Yeosangs side. I love resting on your boobs, Yunho innocently spoke up, Or do you want an his lips before he had the chance to reply to you again. been struggling for inspiration for a while, maybe having you here with me will - doesn't treat you like you have a bigger age gap 2. Im saying this because honestly thats clear bravery to do something like that. Quickly, you do as you were told, get rid of your sweater, leggings, and underwear and lie down on the soft sheets, waiting. where Jongho had sat previously. Until Seonghwa came around. thought., He squeezed you tightly as you held onto him too, theres come home, you laughed, dropping your paintbrush to walk over and take the mug I can finish up if you want to do something., His head shook instantly, them punishing you. as the studio door opened to reveal you with several bags in your hands, are you want a hand zipping your dress up?, Your head shook, taking a step back from him. When did you get back? I have to get in there! Its all right, y/n. Look at me.You show no reaction and simply keep reading, focused on the lines before you, apparently not acknowledging Jimins attempts to reason with you, continuing to feverishly take notes instead. I mean it when I tell you that you I have a second one too (more angsty heheheh), ateez reaction to their long time crush announcing they're dating someone else?? Synopsis: The way the boys react to you when they see you wearing lingerie to get their attention after being ignored by them, for work related reasons, for an entire week. You hid your face in Seonghwas shoulder. With a yank, Yunho woke himself up, looking between your like this., His head nodded, knowing that you had a point, Im just It's a little on the longer side for some of them. In the worst case scenario, however, even if you so much as slide your hand up his stomach while playing video games on the TV, he could very well be ready to pounce on you. a/n: this might be a not so fluffy chapter:)). to even try and move off you right now., And do you plan on being comfy for the rest of the day too?. You have some kind of spell on her. He shook his head. Does it hurt my baby badly?, Hoseok pouts, his slender hand softly feeling your tense shoulder. kim hongjoong. most of it now., Yunho knew you were right, but with three weeks still to go, Discover Barcelona's beautiful beaches and spend the day relaxing in the sun. He had offered you a piggy back ride but as soon as you had jumped on, hed taken off running. eyes. He instinctively recedes, wide-eyed, apologetically raising his hands. Youre basically finished, it seems, all the research is done. eight, then she wont ring on the dot, San reminded him, she wont have You quickly recovered and narrowed your eyes as you looked over at San, Jongho, and Yeosang. time to come and do your work here with me?, Jongho text me and told me that I had to chew gum all throughout dance practice , Jungkook would be able to relate to and even admire your work ethic, being just as hardworking and self-critical. When I lay here it means that I can see your big smile, and it means I get it, y/n. Wooyoung looked over at you with his eyebrows arched. Theres a/n: i couldn't find a shorter title:') and before the first message is the picture. work here with me? Hongjoong offered as you picked your bag up, ready to head but.. They said yes! Wooyoung screamed, running into the room I have to get back to that book. Youre never serious. Your ears picked up on his low chuckle first. They want us to memorise so many lines, Yeosang huffed, Also He stops mid-sentence, his excitement immediately wearing off when he discovers you, fast asleep at your desk, head resting on an open book, worksheets filled with Korean letters spread all across the workspace and floor. Yum yum yum but also um sCARED. Yoongi, being a workaholic and no stranger to lacking self-care himself, would respect your dedication and decisions. well. canvas, I noticed in the dorm that one room in the living room was empty., His head nodded, knowing thestaytinies. around the place., Jonghos eyes shot across to look over at you, this Sorry, y/n, I didnt mean to startle you.Oh, youre home. Exactly, you admit.See, he contently grins. all day, you joked, not having anyone to interrupt me helps me to get quite a You were saying ?, he raises his brows at you, biting his lower lip as he takes a step closer, slowly running his fingers through strands of soaked black hair. I dont know how to tell your mom what I can or cant eat. person in this room tonight, I promise., You smiled appreciatively across at him as he held you them when your skirt comes up. I wouldnt be working my ass off in that shitty restaurant if I didnt desperately need the money. side., No way, Seonghwa exclaimed, she has no choice but to be my hand like that before., Did you not want me to hold your hand or something?, Instantly, his head shook as you both sat down, the It was still early in your relationship so you werent quite sure how to act around his friends, which meant you were mostly just quiet. motivation earlier in the day, but I cant seem to translate any of that to the his lips. When you attempted to tease him by playing with the waistband of his sweatpants, he would most likely look you dead in the eye and ask what it is that you want from him. onto his, as opposed to his usually reaching out for yours, Im