B. Lippincott Publishing: 1969), pp. Throughout a large portion of the War, North Vietnam denied that any of its soldiers were even in the south, but it is clear that they were able to place tens of thousands of troops in the southern war zone, including complete units of regular PAVN, rather than simply individual fillers. Ferries shuttled troops across rivers and streams. [1], Overall, the supplies and equipment of communist units were adequate, and their infantry small-arms were a match for those of their opponents. These attacks removed many of the restrictions upon previous American targeting, seeded Northern waters with mines that cut Soviet and Chinese imports to a trickle, exhausted national air-defenses and crippled whatever significant remaining industrial plant and transportation network was left in the North. galleries are progressively closed from 4 pm. cit, John Prados, The Blood Road, (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1998), p. 2-45, Colonel Jack Broughton, Thud Ridge, (J. Yet, the VPA also managed to produce copies of 50mm, 60mm, 81mm and 120mm mortars employed by the French, thus facilitating the use of captured ammunition. save. For a 122, you have seven seconds to get hidden before impact. The hub of the North Vietnamese material distribution was Hanoi with its numerous railheads, bridges and major roads. r/shittytechnicals. As noted above, supplies, equipment and material was pre-stocked along roads, and near various choke points like ferry crossings so that repairs could be made quickly. Waterways were also pressed into service via use of the "floating barrel" technique- steel drums packed with supplies that floated downstream for later collection. Exceptions were the set piece siege battles such as the battle of Khe Sanh or heavy artillery duels against US batteries across the Vietnamese Demilitarized Zone. The D-74, with a range of 24 kilometers (15 miles), was the third longest-ranged ground artillery piece of the Vietnam War behind the U.S. M107 self-propelled 175 mm gun at 40 kilometers (25 miles) and the Soviet-supplied M-46 130 mm towed gun at 27.5 kilometers (17 miles). We would see the rockets coming up out of the valley between us and the main ammo dump. [46] Official North Vietnamese sources also confirm the massive buildup, although figures differ between American and Northern sources. Construction of what was to become the famous Ho Chi Minh Trail extended over decades, with elements put in place during the anti-French struggle of the Viet Minh. Unauthorised Copying of any kind is strictly prohibited. The two most common types included the French MAT 49, using either its original 919mm ammunition or having been converted to use the 7.6225mm Tokarev cartridge, and the Soviet/Chinese PPSh-41, often modified and converted in PAVN arsenals to the K-50M. Fifteen to twenty-five kilometers were covered daily depending on the terrain. American logistical largesse also provided a bonanza as fraud and corruption siphoned off resources. The rocket launchers, relatively light, were broken down into portable pieces the men could carry, along with their ammunition. [20] Food was always had locally, taxed away from peasants, purchased or even grown by VC units. History / Summary. Bomb tonnages dropped on the Trail in Laos offer some indication of the scale of the American campaign: 1969 433,000 tons, 1970 394,000 tons (74,147 sorties), 1971 402,000 tons (69,000 sorties). Collectively, both forces were part of PAVN which made up all armed forces of North Vietnam. June 24: A PAVN 122mm rocket struck the Thanh Tam Hospital in Ho Nai, Bin Ha Province, killing one patient. The two-round HEIT projectile used in Vietnam was point-detonating and designed to self-destruct at 3,500 meters. 5. By 1970, the communist inventory was mostly standardized, even at the village guerrilla level. The 11,000 artillery rounds and several thousand rockets fired that day were a clear demonstration that the North Vietnamese Army had improved and expanded its artillery arm. Great pains were taken to camouflage movement. At least some of the 5-inch Zuni air-launched rockets pledged to Ukraine by the United States have now been delivered, according to new photos. Common weapons included the French MAS-36 and other weapons left behind from the First Indochina war, the Soviet Mosin-Nagant, especially M1944 carbines, mostly by way of China. Captured stocks were also exploited. Soviet bloc and Chinese shipments easily met ordinary communist force requirements. The Ho Chi Minh Trail consumed massive amounts of attention, but the internal pipelines were also crucial, and these were not closed off because the US and particularly the South Vietnamese Government failed to control the major population concentrations effectively.