The Demon of the Spring Vile Lahmu Part 1(Level 23) The best ways to tackle those challenging Challenge Quests. Kishin Demons Drake Hydra(Level 15) Dragon Qing Long / Seiryu(Level 45) Sometimes, it won't be. Should You Get Apsaras or Leanan Sidhe? November 17, 2021. Permanent Events However, this branch will not always appear in this ending, and it has certain requirements that need to be met in order for the player to obtain the 4th ending. Mini-Game 2 I just got the secret ending, and I had beaten Shiva after metatron (but before the alignment lock). Please note that this page contains some MAJOR story spoilers! After that, you must be careful because . Fionn mac Cumhaill In addition to that, several Challenge Quest must be completed: This is the easiest ending to get, and can be obtained while on either of the three Alignment paths. Demon List Additionally, Herald Abdiel is unlocked for fusion immediately after entering the Empyrean, but you get this after beating the game no matter which ending you choose. Tyrant Surt(Level 49) The Water Nymph However, can a world without them truly exist? All DLC Bosses Sahori Itsukishima That way, youre benefitting from not having to upload a 2+ MB file into your browser because of four individual walkthroughs. Instead, two decisions made during the game will determine which ending you obtain. An Unusual Forecast Youll quickly go into a boss you can beat with Auto-Battle/Auto-Pinpoint, and then the game is won. Kunitsu Arahabaki(Level 62) Catherine: Full Body - Hop103 on Senran Kagura's Mirai. Instead of being dictated through secret alignment calculations . Protagonist Femme Demons For a lot of help in organizing and formatting the guide. After the events of Infernal Tokyo, you are given the choice by The White to become the true Messiah by returning the world to nothing. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. On that note, as far as route-exclusive quests or fusion unlocks goes, this 4th ending is actually no different than the Destroy the Throne ending, because it is simply an alternate version of that ending. It has the lowest number of route-exclusives unlocks (in terms of demons and quests) and also the lowest number of end-game boss fights. -> Answer ", Now, Id appreciate it if youd stand aside and cease with the interruptions. Don't flag the Yosuga, Musubi, or Shijima endings. One Final Note: On the PC version of Nocturne, only five diamonds are shown on the save screen, although there are six endings. Keep in mind that this only shows the approximate highest ranking you can get from that point on, assuming you meet all these conditions and avoid the others. Chiaki believes in a world where the powerful controlall, moving progress forward whilethe weak creatures who stagnate the world are removed. The hidden ending for the game requires you to complete some unique sidequests before ascending to the Empyrean at the end. Fast Leveling Guide Ultimately, however, these alignment choices dont matter. This version also added the Labyrinth of Amala and the Fiends. How do I solve the name of guardian of deity of tokyo? Battle Items Night Lilim(Level 32) SMT 4 Neutral guide (Spoiler) Since it's very confusing to get locked on neutral path, I prepared a detailed guide to get a neutral route. Post-Game Unlockables Abdiel Game Editions (October 18, 2021) Here, people and gods are allowed to choose for themselves, at the expense of constant conflict and disagreement. Glitter in Ginza Akin to previous Shin Megami Tensei games, these things will influence which ending you get in seemingly-arbitrary ways by influencing your alignment towards Law, Chaos, or the mediatory Neutral. Here, humanity only needs to devote themselves to God in order to lead prosperous lives. I have seen a fair bit of confusion over which endings were which and how to obtain them, thanks to names doled out by fans, as well as the much more confusing system for doing so, presented in the original Shin Megami Tensei IV. Subscribe for free to Inverses award-winning daily newsletter! You can purchase this miracle from the world of shadows for 10 glory. Unless stated otherwise, you are not allowed to host any of my work. Each section contains spoilers on the following: Shin Megami Tensei IV has four distinct endings - two good ones, and two bad ones. A Universe in Peril requires you to defeat Shiva, who is the games superboss. Hayao Koshimizu Shin Megami Tensei V (SMTV) maintains the series staple multiple endings based on different ideological alignments. You can trigger this ending in your first playthrough. Tyrant Abaddon(Level 61) Khonsu Due to the nature of this page being centered on endings, note that there will be some minor spoilers, though we'll attempt to keep those to a minimum. This guide is just a quick list of the conditions necessary to get all of the endings in Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse, as well as the mechanics behind the ending penalties you may experience. The file screen even marks it with a little star icon. A Sobering Standoff ATLUS, the ATLUS logo, SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI and SMT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of ATLUS Co., Ltd. or its affiliates. Beast Demons The first neutral ending of the game. In other words, a guaranteed point of having every ending available to you seems to center around the beginning of the Tsukiji Passage of Ethics. This quest unlocks Demeter and Zeus for fusion, so you can get this on any route. You will do most of them in the end. Can I Keep Them? Wargod Futsunushi(Level 69) SEGA. Completing this quest will allow you to fuse Maria herself. Fiend Mother Harlot (Level 64) January 17, 2022 Will that work, given everything I've already done up to this point (the stuff I mentioned in the OP)? That means you can do some save file splitting to get all the endings. After selecting Destroy the Throne, proceed through the Empyrean as normal until you fight Abdiel. This should lock you on to the 4th ending. -> Answer. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Like the rest of the mainline SMT series,Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster has numerous endings that can be seen. Got that? -> Answer. Birds of a Feather This ending can be reached by choosing the good, Law choices during quests. Based on our testing, we believe quest status (as it related to unlocking the 4th ending) carries over to NG+. All Minato Optional Bosses Mini-Game 3 The Search for Oyamatsumi Choose the Destroy the Throne path and progress through the story until you defeat Abdiel. Kunitsu Okuninushi, Oyamatsumi, Sukuna-Hikona, and Take-Minakata(Level 39-50) Is it true that I need to avoid stating opinions when I can? Marias quest is The Compassionate Queen and unlocks Maria for fusion, unique to this route. Essence Items Now to get neutral you need to be at -8 to 8 alignment when the alignment lock happens. Those Seeking Sanctuary All Chiyoda Main Story Bosses The Cursed Mermaids DLC List and Information (November 2, 2021) The Doctors Last Wish You and Isabeau team up with Taira no Masakado, the guardian deity of the Neutral alignment throughout most of SMT, and conspire to blast a giant hole through the surface of Mikado to force a literal and social collision of Mikado and Tokyo. Hayataro Recovery Skills Shin Megami Tensei 3 Neutral Ending: The Demon Ending. The ambitions of god and humans clash amidst the horror of a dying world. This is the hidden ending for Shin Megami Tensei V, and it's an ending that is accessed through the neutral ending.In this Shin Megami Tensei V ending, Nahobino does not align with any individual, be it humanity, demons, or gods.Instead, Nahobino creates an entirely new world for humanity, without the existence of gods or demons. Avian Jatayu(Level 25) You will also face three final bosses in this route. In other words, a guaranteed point of having every ending available to you seems to center around the beginning of the Tsukiji Passage of Ethics. Twitter: @Aleph_Daud. Note: I decided to get the True Demon Ending my first playthrough, and then do a second playthrough on Merciful with a powered-up team of demons to collect the rest of the endings. Sometimes, it wont be. Wolf Knight A big exception is the True Demon Ending, which requires completing a bonus dungeon (and thus renders the choices made throughout the game somewhat unimportant if you are aiming for this ending). Aside from curiosity of what the other plot lines were like, and the recruitable demons from their respective alignments, the Neutral Path is a fine choice for Post-Game/End-Game content. Several of these endings are referred to as Reasons (or Kotowari in Japanese), which are essentially philosophies in how the world will be recreated. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Movin on Up Likewise, at the same point in the game, if you have 40 or more Light points than Dark points, but go against your Alignment by picking the Dark ending (siding with Dagda), Dagda will get rid of your items. Dragon Demons Talisman Hunt At least, in our testing of the game through multiple playthroughs, this always seemed to be the case. King Demi-fiend (Level 99) Drake Seth(Level 62) It is sort of like a standard SMT Neutral route, but unlike Shin Megami Sensei IV, this is a somewhat short ending and not some happy medium between the other two. Depending on the route you take, there are some exclusive quests and Miracles that you can unlock in the final area of the game, the Empyrean. Fiend Hell Biker (Level 36) 1st option in all dialogue choices, including boss fights where something "ethical" is involved. This route has the least amount of exclusive content. However, when you defeat Herald Abdiel, Nuwa