I know you guys will hate me, but I'm still not going to post her full name because I'm not totally sure they are together. I was six months pregnant, and I was a little concerned about what my child was thinking was going on out there. She is the very worst and is a coward for blocking me and not allowing feedback to her vile posts. It makes you wonder why wasnt I enough for my dad to stay? And when youre an adult, that translates into IM not enough to stay. . I hope for once sanity wins. We still don't know. And he's not alone: Ian brought help! RR and G/F were there a couple of weeks ago for her birthday maybe someone recognised him and identified him as the guy from OL a lot of non fans would assume it was SH , his G/F is certainly beautiful and model like . That means the disappointment of the show and its amazing actors not getting recognized enough by the major award shows. Bez tytuu on Tumblr But its all circumstantial, right? Am I supposed to be the boot lady. She hates it that she and Sam got sprung at her fathers funeral. Caitriona is a lucky lass!!! , Make of them what you willand let's see where else Sam shows up, and with whom. I usually dont reblog posts that involve strong criticisms of other bloggers. They've been sent to the Ridge to negotiate on behalf of Richard Brown. Tickets are on sale May 2. Sam referred to Elspeth Brodie as an old GIRLFRIEND in the 92 y video interview and said this about her in his book, Waypoints. Sam Heughan just Sam Heughan B, you know where I'm going with this. The ONLY reason Yall there really is no worse troll of Sam Heughan hate than @bootsaucepunk. So, I hope you can understand why I dont want to post C.M.s full name yet. P.S. So, I hope you can understand why I don't want to post C.M. While Tom is far from the typical Outlander villain, there's something to be said for his kindness in the face of such turmoil. But I expect Cait to get divorced after Outlander ends, And the separation will be before that . I want to keep her to myself a bit longer to see if she posts anything more solid. Cait and Tony are sitting RIGHT next to each other. Quack, quackif it waddled like a duck.. They are at Jaya Restaurant in Miami. [Laughs.] . There's the two of us now - Tumblr Hahaha. I havent posted all the screencaps I havefor reasonsso in the screencap where it says Karina came up to them, its after all 3 had ALREADY been talking and then Karina walked off for a bit, the woman at the game continued talking to Sam, and Karina came back and walked up to them again. I've been their fan since their first moments so I've witnessed everything you occasionally re-propose to clarify ideas for new fans. August 8, 2021 2:08 AM. . No Sophie, Lauren, David, John Bell, Charles. Well, thank you for making the time while you're in the middle of filming. , And here are Abbie and her husband, Finn on their wedding day earlier this month. @ mornxngstr. I guess they both are. . We might stop getting the above fun nuggets. Anyway, Tom will go supervise Claire because he promised Jamie he wouldnt let her out of his sight. That last scene where young Ian comes in with Chief Bird and rescues Jamie had me cheering. And that's fine. In order to protect what they, Ask me anything, but I may not answer everything. mariaae. This smile, this incredible warm, goofy smile. I probably should have just addressed what bootsauce said about ghostwriters in a separate post rather than reblogginng this one. . P. @ p-redux / p-redux.tumblr.com. , Did our Mr. Heughan get a nice birthday morning massage? Sam Heughan Passionate about Scotland, Whisky, Tequila @sassenachspirits and fitness @mypeakchallenge 3x NY Times Bestselling Author. Non-Shipper/Original Truther. Someone needs to stand up to her. Although since Sam had the day off, maybe he's drunk right now. We had a total blast with them. Forever debunking Extreme Shipper lies. It's going to make however long this next Droughtlander lasts even harder to get through. Karma works. All I can think of (aside from their safety, of course) is their poor house and the mess they'll have to clean up. Fun facts about the number three. Thats a hell no. 17 March, 2017. outlander-starz: Sam Heughan & Caitriona Balfe at Emerald City Comic Con 2017 Outlander Panel. I hope you can give me some words of inspiration and make me feel better about this. DAMIEN HOLBROOK IS EDITOR OF TV GUIDE , 1.) Often several journalists collaborate in reporting on a major story. OMG! So many like you and also myself have spoke up only to be blocked. And happy birthday too. 8 minutes of rushing through and he didn't even take any fan questions. "Cait's best fans" being "respectful" as always?! . Untitled I just noticed tge Shorecliff House in Cork Roger then nonchalantly says he has one as well and they're hereditary. LuHaFraser - Tumblr It's just that we've had two consecutive sightings in a short period of time. #Dram4Sam ends tomorrow. Definitely in Miami with Sam. And the big punch? Only that was never for this fandom. But for now, here's hoping Sam's enjoying his birthday! Is it true that Sam Heughan and Anna Longford are dating? I saw someone mention in