[24] Marco Aquino, Peru's Castillo detained in same jail as ex-leader Fujimori, source says, Reuters, December 8, 2022, https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/perus-castillo-detained-same-jail-ex-leader-fujimori-source-says-2022-12-08/ (accessed March 8, 2023). [115] Soldado sobreviviente en ro Ilave desmiente versin del Ejrcito sobre muerte de 6 militares, March 7, 2023, video clip, Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAStai7r8ls (accessed March 17, 2023); Los oficiales no quieren hacerse cargo, La Republica, March 7, 2023, https://larepublica.pe/sociedad/2023/03/07/puno-protestas-los-oficiales-no-quieren-hacerse-cargo-soldado-sobreviviente-en-rio-ilave-desmiente-version-del-ejercito-lrnd-677404 (accessed March 17, 2023). In total, more than 44 percent of people in rural areas identified as Indigenous. Informe Pericial de Necropsia Mdico Legal Nmero 019-2023, Public Ministry, no date. 51) at 197, U.N. Doc. S1 E10 - Cocaine and Betrayal A man tricks his girlfriend into smuggling drugs. In another assertion that she failed to back with evidence, she suggested that firearms and ammunition entering Peru from Bolivia may be causing the deaths of protesters. para. Copies of medical documents of her case on file at Human Rights Watch. (accessed April 5, 2023); Gobierno de Chile expresa su preocupacin por la crisis poltica que est viviendo la Repblica del Per, Chiles Ministry of Foreign Relations, January 11, 2023, https://www.minrel.gob.cl/noticias-anteriores/gobierno-de-chile-expresa-su-preocupacion-por-la-crisis-politica-que#:~:text=El%20Gobierno%20de%20Chile%20expresa,de%20ellas%20fallecidas%20el%20lunes (accessed April 5, 2023). Autopsy conducted by David Chuquipoma, January 10, 2023, on file at Human Rights Watch. [79] Bill 4271/2022-PE, art. Elmer Faucett. [125] UN Human Rights Committee, General Comment 37, Civil and political rights (One hundred twenty-ninth session, 2020), Compilation of General Comments and General Recommendations Adopted by Human Rights Treaty Bodies, UN Doc. [160] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Brayan Apazas mother, Asunta Jumpiri Olvea, February 17, 2023. [103] Alexandra Ampuero,Necropsias confirman: las tres vctimas de Pichanaki recibieron disparos por la espalda, La Republica, January 28, 2023, https://larepublica.pe/politica/actualidad/2023/01/28/paro-nacional-necropsias-confirman-las-tres-victimas-de-pichanaki-recibieron-disparos-la-espalda-protestas-en-peru-junin-94944 (accessed March 10, 2023); Human Rights Watch interviews with Christopher Huzco Soto, Lima, February 6, 2023. [242] In the early morning of January 21, 2023, the universitys lawyer sent a letter to police claiming that students and others had taken control of the access gates using violence against security guards. [32] Gini Index - Peru, The World Bank Data, n.d, https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.POV.GINI?locations=PE (accessed March 10, 2023). I applied online. [307] Oficio Nmero 2158-2022, December 16, 2022, on file at Human Rights Watch. Photo taken in Ayacucho, February 1, 2023. [17] Fiscal cita a exministro destituido por presidente en Peru, Associated Press, July 20, 2022, https://apnews.com/article/noticias-f893f18dc56e63e67d74d0902d99f807 (accessed March 20, 2023). [65] En Vivo: Dina Boularte Mensaje a La Nacion Desde Palacio Hoy 10/02/2023, February 10, 2023, video clip, Youtube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKOojbUzJ5Y (accessed March 20, 2023). The ballistics analysis report of the bullet confirmed it was a 9mm parabellum. In July 2021, the then-inspector general absolved them all of any responsibility. The report was reviewed and edited by Tamara Taraciuk Broner, acting Americas director; Margaret Knox, Americas senior editor/researcher; Sam Dubberley, managing director of the Digital Investigations Lab; Letta Tayler, associate crisis and conflict director; Kyle Knight, senior health researcher; Cristina Quijano Carrasco, researcher at the Womens Rights Division; Margaret Wurth, senior researcher at the Children Rights Division; Sarah Saadoun, senior researcher at the Economic Justice and Rights Division; Brian Root, senior quantitative analyst at the Technology and Human Rights Division; Mark Hiznay, associate director