Variations:Olgoi khorkhoi, Olgoj chorchoj, Allergorhai-horhai, Allergorhai horhai, Allghoi khorkhoi, Temen-Sul-Khorkhoi, Temeen Suul (Mongolian name of Tartar sand boa), Intestine Worm, Mongolian Death Worm, Tartar Sand Boa, Eryx tataricus. I was helpful for me. dmons (also spelled daimons.) The scientist was optimistic about his chances of capturing one thanks to the neutralizing powers of dark glasses and steel forceps. Needs to be pure and good. I am struggling with the central theme. Loveridge equates the crowing crested cobra with the black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis). It lives in the sandiest, driest areas of the Western Gobi desert. It rears its body up from a coiled position, and its bite causes painless death. but you do include the Huli jing Fox Lady of Chinese mythology. It is smoky or pitchy black in color. Reading your list has sparked lots of ideas for plots. Thanks for sharing this article, this article is very well written.I found a cool dragon necklaces & dragon rings on The Dragon Will. A musca macedda has powerful wings, and in places where these flies are buried one can hear their infernal buzzing. Variations of them appear in ancient near East religions, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and other faiths. They are: Fomorian. It has been suggested that the flies arose with the Spanish invasion of Sardinia, since at least one tale says that they issued from the tomb of a Spanish saint. At Iglesias it was said that a holy man delivered the country from demonic flies that had already destroyed multiple towns such as Galte in Nuorese, Ilani near Orotelli, Oddini, and Thiddorai. One of the victims of this demonization is the creature known in Mongolia as the Olgoi-khorkhoi or intestine worm, also known in English by the even more sensationalistic name of Mongolian death worm. Many cultures have their own version of the incubus. Druce, G. C. (1914) Animals in English Wood Carving. You might want to check it out too. This creature originated in a farm in the Herad, near Lagarfljot Lake. (1996) Handbook of the Birds of the World vol. Do you have any suggestions? Livingstone, D. (1857) Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa. The three furies only presented a danger to those who had committed some type of sin men, in particular, as these creatures were the goddesses of vengeance. Im so glad it was inspiring. Pompeius Rufus supposedly tried to prove that an asps venom could be sucked out and neutralized, and had an asp bite him on the arm to make his point. For animals that inject venom, see, 10.1002/1439-7633(20011105)2:11<809::aid-cbic809>;2-c, "A resistant predator and its toxic prey: persistence of newt toxin leads to poisonous (not venomous) snakes", "Well, it turns out the flamboyant cuttlefish is toxic. A couple you may be interested in are Jiangshi the Chinese version of a Zombie. fairies dozens and maybe hundreds of cultures across the world have myths about magical, tricksy little people, a few of which are called out separately on this list. According to Topsells reference to Aristophanes, the name is derived from an intensive of spizo, to extend. The man-eating Oni is a Japanese mythical creature known for its terrifying appearance often portrayed as a hunched over the goblin-like monster with a horn and long fingers. While centaurs are generally not considered evil, they are impulsive, unpredictable and as a result unreliable. The rest of it is giving me a lot of grief in this draft, but its worth it. Taliesin the poet prophesied the death of Maelgwn Gwynedd, King of North Wales. I had originally planned for it to be about the normal brought up supernatural creatures, but considering that i decided to write about a prestigious supernatural academy. Like his wife, Typhon was also a snake-like creature and described as having 100 heads that would each breathe fire. Djinn are often associated with the desert. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, 110(3), pp. If it shows up in a yurt, the inhabitants move out. Another thing that would work is just comming up with a name that would work with what I want in this character, and this characters species. Fortunately for humanity, the moskittos had inherited the bees love of sugar. It is referred to in a 1590 geographical map of Iceland, with the ominous text A huge monster has its lair in this lake, constituting a danger to the inhabitants and appearing ahead of significant events. Topsell denied allegations that asp bites were incurable. Sometimes it stretches itself onto the riverbanks while spewing massive amounts of poison. I want something similar to them (usually big, appearing brutish, very misunderstood culture, fierce warriors, etc.) Kuzmin, S. L.; Dunayev, E. A.; Munkhbayar, K.; Munkhbataar, M.; Oyuunchimeg, J.; and Terbish, K. (2017) The Amphibians of Mongolia. This list is a partial list of animals that are poisonous to humans and other animals in that their flesh is toxic if consumed, or in some cases if they are touched: Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Another account presents this feline with its own constellation as the child of Chimera. It can freely transform (among other things) into a beautiful woman often set out to seduce males, and eat their liver or heart (depending on the legend). The Nemean lion was a legendary gigantic lion in Greek mythology, believed to be one of the descendants of Echidna and Typhon, although some accounts state that he was a child of Zeus and Selene and fell from the moon. Im beginning to write, and Ive hung onto an idea for a science fiction story. One of these fantasy creatures shows up when youre about to die. These ladies are beautiful mountain nymphs of Serbia who like to dance in the forest under the light of the moon. It can be found in the Mafinga Ridge. (1953) Zoological Results of a Fifth Expedition to East Africa III: Reptiles from Nyasaland and Tete. Stuart, C. and Stuart, T. (1999) Birds of Africa. Rhys, J. I love paranormal stuff, so this was right up my alley , Looking back on this post, Im not sure its clear that you can click on the creature names to go to a link with more info? Theyre Irish female spirits, and if youre about to die, one will show up to wail at you. At times, the bauchan can be kind and helpful, but at others its reputed to have been a roguish and sometimes harmful creature. Rather than referring to their size, the name Jotnar means devourers. The venom spreads rapidly to the core of the body. Theres some discussion of Italian fairies, or fatas, in this article about Italian witchcraft. . A crowing crested cobra is a snake similar to a cobra with a crest on its head and capable of making sounds like a rooster. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. Antonij Bernie, Bologna. The name is derived from the Polish Lossie, the plural form of moose, while Los is singular. Aelian believed the bite of the asp to be beyond curing. Some can fly, and most are known for having the ability to burn down a whole city with only a few breaths. The short legs may be a misinterpretation, as the description and lethality both suggest the malmignatte or Mediterranean black widow. incubi (singular, incubus) these are male evil spirits that have sex with women while they are sleeping and impregnate them. It is buff-colored, with a red crest that points forward. I have a story with what I call Kyubi, human like people that turn into foxes that have one or two tails at birth. fuaths these ugly little jerks live in bodies of water in Scotland and play tricks on you or try to sink your boat. Do you have any suggestions? After hundreds of years, he spontaneously combusts, and a new baby phoenix is born in the ashes. The first creature on our list is the sphinx; a monster that was said to have the body of a lion, the head of a woman, and the wings of an eagle. That sounds like a fun project! Variations:Water Serpent, Lake Serpent; Lagarfljotsormurinn, Lagarfljot Worm; Lyngorm, Slug. The head is small for the size of the body, while the bones of the skull are denser than usual. Salamanders become fiery creatures whose breath slays, water shrews are accused of poisoning and killing cattle, geckos are so virulent they cause leprosy, viper venom causes the human body to melt the list is endless. Braun, S. (2003) Le Symbolisme du Bestiaire Mdival Sculpt. [spacer height=20px]. All three dogs got regular walking breaks and they were very good travelers! Paraview Press, London. Type of Entity: Supernatural. Variations: Musca Macdda, Musca Machdda, Musca Maghdda, Musca Manchdda da Mancu. Also, in the morning the grass is burned in the place they danced. And I love it that its inspiring your creativity! When the Fad Felen, the Yellow Pestilence, Yellow Death, or Yellow Plague, came to Wales in the 540s, it took the form of a column of watery cloud, one end on the ground and the other high in the air. WebCeladon: Celadon dishes were said to break or change color if poisoned food was put on them, according to Asian and Middle Eastern legends. The lakes of Iceland are home to a wide variety of Vatnaormar, water serpents. duende the Spanish word duende has an abstract meaning that I find hard to grasp, even