[66], A number of scholars have credited Gingrich with playing a key role in undermining democratic norms in the United States, and hastening political polarization and partisan prejudice. According to their plan, House Majority Leader Dick Armey, House Majority Whip Tom DeLay, Boehner and Paxon were to present Gingrich with an ultimatum: resign, or be voted out. [21], Gingrich has three younger half-siblings from his mother, Candace and Susan Gingrich, and Roberta Brown. Newt . Gingrich is of English, German, Scottish, and Scots-Irish descent. In 1960 during his junior year in high school, the family moved to Georgia at Fort Benning. [21], In 1961, Gingrich graduated from Baker High School in Columbus, Georgia, where he met, and later married, his math teacher. Although he has been in the public eye for years and seen his share of crowds, this kind of attention is new for Presidential Candidate Newt. Where does Newt Gingrich live? He simply believes Republicans can preside over big government more effectively." He later sought the partys nomination for president in 2012. [103] In response to Gingrich's complaint that they were "forced to use the rear door," NBC news released their videotape footage showing both Gingrich and Dole disembarking at Tel Aviv just behind Clinton via the front stairway. After graduating from Emory University (1965), Gingrich studied modern European history at Tulane University (M.A., 1968; Ph.D., 1971) and taught at West Georgia College (197078). He is an American politician and author who served as the 50th speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999. [277] The marriage produced no children. Newt was overweight since his childhood. "[27], In 1970, Gingrich joined the history department at West Georgia College, where he spent "little time teaching history. [78] As a result, the power of Gingrich was strengthened and there was an increase in conformity among Republican congresspeople. Newt lives in McLean, VA. Why did Newt Gingrich change his name? The Republicans held out for an increase in Medicare PartB premiums in January 1996 to $53.50 a month. At the same time Gingrich was having an affair with a woman 23 years his junior. [56] Gerrymandering split Gingrich's territory among three neighboring districts. [84], A key aspect of the 1994 Contract with America was the promise of a balanced federal budget. [268], In 1981, six months after his divorce from Jackie was final, Gingrich wed Marianne Ginther. Newt Gingrich first began his political career in the early 1970's when he took on the role of the Southern Region Director for Nelson Rockefeller's presidential campaign. [282], Raised as a Lutheran,[283] Gingrich was a Southern Baptist in graduate school. )", "If it comes to a shutdown, the GOP should stick to its principles", "Ethics committee drops last of 84charges against Gingrich", "In the Matter of Representative Newt Gingrich (Report 105-1)", "Ethics Panel Supports Reprimand of Gingrich", "House, in a 39528 vote, reprimands Gingrich", "I.R.S. Stephen Morton/AP He stated that he didn't have the interest in serving in any role related to the Trump administration, stressing that as a private citizen he would engage with individuals for "strategic planning" rather than job-seeking. The change in Mr. Gingrich's attitude toward Southwire was one of his earliest political conversions. He insisted that the Republican Party would continue to apply political pressure on the President to approve their welfare legislation. [82] The bill was signed into law by President Clinton on August 22, 1996. Then-Sen. Joe Biden and Newt Gingrich on "Meet the Press" in 2006. I think you're going to see a steady increase in the number of incumbents who have opponents because the American taxpayers are increasingly fed up. He said in 2015, "after several years of looking at the UN, I can report to you that it is sufficiently corrupt and sufficiently inefficient. [148], Gingrich is a former member of the Council on Foreign Relations. [95][96], Among the first pieces of legislation passed by the new Congress under Gingrich was the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995, which subjected members of Congress to the same laws that apply to businesses and their employees, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. [219] After having consulted for Trump's 2016 campaign, Gingrich encouraged his fellow Republicans to unify behind Trump, who had by then become the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. "If Newt had still been speaker, the House may have settled for censuring Clinton and not pressed ahead on impeachment given there was no realistic prospect of conviction in the Senate," says NPR Senior Washington Editor Ron Elving. [223], Following Trump's victory in the presidential election, speculation arose concerning Gingrich as a possible secretary of state, chief of staff or advisor. [79], A central pledge of President Bill Clinton's campaign was to reform the welfare system, adding changes such as work requirements for recipients. Gingrich was a professor of history and geography at the University of West Georgia before he ventured into politics by vying for the U.S House of Representatives on the ticket of the Republic Party. [3], The House fulfilled Gingrich's promise to bring all ten of the Contract's issues to a vote within the first 100 days of the session. Jackie Battley is still alive, and the couple was already in divorce proceedings at the time of the 1980 . "[183], On March 3, 2011, Gingrich officially announced a website entitled "Newt Exploratory 2012" in lieu of a formal exploratory committee for exploration of a potential presidential run. Amid speculation that he would run for president in 2012, Fox terminated his contract in May 2011. He claimed not to be able to afford any more. In 2007, Gingrich authored a book, Rediscovering God in America. [80], In 1996, after constructing two welfare reform bills that Clinton vetoed,[81] Gingrich and his