SPC Berdan contributed to the platoon by maintaining a 100% operational readiness. He meticulously prepared his team for all stages of validation and inspection, in which, his team achieved outstanding results. During this time not only did he support his team and help to make sure they were physically and mentally healthy, but also served as a shining example in which his squad had performed a "knock out a bunker" lane to show the outstanding and unwavering motivation and dedication the squad had to their professional performance for General Hamm. Recognized by peer and senior leadership for his attention to detail and pure determination which was instrumental in eliminating the insider threat and ensuring the security and safety for the Afghan Advise and Assist Element and the Afghan National Army within keeping of the high "Thunder Horse" standards. The distinguished honor grad for my class had a 99.38% overall GPA overage. SGT Alvarez distinguished himself by exceptional meritorious service, demonstrating to all that he is a professional Soldier, dedicated to excellence in his field of expertise. Due to his professionalism and unlimited leadership potential, Soldier was selected to serve as Assembly Area Lugnuts OIC, serving with distinction, honor, and commitment from 20200501 thru 20200717 in support of the State of Michigan's response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Distinguished Graduate Student Award represents one of Texas A&M's highest honors for outstanding achievements by graduate students in research or teaching. SPC Doe showed great pride and enthusiasm in every task he undertook, producing excellent results throughout the deployment. (Nominees must be available on this date to be considered Due to his professional leadership skills and aggressive can-do attitude, SFC Doe was selected by the company commander over six senior peers to perform duties as platoon sergeant of 1st Platoon. Below are examples of both types. Mission. For meritorious achievement as Honor Graduate of the US Army Pathfinder course Class 13-001. NCO earns distinguished honor graduate award. He motivated and mentored 9 Soldiers to accomplish each mission. 2017). Contact editor@armywriter.com Disclaimer, Army Achievement Medal for Meritorious Service (PCS Award), Army Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service (PCS Award). He also taught the class Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services and how to properly carry out a lubrication order to standard to the Platoon. The Distinguished Graduate Award is the Senior Award that a graduate can receive. PFC Blank rapid learning ability was instrumental in the transition of authority from C CO, 1-24 INF to HHT, 1-14 CAV. SPC Thomas worked side by side with the civilian digital engineers and understood many of the complicated problems associated with server configurations and Joint Network Node integration. Through accomplished organizational abilities SSG Pardon-Varde maintained 100% accountability of all Mass Casualty Decontamination Equipment with zero loss or damage by displaying an unmatched commitment to equipment readiness and accountability. His attention to detail, ability to multitask, and dedication to the organization of the training room allowed information to be quickly and efficiently accessed. SGT Smith demonstrated exceptional capability while deployed as the Satellite Communications Systems Operator (25S) for CIT 1. Sergeant Page was assigned the additional duty of communications specialist for Bravo Company. During this time the 1-119th was called twice to SAD in which MAJ Mason played a crucial role in communicating with the BN the 272d RSG and JFHQ capabilities of the battalion while maintaining current COVID operations within the AA. . ARCM-PERFORMANCE/SPC HOGNER ASSUMED THE ROLE OF THE BATTALION S6 OFFICER IN CHARGE OF ALL COMMUNICATION AND TRACKING OF INBOUND AND OUTBOUND CONVOYS. His attention to detail was constantly on display; ensuring each IET's medical, dental, clothing and administrative records were updated and filed accordingly. Spc Doe, continued to sustain a high standard as he volunteered to give classes on various weapon systems to a separated signal battalion. As a team member, he was responsible for the welfare and accountability of over 15000 transitioning military servicemembers and civilians. The battalion also was able to improve OR rate to 98% and to clear over 90 pieces totaling $2,667,000 of excess equipment. XXX Doe was selected above his peers for the coveted Distinguished Military Graduate Award; placing