at the Arms Division; Farida Deif, Canada director; Philippe Dam, European Union director; Kate Weine, Washington advocacy coordinator ; Maria McFarland Snchez-Moreno, acting deputy program director; and Michael Garcia Bochenek, senior counsel. https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/12/17/peru-serious-police-abuses-against-protesters. Door- Sec Security L.L.C. Watch the firsthand action through exclusive access to some of the most restricted areas of Jorge Chavez International Airport, Lima - Peru, where the bigges. [104] Reporte de conflictos a nivel nacional, February 6, 2023, on file at Human Rights Watch. Intervencin policial en San Marcos: fue legal?,, Defensora del Pueblo envi al Ministerio del Interior documento sobre operativo realizado en la UNMSM,. [179] Human Rights Watch interview with David Gustavo Pacheco, director of the Ombudspersons Office in Ayacucho, Ayacucho, January 31, 2023. CCPR/C/GC/37 (2020), pg.13, para 78, pg.14, para 79, pg.15. Could she be in on the scheme? [299] Human Rights Watch interview with Perus attorney general, Patricia Benavides, Lima, February 8, 2023; Fiscala pide 18 meses de prisin preventiva contra Roco Leandro Melgar, El Peruano January 28, 2023, https://elperuano.pe/noticia/203210-fiscalia-pide-18-meses-de-prision-preventiva-contra-rocio-leandro-melgar (accessed April 5, 2023). Source: Ayacucho killings criminal case file. Get fresh updates on organized crime from across the region delivered to your inbox. Produccin y empleo informal en el Per Cuenta Satlite de la Economa Informal 2007-2021,, https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.POV.NAHC?locations=PE, El Per es el pas con la Inseguridad Alimentaria ms alta de Suramrica,, In 2021, it was 124,533 children1.5 percent of all children. A 2021 government report said police radios were 30 years old and 70 percent of police computers were non-functional, forcing police to use their personal computers. AED1,800 a month. 2200A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. "At approximately 5:55 a.m. on Tuesday, April 25, TSA officers working at Checkpoint D in Terminal 4 at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport were attacked by a female traveler during the . [362] Embajadas de Estados Unidos, Canad y el Reino Unido condenan ataques a periodistas, IDL-Reporteros, February 23, 2023, https://www.idl-reporteros.pe/embajadas-de-estados-unidos-canada-y-el-reino-unido-condenan-ataques-y-amenazas-a-periodistas/ (accessed April 3, 2023). [147] At approximately 1:40 p.m., three different Facebook live streams showed the helicopter, labeled "Ejrcito del Per" and with the tail number EP-684, beginning to fly over the area. Social psychologists have studied this process and results from a study in the Philippines in 2018 have shown that more . In Peru, Congress needs to approve the prosecution of a former president and other high-level officials for actions undertaken while in office. Or he may be trying to evade the law. [273]El fotgrafo de EFE Aldair Meja, herido mientras cubra las protestas en Per, EFE, January 8, 2023, https://efe.com/mundo/2023-01-08/periodistas-peruanos-denuncian-la-agresion-a-un-fotografo-de-efe-en-las-protestas/ (accessed March 13, 2023). The security forces did not seize any firearms from protesters. [294] Those investigations were in locations where there are human rights prosecutors. A dozen people are dead in Peru since February amid escalating violence involving the Shining Path guerrilla group. 21. [277] El Consejo de la Prensa Peruana rechaza recientes ataques de simpatizantes de Fuerza Popular, Consejo de la Prensa Peruana, July 15, 2021, http://consejoprensaperuana.org.pe/comunicado/el-consejo-de-la-prensa-peruana-rechaza-recientes-ataques-de-simpatizantes-de-fuerza-popular/ (accessed March 13, 2023); Periodistas en Per sufrieron 206 ataques durante el 2021, DW, January 1, 2022, https://www.dw.com/es/periodistas-en-per%C3%BA-sufrieron-206-ataques-durante-el-2021/a-60310317 (accessed March 13, 2023). All these goods may contain cocaine. I interviewed at Heathrow Airport (London, England) Firstly was online test- very easy- questions about how would you behave at security role while people are going through the archways, then x-ray test- differences