should appear right behind you and tell you about what she and Yakumo were planning to do all along, which is to recreate the world for humanity only. Shin Megami Tensei V Ending 4 - . Sophia By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Fiend White Rider (Level 43) So, perhaps it's no surprise that this ending involves this additional labyrinth. If so, which ones? You don't have to worry about getting all endings on one save file or anything like that, which would require five or six full playthroughs. Lighting the Way In Tsukijis question maze, always go left. Lady Demons New Game Plus Unlockables Of course, the latter option leads to the hidden fourth ending. Ignore subquests again and clear route-exclusive post-game subquests for this alignment. Go through the final area of the game as normal. Shin Megami Tensei IV has a total of four endings that can be taken. This is a sign you have the right ending. How to Increase Demon Stock Deity Zeus Part 1(Level 72) The world will be ruled by multiple gods, and humanity is allowed to think for themselves on who to worship, but it leads to constant conflict. All rights reserved. Return of the True Demon, All Minato Main Story Bosses At this point, we cannot definitively guarantee if any of these quests are required or not, and more testing is needed, but to be safe. Please spoil the entire ending for me. When given the choice, use the first-listed response for all questions. It is still possible to get the secret ending on a single playthrough but again it depends on how you talked Shohei. The One I Love Herald Camael(Level 54) All Useful Guides Fiend Demons Less importantly, your Alignment also can affect the DDS titles you can obtain: six in all. Overview and guide on how to clear all ending routes in Shin Megami Tensei V (SMT 5). Your actions will erase demons and gods from the fabric of existence, with the protagonist and all of his classmates enjoying life together. Shinagawa Wharf, Fairy Village, and Shinagawa Station Here, humanity devotes itself to God and generally leads prosperous lives, at the expense of their individuality. So You Want to Be Neutral - Spoiler-Light Suggestions for Neutrality. While youre at it, feel free to check out our review of SMTV and other guides: Throughout the game youll be given several questions and decisions to answer that will bring your characters to lean towards one of the three alignments, law, chaos, or neutral. In your first playthrough, pick the Neutral alignment dialogue choices and pick the 3rd ending route. and our Neutral dialogue choices must be made, which are usually ignoring the problem at hand. However, the quest will be slightly different for each of the three routes. Tyrant King Frost(Level 28) By selecting, I will destroy the throne, you side with neither order or chaos and seek the neutral option, aligning with Nuwa and Yakumo. Deity Demons Megami Anahita(Level 18) On the other hand, if you make a decision that coincides with your Alignment, or the difference between your Dark and Light points is less than 40, then no penalty will be gleaned. 1. Doing so will increase your Light points or your Dark points. Flagging two or more Reasons will technically lead you toward the Demon ending as well, but I'm honestly not sure how that works. Kishin Zouchouten Part 1(Level 36) Getting this ending will allow you to unlock Nuwa before the New Game Plus (which is where you can get her on other routes). If you manage to abide by all of these, youre pretty much certain to reach the ending with something like a -90 rating in alignment. While not in-depth, applying those conditions to your playthrough alongside the Walkthrough and Challenge Quests should suffice quite well. There are four endings to Shin Megami Tensei V. Three of these endings are fairly-standard branching route endings, with the 4th ending being more hidden. Best Nahobino Skill Builds Hi! Does the conversation with Issachar - 'are you a luxuror or casualry?' Avian Demons Decision time. This ending is the toughest to reach. However, it will take some time to clear this route since your need to have level 94 ally demons to defeat Shiva. This is likely due to the fact that the Chronicle content is free DLC for the PC version, rather than being directly included like with the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 versions. This is where you decide to side with Sohei Yakumo and Nuwa to destroy the throne of creation and prevent anyone from becoming the head god. Shohei Yakumo Demonic Compendium Privacy Policy. This route will allow you to unlock Holy Hayataro before the New Game Plus (which is where you can get on him other routes). The fourth ending is a sort of bad ending for selecting the wrong choice near the final missions. Some have referred to this ending as the True Neutral ending. After the credits, you always seem to unlockLady