Especially try saltwater baths. There are 11 levels of activations one experiences. Ascension Signs & Symptoms|Vision Changes. These weight fluctuations may occur despite attempts to lose weight in this area, and even if there are no changes in your diet and eating habits, or physical fitness and activity level. A strong feeling that you are lost and don't know 'who you are'. The subconscious holds on to this information and it is integrated into ones consciousness over time. Many can experience intense physical ascension symptoms during these shifts, which are listed in detail below. Inner dialogue that is sometimes clairvoyant or telepathic in nature. They believe that by using this technique that the practitioner can not only determine the treatment(s) but the order in which they should be received in order to holistically and completely alleviate the pain and control or cure the problem. Feeling of intense or uncomfortable head pressure, head stuffiness or pulsating heat, often at the skull/crown area as if your head is being squeezed; feeling jolts of energy, static electricity, pinpricks, pins and needles, tingles along the top of the head. Coming together with your Twin Flame puts you on an advanced Soul Ascension path. ", "If someone is willing to work the library, they will find tremendous value and benefit. Your feet (in particular) experience great change, as your spiritual ascension grows. Avoid alcohol consumption, which may lead to downgrading your process. As your soul now going through an upgrade, your body has to keep up with it. You just 'know' or sense intuitively that something unusual is happening to you that you just can't seem to explain. Ascension is about awakening the human heart and spirit, inner wisdom, and is the evolution of human consciousness and the planet itself amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Synchronicity is experienced in 4th density consciousness. Strange moments where you feel others cant hear you, or you cant hear or see them; not relating to others in the same way as before. It has to clear physically and emotionally. If you are experiencing a majority of these symptoms it is a good indication that you are experiencing the ascension process more fully or at an accelerated rate. Only one eye was affected. There is a lot going on within your physical body. What is an Angel Reading and will it help you? In that time, your mind is adjusting you to a higher vibration by releasing and purifying old inner emotions. The energy vibration between people in higher dimensions is totally different. Then there was the Delta variant, with more reports of sore throat, runny nose and headaches as key symptoms. Most of you will know that we have another eye, a whirling vortices of energy called the third eye chakra, the sixth chakra, between our two physical eyes, and that this third eye chakra is related to our ability to create and manifest. Experiencing a loss of ego or personal identities, old belief systems and programs; feeling disassociated or fragmented; Experiencing multi-dimensional consciousness. These physical eye and visual symptoms may occur even after eye problems have been ruled out and not due to eye strain or other physical causes. Just keep calm your mind, and eat healthy foods, take fresh baths, drink enough water. Heat felt on top of head 3. We are ascending through the 4D bridge to 5D consciousness, merging 3D with 4D and 5D frequencies, from which we descended from as Lightworkers and Starseeds. These techniques are helpful for Chronic Pain such as headaches, The left eye is symbolic of the moon, of Yin receptivity, of a need for stillness, rest, and peace; to learn to go within for answers, and to connect with the heart. We are going th." It is there, ready to be tapped into, and when you do, you will find all of these aches, pains, discomforts and uncertainties to diminish considerablyYou are so much more than the aches and pains in your physical body, or the insistent voice of worry gnawing in your mind. Some might see these changes as serious issues. . Changes in diet and eating habits, or food preferences; sudden or unexplainable digestion issues, usually not due to any specific dietary cause; sudden food allergies or intolerences. The energy drain is another symptom. Issues related to the root Chakra area are common during the ascension process and symptoms related to the release of toxins and other negative energies and emotions being released from the body. Throughout the ascension process you may experience some changes in your vision and perception. Abrupt Life Changes in job, friends, hobbies, interests, or living environments, or a sudden feeling of wanting to relocate or being drawn to a particular area. All blog comments are checked prior to publishing. Do daily activities that are food for your soul, such as getting in touch with nature, writing, reading, singing, a hot bath, special time with loved ones or whatever it is that is nourishing for you " Other issues include excessive flatulance/gas, fluctuating between periods of constipation and diarrhea, and acid reflex/GERD related issues. Reframing is a simple method to help you change the way you respond to painBy focusing on the problems, you are actually reaffirming a negative cycle. The dimensions exist together as different levels of density, all connected, nothing ever happens by chance. 