though Ive read plenty of Federico Garcia Lorca. In Jewish folklore, Golems are creatures that can be summoned using certain Hebrew letters in a specific order, or through complex rituals. (See also: Dandos Dogs.). Such was the mysterious creatures power it was regarded as the god of rain, thunder, the rainbow, and the stars.They are among the most powerful creatures on planet Earth, due to their giant size. All three have snakes instead of hair, and they were all turned into gorgons after Medusa had a love affair with Poseidon. Typical symptoms include suffocation, convulsions, and retching. Nobody has dared open it. He would sit and play his violin in streams, lakes, and rivers, and the sound would bring his victims to walk into the water and drown. ? Oooh, never heard of that one. When cornered by hunters and their dogs, it vomits the boiling water onto them, scalding them and making good its escape. Its skin is pale and its eyes are green. dragons these awesome fire breathing creatures must be one of the most famous fantasy animals of all, and they appear in the mythologies of Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. (1880) Histoire Gnrale des Choses de la Nouvelle-Espagne. for example Ali Turnerturns into a mermaid when skin is in contact with water. Discussing some of the most dangerous and shocking creatures, we are here with the list of deadliest mythical beasts. Dragons are one of the most popular mythical beasts that people never wish to encounter. They are also a symbol of opportune powers, mystical appearances, and inevitability. The resemblance to the basilisk is also notable. One female asp fell in love with an Egyptian boy, warning him of danger and keeping watch over him. The more tails a kitsune has, the older and more powerful she is. While very venomous, asp bites are sometimes nonlethal. They are associated with dragons and the water world, and thus are worthy of respect and should not be killed; on the other hand, they are symbols of malice, antagonists to the forces of good, and hostile beings that should be destroyed. Hi, great list. firebird in Russian mythology, this bird has feathers that glow in the night. This list is a life saver! The Harry Potter creatures you referred to are called house elves; Dobby is the name of one character. There are many different versions of this Scandinavian mythical creature, but one is described as a naked man who presented a deadly threat to women and children. Co-hon in Vietnam, these are the spirits of people who died a violent death and werent buried with ceremony. In a few days the snake was so big it was bursting through the linen-box where the ring was kept. It is tolerated around villages, where mutual respect keeps it and humans apart. It is likely this is the snake Cleopatra used to kill herself. Hi Bryn. Thats fantastic! They are Roman in origin, and this article discusses the difference between fauns and satyrs. ", "Rhodactis Mushroom Corals Are Surprisingly Deadly",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2023, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 March 2023, at 02:34. That is great! I do recommend the book Encyclopedia of Spirits by Judika Illes. The Loch Ness Monster can be described as a prehistoric type beast that lurks under the surface of lake Loch Ness. Brown, C. E. (1935)Paul Bunyan Natural History. Sorry, this comment is coming out negative, but this list is really really helpful in my writing (and my overall interest in mythical beings) and thank you so much for making this! [3][2] This list deals exclusively with poisonous animals. I decided on branching out on the different creatures in the story. Poisonous Plants Like foxglove, there are several other very poisonous plants that are beautiful and common in gardens but which were once associated strongly with bad witches and their nasty ways. In Australia we have our own kind of Bigfoot known as a Yowie, many very tired interstate truck drivers on long hauls tell terrifying stories of encounters with these beings, including dismantling of their rigs while they are in them!! As well as being the making of young heroes, dragons often have other similarities within folklore. For a mate, he took the next most monstrous creature in Greece, a half-woman, half-serpent named The poison dart frog The Poison Dart Frog is likely the most poisonous moving creature on earth. The golden poison dart frog, which is only 2 inches long (5cm), carries enough venom to end the lives of 20,000 mice or ten adult humans. African Affairs, 43(173), pp. Thank you so much for sharing! They appear in Romani