Not quite that lavish easygoing lifestyle eh? This combination gives loss of money or property to the person. Their physical traits. The planet is the brightest in our Solar System. If you're single, though, then you're looking less to settle down and more to explore your options. November 15, 2022 Privacy Policy. It encompasses not only visual arts and literature, its ruling expands to performing arts and theater arts. People who are in this conjunction may find it difficult to manage money or relationships. Showing off and being glamorous is natural and should not harm your reputation. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Speak to a live horoscope expert. You may experience a lack of discipline when youre with each other. They have a greater than average need to grow in their love relationships, and to shower their partners with acceptance and warmth. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Venus and Jupiter have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently. 4. Although they are unlikely to seek out people to help, theyre quite quick to lend a helping hand if the need arises. Interpretations written by Annie Heese, unless otherwise noted. Venus and Jupiter are located in the same hemisphere. A person can become a skilled doctor, lawyer, judge, or actor. There is also a strong sense of justice and a strong sense of intuitive thought in these people. Venus sextile Jupiter Transit. Moon-Jupiter trine Venus-Pluto sounds wonderful! The facts recited above are related to Venus in astrology. It can also be a restorative time period in which you find stability after a previous time of volatility, disruption, or change. But thats not all. Is it too late to rectify something that I should have in March (today is may 10, 2016) in order to work on the karmic aspects to this transit? The Saturn-Venus star group: Denebola, Zosma, Alphard 2nd house = money through responsibility, nurturing, managers,.. 5th house = money through inventions, genius ideas, business, creative,.. 8th house = money through attracting finances of others, banking,.. 11th house = money through creating wealth yourself,.. Planets in good dignity show where you can create wealth from : Saturn in Capricorn, AquariusMars in Capricorn, Scorpio, AriesMoon in Taurus. They rarely get single. My name is Karen, for 19+ years my career as a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor has given me the fulfillment to be able to help others in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities. They may be more sexually confident or feel ultra-attractive. Around each other, you may exaggerate or make false claims to your partner, or you may overspend, overeat, drink too much, etc. The astrologer uses these planets in astrological signs to interpret their meaning. birth details are 05/01/1992 5.56 AM philadelphia, pa, us. It is critical to remember, however, that this relationship does not always go well. Your partner will need to do the same. Similarly, Shukra is the lord of Sanjeevani by which the dead can become alive. Due to their righteousness, Jupiter people have high moral fiber and dignity. You see wonderful qualities in each other and sense the elegance in your relationship. Dont take what they say and face value and be very careful of your own words, as youre likely to stretch or change the truth. Is Venus trine Jupiter considered a wealth aspects? If the Lord of the 6th grants you a job, you may have new colleagues in your workplace. I have Jupiter trine {Venus/Mercury/Sun} with Jupiter-Venus in Aquarius-Libra. Jupiter Grades: How To Change Your Grades, How To Back Up Your Jupiter WordPress Website. Generally, this combination gives satisfaction in the source of wealth and livelihood. Faithfulness is a key factor if your relationship is to support your spiritual growth, and trust has to work both ways in the partnership. This couple will be fortunate in finances too. You are likely not only to be idealistic, but also to embody elements of the philosophies and ideals you find meaningful. Yet even good works on the behalf of others won't help, if you're spending more than you can afford. They tend to enter into the relationship because of these wonderfully amorous feelings. Its important that you learn how to ground yourselves. You may get a helpful and supportive life partner. The Venus trine Jupiter dates are March 3rd, June 2nd, and September 1st. It also extends to intimacy, affection, sex, and desire. A trine between Venus and Jupiter in your natal chart gives you a generous and uplifting personality and makes you an inspirational presence within your relationships. You may or may not be able to fully manifest the projects you begin now as you initially intend. Because where Jupiter is considered to be a planet that shines wealth and luck. glad to see that itll be roses + :0). Every primary astrology planet is involved in this combined pattern. This transit supports making restorative repairs and modifications. Do we give importance to their social status? You enjoy celebrations and partying in general. So, when these two planets are in alignment, it is said to bring good luck and abundance in these areas into our lives. The couple likes to explore and travel so much. See quincunx, semi-sextile, and the quintile/biquintile. When you fully commit to following your