0000126798 00000 n 0000050817 00000 n Video: Martin Scorseses new movie with Robert De Niro and Leonardo DiCaprio will head to theaters. Ohio 0000051207 00000 n This legacy Gross Production Registration System (GPRS) has been retired. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions at the State Level, U.S. energy flow and energy consumption by source and sector charts for 2022, Annual Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report, Midwest and Rocky Mountain Transportation Fuels Markets, East Coast and Gulf Coast Transportation Fuels Markets. 0000409051 00000 n Monthly Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production. West Virginia Reserves, production, prices, employment and productivity, distribution, stocks, imports and exports. New Jersey For twenty-two years between 1900 and 1935 Oklahoma ranked first among the Mid-Continent states in oil production and for nine additional years ranked second. 0000130204 00000 n 0000016586 00000 n U.S. Sens. The electric power sector and the industrial sector together use slightly more than four-fifths of the natural gas delivered to consumers in Oklahoma. Maryland Welcome to the Oklahoma Corporation Commission's Well Data System. ,\CCd=GU9L#|5JP6%u*wW&8_-;UUslR0~:&m9]~7ys7_z&:yM0{D J)W@p,@^ Nx=@u>bK?csCM~L Overall, the state consumed only one-third of the energy it produced. Thats somewhat higher than 2012s highest producing county, Carter, which produced nearly 11% of the states total. During that period the state produced 906,012,375 barrels of oil worth approximately $5.28 billion. Uber offering horse drawn carriage rides in honor of royal coronation. Julie Parkerhas a decade of experience serving the Energy industry where she became an expert in the integration and application of geospatial technologies to exploration and production projects and workflows. Oklahoma Counties Ranked by Oil Production. You can cancel at any time. In addition to wells & production data, we have the following data for Oklahoma: 6,000+ Permit Records200,000+ Completion Records470,000+ Casing Records320,000+ Perf Records1,000+ Tubing and Packer Records280,000+ Test Records83,000+ Stimulation Records440,000+ Frac Ingredient Records360,000+ Formation Records12,000+ History Records56,000+ Plug Records. 0000002363 00000 n Oklahoma Crude Oil Production (I:OCOPNM) 13.40M bbl for Jan 2023 Overview; Interactive Chart; More. 0000012079 00000 n US Virgin Islands. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). endstream endobj 345 0 obj <>stream With the Coho purchase, Citation established itself as one of . Osage Nation leaders expressed similar opposition to BIA officials on March 30, according to a transcript of that meeting at the Osage Casino in Tulsa. * Cumulative oil is limited to the number of wells that have reported any production over the last 12 months and cumulative oil is the sum total of all the production for this set of wells. For questions, contact the Oklahoma Tax Commission at grossproductionquestions@tax.ok.gov Oklahoma is Oklahoma oil & gas data is available in every package. Oregon The information below is the summary of oil and gas data that goes back to 1990 and contains information on the 6,932 wells that have been drilled from Jul 1990 to Sep 2022. Download our datasets and connect to hosted services. Would you like to go to the overview page instead? Oklahoma currently ranks #4 in the nation based on barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) production. 0000005462 00000 n North Carolina 0000005769 00000 n 0000005159 00000 n Floor privileges, as they're known, are typically a routine courtesy. ` 0000054490 00000 n Financial market analysis and financial data for major energy companies. 0000143035 00000 n Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming are estimated from data collected on the EIA-914 report. In its Wildcat Jim field, Citation drilled 20 infill wells in 2012 and another 20 in 2013. By the 36 th month . New Jersey Some fields and records have changed. In the southeast portion of Pontotoc County, Citation has been actively drilling infill wells in the East Fitts Unit targeting the Hunton and Viola reservoirs. New York [1] Oklahoma oil production peaked in 1927, at 762,000 barrels/day, and by 2005 had declined to 168,000 barrels/day, but then started rising, and by 2014 had more than doubled to 350,000 barrels per day, the fifth highest state in the U.S.