Both security guards starred at us as we drove away. Just behind it is the Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Corps, located in a new building designed in the architectural style of the campus. Urban explorers took a tour of an abandoned hospital which has stood empty for 20 years and still has vials of blood and surgical equipment inside. Decided to stop by this place on the way back home.. All I can say is dont waste your time going here. The ancient remains of Genesee are all that is left of an abandoned Colonial settlement. The park was closed in 1986 when the owner died. A curved driveway off the Keating Farms Avenue provides a ceremonial entrance to this building, which was clearly designed with extra care. The Seaside Sanatorium is another haunting example of forgotten facilities. I think I may go back some night at like 3am and take a look around. The hike to reach the furnaces isnt too tough, making it a great place for newer explorers. Nearby on the same side of the road is Stratford Hall, once the library and a cafeteria for a time. Legend states the girl, dressed in a white gown, stares out of the window of the Fairfield Hills State . In 1895 there was a family that lived near Lake Gardner and they loved the lake. It has been left abandoned for the last 2 years, and I hope that it will be restored and turned into a public attraction again. On Russell road so. It was long abandoned until the old factory was converted into a collection of loft apartments. This hospital was built in 1931 and was one of the most used institutions for the time. With many surrounding areas open to the public along with nearby trails, it's easy to see how this abandoned place in CT is still quite popular today. i was up there on veterans day there was no security patrolling until i crashed my bike on the road and then a car with an amber strobe light came and asked if i wanted to sit in the pavillion if you want to call it while i washed out my wounds and that was how close i got to the building itself. So he let me in on some of the history. The female officer showed up in another car (and her little clipboard) and took our plate number. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! Firefighters are investigating a brush/building fire at an old abandoned mental hospital in Newington. In fact, I believe the restoration will spur development in the much-needed hospitality industry, Saffan wrote last year. This is one of those abandoned places in Connecticut that has a rich cultural history attached to it. Photos show an abandoned children's asylum that was allegedly burned to the ground by a woman scorned by her ex-boyfriend. After closure in 1995, the property lay vacant for more than a decade, and despite some reuse, many buildings remain untouched since its last residents were moved to other facilities. At its peak, the hospital housed over 4,000 patients. In this video I explore Fairfield Hills Insane Asylum In Newtown CT.Go to 13:40 in video to see the actual exploration part of the video begin, etc.Enjoy.-. She met her demise on July 25th, 1956 when the captain mistakenly set a course directly towards an iceberg. its unclear when this mysterious tower was built and what was the purpose it served. Rumor has it that Jordan Lane was nicked named Lovers Lane in that guys would bring their girlfriends and park their cars there. It was thought, (at the time) that fresh air and sunlight would cure tuberculous. The 70-acre Norwich State Hospital housed tubercular patients among others who were considered insane or mentally ill in the early 20th century. Be safe! Untapped New York unearths New York Citys secrets and hidden gems. Abandoned: All That Remains Of Connecticut's Norwich State Hospital (Photos) January 18, 2016 by Lucia Previously: Wonderland Amusement Park. This sprawling 50,000 square foot facility (now private property) was a tuberculosis sanatorium that took in patients from 1914 to 1960. The second building was used until 2010 and did house mentally unstable teens & adults. This is one of the most scenics and relaxing abandoned places in the state. S2 E6: The Lost Garden of Beatrix Farrand, S2 E5: The Skin Experiments at Holmesburg Prison, S2 E4: The Story of Urban Exploration Resource, S2 E2: The Life & Death of the American Mall. Ive heard people at schoolIve heard people at school talking about it but I never really new it was there, so last weekend I went up there to look and it was super creepy ,especially because it was during a thunderstorm. 