passions and desires, you have an innate ability to find support and connect with the resources you need. The goddess charms not only mortals but gods alike. Any conflict in love relationships causes you to consider your spiritual values all over again. It does not govern an aspect of our personality. These aspects affect us and the world in general terms but it is your own transits are the strongest indicator of what kind of a day you have. November 26, 2025 7. Your adventurous and creative nature makes you stimulating and fun to be around. Meanwhile, the Jupiter person may feel especially expansive, philosophical, or spiritual around the Venus person. Vedic astrologers believe that Jupiter with Venus in a house represents prosperity. WEALTH IN THE NATAL CHART: ASPECTS OF THE PLANETS Income and inheritance are described by the 2nd and 8th houses, respectively. But they will always find ways to resolve the financial problems. Conjunctions are typically found three years and three months apart. Jupiter conjuncts Venus every 13 months on average. This is the right time to buy cosmetics, jewelry, art and anything to decorate your home or office. Your ease in showing love and affection shows your self-love and self-respect. When things get hard in their relationship, they will still think of each other's happiness. Venus people, as such planet rules them, value romantic relationships. With the Venus sextile Jupiter synastry aspect, you can learn how to genuinely care for the other person. Before we move forward, I highly recommend getting this. Yes in principle it could be (on a very simplistic approach Venus "attracts" and Jupiter "expands"), but it's too simplistic statement without having a look to the placement of the planets including signs and, specially, houses where those planets are. You will do the same for anotherespecially your family, children, or partnerif you feel they would benefit from enjoying the best of what life has to offer. The presence of these two benefic planets will not give you trouble. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. JUPITER most strongly affects wealth. Traditional writings caution against excessive consumption of food and alcohol, but people are still . If you've got a strong 12th house and/or Neptune, you've got that faith in spades. How much easier are they to see in the south? This alignment is said to be beneficial for matters of the heart, as well as for financial matters. Jupiter, located on the outer edge of the Sun, moves around slowly in its orbit around it. It is the perfect time for starting a holiday because of your relaxed and stress-free state. Every time you see each other, you strive to find the best in each other. Venus also knows our love language. This is a time when the planet Venus is in alignment with the planet Jupiter. This one was for the whole planet Mel. What qualities are noticeable in us? December 19, 2024 But generally married life remains normal. It also extends to intimacy, affection, sex, and desire. Hence, Venus, in astrology, rules over arts as well. Indicates the overal theme of your finances, your approach towards it. She is the lover of the arts and protector of artists. Venus people highly value their appearance. Jupiter brings wealth through official. I have this aspect and I heard that whenever Venus aspects Jupiter or vice versa that it's a wealth aspect because they both represent money. Fortunately, you're likely not to be selfish with your bounty and good fortunes. Jupiter also rules over morality, honor, and justice. So this conjunction will make you lucky in financial matters. You may feel a strong sense of disappointment when the relationship doesnt live up to the image in your mind. Many astrologers believe that Jupiter brings auspicious times. They will see so much of the world. The methods of your overindulgence will be clear based on the sign and house that the aspect sits in. Its natural for these people to incorporate humor into romantic and sexual moments, and they dont always understand more serious approaches. Throughout trine, Venus and Jupiter combine to create beauty and harmony. But no matter how Venus people look so attractive on the outset, they have ugly parts that they try to hide. The possibility of losing everything is very likely to happen throughout life, it can happen multiple times, but somehow these natives seem to know how to shed their old skin and start from scratch, ofcourse this depends on other factors in the natal chart and how the native decides to deal with setback. When this combination is considered, it is always a good idea to consult an expert for a personalized reading. Property matters can give legal problems. There is benefit and support from younger siblings during this time. Jupiter is one of the indicators of money in the natal chart. A person can become a highly skilled physician, lawyer, judge, or actor as a result of his or her education. So the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in the Kundli is basically the union of two Gurus. They are capable of much romance, but playfulness comes naturally to them. And Pluto is conjunct Jupiter and Neptune conjunct Venus .. The first thing that people notice in them? Libra moon in my 8th house. It makes you seem more attractive and allows you to relax and express your personality's more