll do well!. Hop on He said. Mingi dozed off to sleep while waiting for you to come over. It didnt help that you were at the dorms recently with all the members and wanted to cuddle. I know were more than capable of finishing it in a single take, but why not be extra perfect?, You raised an eyebrow. Today, you had gone out to get some ramen from the supermarket and were on your way back home. Oh my god! However, the other idols agency confirmed that the two were in a relationship. I dont care that it's you paused because you had to laugh, causing Mingi to laugh as well. You know each other?. You unlocked the door to your stall and weakly called out to him. Soobin- So soft; Yeah, I can already tell youre gonna love filming today.. The man, this time, crossed the street and was right behind you. Yunho, Im sorry I ruined our date. You said honestly. The thought itself is enough to make me feel nervous and disgusting, I cant bare the thought of it, I dont know why He just hummed and picked you up, taking you to the bathroom. You scoffed. He noticed you staring at him and a bright smile spread across his face. Bad idea, the man saw your face and instantly ran to your direction. Dont touch me please! Right then, a tall boy walked through the door. The answer is no. mania; the obsessive love. After you finally won the game, he placed a kiss on your cheek as a reward. In fact, the second he heard the clanking of the forks and spoons, on the table after you head had hit it, he went into panic mode. I really am sorry for everything. He watched a movie, although his attention wasnt on it as he was thinking about how to make it up to you. They decided to wake Yeosang up first, not wanting to embarrass you. You saw the lead actors cuddling up together on the couch, it was one of your favourite scenes, as the characters finally realised their love for eachother. He promptly crouched down to your level and picked you up. This man had inappropriately touched you, and you were scared. Although it sounds weird, your biggest fear in life was men. I was just teasing you, babe.. Nothing yet. doing cheesy things with their significant other Warning bells ringing in your head, you tried standing up to walk away, only for the man to come up to you and hold you down your shoulder. No, no, no, Jongho, please, this is so embarrassing, please, Ill clean it up You said, your voice cracking multiple times. This is what happens when you sign a contract for an 18+ movie without reading it just cause Y/N was going to play your love interest.. You tied up your hair and turned on the shower again to cover any noise you were making. You faint. Already falling for me, eh? He said creepily. The crawling sensation once again returning to your ears as it had years ago, you quickly shrieked, swatting it away. I wanna play it with you, San said, settling down beside you on the couch while you read a book. You soon ran around a corner into an alley and took the opportunity to call Seonghwa. Notes . Seonghwa wasnt really bothered about the rumors of you dating Leedo; you were under the same company as Oneus, so there were quite a lot of interactions between your group and Oneus. Nooo!" Wooyoung screeched, glancing back over his shoulder to see you sprawled out on the grass, seemingly life less. Thank you You said sincerely looking at him with nothing but love in your eyes. Okay everyone, my pet parrot just gave birth, we gotta go! When you unlocked his phone, you immediately noticed his wallpaper: it was a picture of you wearing one of his reformed jackets. You knew this wasnt good for his mental health, but there was only so much you could do. Yunhos acting was excellent, you said during a live interview with the main cast. He didnt even want to see it, but the viewers and fans would obviously get suspicious if he wasnt looking, so he had no choice but to sit through those two awfully slow minutes. This meant, you needed to get really comfortable with each other. Let go of me! You yelled at him, trying to step back, only for his nails to further dig into your shoulder. At the moment, you were answering a few questions about your symptoms and were surprised to find that every single symptom matched yours. Their colourful, patterned wings were totally up his ally. You were thankful that he was so understanding and finally explained your side of the story. Seonghwa slowly approached you, his eyes scanning you from head to toe, loving the way you looked in the red dress you were put in which was a gift from his character to yours in the drama. He knew you had to do it cause of the show, so he wasnt really bothered. You notice that his voice is a little more . Hey, hey, hey Y/N, you have no reason to be embarrassed, this is natural and I love you, its alright. He said, not realising the impact of his words. You gasped and held him back. In fact, for weeks after that happened, you swore you felt a crawling sensation in your ear, and have always been paranoid. You looked up at Mingi, and he smiled back down at you. However for you, this was your worst nightmare. You hadnt told Hongjoong about your phobia yet. You were on your period anyways, so this wasnt anything new. 3) When you make them cookies when theyre tired/stressed. He kissed your nose, shushing you. He pressed a kiss to your nose and that sent you off the edge. Due to heavy bleeding, you often felt dizzy, however you tried hiding it so Seonghwa would not get worried. someone checking out their significant other having a curvy significant other (female reader) another member being your bias their significant other feeling insecure dating a supermodel (female reader) individual members. It didnt help when once recently you were caught in his room smelling his stuff. [Y/N?!] You were still shaking however as Yeosang took your hands in his. Yunho squeezed your hand. (a sub!Ateez reaction to you buying them clothes to wear during sex) - here XXXX. A few minutes later, the nurse arrived inside the room with your results