him in the top 10% of all newly Commissioned Officers in the Nation for Fiscal Year 2016. He was responsible for the welfare, accountability, and mission readiness of two Soldiers. SGT Doe was a motivated and dedicated Noncommissioned Officer who far exceeded course standards and achieved the Distinguished Honor Graduate recognition. SPC GRAHAM, DISTINGUISHED HIMSELF BY EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE DURING OPERATION NEW DAWN. PV2 Snuffy's diligence in providing up to the minute information to Warfighters was instrumental to the 105th MP Co. completing its mission, contributing to a more stable Iraqi Government. PFC Gibson, was instrumental in the success of over 100 route clearance missions in the United States Division-East area of operations during OEF 12-13. SGT Doe deployed in OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM 08-09 and OPERATION NEW DAWN where he completed a wide variety of missions ranging from conducting mounted combat patrols to Company Intelligence Support Team lead analyst. SSG JOE consistently proved to be a valued asset as the 1-1 Cavalry Regiment Squadron Liaison (LNO) based in Camp Buehring, Kuwait. SPC DOE was a critical member of bravo 10 fire direction control section during battery and battalion competitions. Both seniors and subordinates sought him out for his unfailing mentorship. With limited resources and no S1 personnel SSG Acevedo carried out the S1 mission while conducting his S3 duties. Soldier's efforts resulted in over 10,000 room-nights of occupation in the AA, a 94% occupancy rate. SGT Canman displayed excellent leadership skills and sound technical expertise while providing 100% reliable communications in support of the 89th Army Reserve Command at the 94-04 NTC rotation executing daily jumps covering a 14 day period. Matthew C. Culver, A Battery, 2nd Battalion, 12th Field Artillery. SFC Thompson's tireless work ethic, knowledge and guidance and attention to detail contributed greatly to the overall success of the RRB mission that followed and fostered an environment of mission and equipment readiness. His personal contribution allowed for the safe movement and execution of over 102,113 miles and 12,000 tons of critical supplies and equipment to sustain counterinsurgency operations in theater. Driving force in developing the exercise concept, intelligence requirements and support plan for the Infantry Division s Mission Rehearsal Exercise (MRE) and Corps War Fighter Exercise (WFX). There are two broad categories of medals: those awarded for (1) meritorious service (honorable service over a long period of time) and (2) achievement (a single significant act such as a difficult deployment, rescuing people, or completing a self-help project). While attached to 1/11 ACR, S-3 Section, as a member of the Tactical Operations Center (TOC), SPC XXXX conducted jobs such as an Radio Telephone Operator and JCR operator. SGT CanMan's leadership and "Take Charge" attitude developed a sense of teamwork, loyalty, and initiaive in his subordinates. With his outstanding leadership, professional skills, and ceaseless efforts to ensure mission success, SSG Snuffy planned, coordinated, and conducted 15 funded events over two quarters, as well as developed an intricate and crucial network of educators in five schools that increased station production by 75%. She sacrificed countless personal hours to prepare herself for the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) Security+ test. She attended college at University of Maryland and Central Texas College completing 42 college credits and maintaining a GPA of 3.0. His attention to detail ensured all personnel in the company were trained and ready. His ability to aid the platoon in all aspects let to mission success. SSG Doe was key in supervising, planning and executing the installation, operation and maintenance of Signal support systems and network integration for the BN. His ability to manage files was vital to the success of the training room mission. Distinguished Graduate Award - Presented to the next (10% of graduates) person with the highest overall average in all graded areas, and demonstrated a high level of leadership skills. While SGT Bobo was deployed to FOB Falcon, he was sought out by his peers and supervisors to head the installation of the gun turrets that were not equipped with OGPK protection kits. He was responsible for the in processing of over 18,000 Initial Entry (IET), Soldiers into the Army's database. His skill, competence and leadership enhanced the preparation and overall accomplishment of