affectionate and welcoming side. Venus also knows our love language. With the Venus trine Jupiter synastry aspect, you have natural understanding and respect in your relationship. Venus sextile or trine Jupiter. It will reveal what is truly possible in your life, your natural talents and abilities, and exactly what you need to do to increase your energy, take action, and conquer your day, week, month - even year! This gas giant rules over merriment and enjoyment. Hi Jaime, will definitely have this aspect in my Venus Return chart in a Grand Water Trine with Neptune, though it forms a Kite aspect with Moon in Cappy in my VR 10th opposing my naltal Venus in 4th. They can have some problems with following through on their promises, howevernot because of any ill intent, but because they sometimes overestimate their personal capabilities, and want to do more, and give more, than is actually possible. Because of the abundant juices, they express themselves most creatively. 01 May 2023 23:41:20 Jean. You will develop an understanding of yourself and a desire to behave well if you do this for an extended period of time. It is not always easy for natives to grasp all of these things when Venus and Jupiter align. What qualities are noticeable in us? February 22, 2026 When you fully commit to following your passions and desires, you have an innate ability to find support and connect with the resources you need. Get your free personalized video Moon Reading here >>. Venus and Jupiter are compatible and can bring together people from all over the world, whether they are religious, philosophical, or cultural. The relationship is favorable, and everyone is envious of the. So, before September 28, clean up any karmic messes. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Venus, the goddess of your first house, is a very self-indulgent person during this time. Jupiter conjunct, square, or opposite your Pluto can be great indicators of creating wealth at some point in your life thanks to the expansive energy and Jupiter and the unrelenting passionate energy of Pluto. It is when you commit to following your passion and desires that you are able to find support and connect with the resources you require. What is your take on this? Cardinal Grand Cross and Solomon Seal, October 10, early hours, EST. Since the planet is known as the Morning Star, Venus people shine the brightest. jamie what do you think about venus trine natal jupiter in solar return chart, So much good work on here Jamie You need to develop a bond that is deeper than your initial attraction, or the relationship wont last over the long-haul. You tend to truly enjoy the company of your partner with the Venus trine Jupiter synastry aspect. However, you may also overdo things together or stretch the truth. Some Famous People with Venus in Harmonious Aspect to Jupiter: Sextiles Dane Rudhyar, Mary Pickford, Keanu Reeves, Edith Piaf, Geraldine Page, Clara Barton, Ty Cobb, Alfred Adler; Trines Troy Aikman, Gene Hackman, Bob Hope, Martin Scorcese, Socrates. Well aspected Gemini Venus in 4th house to my natal Jupiter, 8th house, and 2nd house. The planet that comes before your sun is what people notice first within your personality, but once they get to know you better, on a deeper level, than the planet that comes after your sun will come to the surface. Even if they appear challenging in some way, they will have a tendency to lead to positive and beneficial developments one way or another. With the trine in influence, expect for a positive relationship in this couple. We are familiar that Jupiter is the Roman God of sky and thunder. This is one of the most looked-forward-to transits and is particularly interesting to those seeking love. This planet is to be the bringer of good fortune. Uranus in aspect with Neptune or Venus can mean some kind of unexpected wealth. Their sources of income are usually reliable, and most of them are well-paying jobs. Find clarity, connection and a path forward. Love art, have dabbled in many aspects all my life, but worry that what I do could be trite (perhaps a pitfall of this aspect). Since the main danger of this time is overconfidence, make sure youre paying attention to the reality and results of whatever youre working on and not overlooking details. He is the king of the gods. There may be too many differences to handle. These aspects boost pleasure levels between a couple. A Jupiter-Neptune aspect is known as the "millionaire's . This is an excellent time for a romance and love relationship. Never too late and I would not delay it either. Learn to give your partner what they need, not what they want, and to see them for who they really are. You can find fame in both the banking and medical sectors during this time. You must accept the truth about your relationship. These partners like to shower each other with gifts. Even the most rock-solid of monogamous relationships will require that you spend more time exploring what's out in the world, either together or separately. And for Venus governs our character when we are in a relationship or love. This can feel terrifying because your relationship is so joyous and happy, but once you start, you will find that its better to deal with the issues in order to get back to atruly contented place. Any of the difficulties of that aspect would be turned into assets with