folklore. Dragons Fire-breathing dragons have their place in mythology as strong and dangerous creatures. The Loch Ness Monster The Loch Ness monster is a mythical sea creature believed to be living in the Scottish Loch (Lake) She does a wonderful job of differentiating the characters voices and perspectives. The American Museum of Natural History, New York. Maybe you can invent the species? The sphinx is Dragons are one of the most popular mythical beasts that people never wish to encounter. There are tzinitzcan, small light green feathers, on its neck, red feathers on its breast, and blue feathers on the tail and rings (coils?). To prevent themselves from hearing the music of charmers they close one ear with their tail and press the other to the ground. To combat this menace, Paul Bunyan introduced deadly fighting bumblebees from Texas. Nuttall, Z. Thank you. The beast now lies bound at the bottom of Lagarfljot for all time; occasionally it arches its back over the water, and that is an ill omen. I really appreciate you compiling this list. This is a great help. Web3) Lion of Nemea. The Lomie is a beast found within the forests of Bohemia. And if youre a fantasy novel writer, a role game player, or both, you might also like my list of 50 Fantasy Plot Ideas. Thank you. The Lambton worm was one such creature as was the dragon of Loschy Hill. Usually people had not seen one themselves, but knew others who had, and every time they went to a play where the olgoi-khorkhoi was said to be abundant, the inhabitants told them the creature could be found a few miles away. We see them as bad fairies because they dance in the night in circles and whoever sees them is cursed. minotaur in Greek mythology, this monstrous creature with the head of a bull lived in a maze. I loved Jesss characterI ALWAYS love a character whos a little scruffy, a little bit of a grifter. This link discusses the lfar (singular, lfr) light-elves in Norse Germanic mythology, which clearly inspired Tolkien as well as some other types. However, they are malicious tricksters and shape shifters. The MIT Press, Cambridge. And they are back in increasing numbers after not being seen for decades. B. and Aegisson, S.; McQueen, F. J. M. and Kjartansson, R., trans. Many mythical creatures have things in common, and this hybrid may remind you of a few others! I never heard about the iele before that is so cool! Parker, H. W. (1963) Snakes of the World. The bite of the gila monster, a venomous lizard native to the USA and Mexico, is considered to be the most excruciating of any vertebrate. Id already read and loved Lucy Foleys THE GUEST LIST, and like that one, this is told from several points of view. Muses in Greek mythology, these nine nymphs or goddesses are patronesses of the arts. Whether they live in a forest or deep underwater, theres no denying that these monsters have been wreaking havoc for centuries and will continue to do so until we find out how to defeat them! There is no hood like a cobras. saba-leippya this is actually a sub-category of nats (see above), but they are so lovely I had to call them out specifically. The male has wattles as well. Can both be helpful and aggressive depending on how you treat the woodlands. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. gremlins the British Royal Air Force blamed equipment failures and such on magical troublemakers called gremlins, but they were just as likely boggarts or goblins. You can spend hours searching on google, but you compressed it all right here in your post. The wife of Typhon and a hybrid creature with a womans face and the body of a snake. Dean and Munday, London. Thanks so much! However, the real identity of the olgoi-khorkhoi is far more prosaic: it is the Tartar sand boa, a desert-dwelling, nonvenomous snake. It is also intimately associated with sorcery and witchcraft; chieftains and witch doctors wear pieces of it, and parts of its body are used in curative preparations. If you have read the books Eragon, Eldest, Brisinger, and Inheritance, you learn about a species called Urgals. This manifestation of the Fad Felen was perhaps a hideous hag with baleful eyes, in the same way as the ague is referred to as the wrach or hen wrach (the hag or old hag respectively). Many mythological creatures are considered to be evil, but only one can be deemed as the most evil of them all. On my travels, I have begun to see the many faces in the forest and they have started to tell me their story. The original name for this beast is Cerberus, and in most stories, it is a mythical (and monstrous) creature that guards treasures and more. We also have