3.8. Hope this helps draw a small picture. merges with Jordan Lane which is a throughway into Wethersfield. The security is only put there to protect the new building. They often served as such for decades before ultimately being shuttered in more recent times due to budget constraints. An operating chair inside an abandoned hospital in Italy. Theres like old houses off of back roads all labeled by cottages 1-14. Founded in 1846 by Emory Johnson, the Johnsons set up a mill and slowly the town grew in size. File photo. What started as a mining facility in the 1700s was turned into a prison when the mining business failed. Fairfield Hills had the capacity for over 4,000 patients, but like many other institutions during the time . The hospital's Salmon building is one of the area's paranormal hotspots. Creepy IntenseGetting inside was a struggle. There was a security car (not state trooper) parked and all of us walked right by them and nothing happened. One of the overgrown wards at Norwich State Hospital, grand even in decay. The places include Seaside Sanatorium in Waterford, Fairfield State Hospital in Newtown, Undercliff Sanatorium in Meriden, and Cedarcrest Hospital in Newington. IVe been mountain biking upIVe been mountain biking up behind the facility. With no way to move forward, they settled in the remote woodlands of Connecticut. now to one side of this room there was a door, then a steel staircase outside the building which had a gate. Location: Routes 59 and, CT-136, Easton, CT 06612 The hauntings of Union Cemetery, Easton 2. We were not able to find any specific instances of why its believed by some that the property is haunted. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. They use state troopers. Norwich State Hospital is a chapter in my book, Abandoned America: Age of Consequences. i remember thinking how strange it was. all the way down the hall was a dining area with wall to wall windows. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! Two of the soldiers died at the . Like many state facilities that have been closed, there is no trespassing on the property, so if you decide to visit without any sort of permissionwhich we strongly discouragedont be surprised if youre escorted off the property and to a local police station, while in handcuffs. Now, Sunrise Resort is part of the state own land which can be explored legally during daytime hours. Also this building was secluded from the main facility and parking lot. The old Norwich Mental Hospital grounds in SE CT. CedercrestI live pretty close to there and me n my friend are planning to find a way in so we will keep u all informed. after walking in it wasnt hard to notice the sound of the old steam pipes that tick and rattle every now and then. Walking trails and baseball fields have been newer additions, along with the construction of a few new buildings. amzn_assoc_linkid = "a4e197c8f0909e381b60bd7b57b5d85e"; Copyright Matthew Christopher Photography LLC 2004-Present. After more effective medication was invented for TB there was simply no need for such a facility anymore. There's the big building but don't miss the abandoned staff housing either, further . The elevators seemed to have a mind of their own and I got stuck in them more than once. Theres also a metal staircase inside that leads you to the top of the tower from where you can take in the surrounding landscape. Stonewall Jackson Training school was the perfect example of good intentions gone terribly wrong, and, Read More The Untold Evils Of Stonewall Jackson Training SchoolContinue, If youre searching for ghost towns in West Virginia, weve got you covered! So on the inside, the building had plenty of fire and smoke damage. All I can say from experience is that this tower has seen better days. Been here a bunch of times In my early twenties We used to explore the asylum that has since been demolished I guess. A stone central facade, seen in no other building, grounds the symmetrical building which from a distance could be mistaken for a great British estate. We have never returned. Every day, new buildings are proposed, science introduces new forms of technology and the past fades away. If youve explored abandoned places in Connecticut then youve likely heard of Fairfiled Hills Hospital. Some hospitals that date back centuries have fallen into disrepair. Some (abridged) history of Cedarcrest Hospital from the Asylum Projects wiki: The original facility was built in 1910, and was opened as the Hartford County Home for the Care and Treatment of Persons Suffering from Tuberculosis. S1 E9: Abandoned Resorts of the Catskills, S1 E8: The Tragedy At Third Presbyterian Church, S1 E7: Losing Our Religion - Abandoned Churches, S1 E5: The Closure of the State Hospitals, S1 E2: The Rise And Fall of American Theaters, the Preston Redevelopment agency started demolishing the buildings in 2011. Forgotten under the construction of a new urban roadway is a small, abandoned part of town. Discover the citys most unique and surprising places and events for the curious mind. Back in the late 70s