the trine to Jupiter. Some Famous People with Venus conjunct Jupiter: Drew Barrymore, John Belushi, Jeff Bridges, Garth Brooks, Dick Cavett, Patty Duke, Richard Dysart, Morgan Fairchild, Peter Fonda, Ann Jillian, Don Johnson, Jerry Lewis, George Nader, Joe Namath, Paul Newman, Roman Polanski, Trent Reznor, Paul Shaffer, Steven Spielberg, Robert Urich, Henry Winkler, Dwight Yoakam. Jupiter : 1st or 10th house Venus : Pisces, Taurus, Libra Venus : 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th house Classical wealth indication Pluto in aspect to Jupiter is often found in the charts of people that will experience financial prosperity in their life. She is the lover of the arts and protector of artists. Mixed emotions. Venus people would rarely, sometimes never, go out of their lovely environment. Uranus, Neptune or Pluto in a favorable aspect with Venus and / or Jupiter can bring wealth. This possibly draws you into several good and challenging circumstances. Strong Jupiter in the chart indicates wealth for the individual.A harmonic aspect between 2nd house ruler & 9th house ruler, can indicate wealth through the natives father.A harmonic aspect between 2nd house ruler & 4th house ruler, can indicate wealth through the natives mother.A harmonic aspect between 2nd house ruler & 8th house ruler, can indicate wealth through inheritance, lottery, insurances,.. Jupiter trine/sextile Pluto is a classic indicator of someone who will always have money.Venus in harmonious aspect to 2nd ruler can attract moneyNeptune in good aspect to Venus/Jupiter can attract moneySaturn conjunct / square 2nd or 8th ruler indicates wealth, 2nd ruler in hard aspect to Neptune : problematic in terms of money2nd ruler in hard aspect to Jupiter : can be troublesome in terms of moneyVenus in challenging aspect to Neptune : difficulty in holding on to money. You will realize that your partner is a different person from who you thought. The conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in the third house can make you lucky. Always very eager to decorate your house. Things will get hard in any relationship, but youstill want the other person to be happy. lol! This combination is good for married life. The Venus sextile Jupiter synastry aspect means that your relationship is expansive and romantic. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Gives good luck during this time. When looking at your birth chart, look at the degrees your Personal Placements and your MC/10th House (which is what you're known for) are in. lick in love? It is common knowledge that Venus is the Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty. Creative juices flow in Venus people's veins. This can lead to differences and misunderstandings with the spouse. Cummings, John Denver, Michael J. As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my free video Moon Reading was and I know you will feel the same. They have a strong need for growth, good humor, and fun in their relationships. Because if the planet is located in the same sign as your sun, it gets burned and loses its power. When Venus trine Jupiter, it produces enthusiasm and love. Honesty, loyalty, and good morals are more personal characteristics that earn you popularity and a good name. Venus trine Jupiter in synastry is an aspect that is often found between the natal charts of married couples and people in long-term relationships. Youre likely to become aware of fortuitous opportunities for expansion and growth in your relationships, your creative process, or your finances when transiting Venus trines your natal Jupiter. These people are immensely generous and jolly. You probably feel intense romantic feelings right away, but over time you can expand this attachment into something deep and lasting. The conjunction of June 30, 2015 was the best evening one, coming only one week after the conjunction on March 1, 2023. Cardinal Grand Cross: Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter. When things get hard in their relationship, they will still think of each other's happiness. However, they may attract just those kinds of people simply because they are looking so hard for these traits that they assign them onto undeserving people! . T Mars conjunct Sun = Business opportunitiesT Mars conjunct, trine Mercury = Business & sales driveT Mercury conjunct, trine Mercury = Stock market profit & salesT Venus conjunct, trine Mercury = Increased sales or profitT Venus conjunct, trine Sun/Venus = Cash flow, spendings, All donations go towards Plutonic Desire . Venus wants to provide Jupiter with valuable items, and Jupiter will appreciate them. You may not be sure whats real at first, or what part of your partners personality is authentic. Because of your insight, you have a true desire to make each other happy, so even when you fight, you both mean well. Exoplanet Science is an Amazon Affiliate Program partner. Jupiter also rules over morality, honor, and justice. Whatever it is you desire, you will be able to achieve it. Despite the fact that Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter do not have mutual friends (natural friends), they become temporal friends by being in the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh positions, as well as working together to achieve good results.

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