supporters pushed for passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act, which was intended to reconstruct the welfare system. [179], In late 2008, several political commentators, including Marc Ambinder in The Atlantic[180] and Robert Novak in The Washington Post,[181] identified Gingrich as a top presidential contender in the 2012 election, with Ambinder reporting that Gingrich was "already planting some seeds in Iowa, New Hampshire". [216][217][218], Gingrich supported Donald Trump more quickly than many other establishment Republicans. The "Republican Revolution", "Revolution of '94", or "Gingrich Revolution" are political slogans that refer to the Republican Party (GOP) success in the 1994 U.S. mid-term elections, which resulted in a net gain of 54 seats in the House of Representatives, and a pick-up of eight seats in the Senate.On November 9, 1994, the day after the election, Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama, a . It contained lists of "contrasting words"words with negative connotations such as "radical", "sick," and "traitors"and "optimistic positive governing words" such as "opportunity", "courage", and "principled", that Gingrich recommended for use in describing Democrats and Republicans, respectively. When he feels like traveling, he crisscrosses the Atlantic in business class, opining on the issues of the day from bicontinental TV studios and giving speeches for $600 a minute. By then, the campaign still owed $4.6 million in debt, with only $17,000 being raised by the campaign committee over the previous year. Gingrich's later books take a large-scale policy focus, including Winning the Future, and the most recent, To Save America. The show was cancelled the following year, but he remained at CNN as a commentator until 2015, when he rejoined Fox News. The poor showing by Republicans in the 1998 congressional elections, a reprimand from the House for Gingrich's ethics violation, and pressure from Republican colleagues resulted in Gingrich's resignation from the speakership on November 6, 1998. A professor of history and geography at the University of West Georgia in the 1970s, Gingrich won election to the U.S. House of Representatives in November 1978, the first Republican in the history of Georgia's 6th congressional district to do so. And newts are highly adaptive salamanders that regenerate limbs when wounded and emit poison when challenged. Around the time Newt was born, Kit and Newton divorced; his mother and grandparents raised him. Years ago, a diagnosis of cancer meant a death sentence. [28], Gingrich was the southern regional director for Nelson Rockefeller in the 1968 Republican primaries. Those were just three of the 10 points of the Contract with America, Newt Gingrich's conservative plan, signed by 300-plus Republican candidates and presented at a press conference . In 1994, Republicans swept the midterms and Newt Gingrich became Speaker of the House. In the summer of 1997, several House Republicans attempted to replace him as Speaker, claiming Gingrich's public image was a liability. Gingrich backed a bid to impeach and remove the president from office. "[56] Charles S. Bullock III, a political science professor at the University of Georgia, said "Speaker Murphy didn't like having a Republican represent him. The breakthroughs in cancer research and . In 1956, the family moved to Europe, living for a period in Orlans, France and Stuttgart, Germany. C-SPAN was a sleepy nonprofit cable channel that had launched five years earlier. He also faced a series of ethics investigations. 'Running Out The Clock'. She wiped out.". Gingrich accused Clinton of stalling on welfare, and proclaimed that Congress could pass a welfare reform bill in as little as 90 days. [209], After a disappointing second place showing in the Delaware primary on April 24, and with a campaign debt in excess of $4 million,[210] Gingrich suspended his campaign and endorsed front-runner Mitt Romney on May 2, 2012,[211] on whose behalf he subsequently campaigned (i.e. [94] Gingrich along with Bob Dole had earlier set-up the Kemp Commission, headed by former US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Jack Kemp, a tax reform commission that made several recommendations including that dividends, interest, and capital gains should be untaxed. Carter won more than two-thirds of the vote in his native Georgia. Under the act, the profits on the sale of a personal residence ($500,000 for married couples, $250,000 for singles) were exempted if lived in for at least two of the previous five years. "[258][259] In the spring of 1980, Gingrich filed for divorce from Jackie after beginning an affair with Marianne Ginther. [273] She did not, however, want to have the public life of a politician's wife. [130] Writing a retrospective on his career at that point, The New York Times in November 1998 described Gingrich as "an expert in how to seize power, but a novice in holding it" further opining that he "illustrate[d] how hard it is for a radical, polarizing figure to last in leadership". In 2016, the campaign filed a proposal to shut down without paying back its outstanding debt to 114 businesses and consultants; the FEC rejected this proposal. [237], Gingrich is most widely identified with the 1994 Contract with America. In 1985, he stated, "Given everything I believe in, a large part of me thinks I should have gone over. [214][215], Because FEC regulations prevent campaigns from ceasing operations until they settle their debts, the Newt Gingrich campaign was never formally dissolved. [12] Since 2020, Gingrich has supported Trump's false claims of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. [22] He also has a half-sister and half-brother, Randy McPherson, from his biological father's side. [119] In 1999, the IRS cleared the organizations connected with the "Renewing American Civilization" courses under investigation for possible tax violations.
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