Nuwa, Herald Abdiel, and Fallen Abdiel for fusion no matter which ending you pick. Odin There is actually only one element of this ending that is unique to it: This is the 4th ending to Shin Megami Tensei V, and it is easily the most hidden of all the endings available. I will note one thing though: this isn't a guide to completing the actual endings, simply a guide on how to obtain them. Shin Megami Tensei V (SMTV) maintains the series staple multiple endings based on different ideological alignments. All Boss Guides, All Protagonist and Human Joiun Academy Characters All Talisman List and Locations Jouin Academy (Revisit) and Zojoji Temple Playing for the Neutral endings will get you two additional dungeons and a more fulfilling ending in terms of content. If you pick thisroute unaligned with your actual choices, you have to pay 666,000 Macca to proceed. Like and Subscribe!Become a Member: Stream: Vile Demons You generally should find the fiends in the order below. If your character icon spins clockwise, youre law, if its anti-clockwise, youre chaos and if it just stays in place, youre neutral. In order for Nuwa to appear we believe the following might be required: Copyright 2006-2023 Mist Network and its owners. How to Take Down All 4 New Machines in 'Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores', How to Unlock Cal's Jedi Robes in 'Star Wars Jedi: Survivor', How to Unlock Holotactics in Jedi: Survivor and Take Down Every Opponent. How to Get the Secret Fourth Ending 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. This ending can be reached by choosing the bad, Chaos choices during quests. Thanks for your consideration, it means a lot. You can purchase this miracle from the world of shadows for 10 glory. Once you have defeated Metatron, you can choose one of three paths to take which are: to uphold Gods order, recreate the world and save Tokyo, or destroy the throne. I'm not sure what the official or otherwise eventual accepted names for these endings are going to be, so I am going to label them by the dialogue choice you make at the final decision point in the game. Fiend Trumpeter (Level 73) This ending is actually the shortest and simplest of all the endings to Shin Megami Tensei V, and it is the one that aligns with Shohei Yakumo and Nuwa. If you want to see the fourth ending, you must clear a specific list of 8 sidequests before defeating Metatron at the Temple of Eternity. This ending is the . This ending was added in the Maniax PS2 re-release of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, which was the version localized for the West in 2004. All Strategy Guides, Items Red Dragons Invitation You can ignore subquests (since your previous questline clears carries over to NG+) and clear route-exclusive post-game subquests for this alignment. Most of the time, Shin Megami Tensei IV will be the same for the whole game, regardless of alignment. No Stone Unturned Having multiple, branching endings in Shin Megami Tensei is a well-established component of the franchise, and Shin Megami Tensei V is no different. Shiva is located in the portal behind Vasuku after you beat him as part of story progression. Belial will join you after completing the quest. A Wish for a Fish If she appears, then congrats, you've unlocked the 4th ending to Shin Megami Tensei V. If she does not appear, then sadly you are stuck on the Destroy the Throne route. Glory Farming Guide However, these choices are not nearly as important as the key Flag decisions, which are required choices tied to the various endings. I suggest to just choose what you want while maintaining a slight chaos or law bias then flip-flop like crazy with the obvious alignment choices after the Whites appear. Megami Artemis (Level 37) Of course, if you actually picked the ending that your choices align with, then you will not be charged for the quest. Should I not do challenge quests for the true ending ? His Reason of Shijima envisions a world where the passion of mankind is stripped in a sterilized world of silence. Relic Items Guide Element Demons Herald Abdiel(Level 58) Feel free to defeat Demi-fiend as a bonus and defeat the third final boss. A Princess in a Pickle Dragon Quetzalcoatl (Level 34) Worry not, once you complete the True Demon Ending, a sixth diamond will appear. Mitama Demons No challenge quests that are unnecessary to progress story. For example, if you choose to uphold Gods order but have little to no alignment with Abdiel and Ichiro Dazai, you must shell out the fee to pursue the subquest. All Chiyoda Region Subquests This FAQ may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It'll still take some time, but at least not whole playthroughs. So, in other words, there are three different forms of the Empyrean, depending on which route you are on. Completing this quest adds Michael to your party and unlocks him for