The skins and underfur of rodent prey are used to line the nest chamber. While seals are real animals, throughout history they have been linked to many myths and are mystical creatures in themselves. But make no mistake - one kick from a Bay stallion Patronus will send the Dementors all the way back to Azkaban. A bay mare or bay stallion is named that way for the color of the horses coat, which is a reddish brown color. Cheetah - If a cheetah is your Patronus, Dementors had better watch out! Ukrainian Defenders met and rescued a very rare animal from the Red Book - a marbled polecat. This next section is going to cover a description of your patronus and what that means about you and your personality! They also can be a bit mysterious. Ginger cats are sociable and indulgent and thrive off of attention from their owners. Blackbird - The blackbird Patronus appears to those who try to help themselves. Its finally here! You also probably enjoy your own free time and enjoy taking long walks in nature or at the very least, enjoying solitude most of the time. A little owl would devise an effective plan to keep themselves and any witch or wizard safe from a Dementor. Black swans represent the healing power of love and romance. Orcas are for those who are courageous and wise, but also have no issue having a bloody appetite for enemies and prey. All horses represent strength, freedom and nobility, meaning horse patronus owners are strong in their values and live their life to the beat of their own drum. The sparrowhawk will shoot from the casters wand, come in close for an attack, and return to ensure its safety. People with this Patronus love challenges and are good at handling stress. Shrews are one of the most ferocious tiny predators on Earth and are often under-appreciated for how diverse they are. Shrew - Often known for the fact that they are easily spooked and jump at sudden noises, a shrew Patronus breaks the mold. Tigress - A tigress is a large cat that Dementors will NOT want to cross. Casters of this Patronus are similarly wary of letting others into their inner circle and may act ferociously to suit. The swallow has been a symbol of safety, hope and protection for years for those out to sea, making them incredibly lucky patronuses to have. The shrew patronus should not be overlooked and neither should the witch or wizard casting it. White Stallion- White horses, be it mares or stallions, have come to represent warriors on the side of good in folklore and literature. If you paired with a rabbit patronus, you are most likely a peaceful person, who is kind but also not afraid to protect yourself. PATRONUS ANALYSIS: 029. They are incredibly loyal and protective of their mates and children. Horses tend to be cautious in new situations and can be shy or nervous before trust is earned. The calculating fox can outwit its enemies with strategy and adaptability. You tend to think abstractly, but still lead a noble path with a great moral compass and good judgement skills. You are a free spirit if you are drawn to the great grey owl patronus, specializing in so many different traits. Regardless of what sort of creature they find in the way of their goal, they will do anything they can to overpower it. Orcas use teamwork and complex communication skills to hunt and the same cunning to protect their young. Hermione Grangers patronus is an otter, which is a a playful, curious aquatic mammal, which is also JK Rowlings favorite animal. Irish wolfhounds are hauntingly large dogs who are incredibly powerful but also gentle companions. Elephant patronus types have big families that are extremely important to them. They lie in wait for their prey or hunt for it in holes. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! When they feel threatened, or sometimes just for fun, they run and leap in dizzying zig-zag patterns, clearing any obstacle that gets in their way. When cast in a corporeal form, the shrew Patronus will launch into action - they know how to fight any battle, no matter the size! Brown Bear- Brown bears have one of the largest brains of any extant carnivore relative to their body size and have been shown to use tools. Moles are underrated, underground mammals that thrive in solitary conditions. You are very powerful for having the thestral patronus, and can offer comfort with your presence to those around you. The dun gene gives the horse a unique champagne color on top of their normal color. Fire-Dwelling Salamander - This small, fire-dwelling lizard is born out of flames and lives as long as the flames that spawned it, though it can survive outside them for up to six hours if fed properly. So here's your chance to reverse your bad luck and get a rare . You are drawn to water, just like your patronus, but you also value the comfort in your life. Blackbirds keep the secrets of those they trust and will do anything in their power to protect those who need it most. If you are drawn to the leopardess patronus, you may be known to be protective of others and can lash out if feel threatened. Pheasants are also naturally born survivors, and tend to be resilient in times of peril. The westie patronus will be as loyal as you are in battle and will remain being your faithful partner as long as you need