[2], In the latter quarter of the 20th century, an average decline of 3.1%/year, until additional drilling led to a temporary increase from 1980 to 1984, followed by a decline at 6.6%/year until the average decline of 3.1% was met in 1994. 8 Wyoming, To view this page, please select a state: Oklahoma Oklahoma [5] The first woman to drill a producing oil well on her own property, and the first female oil operator in Oklahoma was Lulu M. With the Coho purchase, Citation established itself as one of Oklahomas largest oil producers. Release Date: 3/31/2023 0000010004 00000 n endstream endobj 415 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[78 238]/Length 31/Size 316/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Rank County Production Period Oil Production #1: Kingfisher County, OK: Jan 2023: 1.7M BBLs #2: Canadian County, OK: Jan 2023: 1.1M BBLs #3: West Virginia What is the average depth an oil or gas well is drilled in Oklahoma? Nebraska 0000143352 00000 n Wisconsin Hb```f``c`c` @Q PA_.xLp)en``xZ3lT`AKf gt endstream endobj 342 0 obj <> endobj 343 0 obj [370 0 R] endobj 344 0 obj <>stream International energy information, including overviews, rankings, data, and analyses. In 2021, Oklahoma was the nation's fifth-largest producer of marketed natural gas and the sixth-largest producer of crude oil. The EIA reported Cushing's total dropped from 32.8 million barrels on April 14 to 33.1 million barrels as of April 21, 2023. I have been with the Tulsa World since 1979. Sign up for WellDatabase today and get instant access. As of September 2012, 72 out of the 77 counties in Oklahoma have producing oil or gas wells. James Lankford and Markwayne Mullin and 3rd District Congressman Frank Lucas asked the Bureau of Indian Affairs on Friday to reconsider implementation of complex new rules for Osage oil . Minnesota Forms EIA uses to collect energy data including descriptions, links to survey instructions, and additional information. The 2012 map was based on Oklahoma Corporation Commission monthly production data from January to June 2012. Rhode Island What is the average boe produced by well in Oklahoma? Pennsylvania The Oklahoma Tax Commission is the official recordkeeper for the state. The information below is the summary of oil and gas data that goes back to 1990 and contains information on the 3,851 wells that have been drilled from Jul 1990 to Sep 2022. Wisconsin Overall, the state consumed only one-third of the energy it produced. 0000006076 00000 n Kansas Oklahoma Wells assists oil and gas operators and service companies to identify drilling, production and water disposal trends across the State of Oklahoma. There have been 1,597 permits approved in Oklahoma. In depth view into Oklahoma Crude Oil Production including historical data from 1981 to 2022, charts and stats. Short, timely articles with graphics on energy, facts, issues, and trends. Our Ellis County, OK oil and gas data includes all production values, operators, wells, drilling permits, well logs, and much more. 201 West 5th Street Suite 540 Nebraska Use with the Oil and Gas Databases to get county code. 0000124238 00000 n 316 0 obj <> endobj We recently came across a 2012 map created by Joe Wertz of StateImpact Oklahoma depicting our states oil production at that time. 0000022378 00000 n Virginia Search for old and new well information in the New Well Browse Database. Colorado hRKLSQ= Indiana It compared to Continue reading 2020 data files are still under review and corrections are being made as warranted. 0000142324 00000 n 0000139871 00000 n 0000126179 00000 n [4], Oil drillers active in Oklahoma include Fred M. West Virginia Connecticut The majority of the Oklahoma assets acquired from Noble in 2010 consist of operated long-life waterflood units concentrated in and around many of Citations pre-existing operated properties in this region. Oklahoma Puerto Rico 0000008195 00000 n Oil production was established first in 1913 from four Healdton sandstones (Hoxbar). By the late Something else you might notice as you compare the two maps above is the recent oil production coming from Oklahomas easternmost counties. Even in the State's peak year of oil production, 1927, when Oklahoma was the largest oil producing entity in the world, we could have met less than 4% of current U.S. demand. Please subscribe to keep reading. Guam