a Facebook group that you had posted information about what Sam would be doing this coming week. Sam: One of my favorite shots is Jamie and Claire's intimate scene when they're upstairs. But the truth is both she and Sam live in Scotland and believe me when I say they are both not a big deal at all in Scotland. Cait just didn't waste a single min of her time to wish Sam a happy birthday cause he is literally nobody to her! Thanks, Anon! I see the funeral reveal still has you plopping in your pants and perhaps the stench of your stanky dacks are preventing you from remembering that Sam and Cait did IN'FACT' spend Sam's birthday together last year sans the greasy employee. She has been proud of it because she said she was speaking truth to power., But honestly, S is just a little known C-list actor. That said, I want to clarify@bestjaydeewhy I think bootsauce has been way over-the-top regarding Ss allegedly using ghostwriters. But then I would have to get up at the end of it. Hercule Poirots (Sir Kenneth Branagh) Haunting in Venice is out soon. I had dismissed the Sam and C.M. liberalsarecool. But in all seriousness, it's a lovely moment between the couple. Anyway, Richard Brown walks by Claire's cell and says he'll see her at the gallows. Or Katie Rebekah when he lived in London. I LOVE SAM AND CAIT on Tumblr I saw someone mention in a Facebook group that you had posted information about what Sam would be doing this coming week. Working with our First Nation, they were such fun. We lack nuance. She reportedly wrote to them saying S had no business calling himself an author because of his alleged use of a ghostwriter. the obsolete IG filter on the August 2021 birth post that was too dark to see the "thumb lines" that clearly match Sam Heughan's hand. In addition to that he is a hard working businessman; a man of many talents; a learned, intelligent gentleman, a compassionate humanitarian, a thoughtful, loving person very aware of his responsibilities. Of course I like Sam and Cait together and I can't imagine them having any other partners. Tom is sitting nearby and seems to take pity on Claire for what she's having to go through. We know it was last night because Sam is wearing the same shirt he had on with the fan in this pic from yesterday , As for the possibility that he is also seeing C.M. Outlander fan site posting fandom tidbits for interested fans. One of a kind alohamochridhe: SAM HEUGHAN NOBLEMAN Instagram samheughan. They Still have a few weeks left , https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/23462101.new-channel-4-drama-filmed-baildon-moor-today/, Thank you, had already seen theyre in Leeds at the Versa Studios, Crew posted Day 11 yesterday and day 12 today. What "facts" are you drawing upon to reach a conclusion? In a parallel universe, they've been best friends since childhood . Things quickly escalate and talk turns to the possibility that Jamie killed Malva, not Claire. "A Guid big fire on in the Lodge for our very special guest, Sam Heughan". Because that would be a big no. He's nowhere near Cait? Outlander Fandom Follies - Y'all there really is no worse troll of Sam I think Steve and Rik sent. is blonde) The brunette in the pic in Miami is the friend and not C.M. Follow. Jemmy is super cute and tells Brees pregnant belly that he loves his future baby brother or sister so much. They certainly were not hiding and they looked lovely and normal and totally relaxed in each others company. His career is on the move after Belfast. , My new favorite CaitrionaWifey quote: Cheers, HONEY, @mariaae , I love the fact that Sam selected THAT particular tartan pattern too..protecting those beloved family jewels . There are actors who really hate each other and interact more than Caitrona and Sam on social media. francescameronwriter. He and AN looks like a gay couple posing while coming out of the closet. I'm more and more convinced he and CB were never involved in any romantic waymaybe like my best gay friend relationship? , Yes, she and her fiance, Scott are getting married October 1. Hi Bat! First of all what two people am I supposed to be? We need a better dialog. is blonde) The brunette in the pic in Miami is the friend and not C.M. The episodetitled I Am Not Aloneopens with the theme song, and not a cold open as is usually the case. . Jamie is thrilled but cautious and advises Ian not to act on anything yet and just stay close. @contemplatingoutlander Thanks for the clarification. I'll let you know if C.M. The stars aligned, and this person's friend talked to Sam DIRECTLY on his flight to the U.S. Seems its Nick Jonas movie!. In 10 years not 1 proof of them spending together birthdays, family vacations or anything else but work. All the hours she spent talking about her life changed history today. is also in Miami at the same time Sam is. Later, one of Richard Brown's men dies, but Richard doesn't care. case, the book would still represent Ss recollections and self-reflections. Strikes me you get out of a scene due to giggles you have to start it again? Experienced all the ups and downs. Maybe he took THEIR bedsheets and quickly followed a PATTERN and sewed new swim trunks!, Always black & white stripes! Before Jamie and Claire leave, Tom says they should stay one more night at their house, in their own bed. Her birthday is in November, so maybe then. Her sister is in her twenties, engaged, Im told shes getting married in January. WE CAN SEE SAM WIPED OFF LIPSTICKS AFTER THEY GOT OUT OF A CAR. When they're by the fire and the camera pans out and you see the destruction, the bits of the house that's completely broken, I think it's a metaphor for their reputation and for their whole world, right? Lol. I'm new to Tumblr. We did multiple takes and they're like, Can you get up? I was like, Oh. [Laughs.]