His only surviving work is the best known depiction of the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre. The site is now 144, Holt (2005 edn), pp. [75] By this period the Massacre was being widely used by Voltaire (in his Henriade) and other Enlightenment writers in polemics against organized religion in general. The St. Bartholomew's Day massacre ( French: Massacre de la Saint-Barthlemy) in 1572 was a targeted group of assassinations and a wave of Catholic mob violence directed against the Huguenots (French Calvinist Protestants) during the French Wars of Religion. A. The Venetian Senate, Letter to the Venetian Ambassadors in France, 1572 . Inchbald kept the historical setting, but The Massacre, completed by February 1792, also reflected events in the recent French Revolution, though not the September Massacres of 1792, which coincided with its printing. In Rouen, where some hundreds were killed, the Huguenot community shrank from 16,500 to fewer than 3,000 mainly as a result of conversions and emigration to safer cities or countries. The Catholic Reformation A. Ignatius of Loyola & the Society of Jesus B. To placate the angry Huguenots, the government agreed to investigate the assassination attempt. It is difficult today to determine the exact chronology of events, or to know the precise moment the killing began. The tasks of a permanent ambassador were to represent his government at state ceremonies, to gather information, and, occasionally, to enter negotiations. 5 In 1546 the Venetian ambassador, Mariano Cavalli, estimated the . 1) Purchase valued. [32] It seems unlikely any such orders came from the king, although the Guise faction may have desired the massacres. For Le Monde, Youness Bousenna interviews Jrmie Foa, current Member in the School of Historical Studies, about his book on the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre:. Some cities unaffected by the violence nevertheless witnessed a sharp decline in their Huguenot population. The Catholic Reformation Many of the wealthiest and most prominent Huguenots had gathered in largely Catholic Paris to attend the wedding. Neither faith had a monopoly on cruelty and misguided fervour". B. 9394, and Benedict (2004), p. 127, Knecht (2001), p. 368, though see Holt (2005), pp. [93] At least one Huguenot was able to buy off his would-be murderers. [55] On the other hand, the Holy Roman Emperor, Maximilian II, King Charles's father-in-law, was sickened, describing the massacre as a "shameful bloodbath". In part this was led by an apparent change in stance by John Calvin in his Readings on the Prophet Daniel, a book of 1561, in which he had argued that when kings disobey God, they "automatically abdicate their worldly power" a change from his views in earlier works that even ungodly kings should be obeyed. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The massacre caused a "major international crisis". Historian Barbara B. Diefendorf, Professor of History at Boston University, wrote that Simon Vigor had "said if the King ordered the Admiral (Coligny) killed, 'it would be wicked not to kill him'. The Council of Trent (meets 1545-1563) [56] Moderate French Catholics also began to wonder whether religious uniformity was worth the price of such bloodshed and the ranks of the Politiques began to swell. Garrison, pp. Charles IX was thus forced to head off the potential riot, which was the work of the Guises, the city militia and the common people. Three of her sons were kings of France . She, supposed his words had different meanings that alluded to his plan to stir up new storms and. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Don't leave a single one alive to reproach me! 2. Shortly after this decision, the municipal authorities of Paris were summoned. The murder of thousands of French Protestants by Catholics in August 1572 influenced not only the subsequent course of France's civil wars and state building, but also patterns of international alliance and long-standing cultural values across Europe. [27] According to some interpretations, the survival of these Huguenots was a key point in Catherine's overall scheme, to prevent the House of Guise from becoming too powerful. "[52], Although these formal acts of rejoicing in Rome were not repudiated publicly, misgivings in the papal curia grew as the true story of the killings gradually became known. 