the little people (hairy, scary, evil) in the Endeavour River area of North Queensland Known as Quinkins. But I have been having trouble identifying creatures that would work. dodore these are little people in the Solomon Islands have one eye, one leg, and long red hair, and they dont seem to be friendly. A strange creature will come from the marsh of Rhianedd, he said, to punish the crimes of Maelgwn Gwynedd; its hair, its teeth, and its eyes are yellow, and this will destroy Maelgwn Gwynedd. Hi! This article is about animals poisonous on contact or when ingested. Hlidberg, J. The cloud infects people and brings them bad luck. succubi (singular, succubus) in European tales, these female demons have sex with sleeping men. There are reddish stripes on the head. Shircore also attributes to the crowing crested cobra or Inkhomi a diet of maggots, explaining that it kills indiscriminately to create more food for maggots. A nice list but if you want to update it some here is some suggestions from the Norse folklore: The Myling: Its the spirit of an infant killed by its parents (often the mother) for various reasons. Rationalizations for the combinations of features include a snake trying to eat a loudly protesting rooster, and a snake that was sloughing its skin, with pieces of dead skin giving the impression of a crest and wattles around the head. He is known by many names Chimera A Chimera is a large animal made up of different animal body Heres a fun list of some of the worst ones, and a heres a list of many or all of the demons with names. This snake was known as Bubu to the people of the area, and they describe it as twelve feet long, dark with a dirty blue color under its belly, and with red markings on its head like the wattles of a rooster. They have the heads and torsos of ugly women, long talons, and bird bodies. unicorns I dont really need to explain these medieval fantasy creatures. Just another Chinese ghost is E Gui, the hungry ghost. 45 Scary and Disturbing Mythical Creatures from Around the World Adze Togo, Ghana Vampire that transforms into a firefly, biting people in their sleep and - killing Boucher, A. gandharvas Gandharvas are male nature spirits who are, among many other things, wonderful singers and musicians. It is never clear exactly what the asp in ancient literature is supposed to be; indeed, it is best regarded as a composite of all that was feared in venomous snakes. Their name means The Perpetual Brides, and they are involved with planning wedding ceremonies. I am not sure if that is normal or not. The snake is venomous and very dangerous. Sometimes people call them cockatrices. The chersaiai (terrestrial), Egyptian asp, or Egyptian cobra is 3 to 4 cubits long and pale grey, black, or red in color. As tribes fought for domination and came to be united under a common banner the dragon was adopted as a national icon. Maelgwn Gwynedd saw the Fad Felen through the key-hole of Rhos Church, and died as a result presumably a poetic way of saying that he died of plague in the church. I would be surprised if he didnt make some of them up. Crossing paths with her almost always meant certain death. The snake and rooster are strongly involved in voodoo belief, which give a cultural background to the creature. I scanned the comments but did not find golem on your EXCELLENT list. The myth dates back to a time when sailors were terrified to end up in the monsters unforgiving grip, and the Kraken supposedly pulled whole fleets of ships down into the deepest waters. These are small, retiring birds with a tendency to call at dusk or at night. Our imagination has always been our greatest ally, and our worst enemy. Crowing Crested Cobra is a blanket term used for a number of crested, noise-making venomous snakes. Dragons also have deadly poisons in their teeth and claws. . This water creature had many heads that would attack its victim simultaneously, and while some tried to chop the heads off one by one they quickly discovered that when one of Hydras heads was cut off, two more would grow out in its place. I could be wrong, but I think the ogbanje are basically the same thing. (1892) Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion. The Pontianaks are evil spirits that lure their prey by shapeshifting into stunning women. goblins these European creatures can be very short or human-sized, and they are as ugly as they are mean. Topsell lists Los and Lossie as synonyms for the elk or moose, and also ascribes the regurgitation of scalding water to the moose. Heylyn, P. (1657) Cosmographie in Four Books. Hippeau, C. (1852)Le Bestiaire Divin de Guillaume, Clerc