. Im sorry, but IMHO this was meanspirited and inappropriate. , Its really a sad story and I wish some of his haters would have a bit more empathy. Send me the pic. Yet she is afraid to communicate with me because she knows I know who she is and what her MO is. You promised not to hurt them. Tom, have you not learned anything? But because of this new frustrating format by Tumblr, we don't see all the comments anymore so this duplication! She is the very worst and is a coward for blocking me and not allowing feedback to her vile posts. You know nothing. At least knowing that production is well underway on the new season is of some comfort. While in the wagon, Jamie tells Claire that Brown is losing control of his men and this is more trouble than its worth. Richard Brown, the head of the Committee of Safety, says he will leave the Ridge only when he has Claire in his possession. are just a few.(none of the pictures are mine and do not . In bed, Claire says shes scared. She then looks outside the wagon and sees she's in New Hanover. his life. He says he looks at his life and the possibility of a LONGTERM relationshipsomething he can sustain in five or ten years time. To me, hes saying he HAS devoted himself in relationships and then he starts to wonder if he can keep it going, gets scared (given his parents divorce, as well as his brother getting divorced), and the relationship ends. Lets see where Sam ends up later and if hes still with the boys. There is a lot of heart there, I think. Nobody likes a wet sloppy kiss even if it's from Sam . , Did our Mr. Heughan get a nice birthday morning massage? Tom yells at the townspeople to stop, that this isnt justice. @contemplatingoutlander no. She is a middle aged bitter troll who has it out for Sam for NO APPARENT REASON other than she is pathetic. When season seven premieres, will the storyline pick right up from where we leave Claire in the season six finale? He's not necessarily the best guy, but he's clearly looking out for Claire's wellbeing. I know it pisses certain haters off when I get a HUGE scoop like this onecuz this was for sure a big scoopCONFIRMATION by an IDENTIFIABLE person that Sam was WITH Karina at the Chargers gamebut it does not change the fact that Im telling the TRUTH. I know you guys will hate me, but Im still not going to post her full name because Im not totally sure they are together. Number 3 and Sam's birthday (last year) What's the connection? You know, Anon What I know about Caitrona and her No Ego I'll keep to myself For now! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqphi8SqY90/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=, yes they were enjoying dinner there for her b-day, A couple that posts normal pics and look happy! I don't think there's anything new going on. With any luck, we'll be getting answers before spring 2023. I think at one point they did have to redo it, didn't they? One of a kind. Yes, I saw Sam looking half nekkid and HOT on a boat (no need to post the pic, its everywhere); yes, I heard about the Cait sighting in New York; and the Anon who said Matt tagged a C.M on his last picture, I dont see anything. All I wish for our wonderful guy and everyone really, is that he finds a partner in life who makes him smile just like this when he thinks of her. Outside of shooting, as well, there was a lot that we were talking about our different cultures and they were really fun. But Boots has done the same types of attacks on both Sam and Cait and has launched (failed) full in campaigns trying to have them canceled. What has been lovely is that Mark Lewis Jones (Tom Christie) is amazing. C.M. Dont let all the negative noise here fool you. I did comment on this on May 4th. We need to elevate the conversation. Pap: How was your Mothers Day? I know DG was late in the day. Ive read parts of Ss book (I have it on Kindle). is also in Miami! Here you go! Then right before bed, I got a DM regarding the fan who saw Sam in Miami (just like the first source said hed be there). Sam is best known for his role as Jamie Fraser in the hit Starz series Outlander. Being, I suspect an unstable narcissistic sociopath of some sorts. books content. Yikes. And also, because if I put her name out there prematurely, she may stop posting gems like this. I don't know if you checked the comments on one of your last posts, but someone said there's a rumor that there are untagged pics of Sam with Karinas niece?

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