3. The execution decision was therefore his own, and not Catherine de' Medici's. 54, Herodotus From The Histories: Manners and Customs of the Scythians 55, From The Babylonian Account of the Great Flood 58, Chapter 3 The Civilization of Greece, 1000-400 B.C.E. A riveting account of the Saint Bartholomews Day Massacre, its origins, and its aftermath, this volume by Barbara B. Diefendorf introduces students to the most notorious episode in Frances sixteenth century civil and religious wars and an event of lasting historical importance. Power Point Estimates of the number that perished in the disturbances, which lasted to the beginning of October, have varied from 2,000 by a Roman Catholic apologist to 70,000 by the contemporary Huguenot Maximilien de Bthune, duc de Sully, who himself barely escaped death. Though by no means unique, the bloodletting "was the worst of the century's religious massacres". "Huguenot writers, who had previously, for the most part, paraded their loyalty to the Crown, now called for the deposition or assassination of a Godless king who had either authorised or permitted the slaughter". The massacre began in the night of 2324 August 1572, the eve of the feast of Bartholomew the Apostle, two days after the attempted assassination of Admiral Gaspard de Coligny, the military and political leader of the Huguenots. 31. The Peace of Augsburg (1555) Were sorry, but WorldCat does not work without JavaScript enabled. 89102, quotation from p. 102, Burdett, Sarah, Sarah Burdett, "'Feminine Virtues Violated Motherhood, Female Militancy and A particular point of tension was an open-air cross erected on the site of the house of Philippe de Gastines, a Huguenot who had been executed in 1569. 32. Richard Verstegan, Horrible Cruelties of the Huguenots in France, 1587 . [28], Although Charles had dispatched orders to his provincial governors on August 24 to prevent violence and maintain the terms of the 1570 edict,[29] from August to October, similar massacres of Huguenots took place in a total of twelve other cities: Toulouse, Bordeaux, Lyon, Bourges, Rouen,[30] The book begins with an introduction that explores the political and religious context for the massacre and traces the course of the massacre and its aftermath. The Swiss mercenaries expelled the Protestant nobles from the Louvre castle and then slaughtered them in the streets. [48], Among the slain were the philosopher Petrus Ramus, and in Lyon the composer Claude Goudimel. According to Denis Crouzet, Charles IX feared a Protestant uprising, and chose to strangle it at birth to protect his power. The massacre in Paris lasted three days despite the king's attempts to stop it. Belonging to different religious traditions must not constitute today a source of opposition and tension. The man, true to his beliefs, gently refuses her. Henry IV and the Edict of Nantes (1598). See also: Pearl, Jonathan L. (1998), Holt (2005 ed. [99], Joseph Chnier's play Charles IX was a huge success during the French Revolution, drawing strongly anti-monarchical and anti-religious lessons from the massacre. 1,293 solutions. Thenceforth the Huguenots abandoned John Calvins principle of obedience to the civil magistratethat is, to the royal authorityand adopted the view that rebellion and tyrannicide were justifiable under certain circumstances. Ostara publications. C. The third round, France : Calvinists vs. Catholics 127132, The range of estimates available in the mid-19th century, with other details, are summarized by the Huguenot statesman and historian, Lincoln, p. 97 (a "bare minimum of 2,000" in Paris), and, Howe, E. "Architecture in Vasari's 'Massacre of the Huguenots',". Please enable JavaScript on your browser. Christopher Marlowe was one of many Elizabethan writers who were enthusiastic proponents of these ideas. At this time, in an age before mass media, "the pulpit remained probably the most effective means of mass communication".[84]. It all started when Margret of Valois (the kings sister) and Henry of Navarre (a protestant) decided to get married. available here Louis governed the Principality of Orange around Avignon in southern France for his brother William the Silent, who was leading the Dutch Revolt against the Spanish. ), pp. One of the first victims was Coligny, who was killed under the supervision of Henry de Guise himself. Earlier Huguenot rage at Nimes (in 1567) led to the massacre of twenty-four Catholics, mostly priests and prominent laymen, at the hands of their Protestant neighbours. 32. [10], The court itself was extremely divided. Few towns escaped the episodic violence and some suffered repeatedly from both sides. All the best people took a hand in it, the King and the Queen Mother included."