100% Online Programs | University of Southern Maine They also need to provide their GRE or MAT scores, and have taken a graduate level Statistics course with a grade of B or higher. Accelerated Career Entry (ACE) Program | Southern Connecticut State This program is open to students who have completed either a diploma or associate degree in nursing program. They may also be asked to interview. The ACE program is an accelerated BSN program for individuals already holding a BS/BA in any field from an accredited college or university who wish to enter the nursing profession.Accelerated Career Entry (ACE) Program.Nursing Curriculum and CreditsSummer CohortWinter CohortNUR 432: Adult Health II (5cr) Clinical IncludedSummer A/BFall16 more rows. Your review will be reviewed and published if approved. Based on sampled GPA data collected and applied, it is estimated that the USM average GPA range for accepted students is around 3.06 - 3.33. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The student to faculty ratio is 15 to 1, and the average class size is 25.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'nursingschools4u_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',160,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-nursingschools4u_com-medrectangle-3-0'); This program is for students wishing to pursue a career in professional nursing. four-yearAdmission Requirements The curriculum plan is based on a four-year, 120 hour program, which includes prerequisite nursing courses, University general education requirements, and upper division courses in the nursing major. Please attend an information session to learn more about the Accelerated Second Degree nursing pathway or sign up for a nursing admissions advising session with one of our nursing admissions advisors! Box 9300, The concentrations students can apply to via this pathway are: Family Nurse Practitioner and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. As a Nursing student, you will explore the domains of geriatrics, pediatrics, obstetrics, mental health, and more. Some applicants may be required to submit additional documents as needed by the USF Office of Admission. RNs may enter the MS in Nursing program directly without a BS in Nursing degree. This is a full-time, limited-access nursing pathway and is structured sequentially. Programs: BSN. Please enable Javascript for full functionality. All admitted nursing students are required to complete a background check, immunization verification, drug screening, and more. You may be eligible for a special reduced tuition rate, as part of the New England Regional Student Program (RSP). Help the School of Nursing enhance its learning facilities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students, NUR 305 - Fundamentals in Nursing Lab for Accelerated B.S. The historical trend chart shows acceptance rates from the previous years, from which we have projected the acceptance rate for the 2023-2024 school year. Students applying to this dual program must have a BS in Nursing degree, a 3.0 GPA, have taken courses in Statistics and Total Health Assessment, acceptable MAT or GRE scores, letters of reference, a resume, and proof of a current RN license. Students get to develop their nursing skills while practicing in a Health Assessment Lab and Simulation Center. Application Instructions. Contact ACEN. For questions regarding the status of your university application and transcript processing please call (813) 974-3350 or email at admissions@usf.edu. The University of Southern Maine in Portland, Maine is a public university with both undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Students must be admitted to the University, show proof of a current RN license, and have a GPA of at least 2.5 in their previous coursework. Students will need to complete at least 1000 clinical hours as well. Graduate-level programs include MSN, accelerated MSN, RN to MSN, and DNP. Students may choose from the concentrations of ANP, FNP, APMH/CNS, APMH/NP, and FPMH/NP. Graduates are allowed to take the national certification exam for adult health clinical nurse specialists. To apply for this program, students will need to have a bachelors degree in a field other than nursing, a 3.0 GPA, have taken courses in Statistics and Total Health Assessment, acceptable MAT or GRE scores, letters of reference, a resume, and proof of a current RN license. Copyright 2022 AcceptanceRates.org | version 5.2.3 (commit d0adbc) Laravel v 8.83.27 | (PHP v8.1.17), Home (current) | Applicants who do not meet the criteria will not be considered for admission into the BS in Nursing Accelerated Program. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals across the United States were looking ahead at the dire, What Maine's Nursing Shortage Means to You, Nurses make up the largest segment of the healthcare workforce with more than 3 million employed in the Unites States. The best way to get to know the University is to visit us. Students may have their one, final nursing prerequisite in progress during the semester they apply for the Accelerated Second Degree nursing pathway, however, they will be offered conditional admission, if selected. In addition to the hospital setting, career opportunities also exist in research, education, community and public health, government service, international health, and more. 2016-2017: 80.2%; 2017-2018: 83.5%; 2018-2019: 85.4% Once the nursing application deadline passes all eligible applicants will be evaluated. Each campus has different admission deadlines and important dates to remember. Students may specialize in Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), Family Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (FPMH/NP), Adult Nurse Practitioner (ANP), Adult Health Clinical Nurse Specialist (AHCNS), Adult Psychiatric/Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist (APMH/CNS), and Adult Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (APMH/NP).if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'nursingschools4u_com-box-4','ezslot_2',162,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-nursingschools4u_com-box-4-0'); To apply, students must have an MS in Nursing degree without an advanced practice specialty. Check university of southern maine accelerated nursing acceptance rate Listed Below: stanford university medical school out of state acceptance rate, university of arizona college of veterinary medicine acceptance rate, oakland university bioengineering acceptance rate, university at buffalo school of dental medicine acceptance rate, university of southern maine accelerated nursing acceptance rate. According