02:47. Sometimes issues with high blood pressure or having extremely low blood pressure. Ascension involves the raising of one's personal vibration from a lower frequency to a higher frequency of vibration Those not open to higher realities, non-physical energies may not perceive these things, or when they do, shrug them off immediately as just their mind playing tricks on them. We can define ascension as a situation or act of moving to a powerful and higher position. If your overall well-being is feeling better, then the impact of pain will not be as powerful and disruptive. So, as one of the first Starseed symptoms, you will feel a gnawing feeling of discomfort on a regular basis. If you are in the first or second wave of ascension all sorts of symptoms arise and if you are not aware you will be overwhelmed. Lights may begin to seem brighter than normal or have unusual halos of colored lights around them. This is also the area of the Crown Chakra which is the gateway for higher consciousness and spiritual awakening in general" [Read More], Reframe Your Mind to Relieve Your Body Pain, Copyright They tell you much about your developing life path. Physical 5D Ascension Symptoms 1: You start to have body aches 2: You may have sore joints 3: You may start to experience fatigue 4: You start to have frequent headaches 5: You may notice toothaches 6: You start to experience vision changes 7: Tummy issues 8: Skin changes 9: You can get clumsy 10: You may have sudden hot flashes or flu Each divinely designed program uses powerfulUltralightenergy codes to unlock more of your human potential. WE ALL EXPERIENCE AND HOLD ON TO TRAUMA WITHIN OUR CELLS. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; You know that there is no issue with your body. LEVELS 2 AND 3 ARE WHERE TRAUMA IS HEALED. Headaches and sudden shooting pains in the head or eyes may occur and these may be signs that adjustments are being made in your energies. Its a total transformation of spiritual, psychical, and mental. You are opting in to receive communications for Judy and the Ascension Library, The sixth chakra is also the chakra of divine love. I felt that the latter was happening to me and also to the people writing to me. The year 2021 is a tipping point into letting go of an old cycle of self. CRYSTALS FOR CELLULAR HEALING AND INTEGRATION: Tourmaline - Light Beam of focused healing source energy, Golden Healer Quartz - Golden Ray Healing Energy, Hedenbergite - Aligning and Connecting Heart Chakra to the Earth and Divine Universe, BRIDGE CRYSTALS - Bridging 3-D physical Earth consciousness with higher dimensions, and cosmic consciousness, CRYSTALS FOR EACHLIGHT BODY ACTIVATION LEVEL. 02:53, You cant concentrate or do any calculations. Bumps behind your ears (on one side or both) 5. I could not get an accurate contact lens prescription and I still could not see properly. The pyramidal figure has always been a metaphysical symbol of transformation. THIS TRAUMA MUST BE RELEASED IN ORDER TO ACTIVATE YOUR LIGHT BODY. Energy / Light Body Activations are meant to trigger at specific times and are different for everyone. I now understand that it wasnt the right time to create something new and that I needed to sit in the void. Its all about ascension adjusting to a new higher vibration. 00:55, Your ears experience whooshing sounds, or ear ringing. Drink enough water. You may begin to see auras around people, animals, plants and objects. I feel like the purpose of the grid is to help me with my meditation but Im going to keep an open mind! Sporadic bursts of increased energy or inspiration; feeling hyper-active or frantic energy; panic attacks; accelerated mental energy; racing or scattered thoughts. These energies and sporadic symptoms will be experienced in the various Chakra centers depending on blocks/issues or when energetically being cleared or activated. Light sparkles or flashes of light in the peripheral vision from time to time, even after any eye problems have been ruled out. Your mind guides you to reject low vibrational people because of the mismatch. Article, Headaches and Head/Crown Pressure 1. Sudden itching all over or in various areas of the body for no apparent reason; itching that occurs in a localized part of the body, such as the bottom of your foot or the top of your head, that seems to happen sporadically, or for a few minutes out of the blue, then suddenly stops. You'll also receive a complimentary subscription to our monthlyeMagazine. It's better to understand the symptoms and differentiate it from other symptoms. My hypothesis is that as we take more Ascension LIGHT into the body through the eyes, which are a major coding, or imprinting mechanism from the Divine, karmic trauma held at the back of the eyes relating to when the soul is released to clear. This is because your old limits, beliefs, and behaviours will adjust to the new and higher dimensions. These may sound a bit unpleasant, but don't worry - they are just signs that your body is going through a powerful spiritual transformation. Click the link below to read more about this offering: Thank you! For in following the truth of the still small voice within lies our souls authentic guidance and the foundation for the next stage of renewed purpose and creation. ASCENSION PROCESS AND ENERGY SHIFTS - LIGHT BODY ACTIVATIONS. 