[102]. D. C. and Kingstown established diplomatic relations when St. Vincent and the Grenadines Ambassador Hudson Kemul Tannis presented his credentials Milton Cato: Ronald Reagan: December 7, 1981: C. Renewed power for the Roman Inquisition 2nd Luxemburg; Fontaine-Franaise; Ham; Le Catelet; Doullens; Cambrai; Calais; La Fre; Ardres; Amiens. Report to the Venetian senate on the wounding of the admiral / Giovanni Michiel (1572) -- 17. The would-be assassin, most likely Charles de Louviers, Lord of Maurevert[17](c. 15051583), escaped in the ensuing confusion. Cavalli, the Venetian Ambassador, maintained in his report that the king held out for an hour and a half, finally yielding because of Catherine's threat to leave France and the fear that his brother, the Duke of Anjou, might be named captain-general of the Catholics. Political Responses . The king's Swiss mercenaries were given the task of killing a list of leading Protestants. [25] Recent research by Jrmie Foa, investigating the prosopography suggests that the massacres were carried by a group of militants who had already made out lists of Protestants deserving extermination, and the mass of the population, whether approving or disapproving, were not directly involved.[26]. Nowhere was this system more fully and expertly articulated than by the Republic of Venice in the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. A 1440 tax survey of aliens indicates they made up 2%. This peace, however, was precarious since the more intransigent Catholics refused to accept it. Another historian Mack P. Holt, Professor at George Mason University, agrees that Vigor, "the best known preacher in Paris", preached sermons that were full of references to the evils that would befall the capital should the Protestants seize control. Third; 15681570 [12], Nevertheless, it was only in the aftermath of the massacre that anti-monarchical ideas found widespread support from Huguenots, among the "Monarchomachs" and others. With these words, the most popular preacher in Paris legitimised in advance the events of St. Bartholomew's Day". The failed assassination of Admiral de Coligny on 22 August 1572. In the Jew of Malta (158990) "Machievel" in person speaks the Prologue, claiming to not be dead, but to have possessed the soul of the Duke of Guise, "And, now the Guise is dead, is come from France/ To view this land, and frolic with his friends" (Prologue, lines 34)[74] His last play, The Massacre at Paris (1593) takes the massacre, and the following years, as its subject, with Guise and Catherine both depicted as Machiavellian plotters, bent on evil from the start. Read and study old-school with our bound texts. 3. [59], The massacre "spawned a pullulating mass of polemical literature, bubbling with theories, prejudices and phobias". B. They were ordered to shut the city gates and arm the citizenry to prevent any attempt at a Protestant uprising. Admiral Gaspard II de Coligny, a Huguenot leader, supported a war in the Low Countries against Spain as a means to prevent a resumption of civil war, a plan that the French king, Charles IX, was coming to approve in the summer of 1572. 31. Soon afterward both sides prepared for a fourth civil war, which began before the end of the year. Over the centuries, the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre has aroused a great deal of controversy. [58] Even Tsar Ivan the Terrible expressed horror at the carnage in a letter to the Emperor. 3. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) Ignatius of Loyola, from The Spiritual Exercises Review and, 1.Which printmaking process is the most direct for translating the gestures of the hand? Note: this article incorporates material from the, James R. Smither, "The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre and Images of Kingship in France: 15721574. Henry VIII (king of England, 1509-1547) For the, Attempted assassination of Admiral de Coligny, Holt (2005), pp. The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day, Aug. 24, 1572 As recorded by statesman and historian, De Thou (1553-1617), who was a witness to the events on St. Bartholomew Day as a youth. The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre by Franois Dubois. [69] The most extreme of these writers was Camilo Capilupi, a papal secretary, whose work insisted that the whole series of events since 1570 had been a masterly plan conceived by Charles IX, and carried through by frequently misleading his mother and ministers as to his true intentions. The assortment of material allows you to . [62], Diplomatic correspondence was readier than published polemics to recognise the unplanned and chaotic nature of the events,[63] which also emerged from several accounts in memoirs published over the following years by witnesses to the events at court, including the famous Memoirs of Margaret of Valois, the only eye-witness account