to one study, 76% of new nursing graduates had a job offer at the time of graduating. Due to federal reporting regulations, international students on an I-20/F-1 visa are not eligible for the Accelerated Second Degree program at St. Petersburg or Sarasota-Manatee. Applicants must meet all minimum admission criteria, be officially admitted to USF for the correct term of entry and have a verified NursingCAS application by the nursing application deadline to be considered for admission to the desired nursing pathway. Clinical experience is offered through partnerships with various primary care and public health centers in the region. In addition to general requirements, applicants must meet the following criteria: Have either attained or will attain before starting the program a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution; and, Hold a 3.3 or higher GPA from the most recently earned bachelors, masters, or doctoral degree; and. 2023 University of Southern Maine|A member of the University of Maine System|, Apply to the University of Southern Maine, Online Supplemental Application for Accelerated Nursing. Through community partnerships, our students provide primary care, public health, and mental health services for underserved populations. The University of Southern Maine (USM) was created when the Gorham Normal School was combined with the University of Maine at Portland in 1970. Make a plan with your advisor. They may also be asked to interview. Nursing Degree Program | University of New England in Maine Students who do not enroll in classes during the term they were admitted will have their admission to USF canceled for non-enrollment by the Office of Admissions. The program has also been approved by the Maine State Board of Nursing. Students must fulfill the USM general education requirements by completing any one of the following pathways: the USM Core Curriculum, the Russell Scholars Program, or the University Honors Program. Below is the breakdown of the financial aid provided to students. 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850. Apply directly to the semester you plan to begin classes at the university. Applicants must have a BS in Nursing degree, a 3.0 GPA, have taken courses in Statistics and Total Health Assessment, acceptable MAT or GRE scores, letters of reference, a resume, and proof of a current RN license. Students applying to this program must have a BS in Nursing degree, a 3.0 GPA, have taken courses in Statistics and Total Health Assessment, acceptable MAT or GRE scores, letters of reference, a resume, and proof of a current RN license. University of Southern Maine Nursing School Review They may also be asked to interview. It is available full or part time. BS in Nursing - Accelerated Program | 2018-19 Catalogs | University of 3. This program provides the most advanced level of clinical nursing studies. It is also part of the University of Maine System that includes 8 campuses in the state. Our Service Learning Program enables you to serve in communities with some of societys most vulnerable populations. Army Medical Department Enlisted Commissioning Program (AECP). If you are looking for university of southern maine accelerated nursing acceptance rate then Check here the Latest university of southern maine accelerated nursing acceptance rate 2022 with Updated details. Admission is on a competitive basis. It is important to note that most states require a social security number to take the NCLEX and/or to be issued a registered nurse license. Upon completion of the program, students will be awarded a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Cal State LA. MS in Nursing Adult Health Clinical Nurse Specialist (AH/CNSP). Contact:University of Southern Maine96 Falmouth Street,Portland, ME 04104, Online Nursing ProgramsAll Online RN to BSN ProgramsAll Online RN to MSN ProgramsAll Online MSN ProgramsAll Online Nurse Practitioner ProgramsAll Online BSN-DNP / Doctorate of Nursing ProgramsAll Online LPN to RN Programs, BRIDGE PROGRAMS BECOME A NURSEFor Nurses For Non-NursesAccelerated BSN Registered Nurse(RN)RN to BSN Second Degree BSNRN to MSN Direct Entry MSNLPN to RN 4-Year BSNMasters in Nursing LPN / LVNBSN to DNP Cert. Atlanta, Ga. 30326 The university ranks as one of the best Northeastern Colleges and enrolls about 7,800 students annually. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS . You know that to provide excellent nursing care, it. Application Process. This program is for generalists looking to become nurse leaders. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. This letter should be uploaded to the NursingCAS application before submitting. 43.4% (2020)Southern University and A&M College / Acceptance rate. Accelerated B.S. in Nursing | University of New England in Maine Accreditations - Visit our Accreditation pageto learn more. The faculty of the School of Nursing recognizes the desire of people with baccalaureate and higher degrees in disciplines other than nursing to become nurses and has designed an accelerated program that leads to a B.S. As one of the nursing schools with high acceptance rates, Oklahoma Wesleyan University offers students a challenging, evolving, and caring Christian atmosphere. *Must be completed prior to NUR 300, NUR 301, NUR 306, NUR 307, NUR 339. Applicants should complete the online application for admission to the University and list pre-Nursing as the major of choice. Do you still have questions? Apply by October 1 for summer term only. A Shortage of Faculty Nursing educators are also in short supply, as nursing schools struggle to recruit and retain faculty. USM's LinkedIn Profile. The syllabus for each course must be from the correct catalog year when the course was originally taken. To learn more about our use of cookies and how to manage your browser cookie settings, please review ourPrivacy Notice. School of Nursing. New England residents may qualify for tuition breaks. Beginning coursework in the baccalaureate curriculum includes English composition, quantitative decision making, natural and behavioral sciences, arts, and humanities. This website uses cookies to understand how you use the website and to improve your experience. The bachelors degree must be earned and conferred before the nursing application deadline. USM Home . Faculty and students of the school serve as a vital resource to the people of Maine through clinical practice, scholarly activities, and leadership roles. Our students provide primary care, public health, and mental health services to the clients of community-based organizations.

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