Secondly, it makes no sense to suggest it means God is expanding the universe after the verse has just said God has built (past tense) the sky and since the universe was already expanding nine billion years before the sky was formed. och vi ro de som utvidgat den: If you wish, you could also interpret the verse without using the interpretation that lean to the scientific view. The form IV active participle is masculine plural and is in the nominative case . The Quran says We created man from a drop of mingled fluid (Surah 76:2) This sounds very much like the germinal fluid that Hippocrates spoke of when writing about male and female reproductive fluids. What are your sources? (We constructed the heaven. Hubbles My understanding as a lay-person, is that the Quran can be understood in different ways, when it comes to these scientific sounding verses. It was already known about. translated into We unstitched We clove them asunder We separated or We "And it is We who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it. Later, when the science was more thoroughly understood, a clot of blood did not really match the reality we saw. One Hundred Above-board Questions about God, Why There Is No God: Quick Responses to 10 Common Theist Arguments. @Jammooly See the Tafsir of Tabari, Razi, Zamakhshari, Qurtubi, Baydawi. [1], Before the invention of the telescope in 1608, man could do Received. It is he who created the night and day, and the sun and the moon all swim along, each in its rounded course. (Surah 21:33). Could it be that he had The salt water is heavy and remains behind. (Aristotle, Meteorology, Book 2, Chapter 2), Number five. This means an interpretation of the meaning of a word, verse or chapter can only be based on an evidenced source. (40:57). Gas is a state of matter, smoke is a collection of solids, liquids and gases that are emitted when a material combusts. [1] The First And also this proves that Holy Quran is word of Allah SWT. The views expressed by individual bloggers do not necessarily represent those of Atheist Republic as an organization or other members of the blogging team. Also, it features Live Help through chat. be expanding, just as Hubbles Law states. The Big Crunch and the Cyclic Universe.Just a FYI, if any of you hear a Muslim bring this up as another "SCIENTIFIC MIRACLE" of the Quran. DEBUNKED | Quran expanding universe scientific miracle - YouTube Muslims claim that Surah 51:47 of the Qur'an mentions that the universe is expanding. About the science of tafsir and "scientifc proofs, theories, examples" based on the Qur'an. His command is only when He intends a thing that He says to This is blatant example of attributing lies to Allh. Above are photos of known galaxies. Indeed, We will do it. the heavens and earth were created. What the scholars could explain was the At the time of the revelation of the Quran, the word space 8/4/2021. A recovery and discussion subreddit for those who were once followers of Islam. It's purpose was not to outcompete all other holy books as it was a new & updated version of the Bible (Injeel) which was a new & updated version of the Torah. -already quoted by @Kilise- are quoted. Thanks for shedding light on that. deserves to be praised, Dua (Supplication) (part 3 of 4): Why dua remains unanswered, Dua (Supplication) (part 4 of 4): Even Prophets This is evident in other passages as well. separate and form into the seven heavens and Earth. Copyright IslamWeb 2023. When the light an object emits is displaced toward the red end of the spectrum. The active participles root is ( ). Muslims make these claims of science and imperfection in the Quran attempting to convince non believers, but they accomplish the exact opposite. (The reason I mention it to be subjective is because todays scholars/translators do not mention the traditional view.) Then will they not believe?" Number seven. I have read those verses about big bang, but that was many years later when i came to live in USA then i read about dicovery of tow scientests a bout big bang( that was exactly stated in Qur'an). Bible Atlas Charts, Maps, DXNRY & Commentary But its obvious they knew what iron was, and how it should be used. One of these arguments is that there is science in the their holy book, the Quran, and more specifically, that everything in the Quran has been confirmed by science. These are some of the main claims of scientific miracles in the Quran but there are others. The article/video you have requested doesn't exist yet. There are multiple other verses (15:19, 20:53, 43:10, 50:7, 51:48, 71:19, 78:6) translated as the earth is a bed, carpet or other flat surface. At its time in Arabia, poetry to them was like Street Rap. precise meaning of each word in Arabic in the verse, as well as the overall of 3): Happiness is Found in Sincere Worship, The Search for Inner Peace (part 1 of 4): The Obstacles to Achieving Inner Peace. But the point is that Allah refers to a creation we are not able to create, we didn't witness, but only are able to observe the result. The Quran describes the fertilization process and embryonic growth before it was known about. Find out more, Prophecies and Scientific knowledge in Bible preserved since 3 Millenniums existence was initially extremely hot, then remnants of this heat should be As the Universe rapidly increased in size, light chemicals like hydrogen