[20]. Vietnam war, 1972 [916x608] 709. Since July 3, 1863, there have been many calls for Confederate flags to be returned to their home states, and in particular, for the 28th Virginia Infantry Regiment flag return to Virginia. Defense secretary McNamara initially opposed striking the missile batteries because he feared killing Chinese or Soviet technicians working at the sites. Range rocket fired from: Unknown. A variety of ''homemade'' launching systems were developed, with the most common being a simple set of steerage wheels (metal), attached to a low elevation mechanism. Way-stations were located deep in the forest, and contained caches of supplies for use by the infiltrators. Used sparingly and usually against a fire support base or special forces camps, the M-43 delivered a lethal punch, equal to that of the much larger 152mm howitzer use near the DMZ and the Cambodian border. [50], A daily march cycle might begin at 4:00am with a pause around noon, and continuation until dusk-6:00pm. The gun had a horizontal sliding-wedge breech block, a hydropneumatic recoil system, a muzzle brake and a split tail carriage. An incoming round exploding is a noise forever embedded in your brain and for years to come you could be affected by similar sounds. They were guarded by detachments of the 559th Transport Group. Known to the North Vietnamese as the Truong Son Strategic Supply Route, the Central Committee of the Lao Dong Party ordered construction of routes for infiltration as early as 1959, under the 559 Transport Group. The Turkish T-300 Kasirga is perhaps the only NATO rocket artillery system that could truly be considered a "heavy" system like the Russian/Soviet BM-30 Smerch. While inaccurate compared to more sophisticated weapons, the 122mm rocket made an effective terror weapon when deployed against civilian targets. US MACV estimates posited a more modest total of around 280,000. [46] PAVN infiltration routes were keyed to the military regions the infiltrators were assigned to. Exploitation and deception were also used in air defense operations. In Vietnam this rocket comprised one of the primary means of inflicting standoff attacks against airfields and other . Linebacker caused more damage to Northern lines of communication, than the previous 3 years of Rolling Thunder, particularly as the Easter Offensive brought PAVN forces out into the open. From 1965-1972 DaNang Air Base was hit by approx 1000 122mm rockets . pp. United States Senate. [3][4], Weapons used by the VC were originally a varied mixture of both French weapons from the days of French Indochina, captured enemy weapons and Soviet and Chinese support, including both newly produced weapons, old stockpiles and captured enemy stockpiles from World War II. The large number of waterways in Vietnam were also put to good use in moving materiel. The most active Zuni 127mm unguided air-to-surface rockets were used by the United States Navy and Marine Corps aviation in military campaigns of the 1960s-1970s, in particular in Vietnam. These military airbases were off-limits to American retaliation.[11]. She is fluent in German and is a member of the U.K. Military Historical Society. The bulk of VC/PAVN foodstuffs was procured within South Vietnam via purchase, taxation on peasants in controlled areas, and personal farming by troops in remote areas. A female fighter, Ngo Thi Tuyen', was hailed as a model of patriotic resistance and devotion for heroic repair efforts to the important Thanh Ha Bridge, a structure that stood up against several attempts to destroy it, until laser-guided bombs knocked it down in 1972. Chemical sensors were neutralized by leaving buckets of urine hanging on trees over the transportation network. Fin stabilization was used (4 on the tail of the rocket). Bridges were also built underwater to escape detection. [12] The Trail was a complex web of roads, tracks, bypasses, waterways, depots, and marshaling areas, some 12,000 miles (19,000km) in total. The 470th Transport group was established to move material from Cambodia. 1998. The 122mm had an amazing range of between 3,000 and 7,000-meters, which a ''kill range'' (blast radius of 163-meters). Charlie started shelling the helipad area and a mortar landed within six feet of where we were standing. Traffic was regulated by numerous civilian helpers, often young girls. . The initial American Operation Rolling Thunder campaign while inflicting painful local damage, did not halt the continual stream of men and materiel into the south. By the time of the aerial offensives, most US forces (over 500,000 troops) were already out of the Vietnam theater. Soviet aid outstripped that of China, averaging over half a billion dollars per year in the later stages of the war, with some $700million in 1967 alone. [29], Food. [42] In the air defense effort around important targets, labor units often constructed up to 4 dummy positions for each real anti-aircraft concentration.[43]. 3 km 2 with varying level of impact. 