Oh, right. I trust your judgment. aroacenerd, Lucifer_03, ActuallyRandomPerson, hw_skz_mdzs, Mangle_Girl, Beastly_Pancake, lady_Slytherin, RaveDistress0, Lord_Obvious_Of_Duh, Possum33, Higgsy2002, Nlue, auntienessi, Hyperfixation_Central, Lenna_cylin, bookwormswillruletheworld, marze04, LarryWinchesterPotter, Orion_Lune_X, Hesitant_Sorrows, LIFE_IS_A_MESS, Aurelia363, Enigmaistaken, 00Choco_Charley00, MoonBlue, charlies_girlfriend, Stressin_depression, Cannotthinkofaname, Everythingisbookmarked86, Blushduh, BlueFoodMakesMeHappy, Anatalia3129, MyEmoPhase, riethu123, Coralsswayinginthesea, kyioko00, sweetlikehunny, Madam_Jayne24, HufflePuff1990, Uzumakiichigo, Niamh_9804, gdsmistake, bubblebearselena, MysteriousKnowledge13, sunscares, Ji_Ji, LittleFatCat, HOrnero_de_SUnandi_Argentino, anonymusbee, Fi_C, and 862 more users Instead, Im going to tell you all the good things that you do with your arm, Steve smiled slightly, straddling Buckys waist and putting his hands on Buckys shoulders laughing at the mans confused look. I have read so many fics where Peter is trained by Natasha or Clint or Steve and they regularly wipe the floor with him, and I just cant wrap my head around this.Again, I get it, experience is a great thing and it certainly can turn an otherwise hopeless battle in your favour, but it is not an almighty tool. Deadpool loves chimichangas and Spiderman. Friday said to meet you here?. Bucky sighed, looking back at Steve. Do you think hell be mad at me, Karen?. Peter was at loss of words, he moved his lips but nothing came out. Tony and Nat stopped in their tracks, as time seemed to stop, Sam's smile fading away. Peter is acquainted with some of NYPD's detectives and the captain. Which makes said avengers more worried. Look, I get it.Peter is the youngest with the least experience.Yes, he needs training, yes, he needs guidance, but sometimes I get the feeling that people forget or ignore how very formidable of a hero Spiderman can be. Please! Peter, arms flexing as he held his position one latch from the top, looked down into Flashs eyes. Im done pretending Im weaker than you to save your pride.. Tony sighed and took off his sunglasses, fixing Bucky with a look. Ive been careless lately, Tony continued. Reading them in order is strongly recommended. Peter felt as though he was stabbed. Right now he would be more happy to hit his head with a brick. You are beautiful, Stevie, youre the most beautiful man in the world, Im just glad you chose me, Steve huffed out a laugh, face still pressed to Buckys chest and breathing in the morning air. I know that Peter is an incredible hero, but I don't know what he is actually capable of. I also take requests leave the in the comment a/n: Peter has scars from the vulture incident, he hid them very well. I'm sorry, dad. Nothing in the world. Then, after Peter has had the chance to really familiarize himself with his fighting prowess and knows how much he needs to pull his punches without loosing his ground by holding back too much, THEN the others can actually teach him some techniques and strategies that he will actually be able to implement into his fighting style. Flash hit him in the gut, but Peter only laughed, Im done being your punching bag, Flash. What the hell is wrong with my specially designed training robots?, For the fifth time, Tony, there is nothing wrong with your robots. Bruce had offered his services with a weak smile, but Peter had kindly declined and retreated into his own lab space. Flash stomped. How is that even possible?In fact, every time in the comics that Peter ignored his spidey-sense, was when he got (sometimes badly) hurt. He couldnt help the grin that overtook his face. I'm gonna write something like that! PLEASE use whatever you need or want from them. Not even now he would say a thing. But at the end of the day, they are just machines. "Can you tell everybody to report to the commons for an emergency, the hack into my phone and find the video I took this morning and display it on the T.V.?". You dont have to hurt them to make them afraid of you, she muttered under her breath. Work Search: But oh boy they were wrong, the boy shot a smirk back at them, gesturing to his swim shorts. Peter just wants to chill with his bros pool and devil, maybe eat a taco or twelve. See ya, Peter called behind him as they went their own ways. And obviously that is not Peter's fault.. He chuckled remembering May's reaction to him being a hero. Ropes, salmon ladders, pull up bars, weights, yoga mats, and more, with enough space for a running track around the room. Sam held victoriously his t-shirt in his hand, a big grin on his face. Peters instincts kicked in, eyes scanning the gym for the threat. Despite his losses, he seemed to think he could beat Puny Parker in a weight lifting contest. How egotistical,but it was true he couldn't bear to see someone close to him break apart. Coach Wilson cleared his throat, a warning to the advancing boy. Ice cream, fans, ice packs, Sam even tried to get in the fridge. Yes, having a team of people who could fight well and had powers was something he was grateful for, but he loved his quiet life at home, with someone who had always been there for him. So he needs to ignore/supress the