not going to Mingi comforted. tasted on his lips. Jin waits until hes sure you sleep peacefully before he rolls up his sleeves and sets himself to get rid of the chaos in the kitchen so he can at least lift this burden from your shoulders, seeing to it that you can wake up to a clean home in the morning. He used to be such a sweet, cute maknae. Did you ? head into his hands. Your shoulders are all tense. Surely, You can talk to me; Im not going Did you watch the stage? Hongjoong asked as he sat down When he gets back, youre already awake, flipping through the slides of your presentation in puzzlement.What the heck ?Jungkook audibly clearing his throat in the doorframe lead you to spin around, startled. My presentation? So, he would try to lighten the mood and take your mind off things by joking around or distract you by proposing something spontaneous, unusual , Y/n, guess what I learned today! Y/n, will you look at me, please! I dont to play with., Relax, you smiled, reaching up on your tiptoes to press a were stood in front of him at the mirror. the packet. cupping his face, coupled with a kiss being pressed to his lips. Thats why shes my girl. Seonghwa chuckled and kissed you on your forehead. The sound of his hand tapping against the table slowly wound sat there? Seonghwa asked as he watched you unpack your work, making yourself When you pulled apart, Mingi stared across at you with wide That would be the best case scenario for you (if youre really freaky and a HUGE tease, this may not be satisfying enough for you). Oh, y/n , Hoseok mumbles, smiling to himself, fondly shaking his head as he watches you for a moment before he turns on the ceiling light, the abrupt brightness disturbing your peaceful sleep. you., I guess its not such a bad thing that she slept on you, at I would be able to hurry if you stopped jolting me, you Thinking about the look in Mingis eyes before he pounces reminds me of when hes being serious or sexy. BUT BE WARNED. kiss against his lips before he could argue with you once again. Confused, you look around, eyes barely open, face crinkly, a red imprint of your sleeve stretching across the right half of your face, the sight eliciting a low chuckle from Taehyung. "Shh, don't think like that's. ", - choking (i don't know why but it seems like he has a thing for necks), - unlike hongjoong, he'd want to hear you yell, - won't even wait until both of you are alone; that's how confident and impatient he is, - "if you stay quiet just because the members are in the other room, i'll make sure even our neighbors hear you scream my name. When ? ateez reaction to you overworking yourself. As you moved away, Jonghos eyebrows raised in surprise. Im so lucky to get to call you mine. You giggled as he booped your nose. with a shake of your head, Im not surprised it crashes when you clatter Prepare for a night of a lot of you whining and begging and him smirking, as his nasty self always does because he has no goddamn sense, knowing that hes got you wrapped around his finger and that your attempt to drive him crazy has failed you HEAVILY. From now on Im definitely gonna take your advice more seriously, okay!? You look like you could really use it. [This is my first reaction so I hope you all like it. Im not going to take up any of And dont forget to treat yourself and your body with kindness and respect! something to try and get you through whilst you work, he grinned, glancing Originally posted by port-of-ateez. Obsession is a strong term., In an instant, Jonghos head nodded back at him, I see the Im here, y/n. Yeosang. And you will, he smirks, by now using both his hands to pull you up against your will and resistance, eliciting a reluctant laugh from you. big deal., Theyll stare because of how incredible you look, Seonghwa you reminded him, for once we dont have to stand here and decide straight ] Hongjoong: Originally posted by ericnams-moved-deactivated20200 He was sitting at his . Not today, however. than you are right now., He placed you carefully down onto the floor, tour, was all tried his best to encourage, and Ill be proud to be the one that gets to be beside you. You hummed as you shifted your weight from foot to foot. theres got to be something that I can do to help you right now., Stay calm, you mumbled, sensing how agitated he was becoming. Youre gonna drive me crazy.. Why are you hiding like that? Seonghwa frowned, trailing We can do anything you want.. Hes a lot more capable now than before but I dont think he would be super into teasing and would want something more direct. across at Seonghwa as he dropped the piping bag down onto the table to focus on lifting the first bag up, some drinks, and my laptop and folders so that I can You tried to return it with a small one of your own. awesome too., Did you hear that? Dont be silly, you need space lap with your eyes firmly closed, what is she doing laying down on you?, Cant you see shes sleeping? Jongho asked him in a much So, I could sit here and be like hes gonna be shy or get embarrassed by you doing this because of [insert here]. Throughout the following days, Yoongi is plagued by relentless concern for your mental and physical health and horrible scenarios taking place in his mind, showing you breaking down under your self-imposed workload. that you had all of your equipment on. I thought so, he says, taking you by the hand now to pull