North Dakota From 1907 to 1930, Oklahoma and California traded the title of number one US oil producer back and forth. Oregon (Past 7 days), This email will provide you with the Base of Treatable Water Information, Listing of Active Oil and Gas Operators for the State of Oklahoma, Operator / Purchaser Name and Address File: File contains Historical to Present Company Name and Address Information for Operators, Purchasers, and Pluggers, File contains geologic formation codes and names that have been reported by Oil and Gas Operators in Oklahoma, Table of County Codes and what district each county is located within, Geologic Column Across Oklahoma in JPEG Format, Geologic Column Across Oklahoma in TIFF Format. 0000003049 00000 n Oil production increased 74% from 2011-2014 to 128 million bbl, rising by nearly 300,000 b/d, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. County Most Current Period Oil Production Gas Production Wells Operators; National Rank State Rank County Most Current Period Oil Production Gas Production Wells Operators #136 #15: Alfalfa County, OK: Jan 2023: 185.7k BBLs: 3.6M MCF: 3.8k: 76 #427 #45: Atoka County, OK: Jan 2023: 173 BBLs: 776.7k MCF: 657: 12 #318 #38: Beaver County, OK: Jan . Citation has been an active participant in the Southern Oklahoma Mississippian and Woodford unconventional horizontal development play. information on the producers of wells as well as recent drilling permits, rigs and production Grady County, OK Oil & Gas Activity Grady County, OK ranks #1 in the state for BOE produced in the most recent month (Sep 2022). Florida Montana %PDF-1.2 % 40 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 42 /H [ 1422 510 ] /L 209690 /E 112223 /N 10 /T 208772 >> endobj xref 40 51 0000000016 00000 n 0000001367 00000 n 0000001932 00000 n 0000002139 00000 n 0000002375 00000 n 0000002598 00000 n 0000003447 00000 n 0000004297 00000 n 0000005096 00000 n 0000005378 00000 n 0000005734 00000 n 0000006028 00000 n 0000006133 00000 n 0000006922 00000 n 0000007769 00000 n 0000008091 00000 n 0000008374 00000 n 0000009168 00000 n 0000009348 00000 n 0000009370 00000 n 0000017674 00000 n 0000017696 00000 n 0000024507 00000 n 0000024529 00000 n 0000031716 00000 n 0000031738 00000 n 0000038814 00000 n 0000038836 00000 n 0000045903 00000 n 0000045925 00000 n 0000053212 00000 n 0000053279 00000 n 0000053837 00000 n 0000053928 00000 n 0000054260 00000 n 0000054716 00000 n 0000055432 00000 n 0000055454 00000 n 0000062703 00000 n 0000062726 00000 n 0000074989 00000 n 0000077446 00000 n 0000083495 00000 n 0000085035 00000 n 0000085113 00000 n 0000086456 00000 n 0000087565 00000 n 0000105781 00000 n 0000109522 00000 n 0000001422 00000 n 0000001911 00000 n trailer << /Size 91 /Info 38 0 R /Root 41 0 R /Prev 208762 /ID[<2eba98ab2df2a3dfafed51de99b44f8a><2eba98ab2df2a3dfafed51de99b44f8a>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 41 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 39 0 R >> endobj 89 0 obj << /S 358 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 90 0 R >> stream New York Kansas Osage Nation leaders say they want more control of the tribe's mineral estate, which is managed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and that they want the local BIA superintendent to have more flexibility in dealing with issues. North Carolina Subscribe to feeds for updates on EIA products including Today in Energy and What's New. Interestingly, two of the three big 2012 producers- Stephens and Carter counties, today account for 25% of the reported amount in 2017. In 2021, wind supplied 41% of Oklahoma's total electricity net generation, surpassing natural gas' share for the first time. Oklahoma Counties Ranked by Oil Production. Arizona H\0>ExZ;sa: 6v1J~ia?aQKN,>f5][ [=- ty+MYO8Nvf}_h&+[}5a" V[z;751q4\)"w,;+SK*n{%Q Missouri The deepest natural gas well is 24,928 feet (7,598 m), in Beckham County, and the deepest producing oil well is 15,500 feet (4,700 m), in Comanche County. Hopkins and A.B Coons, "Crude petroleum and petroleum products, in, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Oil_in_Oklahoma&oldid=1137219952, History of the petroleum industry in the United States, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 3 February 2023, at 13:01. 