#1You can say or do anything and normal people will agree with you in the hopes that you'll be satisfied, shut up, and go away. Not that I exactly have a word quota for the day. It's just weird. All the other internet writers have nothing on me, except they're better at advertising, having a central theme/plot and basically more talented. The number of licks, I mean. PARTS BREAK AFTER OVERUSE!! Yes, I am. I guess I'll just rant and rave about that whole vicious downward spiral of my writing. This is specified in Code: 343 of the Flaming Chicken Handbook. That dirty little rat. Hmmmmmmonkey. Get the free Lil' Ball for your traveling needs! Shut yo skin tone chicken bone google chrome no home flip phone disowned ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmadome genome full blown monochrome student loan indiana jones overgrown flintstone x and y hormone post malone friend zone sylvester stallone hydrocortisone sierra leone autozone professionally seen silver patrone head ass tf up, Scan this QR code to download the app now. Before she could start listing all of America's enemies, I gave her a hint. I bet it does. That's talent. It's a small light, but it's sooooooo annoying. Yeaha topic would be good. Don't Ignore Sites? RANDOM PERSON: Uh-huh, that's nice. That's what they need to do with the water. Well, I dont want to organize this page, in any manner. There are an infinite number of worlds with Harry Potter. It looks right. Some of the pages of this site contain a link encouging the two and a half people to e-mail the Patron Saint of Paper Clips. The possibilities are literally endless. I realize that this longest text ever must be very boring and not worth anyone's time. No matter how unlikely something is, if the universe is infinite, it's happening an infinite number of times. of toilet paper, to do everything. For all you, the uninformed consumer, could know, it might have rat poison in it. OR, maybe it's the writing. Hey, I'm back again! Today I added an update page, which is basically a less chaotic, outlined version of this without all the ranting. And the plan would have failed and Neo might have died, along with a large portion of the city (the building was set to blow if there was any intruders) SoNeo's choice to attempt to save Trinity triggered the sequence of events that led to her death. I DO NOT LIKE CHANGE! That's the point you're trying to get across? The future is determined by the triangles, in a startling blue color which spin around in a zany manner. The 'Shut yo bubble gum dum dum' sound clip is made by Scully. I'm back. WARNING: Leave food sit in an open, well-venilated spot for a week before eating. I get home from work at 5:30p.m. When I start playing a game, I am on 0. Seeya! I promise. I worked sorta hard on this. Apparently the point of the game was to get your character to shout "Whoo-Hoo!" That is the only possible explanation as to why it upsets her so much. I rule theer*random Loyal Minion whispers in ear* That's right! At least it's over. You see, I periodically read the longest text ever to check the constant downward spiral of my sanity. Is this getting confusing to you? I wonder if I've made the world record? Which would be boring. And lastly, you'd have to know where the heck this site is. AS soon as you're pierced, you have to buy "starter" earrings. We eventually reached our destination after 16 hours of virtually non-stop driving. Could the pop-up blocker people have chosen a better means to advertise their product? So am I. It only takes a little light to help those thingies, and smoke detectors provide more than a little. What's that? In other news, I participated in the Second Battle of the Asparagus Wars and chronicled them here. I think. Or maybe not. Bubble spots Link. Teens Against Cartoon Owls. Butthat'd be a lot of work, unlike ranting, raving and rambling. I said "The Union fought" With a crack, snaple and pop, some random synapses in her brain connected in the right order and she said "CONFEDERACY!!!" RISE UP AND BARE YOUR BISCUIT FILTY FANGS AT THE LEASH WIELDING DEMON!! Happy? A good one. I'm still peeved about the cartoon owl from the Tootsie Roll Pop commercials. Privacy Policy. I'm going, you're on you're own! The 'Shut yo bubble gum dum dum' sound clip has been created on Nov 16, 2021. MEOW!MEOW!MEOW! 5000 hits! No? Pikachu! And one out of a million people would probably have a few sentences. Based. Okay. I get done at 9:15. YOU'RE ALL ZOMBIE THIGH-FAT PEOPLE BROUGHT INTO ANIMATION BY SOME EVIL FORCE OF FORCEFUL EVIL!!! Well, at least she knows that slaves were involved in the war. This choice is simply an extension of his original choice: he will save Trinity at all costs. Space is notorious for not having air. Now is the time to mourn the loss of one of my most loyal readers (I think she's read the entire thing one time, which is more than anyone else