Each Securitate county branch organized its archival materials alphabetically, and kept documents that pertained to persons located and events taking place in the respective county. Among those who lost manuscripts were philosopher Lucian Blaga, poet Ion Caraion and pre-communist political party leader Constantin Titel Petrescu. According to the Securitate guidelines, the Center 1) studied, examined and synthesized materials revealing the forms, methods and means the enemy used against state security, 2) studied, examined and generalized the actions and methods the Securitate used against the enemy, 3) organized the card system that allowed names of individuals to be matched with corresponding files, 4) received and registered archival documents, 5) provided data, copies and photocopies of original documents to the Securitate, militia, Procuratura, courts and other state organs, and 6) registered, organized and conserved the Securitate archives. Retention Rules. Location: Maricopa County Superior Court Complex 111 S. 3rd Ave., 4th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85003 Registration Hours: 7:30am - 4:30pm 29] Recursul la discurs, 22 no. 20-28. Other important documents in these files were the notes by which the informer provided data on other people, copies of which could be found in the victims file. His refusal prompted Popa to enter Marzanca's name on the Securitate's black list. Based on primary Romanian language sources, personal interviews with members of the National Council for the Study of Securitate Archive, the Romanian Information Service and the Romanian Association of Former Political Prisoners, and my own direct observations collected during a summer 2004 visit to the communist political police archives in Bucharest, this article offers a picture of the Securitate archive in terms of the number and types of the full-time agents and part-time informers that compiled it, the reasons for starting and ending collaboration, and the most notable material that was seemingly lost, destroyed or never produced, providing concrete examples of the different types of archival documents that can be found in various collections. The documents reporting on the Securitate's counterintelligence activities abroad are housed by the Romanian External Service and are currently unavailable to the public. 34] Serviciul Roman de Informatii, Cartea Alba a Securitatii. In a series of recent articles, this author (2000, 2002 and 2004) detailed the political negotiations preceding the adoption of legislation that gave Romanians access to a limited number of Securitate files, the provisions of the so-called "Ticu law," and the factors explaining Romania's delayed transitional justice process. Inter-war state dignitaries and their relatives, leaders of political parties and movements, revolting peasants, their families and those who assisted them in any way were targeted. He only suffered because of his writings. With all its shortcomings, the Securitate archive remains a valuable source of information that hopefully will become available to historians, political scientists, sociologists and other researchers interested in state-society relations, dissidence, terror and repression or life under the Romanian communist regime. 2:23. Telling a simple joke that mocked Ceausescu or his wife Elena became a good enough reason for Securitate to start monitoring an individual. In these two latter cases, the informer rapidly joined the ranks of the victims he once spied upon and was placed under surveillance. (The system is unavailable Tuesday through Saturday from 3:00 am to 4:00 am.) Every meter of archive contains some 5,000 documents, and every file is on average 200 pages in length. 6-8. In 1998, Romanian Information Service deputy director Mircea Gheordunescu declared that by 1974 some 230,000 files and attached folders of party members had been destroyed. See all locations . While over the years a number of documents saved from the ravine were published in Bucharest newspapers, the total number of Securitate files lost in Berevoiesti remains unknown. [16] In 2004 the Service reaffirmed its willingness to give the Council 12 kilometers of Securitate archival material that did not relate to national security issues once the Council revamped a newly acquired storage space in the town of Popesti-Leordeni, Arges county, some 80 kilometers far from Bucharest. It includes collections of primary documents like Marius Oprea, Banalitatea raului. It is part of the Wilson Center's History and Public Policy Program. [8] These decisions did not apply to documents on informers who were not party members, whose ties to the political police were not so well guarded. CLOSE. The hosts were individuals who accepted to make a room of their house, apartment or workplace available for the Securitate to organize secret meetings between officers and informers, support individuals or residents. For travel to the United States on a temporary basis, including tourism, temporary employment, study and exchange. Of the total, 6,602 worked in Bucharest, 6,059 in local branches, 225 in training schools, and 2,426 in special units. The Securitate archive remains the subject of much controversy, where fact and supposition, myth and reality, condemnation and approval, shame and pride blend together in a strange mix. 478-492. In 1960, Colonel Alexoaie of the Barlad Securitate office told Zugravu: This work [as an informer] would be advantageous for you and your entire family. Stefan recommends her to think not of writing, but of surviving, and adds that he too wrote some books that still wait the communist censorships approval for their publication. [1] In two pioneering volumes, historian Dennis Deletant (1995 and 2000) detailed the Securitate's structure, methods and relationship with the Communist Party under Ceausescu and his predecessor, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej. In summer 2001, the National Council allowed writer Stelian Tanase to read a copy of his two-volume file with the names of third parties deleted, as the legislation required. Sealing Criminal Case Records. Two of the persons are known to the political police, the third, nicknamed Liviu, 60-65 years old, medium built, grey hair. Each informer card specified the persons name, parents names, birth date and place, nationality, citizenship, political membership, education, occupation, known foreign languages, position and workplace, date of recruitment and name of recruiting officer, contact officer, conspiratorial name and category. Grigoriu described his experiences with the secret police:Around midnight, on my way back home from a show, in front of the Izvorul Rece restaurant I was taken from the street by three plain-cloth[es] individuals who forced me to wear tin glasses, pushed me into a black car and drove me awayI asked what'll happen to me, and in reply I received punches and curses and was told that I'm not allowed to talkI was forced into a room, in a chair, the glasses were taken off. Supporting individuals monitored, pursued, harassed, investigated, spied and reported on individual citizens, in accordance with specific instructions received from the political police agent (Article 6). Fifteen years after the collapse of President Nicolae Ceausescu's sultanism-cum-totalitarianism, there are only a handful of English-language books and articles detailing the activity of the notorious Securitate, the Romanian communist secret political police, the panoply of repressive methods it employed, and the archive of documents it diligently produced. A special category involved individuals who accepted collaboration out of blackmail, mostly former political prisoners wishing to redeem their past mistakes and endear themselves with the new communist regime. Following a succession of mistakes make by the agents accompanying the truck load, the residents of the nearby village quickly discovered the site and rescuing the Securitate documents became their preferred pass-temps before being leaked to the media. Maricopa County Sheriff's Office Home Menu. [7] While occasionally engaged in counter-terrorist actions, the investigation of economic crime and the protection of national state security, the Securitate remained a political police whose primary role was to quash dissent and opposition to the country's communist leaders, ideology and policies. 28] Pintilie, Constituirea arhivei Securitatii, pp. The pledge mentioned that the informer promised to offer relevant data but did not specify the names of the individuals spied upon, the recruitment method or the expected duration of the collaboration. Maricopa County Superior Court. 0:04. If the victim was incarcerated, the file also contained interrogation memos. U.S. Police Clearance Evidence of No Criminal Record in the U.S. He also says that she will have a difficult time to find another job because people are laid off everywhere.[33]. After recruitment, information network members were continuously verified by the agent to ensure their loyalty (Articles 31-33). 25] Pintilie, Constituirea arhivei Securitatii, pp. Can you access the Maricopa County warrant list and arrest records over the phone? For more information about the eAccess portal please visit: https://www.azcourts.gov/eaccess. It includes information on offenses that you been convicted of in court. This fact, corroborated with others (for example, the fact that he came to Romania with a list of people to contact, or the fact that he and his friends want to finance some Romanian intellectuals with liberal views, etc.) The Securitate was set up in 1948 by the communist regime as a Soviet-style secret political police entrusted with the task of eliminating opponents in order to consolidate power, ensuring compliance to the regime and its leader, as well as shaping public sentiment and gaining acceptance for public policies. 145-181, Moral Cleansing Romanian Style, Problems of Post-Communism vol. The Major Crimes Division of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office includes Homicide, Special Victims, Sex Offender Notification, Cyber Crimes, Arson, Animal Crimes, Jail . Research for this article was generously supported by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. As of December 31, 2022, a person who is arrested, convicted or sentenced before, on or after December 31, 2022, may petition the court to have their criminal case record sealed. Some agents worked in counterintelligence, but the majority of political police officers were engaged in domestic repression and surveillance. Information network files (dosare ale retelei informative), bearing the name or the nickname of the informer, included one or several volumes usually accompanied by attached folders (mape-anexa) containing all the written reports the informer supplied to the political police. 37, no. More Info. Maricopa County Police Records are documents created by Police Departments that document the details of crimes, arrests, and the criminal activities of particular individuals in Maricopa County, Arizona. Also important were the periodic reviews the Securitate officer drafted for the benefit of his superiors to summarize the case, explain whether progress was satisfactory, identify issues that had to be addressed in the future, and specify questions that still needed an answer. These documents also found their way in informer files.
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