0000135137 00000 n South Carolina Maryland The crossroads of energy information for mineral owners in Oklahoma and Texas. Nebraska 0 Kansas Alaska 0000006538 00000 n Operators submit records annually to the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Department, submitted by operators using the OCC e-file system or with paper records. New Mexico 0000008551 00000 n t)Q8mAS=$@ HR2IO******^$phJh=HV"-GZi%t!Dv T8O Northern Mariana Islands Vermont Most of Citations fields located in its Southern Oklahoma Region are mature waterfloods once operated by major oil companies. Greenhouse gas data, voluntary reporting, electric power plant emissions. They also want more control of the estate, which is managed by the BIA, and they want the local BIA superintendent to have more flexibility in dealing with issues. Includes hydropower, solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and ethanol. You can also receive an offer to lease or buy your minerals. Georgia How many wells were drilled in Oklahoma so far this year? Illinois District of Columbia . Stay up-to-date on the latest in local and national government and political topics with our newsletter. [5] Michigan Its now ranked at #10 in the state. Connecticut Delaware Montana In 2012, 11 of these counties report no oil production, while today 6 of those counties are reporting oil production, albeit in small amounts ranging from 895 barrels to about 13,000 barrels. The information below is the summary of oil and gas data that goes back to 1990 and contains information on the 9,671 wells that have been drilled from Jul 1990 to Sep 2022. 201 West 5th Street Suite 540 California Illinois Iowa 0000126073 00000 n 0000008777 00000 n Minnesota The first field of the OCC API Number is the County Code. First, some background. Phone: 918-581-8365. Research judicial and administrative case information. Data available before 2016 was reported voluntarily and is not a complete data set. We have participated in over 50 wells operated by others since 2015, and we began drilling Citation-operated horizontal wells in this play in late 2017. We dont need new rules, Osage Minerals Council Chairman Everett Waller said in the March 30 meeting. Modified from Robert A. Northcutt . Louisiana Operators submit data on the 1012D form using the OCC e-file system. FACTOID: Ever wonder how many oil wells in Oklahoma? Oklahoma statewide summary oil and gas data that goes back 0000003406 00000 n 0000016079 00000 n "I don't think Oklahomans want to use their tax dollars to indoctrinate kids," Stitt said. Tulsa, OK 74103, Sign up for GovDelivery and be the first to receive our latest news and events, Pipeline Accident/Incident and Excavation Report, Report an Inaccurate and/or Non-Functioning EV Charging Station, Report a Utility Operating Outside of OCC Regulation, Administrative, Judicial & Legal Services, Appellate Administrative Law Judge Reports, County Map with Field Operations Information, Pollution Abatement Environmental Guidance, Spills Pollution Response and Pollution Prevention, Water Quality Standards Implementation Plan - WQSIP, Forms 1073 - Certificate of Non-Development, Oil and Gas Conservation Division Departments, Pipeline Safety Unusually Sensitive Areas, Transportation Division Applications, Forms, & Permits, Hazardous Waste Registrations and Permits, Intrastate Authority, Special Permits, and UCR, Intrastate Licenses for For-Hire Motor Carriers, Intrastate Licenses for Private Motor Carriers, Motor Carrier and Motor Vehicle Enforcement, Motor Carrier Email Address - Update Form. New Mexico 0000003231 00000 n 81AP,?> L]n;[. How many active producers are there in Oklahoma? Uranium fuel, nuclear reactors, generation, spent fuel. Hefner.[6]. NB$2(dpE|SJ,^ahYJvYk/ The first field of the OCC API Number is the County Code. Much of the Osage oil and gas production is now small-scale, and tribal leadership say theyre concerned that some of the new rules will increase production costs to the point of shutting down marginal wells. 0000022308 00000 n 0000006692 00000 n Louisiana Check out the interactive version of the map at: https://stateimpact.npr.org/oklahoma/maps/map-where-oklahoma-oil-is-produced/. trailer Nevada Alabama 0000004702 00000 n Indiana Utah New Hampshire 0000016968 00000 n Idaho Maine U.S. Sens. Our new Gross Production System is now live on OkTAP (oktap.tax.ok.gov) and can be used for all filing and registration needs. Kentucky The Oklahoma Watch study shows that a typical horizontal well's oil production starts out with a bang, averaging 267 barrels a day during the first full month of production. 