has done so far) She has been banned from accesing any portion of the Internet, do to reasons that must remain confidental due to security reasons. Obviously I at least have a computerso, back to the organ grinders. Apparantly my standards of weird have gone up. Hey, where are you going?! And you, the potentially non-existant reader gets a once in a lifetime chance to hear me rant and rave about my Horrible, Horrible Family Vacation. NowI know what you guys are thinkingsome of those items on that list are gonna be hard to find. Or, if I was weirder than I am, I could at least kill the monkey with the organ and eat it. I don't suppose you fell for that little thing about the refresh button. My mother visited relatives. Not one of those bargain ones anyone can find at your local topic discount outlet store. Kick ass chew bubble gum. Hello, everyone! I am so buying this movie when it comes out on DVD. He snuck up on me one day in our room (in the game) with a sword! *content sigh* There we gothat's much better. Hmmmmintersting. Each Friday, I wait (all tingly with anticipation) for the weekend so that I can stay up 'till the wee hours of the morning and sleep past noon. 52 min ago Then, when I win 500 additional np, I move to the 500np point. Which is bad. I don't have much of a choice about the whole work thing. Because what you're saying is that I'm talking to people in the future. 'Ah the power of cheese!' I only know that I'm entertaining me, which was my original goal. Like my EVIL school computer deleting my updates page. Another thing that bothers me is organ grinders. Maybe I should make the link come here directlyHey! This action has made her very suspicious of where my loyalties lie. And I hava a very, almost special rant for you. Now, I'm sure you've at least heard of subliminal messages , right? Just how much time do they have on their hands. *hides large ax behind back* Come here, topic! If you have a credit score of 740+ you will pay an EXTRA 1% on your mortgage. Now, you may be wondering what is so terrifying about a small, white, feather. I figured you rush right on over to e-mail me. I guess I'll just have to wait untill my imaginary clone hijacks that imaginary bank truck. Here we go! It's about the (supposedly) infinite nature of the universe. As Neo realizes all of this, through a nearly omniscient Architect of the Matrix, he makes another choice. I'm so happy! Pure means, well, no extra stuff. We have halloween and christmas pictures on the NeoPics link. I can't remember what I was gonna rant about. I would have sold the monkey and the organ and been able to eat for at least a year. It's been awhile, (at least two weeks) since I've written here. What does it sound like? Jul 2. Or would it be cheating if I didn't have multiple personalities? Perhaps, one day, far in the future, this will actually be a world record and random people will acutally voluntarily read this text every day. (Absolutly nothing about that statement was sarcastic) As you can see, I love my families outings(Not unless you're blindor stupid) &#!#%&&!!! Then I wait for my mom and dad to stop playing Collapse II so that I can get on. Some people disagree, the director of the Kansas Geological Survey said "I think this is part of a vast breakfast food conspiracy to denigrate Kansas. But somewhere, it exists. You don't have the best life of your counterparts, but you don't have the worst either. Just "imagine" I have more!? I'm back. You can't blame me. But the secret doesn't exist so they are stupid. You know the one. Now who's the crazy one? Because nature supposidly abhors a paradox. Boy, shut yo bubblegum dum dum - YouTube Time for another boring disclaimer!!!!!!! You cannot DEFEAT me! RANDOM PERSON: You don't say? Right? I don't know if Iraq even existed in the Civil War Era! Why, because they assume it's better quality. Is it possible to make less sense? Remember that rant I did on how there could be a secret camera in the smoke detector? ", and translated it to German. shut cho dum dum bubble gum belt buckle banana truphle huned kunucklenuckle skin tone chicken . Okay, I'm done with that litte commercial. After much argument, my father was going to turn around, untill he realized that my mother was going to drop the dogs and me off, and then turn around and continue north. We just picked random words in the selection and wrote about them. I probley wouldn't actually print this out (think how much paper it would take!) I'm back! I can usually fall back asleep (if I don't panic and think I'm late for school), but the stupid thing wakes me up again exactly seven hours after I originally fell asleep. Which fits the motif of the rest of the site. Before we knew it, we were on the road. On video games. It will be a truly magestic site, as it launches from the earth, spewing excess oxygen, cardboard, feathers and tape. Maybe I should put quotation marks around themnah, too much work. Cheese is not a wild thing!!!!!!!!! Okay. When I win 500np on a normal game, I move to the 500 point. I'm back! OkayI'm backI think that eventually half of this thing will consist of the word back over and over againthat's just weird. And I feel that it's time for a FAKE commercial break, for the highly informed, obviously brain-dead consumer. Ain't it nifty? YES, I'M YELLING! It just doesn't make any sense. Are you tired. as many times as possible before you splattered your brains on the rocks, all the while listening to a soundtrack that is similar to a dying ceiling fan. Anyway, I still don't think that anyone is actually coming here. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. there were lots of fireworks. But I can't think of anything to write about. I'm back. Now I do. You can just bet that they look at every one that get's turned in to them, judging blackmail value, and whether or not you could get arrested. For that matter, how do you know that ANYTHING but you exists! I repeat, lock all you doors and windows, this is it. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. By the time the smoke dector goes off, the fire has drowned it out to no more than an annoying buzz. Hours of completly useless fun! Okay. . Number Ten: This is the list that never ends. End of story. Then it would be okay. Yesthat's rightsuicide. WAIDAMINIT!! But one of my classes is work, and two others are horrible year-round classes. So rather than battle her over the concept of getting dressed in the dark, I get up. But untill that day, the concept of the smoke detector is useless. I don't want to be in this messI'm going to bed. Remember: if the show sucks, it's their fault, not ours! *pauses* Oh. Sure, some of this "fasion" stuff is cool and all, but all it shows is that you had the three and three-quarters brain cells required to copy someone else's "look". Either way, I'm here. You're still here, which must mean that you'd rather be here than anywhere else! It sucks. Or maybe not. I'm back. Makes you think that the long held belief that Kodak conspired with the JFK assasin(s) is normal. He tried to kill me! Halfway though I used my four remaining brain-cells to decide that the game was dumb. And now, for the million-dollar question: How many calories are there in a single serving of Mustard? That's why. That way I can just outlaw the need for gravity and air pressure! I'll add a link to the main page when I get around to it. I forgot it's name. I think. You give to me? I tried to explain. It just seems extremly weird (and worthy of mentioning) that this semi-important guy from Kansas believes in a "vast breakfast food conspiracy". I suppose I could let someone else have the glory. I thought it was sadand normal. At one point, I read an article that stated that it had been proven, conclusivly, that Kansas was flatter than the standard pancake. Just copy and paste it removing the first and last bit 5 times . I tell people I know about this site, but they either ignore this page, or don't even bother coming to the site in the first place. This annoyed my mother further, untill she asked, no, demanded that my father turn the car around so that we could go home. I can just see Hot Dog, and Pizza trucks roaming the neighbor hoods, selling treats to hungry childrenand adults. But, if you expect something and get something you feel nothing. Yes, it goes on and on my friend. Boy, are you mythical, mystical readers in for a treat, today! My mom said that she didn't care. I definitly mistrust lots of stuff. It would hum, and hum, and humand then mercifully die. JOsh says it was only one piece of cake. I put hyphens in both of his titlesit must be a conspiracy! Now her sister sounds an alarm whenever she sees the evil feather. gaussian elimination row echelon form calculator. I'm back. To compound things, I wasn't alone, and things just escalated. I was bored, and a dilligent reader suggested I make fake commercials, sotherer they are. My mother is a control freak, and she decided on the spur of the moment that we were going north to visit relatives. Maybe you're lost. (and redundancy!) How did you ever guess? You see, most people, they don't like reading or writing. Now think of 100 people typing randomly. I feel inspired and happy and other really good emotions and stuff. Now, don't get me wrong. Am I enjoying asking retorical questions? Here I am, trying to get a decent nights sleep and there's this green light that periodically blinks to red directly in front of me. I clarified, which countries fought in the Civil War. It's pushing down on me, squishing my spine. I bet it's spelled monkeys. Because eventually, I'll be back! I've won 500 np, at least and I'm on a roll. I'm pretty sure you're not mebut you could be that other guy.

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