Operation Task Force Harvest, resulting in over 2,000 pieces of equipment turned in without error. This tracking wall was used daily by the BCT staff to conduct Battle Update Briefs. CPL Martin desire to share knowledge and experience expanded the operational capacity of his section while increasing patient's access to diagnostic tests. . He has done a phenomenal job while assigned to the unit, training Soldiers, NCO's, coordinating and executing plans. Using a hair dryer, Honda generator and a poncho SPC Doe made sure that the parts were warmed up enough for the glue to cure properly. SSG Doe served as the Tech Supply NCOIC for B Co. 248th Aviation Support Company (ASC) throughout the deployment to Kosovo in support of KFOR 18. He was responsible for as many as 100 service member information files at one time, ensuring that they were complete and maintained at all times. SPC Doe lived the Warrior Ethos by placing the mission first. His high level of proficiency and knowledge regarding the SINCGARS radio system, radio etiquette and JCR system were critical in ensuring the 1/11 ACR TOC was constantly able to transmit and receive pertinent battlefield data and keeping the command team up to date with a rapidly changing battlefield during STX and rotational operations. Not only did SFC Thompson do this to the best of his ability but he became one of the best Ops NCOs we've ever had. Her capacity to adapt, adjust, and overcome allowed her to resolve issues and stressors throughout the exercise. CPL Martin served as the Radiology Noncommissioned Officer In-charge for the North Camp Dispensary. With the G6 being spread thinly in multiple locations, SPC XXXX constantly stepped up to the plate with his indomitable spirit and great perseverance to accomplish any and all tasks that the G6 or the mission faces. Chaplain Leiter supported Soldiers at Task Mustang Golden Cargo, Warex Ft Hunter Ligget, Diamond Saber Ft McCoy, CSTX Ft Dix. He insured that the routes were safe and passable for ISAF forces and ANA forces and American troops. This execution of experience paved the way for the battalion to transition from an MSE network to a WIN-T communications platform signicantly increasing the viability of the BN's digital capabilities. The Distinguished Honor Graduate is the student with the highest OML point total in the class. (A) The design specification on the resistance for an electronic component is 0.50 0.02 0.50 \pm 0.02 0.50 0.02 ohm. This achievement is usually accompanied with an actual award like a CoA or AAM that does grant you points. SPC Rodriguez' dedication and professionalism as a medic built an unwavering level of trust among the Soldiers of each unit that fell under 110TH CM BN (TE) for patient care. The award recognizes scholarship and leadership, pays homage to one of America's most honored soldiers and serves as a lasting incentive to officers attending the college. SPC Jeffery Rue continuously took initiative to ensure the M915A3 he was assigned to were fully mission capable with little to no guidance. Supervision without promotion [ edit] Upon completion of ALS, the graduate is authorized to write performance reports on subordinates. SPC Floyd and his team was recognized by the 501st Signal Battalion Commander and First Sergeant for efficiency in communication operations. Input SSN, Query Record, and click "Awards Decs" button. Quickly responded and stood poised as the Michigan Army National Guard's Rapid Reaction Force to support civil authorities during the civil disturbances occurring in numerus communities throughout the State of Michigan from xx June thru xx June 2020. SPC XXXXXX expanded his knowledge by being competent in assisting our providers in emergency procedures and successfully trained over 100 Air Force and 25th ID Soldiers, allowing them to receive training certifications. He coordinated field trips and training with supervisors. As an I.T. This resulted in a 32-vehicle convoy safely returning to Bragram Airfield. SPC DOE was a senior specialist in the fire direction section. SPC XXXXXX was selected to serve as the enlisted aide to the Command Sergeant Major of Regional Health Command-Pacific. His selflessness to develop others will leave a lasting impression on the overall command and the Soldiers of the XX BN. He resolved over 500 personnel discrepancies ranging from complex pay and entitlement issues, to multifaceted Soldier's personnel actions. During the successful performance of his duties, SGT --- maintained a 100 percent free accident record contributing to the unit accident-free running total of -- days. Sometimes they even have a best essay award usually for SHARP but not always. - Distinguished Graduate (Top 10%) from NCO Academy; recognized for academic achievement (#1 of 76) - Graduated NCOA top 10% of class out of 120 students--garnered prestigious "Distinguished Graduate" award - Graduated Noncommissioned Officer Academy with a 90% average--learned valuable new leadership skills PFC Mensah utilized his superior organization skills to completely refurbish the previously unoccupied 1-10 Attack Reconnaissance Battalion's Maintenance Facility. o selected as the Distinguished Honor Graduate for exceeding the course standards set forth by the 92A Advanced Leader Course at Ft Lee, Virginia o exceeded course standards during Warrior Leader Course 002-14; increased professional growth and skill o completed ALC, reinforced Army Values and bolstered Soldier Skills This allowed the PSD teams to continue with mission with minimal or no time loss of combat power. Worth zero points. SSG XXXX distinguished himself through his unwavering dedication to the mission which contributed to his team's safe return back to Base. His incomparable performance and cutting edge approach to training has brought prodigious respect and value to the United States Army Reserves, as well as the XXXD EN CO (MRB) (DET 1). Mastered ALS w/prestige; awarded coveted "John L. Levitow" honors--promotion well deserved! XXX Doe displayed a high level of aptitude, flexibility and achievement while representing both the XXXD EN CO (MRB) (DET 1) and Northern Michigan University ROTC as a simultaneous member. Demonstrating exceptional competence and professionalism SSG Pardon-Varde was able execute all tasks inherited in his role as the interim operations sergeant. His enthusiasm and willingness to help during the Regimental transformation to the Force on Force fight was invaluable. PFC Land diligence in rendering up information to RCP39 patrol leader was instrumental to the 72nd MAC CO. completing its mission, contributing to a more stable Afghanistan Government. Honor Graduate, Pathfinder Course. His knowledge and expertise formed a permanent footprint with his unit and will continue to remain present even in his absence. His dedication to the mission, troop welfare, saftey, and mission readiness, allowed the 2nd Platoon to complete over 30 TF Grey missions, 6 Air Force 838th KLE missions, and multiple QRF and Patols with TF Bowie with 100% success. His actions exemplified Duty, one of the seven Army Core Values, where he did more than just carry out his assigned tasks. New NCOER Develops bullets and Performance Measures; Did Not Meet Standard; Met Standard; Exceeded Standard; Far Exceeded Standard . He constructed the OE-254 in order for the Company TOC to have 100% communication coverage over Muscatatuck Urban Training Center's 1,000 acres and 68 major buildings. SPC Alvarado's outstanding dedication to duty and focus towards mission accomplishment was instrumental in the units success during Operation Enduring Freedom 2012-2013. His actions greatly aided in the mission's success. As a Senior Information Systems Specialist SGT _______ performed the duties of the Group Support BN S6, Senior IT Specialist. Your extraordinary efforts and . So it doesn't necessarily indicate good . Within eight weeks he transformed a substandard platoon into a cohesive, disciplined team which held the company's highest platoon record for rifle marksmanship, physical fitness testing, and common skills testing for over a one-year period. 1 / 2 Show Caption + CAMP HUMPHREYS, Republic of Korea -- Staff Sgt. During the train up for live fire exercises, he processed over 1000 digital fire missions, facilitating the smooth execution of qualification tables. The upgrades greatly increased the squad's ability to perform logistics operations. His dedication to the mission is a direct reflection on himself, the Army Reserve and the Army. His familiarization with both garrison and combat operations has made him a valuable asset and outstanding Soldier for the 173d ABCT. SPC Beaver's extreme attention to detail ensured the Chain of Command was provided with up to date information of Soldiers' status. As the Subject Matter Expert in Mass Casualty Decontamination, SSG Pardon-Varde demonstrated expert technical skills and superior leadership over a period of three days by teaching and mentoring 33 Chemical SOLDIERS with little to no experience in Mass Casualty Decontamination about the various roles and responsibilities of each overlapping section.

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