of the massacre from a member of the royal family. Thus, some modern historians have stressed the critical and incendiary role that militant preachers played in shaping ordinary lay beliefs, both Catholic and Protestant. The second round, England : Anglicans vs. Catholics [39] Accurate figures for casualties have never been compiled,[40] and even in writings by modern historians there is a considerable range, though the more specialised the historian, the lower they tend to be. "Holding a lit de justice, Charles declared that he had ordered the massacre in order to thwart a Huguenot plot against the royal family. The news of the massacre was welcomed by Philip II of Spain, and Pope Gregory XIII had a medal struck to celebrate the event. [49], The French 18th-century historian Louis-Pierre Anquetil, in his Esprit de la Ligue of 1767, was among the first to begin impartial historical investigation, emphasizing the lack of premeditation (before the attempt on Coligny) in the massacre and that Catholic mob violence had a history of uncontrollable escalation. Admiral de Coligny was the most respected Huguenot leader and enjoyed a close relationship with the king, although he was distrusted by the king's mother. Body counts relating to other payments are computed from this. The Huguenot political movement was crippled by the loss of many of its prominent aristocratic leaders, and many rank-and-file members subsequently converted. [83][pageneeded], Traditional histories have tended to focus more on the roles of the political notables whose machinations began the massacre than the mindset of those who actually did the killing. The St. Bartholomew's Day massacre (French: Massacre de la Saint-Barthlemy) in 1572 was a targeted group of assassinations and a wave of Catholic mob violence directed against the Huguenots (French Calvinist Protestants) during the French Wars of Religion. [64][65] There are also a dramatic and influential account by Henry, duke of Anjou that was not recognised as fake until the 19th century. Roberts, Yvonne. The book begins with an introduction that explores the political and religious context for the massacre and traces the course of the massacre and its aftermath. This article is about the historical event. About twelve thousand Huguenots were killed between August 25 and October 3. [20] Fears of Huguenot reprisals grew. The Catholic Encyclopedia of 1913 was still ready to endorse a version of this view, describing the massacres as "an entirely political act committed in the name of the immoral principles of Machiavellianism" and blaming "the pagan theories of a certain raison d'tat according to which the end justified the means". [51], Pope Gregory XIII also commissioned the artist Giorgio Vasari to paint three frescos in the Sala Regia depicting the wounding of Coligny, his death, and Charles IX before Parliament, matching those commemorating the defeat of the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto (1571). [31] In most of them, the killings swiftly followed the arrival of the news of the Paris massacre, but in some places there was a delay of more than a month. Shortly before dawn on August 24 the bell of Saint-Germain-lAuxerrois began to toll and the massacre began. He is the author of, Perspectives from the Past: Primary Sources in Western Civilizations / Edition 7, Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. [33] Apparently genuine letters from the Duke of Anjou, the king's younger brother, did urge massacres in the king's name; in Nantes the mayor fortunately held on to his without publicising it until a week later when contrary orders from the king had arrived. Other theories about who was ultimately responsible for the attack centre on three candidates: The attempted assassination of Coligny triggered the crisis that led to the massacre. Arques; Ivry; Paris; Chteau-Laudran; Rouen; Caudebec; Craon; 1st Luxemburg; Blaye; Morlaix; Fort Crozon, Franco-Spanish War (159598) [7], Compounding this bad feeling was the fact that the harvests had been poor and taxes had risen. They forced the hand of a hesitant and weak-willed king in the decision of that particular execution. The future Pope Gregory served as a legate to Philip II of Spain, being sent by Pope Pius V to investigate the Cardinal of Toledo. One can also understand why, the day after the start of the massacre, Catherine de' Medici, through royal declaration of Charles IX, condemned the crimes, and threatened the Guise family with royal justice. He stresses that the city was on the verge of revolt. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.

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