fusion, unique to this route. Copyright 2006-2023 Mist Network and its owners. Essences Guide Vile Girimekhala(Level 46) Shin Megami Tensei V coming out this November 12th, 2021! It is often referred to as the Neutral Ending, or sometimes the Demon Ending (though not to be confused with the True Demon Ending). Battle System This is the hidden neutral ending, which requires more tasks to be completed in order to access it. The only exclusive for this route is Marias quest, The Noble Queen.. Fight her as normal. Lady Ishtar(Level 52) A Preta Predicament Overview and Guide to all Ending Routes in Shin Megami Tensei V, Law Route Uphold Gods Order (First Ending), Chaos Route Recreate the World and Save Tokyo (Second Ending), Neutral Route Destroy the throne (Third Ending), True Neutral / Humanity Route Create a World for Humanity (Fourth Ending), Recommended Order of Unlocking All Endings, Jouin Academy (Revisit) and Zojoji Temple, Shinagawa Wharf, Fairy Village, and Shinagawa Station, Ginza, Akihabara, and Tokyo Station Walkthrough, Kunitsu Okuninushi, Oyamatsumi, Sukuna-Hikona, and Take-Minakata, Matter Lucifer (True Neutral/Humanity Route), Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne HD Remaster, An Incentive for Incense Subquest Walkthrough. An end-game quest NPC might charge you 666,000 Macca to accept it, if you pick an ending path that your choices do not actually align with. Shin Megami Tensei IV has a total of four endings that can be taken. Fiend Pale Rider (Level 57) Magic Skills Mini-Game 1 Game Difficulty Then, you'll want to create a backup save before the end of Yoyogi park. Don't complete the Labyrinth of Amala before the Tower of Kagutsuchi. Here, the world is not recreated, and humanity is left to fend for itself against the demons while the Nahobino watches from afar. These sections will contain spoilers for various portions of the game., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Zeus A little tool to help in remaining neutral. Night Black Frost(Level 44) Vile Lahmu Part 2(Level 38) Night Demons Wargod Demons Below is a list of all endings in Shin Megami Tensei V and details on new elements unlocked after unlocking each of them in the game: In Shin Megami Tensei V, it is entirely possible to select the type of ending you want to get (with the exception of the fourth ending) upon reaching the Temple of Eternity. ^_^, And with that all said, this guide finally comes to a close. This is the ending that aligns the Nahobino with Abdiel and Ichiro Dazai, and effectively works as SMT V's version of the typical Law Route. Persona 5 Strikers However the waySMT 5works and decides upon which ending to give you is handled just a tad differently than previous entries. Every source seems to tell me something different. Kishin Koumokuten Part 2(Level 65) Here Nahobino decides to create a world just for humans, where no gods or demons exist to interfere. Physical Skills A Goddess in Training All Characters, All Demons If youve completed 75% of the demon compendium, Sophia will give you the seed of life. Instead, two decisions made during the game will determine which ending you obtain. Game Editions Best Magatsuhi Skills to Learn Extensive weapon, item and shop listings so wont miss a thing. 2. The Eastern Kingdom of Mikado is a peaceful land whose inhabitants are rigidly divided into two castes: the common Casualry and the elite Luxurors. As you may expect, this ending is the hardest to achieve in SMT V. I have played through the game . Marias quest is The Wrathful Queen and unlocks Inanna for fusion, unique to this route. Neutral Ending. Below is our recommended order of getting all endings easily (Feel free to provide your feedback): 1. Doing the quest with a different alignment will lead to you having to pay 660,000 macca. Herald Raphael, Gabriel, and Uriel(Level 74) These post-game features and elements are detailed in the article below. Thanks for the feedback. Only do the Challenge Quests required of you, or at least those that dont affect alignment. This is the SMT Nocturneending that you will achieve if you reject all three Reasons, fail to support Yuko, and fail to complete the Labyrinth of Amala. This isthe ending aligned with Abdiel and Ichiro Dazai. All Demon Statue List and Locations Youll be locked into a specific ending after you defeat a boss at the end of the Temple of Eternity and answer a decisive question. Game Controls Decision time. Unlocking all endings requires you to go through multiple playthroughs, starting from the beginning of the game on each subsequent run (New Game Plus). Beginners Guide With these things in mind, here are the decisions you can make and how many points they get. In your second playthrough, pick the Law alignment dialogue choices and pick the 1st ending route. In your third playthrough, pick the Chaos alignment dialogue choices and pick the 2nd ending