I was assigned to Cedarcrest Hospital as a 3rd shift security guard. In 2010, the facility was closed, and it has remained empty ever since. Its not worth the risk. i got to see the kitchen and much more. There have been some reports of supernatural activity around this tower, but nothing is confirmed. In 2015 the site was demolished, however, the cemetery is still intact and makes an interesting visit. as for the sings for trespassing the state still has cottages that house PTs at the end of Russell road as well as radio tower that are active nOt to mention a very large cliff, I went to cedercrest today its heavily guarded. On another note, Russell Rd. Note: Many of these abandoned spots are closed to the public and are monitored by police. See more ideas about abandoned places, abandoned hospital, abandoned asylums. Karyn Doherty/Alltrails. This is a century-old hospital that used to treat TB patients back in the olden days, right in the heart of Newington. Due to access issues, the tunnels were sealed or destroyed by the town starting in 2009. It had more than 50,000 visitors every year and featured attractions like a recreation of the garden of Eden and other biblical scenes. Fairfield Hills, psychiatric hospital- Newtown, Connecticut. She also likes reading, playing Pokemon Go, and going to concerts. . the stairs are going to be in a room to the right once you approach. The Shade Swamp Sanctuary is all that remains of the ruins of this 1930s animal rescue center. Click here to find out why it's all falling apart on the new Abandoned America podcast! Learn how to uncover more abandoned places and the techniques used to capture their beauty. Below are 13 different ghost towns you can explore across the great state of Idaho along with their status and exact GPS coordinates. AO Edited Fairfield Hills Hospital Newtown, Connecticut This abandoned psychiatric hospital once housed more than 4,000 patients in the. The three-story building with three connected wings was one of the largest in the facility. 172-166 Taft Pond Road, Pomfret, CT 06259 Chris Garafola Bara-Hack was established as a settlement in the 18th century by Obadiah Higginbotham and Johnathan Randall, who came from Rhode Island to start a community that honored their Welsh heritage. One such facility was Cedarcrest Hospital in Newington, which currently sits mostly abandoned, although some of the smaller buildings on the campus are used by state agencies and the FBI. Discover 16 abandoned places in Connecticut. But, we ended up getting caught by security. Ive lived in newington in cedar mts shadow for 34 years. When you enter Newtown Municipal Center from Wasserman Way, the first building youll come across is Shelton House, currently unoccupied but was originally an administration building and used for patient care. According to, while open it harbored over 6,000 patients, and doctors would perform electroshock treatments, induce comas with insulin, administer pills and poisons for testing purposes, sedate, isolate, and place patients in tanks full of ice. Well good for you, Ian. Dont waste your time. Old New-Gate Prison 41.96197, -72.74502 What started as a mining facility in the 1700s was turned into a prison when the mining business failed. CVH is depressing also. @ molly according to my research the building failed to sell on july of 2012 the only reason the state police is up there is for securing the area and that only residents of tinsmith and schoolhouse crossings can get to and from their houses and csp was doing an investigation on drug activity on the premesis according to a friend of mine who lives on tinsmith. An abandoned Depression-era zoo hidden just off the highway. Before this, women were used to wearing uncomfortable corsets that would harm their bodies. You can reach Lisa at, The Unique Hike That Takes You Through An Abandoned Amusement Park In Connecticut, These Old Photos From Connecticuts Abandoned Resort Are Truly Chilling, The Remains Of This Abandoned Connecticut Hospital Will Haunt Your Dreams, Step Inside The Creepy, Abandoned Town Of Dudleytown In Connecticut, Each Of These 6 Abandoned Places In Connecticut Has A Story To Tell, Follow This Abandoned Railroad Trail For One Of The Most Unique Hikes In Connecticut, Hike Just One Mile To This Abandoned Train Yard In Connecticut, This Connecticut Trail Is On The Grounds Of An Abandoned Psychiatric Hospital, "Cedarcrest Hospital In Newington, CT"/The Obtuse Guy/Youtube. No lights no getting spotted pretty simple lol. On that property was the original hospital, which was most likely the building that opened in 1910. The park ultimately began to struggle as the automobile industry began to boom. There are abandoned castles, theme parks and power plants that tell the tales of times long ago and not so long ago.