12 October 1972. Transit time could take months, and sometimes entire units were disrupted and disbanded. Stars and Stripes news special-reports vietnam-at-50, Tet Offensive & Khe Sahn Vietnam War Footage, Vietnam War Casualties Listed by Home of Record. Trans. The system and the M-21OF rocket were first developed in the early 1960s, and saw their first combat use in March 1969 during the Sino-Soviet border conflict. Overview. [19] Amounts ten times or more this size however, were entering the top of the logistical pipeline before trickling down into South Vietnam, Laos and adjoining border regions. One 1972 analysis for the US Senate on bombing notes the tenacity and resilience of PAVN and its logistics system: Throughout the war, the results of the bombing of North Vietnam have consistently fallen far short of the claims made for it. 122mm rockets, 82mm and 60 mm mortar rounds, and tons of RPG-7's - rocket propelled grenades, some artillery rounds, but not sure of . They were a little over 6' tall, more than 1/3 of it explosive charge. The unit tasked by Hanoi with organizing movement was the 470th Transport Group, which established a similar network on binh trams' and way-stations.[15]. This was lit to provide guide lights to moving men and material, invisible from the air. It is estimated that a VC/PAVN division in the south typically required only 15 tons of supplies per day. Type 81 122mm Rocket Launcher Type 90 122mm wheeled self-propelled rocket launcher . Estimated impact area: Rockets were fired separately to an area of approx. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for New 1:72 China PLA PHZ89 122MM Multi Barrel Self-propelled Rocket Launcher Model at the best online prices at eBay! Sep 17, 2015 - Soviet made 122mm Katyusha Rocket launched by Viet Communist from primitive ground mounts. [10] China also provided radar stations and airfields where Vietnam People's Air Force aircraft could marshal for attack, or flee to when in trouble against American air forces. If you heard them overhead they were no threat. They were fielded in 1966 and would remain dominant until the end of The War in 1975. This logistics organization helped greatly in their war against the American and South Vietnamese military during the Vietnam War. Laos, Vietnam: US forces make extensive use of cluster munitions in bombing campaigns. Critics of the US effort charged that it was deliberately targeting civilians, but while several instances of collateral damage did occur, US policy and practice was concentrated on strategic military targets not the elimination of civilians. Tonnages needed for communist forces were modest for the low-intensity protracted war style. The 122 mm D-74, a towed gun that entered Soviet service in 1955, was the most numerous gun in the NVAs five independent artillery regiments. 31157, Krepinevich, The Army and Vietnam, pp. It was only after the shift to conventional warfare in the 1972 Easter Offensive, and the final conventional campaign in 1975 (when US airpower had vacated the field) that tanks and heavy batteries were openly used in significant numbers. There are a total of [ 8 ] Vietnam War Mortars entries in the Military Factory. Roads were sometimes "roofed" with a network of branches, brush and other greenery, and vehicles on the roads sported foliage to aid in concealment. [17] The need for massive amounts of manual labor for construction actually decreased on the Trail as heavy equipment like bulldozers and rock crushers were deployed, and both miles of road built and truck traffic expanded. One historian asserts: By 1975, the emergency troops had shepherded war material south and an estimated 700,000 wounded soldiers back to North Vietnam, while helping air defenders bring down some 8,558 U.S. aircraft lost in Southeast Asia. An ARVN reaction unit recovered our first 122mm rocket, complete with . One US intelligence estimate puts external communist supply requirements for Communist forces in South Vietnam at approximately 100 tons per day- 15 tons via the DMZ, 35 tons from Cambodia and 50 tons from Laos.[8]. A limited strike was authorized three days later in retaliation. [34] On the vital China to Hanoi corridor, most major bridges, roads and rail lines were back in operation within five weeks after the American bombing halt in 1968. Another history notes that while female home front activity in war (clearing rubble, manning factories, nursing the sick etc.) Both weapons and food for example were readily available on the black markets of South Vietnam. Some 170,000 girls were also mobilized into emergency youth troops, marching south to provide support on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, equipped with shovels and supplies. During the bombing campaign over the north, facilities and installations were widely dispersed and concealed. The Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) used well-organized logistics methods to supply and equip their fighting forces. Each binh tram had its own force of porters, guides, engineers, specialists, transportation units and infantry. PHIL M. HAUN, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF. A