and helium began to form. How could anyone have know this 1400 years ago? The Quran reveals that everything comes from water before this was known. I am the grandson of a Pentecostal preacher and have a sister who is a born again Christian. Is it possible for the Qu'ran to have mistakes in it? Its not hard to do. That the Quran mentioned such a fact centuries before The Quran describes iron as being sent down from the heavens before it was known that meteors containing iron fell to the earth from outer space. Here are the main ones. As We began the first creation, We will repeat it. For thousands of years, astronomers wrestled with basic The verse points out that space, and thus the universe, happens to That's why the argument of Universe expanding forever remains for human as human will never know when it will end. And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander. The article/video you have requested doesn't exist yet. Then the results of the WMAP mission and observations of distant supernova have suggested that the expansion of the universe is actually accelerating, which implies the existence of a form of matter with a strong negative pressure. This fact, which was revealed by the Big Bang theory was stated in the Quran 14 centuries ago, when people had a very limited knowledge about the universe; Allah says (what means): "Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? feel distress and turn to God, Prophet Muhammads Last Sermon: A Final Admonition, Craig Robertson, Ex-Catholic, Canada (part 2 of 2): Learning Counterargument: False translation. The only conclusion that could be derived from a universe where everything moves away from everything else is that the universe constantly 'expands'. Note that samaa' is usually considered as anything above, the sky we know (from which we "get the rain"), then higher (and further) the universe and higher (and or further) the heaven. Later on, Einstein was to identify his act as 'the greatest mistake of his career'. Send us your views and opinions, your personal stories, messages of support, comments on recent news, or any comments you would like to share about your part of the world. universe. expanding. If you like our posts, subscribe to the Atheist Republic newsletter to get exclusive content delivered weekly to your inbox. Islam borrowed quite a bit from Christianity, including the bit about Allah expanding the universe. This is quite simply wrong. earth at huge velocities. These observations provided the first evidence The proposed project would require the demolition of the 18,450-square-foot Brea Plaza 5 Cinemas (1,110 seats) and 139 surface parking spaces, and subsequent development of a new building on approximately 2.2 acres in the northwestern portion of the 16-acre Brea . It is also said: We are expansive in providing sustenance through rain. [Al-Baghaw]: Ibn Abbs said, Powerful, able (qdirn and also form him, Of vastness in providing sustenance to our creation. It is also said, Possessors of vastness.. The Big Bang theory and expanding universe theory are still theories. . Unlike other highways, souls lost on Carbon Canyon Road never leave. @Medi1Saif Please do! about the universe. Slipher, noticed that the galaxies were moving away from Muslims claim that Surah 51:47 of the Qur'an mentions that the universe is expanding. This is more so considering that, like of Relativity that indicated that the universe must be either expanding or But then again why does Sura 41 describe the seven heavens within this context? universe was fixed and not changing. However, in 1912, the American astronomer, Then will they not believe? (Quran 21:30). Shakir: And the heaven, We raised it high with power, and most surely We are the makers of things ample. 100 Years of Possibilities., was announced. revelation from God, The Creator and Originator of the universe. Dua (Supplication) (part 1 of 4): What is Dua? Use this new password to access the site. Secondly, it makes no sense to suggest it means God is expanding the universe after the verse has just said God has built (past tense) the sky and since the universe was already expanding nine billion years before the sky was formed. Similarly, we may understand it differently, since our observations of the universe are vastly different. Your favorites list is empty. Al-Qutab said, We are possessors of vastness (in generosity, richness) over our creation. And the meaning is approximate. The fourth, we can expand (our creation) by making another heaven similar to it, said by Mujhid. Perhaps the most obvious is the claim of Adam and Eve, which has been determined genetically impossible. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Why don't we use the 7805 for car phone chargers? The very reason food is sealed is to keep information out. El artculo / video que has solicitado no existe todava. All rights reserved. And the heaven, We built it with craftsmanship and We are still expanding. discovery that confirmed the Big Bang theory. Good to note is that the translated word "we are its expander" (innaa lamosi'oun) traditionally always have been translated to "we are able to" (innaa laqadiron) which is a synonym of the word. And how was "" interpreted? All sky and distances in between celestial bodies. centuries to follow), no scholar was able to give much detail about how exactly There are other claims of science in the Quran, but each and every one of them has been debunked. Then turned He to the heaven when it was smoke, and said unto it and unto the earth: Come b. If you heard this at the time, you would be marvelled by how perfect it sounded. An ostrich egg is a prolate spheroid. In fact, this had been theoretically discovered even earlier. Vesto Slipher, made a discovery that would soon change astronomers beliefs According to many Islamic sources, Quran 51:47 refers to the expansion of the universe, a phenomenon that has been made known to us in the recent century. This phrase thus means We expand the sky or the universe to a great extent. This is the outcome that science has arrived today, and the Quran mentioned such a fact centuries before the invention of the first telescope. Whilst some of the commentary cited above may be stretched a long way to remotely suggest that the heaven is being expanded right now in the present and thereby made to appear to support the central element of the Big Bang model of expansion of space, the irb (grammatical structure) of the verse indicates that the correct meaning of the verse is We made the heaven to be vast whilst we were constructing it with power. The particle waw in wa inn lamsin is adverbial (liyyah) 53 which means that in the course of constructing the heaven, Allh (D) made it expansive and vast. 1000 years before Muhammad, Aristotle described a lunar eclipse that makes this very clear. Radiation (CMB) that spreads through the universe. Thus, it was understood This is a wonderful work. his theory, he went on to discover that not only were galaxies moving away from In fact, it appears to repeat not only the accuracies of Greek ideas but their inaccuracies also. Almighty God said He is the one that controls the expansion of universe. The Qur'an claims that the sun sets in a muddy pool (18:86), that semen is formed between the backbone and ribs (86:6-7), that the earth is flat (88:20), that there are seven earths (65:12), that the sun orbits the earth (36:38-40), that human embryos are blood-clots (22:5), that the sky would fall on the earth if Allah didn't hold it up (22:65), and that stars are missiles that Allah uses to shoot demons who try to sneak into heaven (37:6-10; 67:5). Quran and Modern Science: Compatible or Incompatible? 1000 years before Muhammad, Aristotle wrote The drinkable, sweet water, then, is light, and is all of it drawn up. rev2023.4.21.43403. Later, in 1965, radio Does the universe have a physical boundary based on the Islamic contents? Each of them seemed just as empty as any other religion. Updated 2/10/2020 - It is eligible for the State . Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose. The verse points out that space, and thus the universe, happens to be expanding, just as Hubble's Law states. cosmology. I have been a member of the online atheist community for over ten years. In the years to come, with further observations, the Looks good DBI, would you say these views are prevalent among muslims? Note : By clicking record you are allowing us to broadcast your message on any of our platforms. matches what is mentioned in the verse that the heaven and Earth (thus the Then he turned to the heaven when it was smoke. (Surah 41:11). The fact . Ants are. It has become clear that there is not enough matter in the Universe to prevent it from expanding. / . The Quran is clearly talking about the pre-Copernican view of the universe that regarded the earth as its center with the seven heavens containing the sun, moon, planets and stars around it. Quran in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish And Urdu. Why Muslims are poor, ignorant and extremist. expanding-universe theory was accepted by scientists and astronomers alike. The fourth, made expansive (huge) what is between the heaven and earth, said by alZajj. The Quran revealed the planets move in orbits before this was known. According to At-Tabari and other interpeters (mufassyrin) , it means the sky we know , (the ceiling) . Imam at-Tabari in his tafsir quoted 6 traditional interpretations of where the meaning with strength was used and could find an explanation for any other interpretation to make it fit this (general) meaning (again referring to the verses Kilise has quoted). Miracle: The Quran revealed that the Earth is shaped like an ostrich egg. Why some verses of Quran refer to God as a plural entity? But expanded isnt a totally unacceptable translation. I'm just curious. "Most books on witchcraft will tell you that witches work naked. verse of the Quran to his companions that ultimately stated that the universe is LOL! I'm already a subscriber and think you do great vids. Definition of "expansive" isn't subjective as the root word of it in Arabic is which means "broad, wide, vast". You will receive a new password shortly. Find out more, Bible English King James Version. On the other hand some of these traditional interpretations may fail if we compared them to scientific proofs or explanations (See for example in my answer on Is it possible for the Qu'ran to have mistakes in it? Or make a one-time donation in any amount. Number three. (Not true, bones and flesh come from one tissue at the same time.). theory go identically hand in hand with the description of the creation of the
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