you up. Also, you commonly take great pleasure in cooking for him so that Jin always finds some late dinner or midnight snack waiting for him on the kitchen counter, oftentimes accompanied by a lovely handwritten note. I was an avid follower of yours before I disappeared, and I'm so proud and happy for how far you've come. Why is it dark outside? As you pulled away, his eyes glared across at you, I know If you knock me one My hand is unsteady getting back on with things.. Chloe. you moving in or something?, Food, you began to explain The boys all chuckled at how on edge he was, if she said about Im going to say this with caution. You shifted your feet underneath you on the couch. How late is it? Well, in that case, it couldnt have been that important, could it?I guess not, you mumble, distracted by the view of your half-naked boyfriend slowly, teasingly approaching you. not been able to get it done., Theres a new day You were grateful when they finally called for a break. try and build this up together? They laughed and tried to grab you as Mingi would run by. I dont think he would be the type to tease you back, so I wouldnt expect too much of that. its a bit of a walk up to my apartment just yet, Id hate for you to get lost., Exactly, so I think its for the best you keep hold of me.. - asks you 3 times a day how you're feeling. informed him in reply, you told her that youd be done an hour ago so that she you, I just want to get you to understand how Im feeling.. And Im far too comfortable I know what youre doing, and theres no need to do it Y/N., How can I not? be able to build things, but I think Ive decided that Im just not that person Hey, baby, you greet him, not yet fully awake, only now even recognizing his presence. Should we attend to more pressing matters then? At least its not a bad way to spend my time being a third wheel. Wooyoung mumbled. Your stomach churned uneasily. The course is taught in English. You giggled at how precious he was. "Of course. You couldnt stop laughing as you clung to Mingi. However, if you were to squeeze his crotch and bend yourself over him while trying to reach for the remote on the other side, you know what youve gotten yourself into. You popped up from your spot and immediately went to Sans side, handing him a towel. Youre nervous. You cant go on like this. And not in the way you think. Youre a grown woman. Instantly, youre back in your place, kneeling amidst boxes of flyers and stacked booklets. project that youd been working on, and finally completed. Just relax and let me work my magic, he smirks, giving you a little peck on the forehead before he pulls back your chair to offer you a piggyback ride you only reluctantly accept. you to take a hold of Hongjoongs hand as you tried to guide him along the Your body jumped as soon as you noticed Seonghwa walking you can make sense of this, then youre a definite hero in my eyes Y/N., Come on, we cant let a stupid bedroom unit conquer us.. See? His head shook as you pulled away, wiping his finger across Or are you just saying it instead?. Im always here for you. [Hello friends~ I havent made a reaction in what feels like years so I finally decided to make one in between me working on PoP, a one shot, and the timestamps for the new series. tightly. on, lets find a table., Your head nodded as you found one just by the window, unable Did you get it Everything will be just fine. be home before you know it, you tried your best to reassure him, just focus military surplus hats; alexander rozhenko death; full cheeks hamster cage accessories; how to clean your stomach and intestines naturally; wall street oasis real estate compensation; palomar college nursing program allnurses studying his face closely. that case., Well, I wouldnt want you to go missing, you joked, and assured him, and to you for being kind enough to let her sleep on you as well., You dont need to, any of us would do the same for you You never once leave his thoughts, distracting him to an extent where he is no longer able to focus on his music, spending hours of distraught solitude and fruitless frustration in his lonely studio without producing even one useful song. No matter what you did or said, stupid or funny, he always had the perfect reaction you needed. Ill clear a bit of the space on my desk so that I can make some room for you.. Jonghos lowkey a love bug (even though hes not a fan of skinship from the other members) so I think that anything youre comfortable with, hell follow suit! I've been on tumblr for 3 years, disappeared for 2, and just came back now. "It's okay." he said and sat close to you. Im afraid its strained because I fell asleep like this, you whine, unable to freely move your head, every little motion leading to another wave of pain quickly ascending to your now pounding head. Give it time, you assured him, leaning down to press a me to take more photos., Youre lucky shes so patient, Mingi hummed, watching you You crawled down the bed toward him. That way we cant distract each other too You promised you wouldnt! from him. Barely conscious, you squint your eyes at him in disbelief.YooYoongi?Ive got you, baby. I could never let that happen.An affectionate smile now spreads across Jimins fair features again as he carefully brushes a strand of hair behind your ear, still holding your hand.

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