1,945 likes, 72 comments - Seraphim Starseed (@starseed_777) on Instagram: "Repost @divinefeminine7777 How are you feeling today? Unusual hearing is another spiritual awaking symptom. Ten Easy Techniques for Pain Management Most flu epidemics are actually Light epidemics! How to Explain Your Spiritual Journey to Loved Ones, The Moments Before and After of The Big Solar Flash, Setting new foundations January Angel forecast, Message from Arcturians: welcome the new earth, Experiences of the new earth Connecting with my 5D self, How to speed up your ascension: The tune of the shift. Thanks so much for explaining in a very comprehensive way. On January 1st, 2021, I woke with conjunctivitis in the left eye. Dullness of the eyes: This is often related to deep-level karmic clearing of sadness, despair, or aggression/anger being turned inwards. Reframe Your Mind to Relieve Your Body Pain, You may experience unusual or unexpected pressure and pain in or around the head and face area, including skull, eyes, ears, sinuses, teeth and gums, often times shifting from one side to another. "I am blown away by the wondrous beauty of these transmissions of light and love and wisdom. If you are constantly trying to focus your eyes due to blurry vision, or when you wake up in the morning with blurry vision but later within couple of hours it self adjusts, it is part of ascension symptom. Feeling different in general. and to our expansion into more of the souls over-lighting guidance. Some might experience pain in the body. My eye health was otherwise fine. Home You begin to see energy in different forms and on different levels. Your sensitiveness and how you have connected decide how you experience the transition of dimensions. Let us now "reframe" the above negative thought into a positive one " You may catch sudden glimpses of sparkles or flashes of light in your peripherhal vision from time to time. Though it can also be a response to your third eye and crown chakra opening and expanding to a new level. Experiencing pulsating energy, pressure or other strange or unusual sensations in and around the heart and chest area. Ascension is about rising above old habits, beliefs, mindsets, and limits, etc. Fascinating post Kelly. Sudden or extreme changes in body temperature; sudden increased sensitivity or intolerance to either heat or cold; circulation issues; having chills or feelings of being cold all the time without reason, or periods of feeling extremely warm, hot flashes, night sweats and waves of heat throughout the body or in certain areas; Increased psychic awareness and sensitivity; an increase in clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and other extra-sensory abilities; heightened intuition and the awakening of the Brow/Third-eye Chakra or 'inner vision'; prophetic or precognitive dreams or visions occurring more often; flashes of insight and inspiration; more intense or vivid dreams, unusual daydreams, visualizing or fantasizing more often. There may be periods of insomnia that last for days; experiencing sudden fatigue out of the blue during the day for no reason. Physical pain and discomfort can represent the first level of shedding the old to make way for the new, rather like a snake shedding its skin, or it can represent the very last vestiges of karmic emotional release. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; The ascension symptom that was the most bizarre and frightening was actually happening to me. You might experience some. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "ascensionsymptoms0a-20"; These energy waves or shifts can appear and are experienced in a variety of ways. Copyright 2023 Sacred Gemstone. Aura: Not everyone will experience the aural stage, but if they do, sensory changes occur, as does sensitivity to sound and light. Just wanted to say thank you for this information. These symptoms can show up on the physical and biological levels. This symptom is also related to (and often accompanies) sinus and allergy issues; extreme sinus pressure, sinus headaches or infections, and allergies. This series prepares you for what to expect during high energy waves, and how to better navigate through the ascension. Symptoms can include fatigue, irritability, and mood swings. Bruising easily, or unexplanable marks, scratches, indents or bruises on areas of the skin that suddenly appear without a known physical cause, then may heal quickly. Moments of heightened energy where you may receive channeled information or experience automatic writing. [Read More], You may experience unusual or unexpected pressure and pain in or around the head and face area, including skull, eyes, ears, sinuses, teeth and gums, often times shifting from one side to another. Body pain is actually made worse by the way we think about it. OVERCOMING LEVEL 3 BY RELEASING ALL TRAUMAS FROM YOUR CELLS RESULTS IN A KUNDALINI RISING AND A POWERFUL AWAKENING OF THE FIRST AND SECOND CHAKRAS. Some Major Ascension Symptoms. Cant wait to meet others on a similar journey. This is what our soul wants us to achieve and create through our physical existence. The more you expand your awareness and become familiar with your own energy fields, the more you will become aware of the energy fields of others, and within the environment. Remember that not all of these symptoms may be due to the ascension process. You feel disconnected or detached. You are starting to perceive energy and reality from a higher perspective. Your perception of life is shifting and you may see a situation differently as if with new eyes, or your whole attitude toward something you once held as invincible truth, has changed. A Sign from Spirit Guides/ Angels This happens because negativity and your old energy limits are trying to escape from the body. When you close and open them, it is normal until you go through that again. As you advance on the Ascension path, and as all the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual changes are taking place, you will begin to open and activate your spiritual eye--your third eye (ajna chakra) which is connected to the Pineal Gland in the brain. 