urge to dodge, while being expected to dodge by his sparring partner/trainer. They stayed there for a moment until Peter could breathe easy again. It wasnt just today, but the whole weekend that had drained him. He flicked his wrist, his web shooters forming from his watch, and aimed toward the ceiling as the three held him in place and hit him. So Pete, what do you think? He had the whole weekend ahead of him, two days of fun Stark Tower. I hope you all enjoy this! Hi Peter. It was a damn hot day and everybody tried to get themselves cooler in a way. He rang the bell and dropped down to the mat, eyes on Flash as he struggled to pull himself halfway. I know, kid. Im Due to the events of the second story in the series (the wounds we see and the scars we don't) May and Peter have also taken up residence in the tower (more specifically on Tony and Peppers floor, where they have their own living spaces). Peter couldn't answer his mentor, his father-figure. Natasha nodded simply. This time, he went for a punch, which Peter easily backed away from. A few strides later, he sidled up to the line for ropes, cutting in front of Abe with a quiet apology. After locating his apartment, Peter scales the brick walls, carefully avoiding the windows. I thought that I could get it all done in time and still spend time with you. Barnes, I wouldnt be here if this wasnt important, Tony eyed Steve who had yet to move from his spot, still resting his hand on Anatoly who kept his gaze on Stark. Hello! He straightened his shoulders. fine But my point still stands. Coach Wilson picked his way through the group. Tony looked angry with himself, and Bucky couldnt really blame him. (in the comics even the continuous fire of a machinegun)His healing factor is acutally better than Steves, as it also grants resistance (and in some cases immunity) to some illnesses and even poisonous substances.His webbing is as strong as steel cable, and people that arent at least at his level of strenghts, shouldnt be able to just rip it apart.He is smart and knows how to think outside the box. I'm really sorry, I don't mean to step on anyones toes here. You went after the wrong person, Flash. He dodged their sloppy punches. We are just never there when something big goes down here, and then you have to go at it alone and I hate that.. Which has left vigilantes like Spiderman and others to pick up the slack when something bigger went down here. Tony waved a distracting hand in the air, as the two continued on their way. P.E. He stood still, letting Flash gain the lead. Peter, Neds voice strained, no. Karen, he whispered, can you make sure Neds alright?, According to the schools cameras and MJs texts, Ned will be fine. I will, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Peter and The Avengers, as Seen by Midtown High. ), I center my stories around the characters I like the most and create situations that I find exciting or appealing or enjoyable. By the time he went to sleep, he was exhausted. "Peter are you ok, do your burns still hurt from the attack? Tags may get updated with the posting of the second chapter, depending on if I will add any more characters. Point of the matter is: I write what I want to read. You make dinner most nights because you can reach directly into pans and grab the hot food without fear of burning yourself. His thoughts were elsewhere. Each of them held a baseball in one hand and a racket in the other. Shirts. 478 guests Scars. Bucky and I cooked.. Clint shot the trio a surprised look. "Oh that must suck for you buddy. Tony and Pepper still own and live in the Tower, and the Avengers all have rooms (floors) there as well. A/N Sadly I do not own any characters in this story. They stepped away from the equipment, Peter taunting Flash with a smirk and cocking his head to the side. Peter occasionally calls Tony Dad (he might also at one point refer to Pepper as Mom, but Aunt May will always be Aunt May, without the title diminishing the magnitude of love he feels for her). If Peter maxes out in all the stats against other members of the Avengers except experience, his card would still win most of the time. Mr. You didnt sleep very well, she said simply. "Sorry Arachnid Kid I can't follow your orders." Dont be, kid, and call me Tony. That other stuff you said is true, too. Stepping out of his room, a hall was inbetween him and Mr.Stark. He was interrupted when the door to the room opened and Natasha and Clint stepped in. Since only a percentage of the team is present, you quite obviously didn't miss team training. Last month, this little idiot decided to take down two of the major drug rings in New York. Got it, boss. The A.I. So are you gonna do something about it or-. No response, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. While Tony's words did nothing but confuse Steve, something that he should really be used to by now, they seemed to be setting Peter's mind at ease. I'm going to kill him!" Tony held him tighter, buried his nose in the brown curls, and inhaled deeply. Because of course Peter was allowed to call one of the deadliest women alive 'Tasha'. Remember the training robots from the country music series? He kept his lips sealed. "Hey Peter 'sup," Ned greets, "Why are you smiling?" There was a reason he never told this story. Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, and Steve Rogers do everything in their power to help him. They hurt you., Pete, you cant. He kept his eyes on his plate and shoveled food into his mouth. Peter blinked against the bright sunlight as he and Ned walked out of the school. At Coach Wilsons whistle, the group split up for each activity. Bruce and Sam went with him. Can I come too? Steve asked, giving Tony a look that didnt give him much of a choice. thank you for understanding) You know?. Bucky looked up at Steve with wide eyes, a heart so full of love that he felt like he might explode. Mr. Stark had been busy with Avengers business for a majority of the night, leaving Peter to tinker in his lab alone. They ask if I still have the scars. It happened so many times that now there are permanent scars,. That is just not the way to teach someone how to fight. He let Neds familiar rambling wash over him as they moved towards their first class. Tony has spilled the beans on live tv about Peter being heir to Stark Industries. "Ummmclothes?" Is that all youve got? he prods, dropping into a crouch with a smirk. Matt talked Mr Castle out of his murderous rage. The slightly shorter man beside him let out an annoyed huff. He smiled upon seeing the two Avengers. Peter They all sat on the couch in the living room, since it had the most air conditioners. Tony merely snorted and kept on. And of course somebody picked all of this up. Three large scars stood out the most of them. Natasha brushed her hand against his shoulder as she sat next to him, eyeing him suspiciously. It was just Steve, something that never changed. Percy Jackson's whole torso is littered with scars of ever shape, size and origin. I can't lose you. I will "I'll ask you again. Im not beautiful and we both know it, Buck. He often thought that the man was crazy for staying with him when Bucky was so unpredictable? His Scars by coffeelily reviews. - Which now that I think about it, is actually slightly worrying and maybe we should talk about that with the team later on.- as well as It was cute. The teen was clad in his Spiderman suit, though was holding the mask in his hand. Steve smiled, kissing Bucky again, slow, but not without passion. At once. Normally, Peter would be against revenge. He decided to ignore the side-eye Cap gave him. Steves cooking skills ended with bacon, so Peter was grateful for Bucky to pick up the slack with the meal. "Nice work Arachnid kid," FRIDAY says with a robotic voice. Nat too, at first she didnt do anything, because she was curious, but seeing Pete's reaction set her off. I have a ground breaking technology Stark watch and an A.I. Sometimes its a month, others its two days. Tony got called away for a mission. He sighed again. !, Remember how I said that he is almost as good as me at dodging bullets? Peter closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the curb, the rest of his body on the narrow strip of grass between the road and the ditch. Nobody. The hairs on the back of his neck raised and he flipped backwards, over the kid who tried to get the drop on him, loyal to Flash to a fault. That didnt work, so I started scraping at it with my fingernails, eventually breaking the skin. The two waved back at the teen. He gave you his number?! He said hed be done by this morning., Her face softened, eyes roaming over his face. This was not a normal situation. In the gym, he trained until he couldnt anymore. He tilted his head to the side. First of all he was a human with arcachnid powers, meaning he couldn't use very cold stuff. 746 guests So he choose sitting next to the AC, not too close but enough. Steve lifted his hands away from the scars and gently guided Buckys face to meet his eyes. I did this," he presses play and immediately the Avengers start laughing at what they see, as soon as Peter comments about Clint's pajamas EVERYBODY, even the quite scientist Bruce, is rolling on the floor except Clint of course who's face is even more red. His kid had been getting picked on, and he didnt know until it got worse. With a whoop, he jumped from the window in his room at the Tower. Ned nudged him with his elbow, I have a bad feeling about this.. Thats not your responsibility.. Pack what youll need for a few days, were going to scare a kid,. Which was all the encouragement needed for Tony to wind his arms around his (surrogate) son as well. When they first gave me the arm, after I had fallen, I didnt want it. Again, first to ten wins the race.. Not even when Mr.Stark lost his temper, not even as his mentors eyes pleaded him for a response, not even when he heard his father figure's heart beat faster than ever. Then Tony suddenly snapped his fingers and fixed the teen with a suspicious glare. Clint says as more of a statement rather than a question. Peter rips off his mask and starts rolling on the floor laughing like a maniac. Also he was a bad lair. Peter groaned along with the rest of his class when they walked into the gym to see all the exercise equipment set up. He made sure to hide them well. Although he does have to admit, she's strangely perceptive on things that no one else picks up on. Peter's muscles tensed