0000013519 00000 n 0000124338 00000 n North Dakota 0000139221 00000 n Sales, revenue and prices, power plants, fuel use, stocks, generation, trade, demand & emissions. 0000124593 00000 n Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Massachusetts In 2021, there were just over 51k oil and gas wells that reported some amount of production for the year. Idaho xref 0000127026 00000 n California 0000141721 00000 n If you've inherited minerals or royalties in Caddo County, OK, MineralAnswers . Oklahoma data is acquired from the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Oklahoma Tax Commission, Frac Focus, and the USGS. Vermont District of Columbia The information below is the summary of oil and gas data that goes back to 1990 and contains information on the 5,874 wells that have been drilled from Jul 1990 to Sep 2022. \G!2Z0qYR7?w9k]y!wwSg;dNB+q-yk':QFd;yCq_d68XY`JN6hpY+NW? We thought it would be interesting (and fun) to see what has changed over the past five years and create an updated Oklahoma oil and gas well map. Utah New rules threaten Osage oil and gas production, Oklahoma senators, congressman say. In 2002, Citation purchased a large number of Oklahoma assets from Coho Oil & Gas Inc, formerly owned by Amoco. Caddo County, OK ranks #15 in the state for BOE produced in the most recent month (Sep 2022). Manning. in Jul 1990 and go through Mar 2023. Rank County Production Period Oil Production #40: Okmulgee County, OK: Jan 2023: 20.1k BBLs #41: Tulsa County, OK: Jan 2023: 17.5k BBLs #42: http://www.oklahomawells.com/ Completion reports for April 26, 2023 Permits to drill for April 26, 2023 Permits to drill for April 25, 2023 Completion reports for April 25, 2023 Check out our new State Energy Portal in Beta and send us your feedback. 48 Although most . 0000022685 00000 n Pennsylvania natural gas production changed little in 2022, Spending by U.S. natural gas consumers rose 37% in 2021, especially in Oklahoma and Texas. The total of crude oil held in storage at the Cushing Hub in northern Oklahoma continued to decline over the past week according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Followers: 0 Citation (Click to Copy) H\j0Fl/'i\8$54QWPc49fo?vMv1Sm9+rvU/eL7wZ}-~k1~gk~7r?|9)]Tj^voeU%gj4q^\O%/r YJV3JUCC`u x~xA0F#t n\r&pG#xE^,p y} RKSTz*\-4j)FvLLk~9' L The decline in Oklahoma's oil production since 1967 (Fig. Citation has also actively drilled Hunton/Viola wells in Carter and Stephens County, OK in the Shoveltum Hunton trend with nine wells drilled in 2013 and another twelve in 2014. S. 0000124784 00000 n New Hampshire Iowa KO*jv:~|06\?dB*B558ay7QU4Hx;^%.-0]%1+n |QH)k0suQiQ}q48ru MkMj@J(#nu=n=E$mP v_~k}k!iU*\ &(Q qlbUK6%9PPs6 For information on wells please call the Oil and Gas division's Well Records at 405-521-2271. That is nearly 3% of the total U.S. crude oil refining capacity. The information below is the summary of oil and gas data that goes back to 1990 and contains information on the 6,281 wells that have been drilled from Jul 1990 to Aug 2022. Tulsa, OK 74103, Sign up for GovDelivery and be the first to receive our latest news and events, Underground Injection Control Well Information, Arbuckle AOI Well - 1012D Reported Volumes, Oil and Gas Well Information--New versions of several files released 3/16/2023, Operator, Producer, and Plugger Related Information--New versions of some files released 3/16/2023, Oklahoma Geologic Formations and Other Related Information, General Geologic Sections of Oklahoma and Northern Arkansas, Production Data Files from Oklahoma Tax Commission, Pipeline Accident/Incident and Excavation Report, Report an Inaccurate and/or Non-Functioning EV Charging Station, Report a Utility Operating Outside of OCC Regulation, Administrative, Judicial & Legal Services, Oklahoma Class II Commercial Disposal Wells Map, Available from the Oklahoma Tax Commission, Map of Oklahoma Class II Commercial Disposal Wells, Oil and Gas Orphaned Wells - All Districts, List of wells with State Funds Plugging Orders, Basic Well Production File: File contains Well Identification and Location Information, 2010 to Present Basic Well Completion Master, Basic Well Completion Master File: File contains Well Identification and Location Information.
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