9.Why is low diastolic blood pressure bad? Integrating new energies in 4D causes ascension symptoms in many of us as we are being activated to higher density. I now felt that this was what was happening to me. This is also the area of the Crown Chakra which is the gateway for higher consciousness and spiritual awakening in general. Understanding who you are Although the following symptoms have been described already in various forms, it's a very common ascension related symptom. Physical ascension symptoms related to digestion often occur alongside sudden shifts in eating habits or appetite. But other times, when we perceive strange things, shadows, mists, lights, patterns of energy and other unusual phenomenon, then it is possible that we are seeing something that actually exists, but may be beyond our comprehension from this physical third dimensional perspective. Your senses are tuning up. I truly appreciate the information as it explains why I have felt off kilter since 2012. Many feature articles include audio and video recordings for . Periods of sudden nervousness or anxiety that comes and goes spontaneously 'out of the blue'; experiencing the 'jitters', sudden 'chills' or tingles along your spine or at the top of your head. I see Earth as realm for souls who have lots of bad karma to redeem and have free will to be negative and stay enslaved in the beast system or choose to go on path of unity and love to graduate to higher plane of existence. You can locate the prayer to print from the home page at This explains why many of us have been experiencing synchronistic events or an increase in synchronicity, (such as 11:11 and other number sequences) as we go through the awakening process and are being activated. Ascension Symptoms Include : Anxiety Irritability Stress and pressure, feeling like you are in a pressure cooker Sense of not enough time - time is moving faster, speeding up Sleeplessness, difficulty falling asleep Fatigue, extreme exhaustion and lethargy during the day, some may feel reenergized at night Depression Energy shifts and cosmic multidimensional events are occurring more and more frequently, calling upon Healers, Lightworkers, Starseedsto heed a higher calling and soul purposeto aid beings on Earth through the ascension process. But this year, it seems that many people are experiencing eye issues, which are part of karmic release. The self/soul-imposed restrictions to what was possible for me in life were being energetically removed, as per my souls driving design for this current incarnation. You are more likely to see what many consider 'paranormal' but soon, it will become very normal for you, and for most of us. Adjusting to energy shifts and experiencing physical ascension symptoms. Frequent headaches might be an ascension symptom due to the 6th and 7th chakra's opening up. The amount of information coming towards me since the end of last year and up until now has been very fast. Sudden or gradual weight gain or loss, especially in the abdominal area (developing a "Buddha belly"). Ascension is the evolution of consciousness Time seems distorted; unusual shifts in relation to the experience of time, events and memories; having the feeling or perception that time is speeding up, moving faster or an accelerated perception of time, and other moments feeling that time is slowing down or at a standstill; feeling that you can't accomplish all that you want or that 'time is running out'; experiencing a sense of urgency; a sense that 'something is about to happen' or that something is coming that you must prepare for; frequent deja-vu and other similar experiences. You are experiencing a disconnection from your past and stepping into a whole new world. For more details, you can visit ask angles. As more people experience their awakening and become aware of their mission on Earth to assist in the ascension process from 3D through 4D to 5D, many begin to notice more and more synchronicity. It has to clear physically and emotionally. The Ascension process opens and awakens the Heart Chakra, which is the energetic center of spiritual awareness and love. | Remember that not all of these symptoms may be due to the ascension process. Im still looking for a centre stone to place in my Tibetan Quartz crystal grid. There may be other uncomfortable or painful physical symptoms in certain areas that come and go suddenly, such as muscle spasms, 'pinprick' or burning sensations. All is synchronized in the creation and reaction of light energy and vibration within the different levels of density. It takes time, and it lasts more. You may begin perceiving things in a profoundly different way than you have in the past; a shift in consciousness is starting to occur.

Buckett V Staffordshire County Council Case No 3so90263, Articles A