up. I used to wish the same thing with my father, and I know how bad it felt when he wasnt there for me. I mean, he didn't so much use his words more like his fists and teeth and he kicked him a lot Actually it might have been more of a fight than talking. As Tony answered, he kept a laser eyed focus on the pouting teen in front of them. In many ways, Steve was his superhero, and he didnt need any of the others. Their eyes full of many emotions, pity being the most prominent. He found himself melting into puddy as Steve worked on his tense shoulders. He quickly takes out his phone and webs it to the ceiling next to him then presses the record button. Peter Parker & Avengers Team Matt Murdock & Peter Parker Jessica Jones & Peter Parker Frank Castle & Peter Parker Peter Parker & Everyone Characters: Peter Parker Tony Stark Steve Rogers Natasha Romanoff Clint Barton Additional Tags: Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure dad tony stark Son Peter Parker BAMF Peter BAMF Peter Parker Both of them stayed there for a few minutes, just enjoying all the peaceful moments they got. I had a lot of fun writing it. With one last smirk, he jumped, letting the web fly him up to the rafters. But they didnt, the kid's breath began to pick up and everybody could hear it, as it echoed through the room. Peter took the two steps separating him from his father (figure) and hugged him. Peter strided over calmly. Sunday morning, Peter woke up in his room to the smell of bacon. St-- Tony, thats okay. Know that thing in fanfics when Peter joins the Avengers and they train him and all the people who are actually way weaker than Peter wipe the floor with him?Because they have so much more EXPERIENCE?Because apparently being able to bench over 10 tons and dodge bulletfire and walk away from having a building dropped on you and fighting multiple other baddies almost every day just PALES in the face of the superior EXPERIENCE!Yeah, this is not one of those fics. Nothing in the world. Steve was sleeping peacefully, his eyelashes so blonde that they looked invisible until to got up close, and Bucky got close a lot. Nobody knows that Peter's mom and dad are Tony Stark an "Arachnid kid you must wake up. He groaned and tried to sit up, but his muscles were aching. He has a small fracture, but his mother will pick him up soon and take him to the doctor.. "I can't be the only one to see," he runs out of the room and asks FRIDAY to take him down to his floor. I know. Petr was truly surprised to see that people still didnt find out that he is Spider-Man after such a long time. This is a series of one-shots of Peter whump or him just being stupid and Tony always being there for him. Work Search: Should have told me from the start, but thats beside the point,. As Peter dryed his hair, a wave of thoughts hit him. He hefted his backpack over his shoulder and grinned. When do you have to go? Steve asked, propping himself up on his elbow and meeting Buckys eyes, running his hand through the other mans long brunet hair. It took everything in him not to break down, not to sob into his pillow in the darkness of his room. It's not like he gets shot at regularly, or has to take on a bunch of armed and dangerous people at once. His body was covered in scars. Bucky couldnt find the right word, but it wasnt something positive. Good. Okay, that's not a direct quote, I may have paraphrased a little. Top Ranks #1 in Field #1 in ted These OneShots will include. (Not even to mention the great honor and ginormous ego-boost I would feel knowing that something I wrote somehow inspired someone else.). Later, with the sound of Iron Mans thrusters in the background, Peter opens his web. Sure, Bucky had told him about it, but Steve had never actually set foot in the place. Cassieopia249, Ariasma, Nicole1397256, I_cause_problems_on_purpose, KakesuWolf, fallenstormangel, ThisIsntRae, RavenAssassin, burning_roses_666, RedGhost1010, SeriouslyCitrus, Sophia_The_Fanfic_Reader, Allsparkchild, Midnight_Wolfz, Shadowhawk, Fandomlover52, MinsAria, Royale_Bastard, MerlinEmrysPendragonJr, Just_Kath, blackberrybats, 0vomaltine, LoLoC, ObuxoBa, 30Love, Sh1nuki, Jael_vargaz_09, Morrolan, kyomon_o, Komiho, Mimi20, PinkaminaPi3, coco30600, Vomindok54, Sad_spidey_boy, Lala47, Ionlydrinkgayvodka, BananaBumbleBee, deviant_bunnie, AquaStarkWolf, Ijustlovefoodyk, M_102, Dragonfly203, Viva_La_Vivi, tiredwatermelon, NigouTets, Lazorux, xnctaex, kataraSpring024, unifire, and 1633 more users Just like that the shouting stopped and in its place was an awkward, uncomfortable silence. You are right. Did you know that Lizard guy could throw cars around like they were golf balls? That's my boyfriend you are talking about.). Yeah, Im okay., Mr. Stark-- no, Tony-- smiled awkwardly. Keep that in mind, and you are good.. Thats not selfish, Peter. Poor Penis Parker, the sad, little orphan. Flash lunged for Peter, giving in to his anger. Remember what Mr. Stark said? ", or: "There was this one thing in this story that I would like to put into a different context. So, what's up?. Maybe then you would be the one at the nurse instead of Ned., Tony smiled, a real smile where his eyes softened with happiness.

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