printed on a piece of paper. ATEEZ Reactions- Rumors of you dating another idol. Wooyoung wouldnt admit it, but you knew he got really jealous when he saw a few comments of fans shipping you with Yeonjun. You tried looking back up to him, but your eyes kept drooping and your legs felt wobbly. Nothing yet. Why are you up? he asked before glancing at his phones screen. I tried my best to condense it, and made most of it a prologue just so I could give context. The second you did however, you felt bile rise up in your throat so you ran to the washroom. The glass door of the cafe opened and you noticed Yunho walking in; his hands were intertwined with someone elses. This became a regular occurrence, and he often gave you massages during that time of the month. Hell get shit pissed if he knew., Ah, okay, he said. Seonghwa started to get worried, and had called the rest of the members. A few minutes later, your chest started feeling really sore, and you decided to just massage it to relieve the pain. No need to be scared He creepily grinned at you and grabbed your wrist. Today, your boyfriend and the rest of Ateez were recording their new song at were all at the KQ building, a good 30 minutes away from your apartment. back hugs are like the best thing ever and i think each member of ateez would absolutely love them! After the special episodecontaining behind the scene clipswas released, fans and even non-fans pointed out how great the chemistry was between you and Hyunjin, both on and off screen; thats how the rumors started. No, no please dont apologise hun, take your time, Im sorry I brought it up He said. Horizon 13. Besides, he was everyones dream guy, with a voice sweeter than honey and not to mentioned those muscles, while you were just, you. Ateezs reaction to their s/o calling them when theyre in danger [Pt. he called out to you. You sat on the toilet, with nothing to do just contemplating what you should do next. You packed some dinner and made your way to the dorm. No, its just, Im on my period, and I feel a little dizzy, nothing too much though Seonghwa tilted your chin up to look at your face and without a word, bent down with his back facing you. In a few minutes, you heard light knocking on the door and you violently flinched. You ignored it and didnt ask Yeosang about it either; you convinced yourself that it was only a rumour. You were at Hongjoongs place, wrapped tightly in his arms. I had to depend on that.. Okay, you said, grabbing his phone from the table. Haha, sorry mom. Unbeknownst to you, Yeosang has been feeling the same way from his stressful life as an idol. You should realised how big of a red flag this was but, just shrugged it off and ate the chocolate. Y/N, Y/N, Babe, are you alright, did I hurt you? He panicked taking your face in both of his hands. It was surprising how she was able to keep her composure. Heres my request, I would appreciate if you did mine. 2 - Maknae Line] (a) Ateez's reaction to a fan with Smudged Lipstick [Maknae Line] (f) Sleep on the couch. Rumors of you and TXTs Yeonjun being in a relationship spread like wildfire when a fan spotted the two of you in the same car. Hun, did you expect me to take us to the restaurant, when youre obviously in pain? That thought gave you shivers. He wrapped both his arms around your waist and nuzzled your neck. They wont approve of me dating an idol, so I cant tell them about us right now. Jongho nods, understanding immediately; he hoped your family would change their mind soon. Come cuddle with me.. I- I- He gasped and cried. Good morning, Woo, you said to your boyfriend. Seonghwa glanced at you, noticing how your cheeks had a pinkish tint to it. You just laughed at his childish antics. Blame the workout ~ (M) Jongho comes home from the gym, expecting to spend a quiet afternoon with his . The same applies to you. He smiled in response. She then managed to kick and shove the one holding you onto the ground and you were free. so you can do nasty stuff, while Yeosang is shirtless, like you did last time? He said raising his eyebrows. You were acting in a drama in which Mingi is an angel and youre a demon who secretly fell in love with him. So you have found Yunhos hoodie huh She replied. Upon reaching his house, it was like heaven, it smelled like him and you couldnt have asked for more. Soon after, KQ confirmed it too, stating that they have been dating for two months now. Thats when you saw his wallpaper. Wait what? You looked to your side to see a giant red patch of blood on his light blue sheets. You kept struggling in his grip, while the other one tried getting to your friend. Ahh, youre on your period, its the 17th He realised all of a sudden, I just remember He shrugged a blush growing on his cheeks, Anyways, do you want me to help? He asked sincerely. No response. Im going out for dinner with my friend, you said. Why? You were hyperventilating and flinched at his touch and San had never felt more devastated. And that promise was definitely fulfilled as her tried to stay with you whenever he could acting clingier that usual fro the next few weeks. Feeling a little more relieved you simply sat and waited until either the police or someone came to get you. I dont want to see you right now, you said. - warning: angst I cried while writing it. Youve never met the man himself, but tonight something is different. Are you okay with this? He asked all of a sudden. Before leaving though, he did have one thing on his bucket list, that he couldnt leave without doing. Nothing yet. ], [No, theyre all here, dont open the doo-]. The camera is set! You and Wooyoung had just fought. Overwhelmedby heavenly scents, you grabbed a bunch of the clothing and stuffed it into your face, inhalingthe wonderful smell. You looked back at her with watery eyes, she just nodded at you and told you to call someone for help. Jongho on the other hand, was falling for you, hard. You tried to stand up, but your legs would not cooperate.

Baby Stopped Babbling 7 Months, Articles A