it! They are kind to cubs, sharing their food. Saint Bernard dogs are massive animals that are known for being gentle giants with mild attitudes and friendly demeanors. They often communicate with those in their clans by making a variety of noises, including the laughter they are so famous for. You will stop at nothing to conquer your dreams no matter what fate comes your way. Kingfishers love to learn about the world and are unique, special birds. This focus allows you to live peacefully with others and not let every little thing upset you. Their ability to glide for hours without needing to use any energy means your albatross Patronus will always be ready to fight for you at a moment's notice. It is for this reason that they are so commonly sold as pets. They are very resilient animals and able to survive in very unlikely places, being very adaptive. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Scops Owl - Scops owls are on the small side, with yellow eyes and grayish-brown feathers. Your brown hare Patronus will not hesitate to get in a fighting stance and face the Dementors head-on. Phoenix - The only known possessor of this Patronus is Albus Dumbledore. In a blink of an eye, casters of this Patronus are often capable of a high level of tactical acumen that allows them to quickly get in and out. They have large beaks, muscular legs, and powerful talons. So after you figure out your Harry Potter patronus, make sure to find yours on this list and see if you agree with our analysis! If a robin is your patronus, you might be used to dealing with a lot of change in your life. Usually, people who produce this Patronus are confident in their capabilities and hold pride in their actions and beliefs. She is the core of social order, keeping her family close, protected, and fed. Rottweilers also have a bad reputation because of their ability to be aggressive, but are actually very sweet animals that love affection and are highly trainable. Bat medicine often goes hand in hand with the need of personal transformation. Those with a python patronus would be protected not only with their own strength, but also the power and stealth of their serpent charm. A mink is a swift and quick witted animal that are territorial and dont mind going after those that threaten it. One flap of its 11 ft wingspan is enough to beat even the most determined Dementor flying toward you! The tigress patronus is given to those who thrive being independent, but also know how to take charge and be a leader when needed. They are quick to protect family members who may be in danger and often act as a guardian for those around them. If the Nebelung is your Patronus, it will defend you fiercely with all the elegance befitting a creature of the mists. Not only are they highly intelligent, but their temperament makes them a true family favorite as well. All bears represent power, but specifically the black bear is known for its curious nature and significance throughout many Native American cultures. Borzoi- Also known as the Russian wolfhound, this is a quiet, yet independent, athletic dog. White horses are rather rare and reserved for those who truly deserve it. The skin of some species contains the powerful poison tetrodotoxin, and these salamanders tend to be slow-moving and have bright warning coloration to advertise their toxicity. A badger is a stubborn creature, but also aggressive when attacked which makes for the perfect patronus. At 2,000 pounds, buffalo will never backdown when feeling threatened with their strong-willed and outgoing personalities. Your heightened senses makes you an underestimated predator, which is perfect for those who try and challenge you. The stag is the King of the Forest, and represents the ultimate protection for those is need. Red squirrels are known to be extremely resourceful rodents that are agile and attentively aware of their surroundings. Polecats find a certain comfort in safe environments and find that around their groups of friends or family. With this speed, the Granian Winged Horse is bound to run down Dementors without a problem. Therefore, if you are paired with a wolf patronus, you can rest assured you will be fiercely protected at all costs. They will greet you at the door and follow you around the house, seeking pets, pats, and general affection. Youve always been able to make the best out of a bad situation and lead the pack or a group to safety. Elephant - Elephants have a formidable presence and are respected throughout the animal kingdom. However, the sixth and seventh question sets operate exactly the same as the first five, with corresponding answers and answer combinations determining your Patronus. Bats are perfect for those who have a close small circle that they can depend on to help them seek out their goals. A dementor would never stand a chance against a horse so intense. RT @albafella1: Ukrainian Defenders met and rescued a very rare animal from the Red Book - a marbled polecat. Stoat patronuses are usually with those who make incredible friends or companions, despite having very individualistic characters. They prefer loose soil and often wreak havoc under gardens where the dirt has been loosened by vegetation.

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