route. Do challenge quests really affect alignment? Are there other decisions I need to make throughout the game? In order to achieve this ending, there are a number of sidequests that you must complete before finishing the Temple of Eternity. Fury Dionysus(Level 44) Downtown Rock n Roll Tyrant Moloch(Level 51) This ending is the simplest to get. All Bethel Faction Characters Before this ending can be selected, however, it is important . Hayataro Have no fear, though - for veterans and newcomers alike, we're here to assist. I DID defeat metatron before defeating shiva, however this was still BEFORE selecting one of the dialogue options. The Horn of Plenty Demon Kings Castle, All Minato Region Subquests Once these are complete, go to the end of The Temple of Eternity and choose the neutral destroy the throne option. For more information, please see our Cadavers Hollow Guide Incense Farming Guide All Amalgam List and Locations So, you can deterministically decide which ending you'll get if you only Flag the one you want, so points won't come into play. In the Destroy the Throne Ending, after defeating Abdiel, Nuwa may reappear in front of the Nahobino. Most of the time, Shin Megami Tensei IV will be the same for the whole game, regardless of alignment. No matter your alignment, this will be a guaranteed possibility - all you have to do is choose to do so. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. But Shin Megami Tensei V also includes a secret fourth ending that takes a bit of work to unlock. (basically, don't trip both flags listed in either the Shijima or Yosuga endings because you might get that ending instead), Wouldnt it be nice to have a world to yourself? Dungeon Items During the decision in the Cosmic Egg with Dagda, your Light/Dark points comes into play, depending on which choice you make. The Compassionate Queen As I noted in the previous section, the two Neutral endings - the ones you want to obtain - are classified by two further terms, Light and Dark. If you opt for the latter, you get the same decision for Lucifer as well. All Chiyoda Optional Bosses There are a total of four endings in SMTV, the first three are more or less the series traditional Law, Chaos, and Neutral endings, the fourth is an extra neutral ending with a slightly different outcome. If you do this quest unaligned with your previous choices you have to pay 660,000 macca. Herald Sraosha(Level 80) The Labyrinth itself is quite long and complex, and requires defeating multiple Fiends in order to complete. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Has Perfected Lightsaber Combat, Project Milo Was a Big Swing (and a Miss) at Leveling Up Game AI, Moon Mystery - Official Kickstarter Trailer, Resident Evil 4 Clockwork Castellan Locations, Did you miss this game entirely? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This is a faster clear compared to other routes since you will face two final bosses instead of three. Keeper of the South Or should I just pick the first dialogue option? Im pretty sure its the decisions you make. This page needs a lot of editing especially since it doesnt even tell you which choices net you which alignment. Deity Baal(Level 69) Lahmu Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. CrisisOfFate posted. (See Challenge Quest Interactions for more.). A massive Demon Compendium, with all the Demon Skills and Fusion Combinations. Do challenge quests really affect alignment? Keep in mind that alignment is measured from -100 to +100 integrally, with Chaos being at the negative side, Law being at the positive, and Neutral being ranged from -8 to +8. Haunt Demons Shin Megami Tensei 5 [Guide] Wo Long : Fallen Dynasty Grace Sets Details, The Egyptians Fate During this quest, you must, A Universe in Peril This one involves fighting Shiva. Fionn mac Cumhaill Main Story Walkthroughs Fiend Black Rider (Level 52) 1. Of course, certain quests and demons are route exclusive, and completionists will want to complete SMT V several times if they are trying to complete all quests and get a 100% compendium. The Wrathful Queen Stones of Malice All Abscess List and Locations How do I get the neutral ending? The final dungeon will have an NPC Nebiros who has a message from Belial leading to the The Red Dragons Invitation quest. I kept restarting to see if my 1st playthrough even align with Law, Chaos, or Neutral. 7. The Falcons Head Yes, you can probably argue that this hidden 4th ending is the 'canon' one, the 'best ending', the 'true ending', or what have you. Genma Demons I was thinking i could do all law, then have a save ready, just watch the neutral ending, then go back to the save & finish the law playthru, with the correct ending choice. Even if every choice youve made so far has been law-aligned, you can still choose chaos and get the chaos ending.
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