de Normandie. brownies in England and Scotland, these are little people who are loyal to human households and will sometimes help out with the chores. Some of ours include: Three-feet horse Duppy (terrible ghosts) Whipping boy (Spirit of the slave whipper) Sweetie man (One who lore children with sweets Rolling calf (dead butcher who becomes a fiery cow) Mermaid (Called Myamaid or River Mumma in Jamaican Patois) Old Higue (Similar to Hag or a Baba Yaga) Anansi (also spelt Anancy or Ananse, is a trickster spider) Big Head, Big Belly and Fine Foot (The three naught kids) Big Boy (Called Big Bwoy in Jamaican Patois, he is always doing naughty things to females) among others. Although I am labeling them as mythical, the line between mythology and religion is slippery, and I never mean any disrespect. It is a long-lived myth and a monster that has never been proven to exist, even though it has been continuously spotted throughout the years. Laughead, W. B. In my writing of these mystical sights, I began searching for creatures in the forest that I could reference to in order to re-tell my adventure in the way that I see it. Heres a challenge: what was/is the mythical creature that was distinguished by a huge grinning mouth-full of teeth? I love learning the Romanian word for the good fairies, too. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Rhys, J. It will hide in a tree and strike passers-by one after the other, killing them in short order. Robin, P. A. Variations:Rhax, Rhagion, Rhogalida (grape-spider). If pursued by hunters, it pauses at a nearby body of water to drink and fill up its neck-bladder. Aldrovandi, U. The females have one big breast and one small one. It is more likely that they are a personification of the diseases and epidemics that ravaged Sardinia at various points in its history. Hi, Stuart! Oh, thank you for sharing! pixies red-haired fairies from Cornwall, England, with turned-up noses like pigs. Bakeneko means changed cat in Japanese. A List of Magical Creatures, Fantasy Animals, and Supernatural Beings. emandwa these protective household spirits in Uganda are loyal to families and help women to be fertile. Cwn Annwn Welsh hellhounds. They are the enemy of the gods, and as the Asgardian gods represent order, the Jotnar embody chaos. Im so glad its helpful! The story of the serpent of Skorradalsvatn is identical to and older than that of the Lagarfljot serpent; it appears that its account was transposed to Lagarfljot over time. From primitive times people have regarded the dragon as an auspicious creature with the power to bless and influence their lives. nats these tree spirits, sometimes worshipped in parts of Myanmar, may guard the environment. Thanks for reading my blog! I am currently in the process of developing the plot line for my story, and I need a species for a boy character. II. undines beautiful but soulless female water spirits, according to medieval European tradition. The answer may surprise you. It is one of the most widespread legends in East African folklore, and it is also known from the West Indies, especially Jamaica and Santo Domingo. WebArion was an ancient Greek mythical creature that took the form of a giant, extremely swift horse. (1840) The Liber Landavensis, Llyfr Teilo. Im using the Chupacabra myth h in the Sea Purrtector Files Series. It was called the Yellow Pestilence because of the livid, bloodless complexion of those stricken by it. Thank you so much for commenting! Arion was endowed with both eternal life and the ability to speak. Those sounds range from crowing to clear bell-like notes to bleating. These serve as the Icelandic equivalent of lindorms, water-horses, and other malignant freshwater monsters. Its served as a great tool for my world building. Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent or Plumed Serpent is one of the most iconic deities of the Mesoamerican pantheon. This is one of those monsters that are described as quite pleasant to look at, but if you failed to answer the impossible riddle of the Sphinx it would viciously attack and kill without its victims standing a chance. The apartment building setting is terrific and the story has real surprises. Korrigan in northwestern France, these elf-like female beings have long hair, flowing white garments, and sometimes delicate wings. 183-186. These all sound so interesting. They figure in both Hindu and Buddhist mythology. A fox that lives a thousand years turns into a Kumiho. You cant learn about Charybdis without learning about Scrylla, as the two are connected. They also tend to have fire magic and psychic abilities.