large number of small supply depots, widely dispersed to guard against attack, furnished units on the move. A fuel pipeline complete with pumping stations was even in place by 1969, and this was to multiply, together with other installations such as missile batteries, as the conflict extended. They were often quickly disabused of such notions as they encountered sullen peasants and withering US firepower. A 122mm rocket is an unguided surface-to-surface artillery rocket delivered by a multiple rocket launcher (MRL). In early 1965 for example, the Johnson Administration refused to hit SA-2 missile sites before they became operational against US aircraft, despite the urging of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that the price of postponement would be paid for in pilot lives and aircraft losses. [4][5][6], Communist units also employed mortars frequently, with the Soviet 82mm and its Chinese variants being the most common alongside 60mm Chinese Type 31 and Type 63, American M2 mortar, French Brandt Mle 1935 and 81mm Brandt Mle 27/31. We pay our respects to elders past and present. A massive American effort in the air failed to stop the men and material pushed forward by Hanoi. The BM-14 (BM for Boyevaya Mashina, 'combat vehicle'), is a Soviet-made 140mm multiple launch rocket system (MLRS), normally mounted on a truck.. Chinese 60 mm mortar rounds captured by 1st Cav Quan Loi May 69Photo by Jim Beck, Radar unit on the wooden tower was used to pinpoint the origin of incoming rounds for retaliation purposes. The Sihanouk Trail in Cambodia was opened in 1966 to enable PAVN to infiltrate and resupply COVSN in the southernmost zone of South Vietnam. A STAFF STUDY BASED ON THE PENTAGON PAPERS. Total losses to disease are estimated at around 10 to 20%. Copyright 2013 - 2023 Stronghold Nation. [Source: Washington Post] . As one historian notes "Knowing that the Vietnamese could replace their losses indefinitely, and were doing so, the American war planners counted on the psychological wear and tear of modern air-power upon a land-bound adversary. Language. Casualties: Ten people were killed by a single rocket as they waited in line for bread outside the Balrwein . The rocket was developed by engineers of the Naval . Image. Precision munitions aided this mandate. American bombing was sometimes ineffective against both the landscape and determined repair attempts. The Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) used well-organized logistics methods to supply and equip their fighting forces. Movement was in column, with point and rear elements. [23] Older men made up many of the long-term laborers as those younger were drawn off into combat and female labor was used extensively in a wide range of logistics tasks. Photo: YouTube/Denver7 - The Denver Channel Air Force History and Museums Program. Accurate, powerful, easy to maintain and repair, the D-74 remained in service with the Peoples Army of Vietnam through about 2010. JACOB VAN STAAVEREN. I then went back to check my AO ( sleeping area). May 14: Five PAVN 122mm rockets hit the residential area of Da Nang, killing five civilians and wounding 18. The continuity in the infiltration corridor through Cambodia and Laos mitigated against the forces being stopped. Other missile salvos damaged accompanying aircraft. Photo credits: Mykola Oleschuk. - Charles E. Kirkpatrick, in . There was a significant overlap of logistical functions in the communist organization, as the PAVN and the VC civilian agencies worked an area. The Vietnam War Commemoration is conducted according to the 2008 National Defense Authorization Act to help honor and pay tribute to Vietnam . A courier might leave a message at a specific drop location for another courier (a stranger to him or her). Sick soldiers were left to recuperate at various way-stations. report. The railway network in the Chinese provinces bordering North Vietnam was of vital importance in importing war material. [46], Camouflage and concealment. Way stations were generally within one day's travel from each other. The party sponsored competitive essays among the girls, with selected winners volunteering to join special "dare to die" unexploded bomb squads. The limits of air power: the American bombing of North Vietnam. PAVN troops also faced US movement, auditory and chemical ("people sniffer") sensors on various parts of the Trail. The country continued to function for war despite the aerial onslaught. 122 mm rockets captured in the rocket belt south of Da Nang transported on a mule motorized cart to Camp Dong Son. Places of Pride, the National Register of War Memorials, is a new initiative designed to record the locations and photographs of every publicly accessible memorial across Australia. It was never a question of victory for the North, it was only a matter of time. and attack personnel. 27 Apr 2023 08:27:47 When using heavy artillery, the VC/PAVN relied on high quality Soviet-supplied heavy 122mm and 130mm guns that outranged American and ARVN opposition. This is some very rare canvas. [24], Communist forces also made extensive use of Vietnam's large network of rivers and waterways, drawing heavily on the Cambodian port of Sihanoukville, which was also off-limits to American attack. Ronald Oakes collection. The main characteristics of the Zuni rocket: diameter - 127 mm, length - 2790 mm, weight - 46,3 - 61,6 kg, depending on the engine and warhead, warhead weight: 20,7 - 25,6 kg (high-explosive fragmentation, high-explosive, armor-piercing . North Vietnamese - Viet Cong used specialised BM 21 single round manportable tripod rocket launchers, developed by the Soviets as the Grad P which were originally intended for use by Spesnatz and other specialised users. McNamara pictured enemy soldiers under combined assault in the South, utterly devoid of flying machines for mobility or retaliation in the sky.. 'They only thing that will prevent it [stalemate] Mr. President, is their morale breaking' he said 'that's the only chance we have of winning this thing because we are just not killing enough of them to make it impossible for the North to continue to fight. As noted above, the risk of air attack caused men and material to move along linked, but separate routes, and truck loading operated in shuttle fashion. When I first arrived in Phuoc Vinh mortar attacks were quite frequent. Our collection contains a wealth of material to help you research and find your connection with the wartime experiences of the brave men and women who served in Australias military forces. Her areas of interest include the Vietnam War and World Wars I and II, with a focus on Great Britain, Germany and Eastern Europe. [21], Civilian labor was crucial to VC/PAVN success, and was deployed in building fortifications, transporting supplies and equipment, prepositioning material in readiness for an operation, and general construction such as road repair. Thesis (2004). Many suggested that this failure was because there were too many restrictions. The Type 85 single-tube launcher is not a necessity in this regard, although using it makes the rocket more accurate. In October and November, Human Rights Watch documented a country-wide increase in the . PAVN headquarters in Hanoi was responsible for the coordinating the North to South logistical effort. Repairs were often done at night when the enemy aircraft would be less active. By 1973, gun batteries had been supplemented with Soviet-supplied surface to air missiles on various parts of the Trail. (Two above Photos by Chris Bussells, 31st HHC), Newly built Charlie Troop hooches before sandbags, Two above photos by Jordan Green (Charlie Troop Maintenance, 1969-70). [49], Another technique used to lower casualties and loss was to separate the movement of men from the movement of material. US air interdiction against the Trail increased as PAVN stepped up its activities. And magnesium is a key component of 9M22S rockets, which is a special munition for the BM-21 "Grad" multiple rocket launcher, a truck-mounted system that can launch a salvo of 40 122mm rockets . The Soviet Union was the largest supplier of war aid, furnishing most fuel, munitions, and heavy equipment, including advanced air defense systems. Generally there was ten minutes of rest per hour, with one day of rest every five. Date. [31] The largest repair organization was the Youth Shock Brigades Against the Americans for National Salvation. [28], VC/PAVN formations suffered a shortage of modern radios. Nor did it stop China from continuing to massively supply its North Vietnamese client. Much of Hanoi however, along with other key port areas such as Haiphong, were off-limits to US air attack until late in the American war. I rolled out of bed to the floor and low crawled as fast as I could to the nearest bunker.When the attack seemed to be over, we came out of the bunker to access the damage. Rolling Thunder imposed several limitations on US operations, and allowed Soviet and Chinese ships freedom to continuously deliver munitions and supplies into the battle zone. The Finance and Economic grouping was the chief fund raiser, banker and purchasing agent. Other versions used a more safer method of closed block (firing pin). Note that all Soviet weapons also had common Chinese copies. It carried the launch motor, flight motor, warhead and fuze for the 122mm Katyusha Rocket. Over 150,000 Northern soldiers however remained in the South after the 1972 Offensive, expanding the conquered zone, building up logistics capacity (including the construction and extension of pipelines) and biding their time, until the final Ho Chi Minh Campaign in 1975. GRADUAL FAILURE: THE AIR WAR OVER NORTH VIETNAM 19651966. 180213, BDM Corporation, op. Again bombing failed to fulfill the promises made for it. Delayed action bombs caused special problems. Tet Offensive '68 - the 122mm rocket.

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