between 2 trays. Security teams at Peru's biggest airport work 24-7 to stop illegal activity. The prosecutors also opened a preliminary investigation into one student for allegedly belonging to a terrorist organization, an offense that carries a prison sentence of up to 10 years. [35] Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of population) - Peru, The World Bank, n.d., https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.POV.NAHC?locations=PE (accessed March 8, 2023). [231] Decreto Legislativo que regula el uso de la fuerza por parte de la Polica Nacional del Per August 15, 2015, https://busquedas.elperuano.pe/normaslegales/decreto-legislativo-que-regula-el-uso-de-la-fuerza-por-parte-decreto-legislativo-n-1186-1275103-2/ (accessed April 10, 2023), art. Autopsy conducted byYuriza Karol Neyra Flores, January 10, 2023, on file at Human Rights Watch. Rosalino Florez in the hospital after being shot by police in Cusco. [112] Human Rights Watch interview with Wilmer Aranzamendi, acting Arequipa ombudsperson, Arequipa, February 4, 2023; Fiscal y su hijo de 4 aos mueren en accidente de trnsito en Arequipa, La Repblica, December 14, 2022, https://larepublica.pe/sociedad/2022/12/14/fiscal-y-su-hijo-de-4-anos-mueren-en-accidente-de-transito-en-arequipa-lrsd (accessed March 30, 2023). Poblacin Indgena y Afroperuana,, Resultados definitivos del III Censo de Comunidades Nativas - Tomo I,. The biggest problem: cocaine smuggling. [284] Resolution Number 04 -2023-IGPNP/SEC/UNIEIE, Surquillo, February 10, 2023, on file at Human Rights Watch. [1] Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, Martn Vizcarra, Manuel Merino, Francisco Sagasti, Pedro Castillo, and Dina Boluarte. In more than 70 percent of the 96 cases in January, security forces were the aggressors. Take concrete actions to regain public trust and pave the way for dialogue with protesters and affected communities, including by: Unequivocally condemning the killings and other abuses by security forces. A/44/49 (1989), entered into force September 2, 1990, ratified by Peru on January 26, 1990, art. [255] Esteban Godofredo, 20, a student who lived in the university dorm, was in the social sciences building when he heard tear gas shotguns being discharged. Less-lethal munitions approved for use in Peru, exhibited to Human Rights Watch by police in Lima on February 6, 2023. 124,533 estudiantes interrumpieron su educacin en el 2021 debido a la pandemia, Plataforma del Estado Peruano, May 17, 2022, https://www.gob.pe/institucion/minedu/noticias/607069-124-533-estudiantes-interrumpieron-su-educacion-en-el-2021-debido-a-la-pandemia (accessed March 8, 2023). In this season, we land at Jorge Chavez International Airport, Lima, Peru - Peru's largest airport and a major Latin American hub. Ombudswoman Eliana Revollar also highlighted the lack of proper police equipment to respond to protests. An investigation by Peru's Anti-Narcotics Unit has revealed that three customs officers at the capital's Jorge . [285] In June 2022, a congressional subcommittee approved a deeply flawed report written by a member of Congress that ignored the evidence of abuses against protesters, thus rejecting the attorney generals request to prosecute former President Merino and the prime minister and the interior minister at the time of the facts. Police must decide whether to tear the bag apart or let her go. [310] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Griselda Venero, chief of prosecutors office in Cusco, March 13, 2023. Autopsy conducted by David Chuquipoma Pacheco, January 10, 2023, on file at Human Rights Watch. 8.3. A couple celebrating their anniversary may be taking home more than just memories. Among the cases are passengers being searched for contraband. [187] Human Rights Watch interview with Leandro Rojas, Ayacucho, February 1, 2023. The biggest problem: cocaine smuggling. Renzo Gmez Vega, Per, retira definitivamente a su embajador en Colombia tras acusar a Petro de injerencias,, Peru: Egregious Abuses by Security Forces, https://www.inei.gob.pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1642/, https://rpp.pe/peru/puno/puno-manifestantes-incendiaron-la-comisaria-de-zepita-en-la-provincia-de-chucuito-noticia-1461466, ttps://www.infobae.com/peru/2023/03/07/jurado-nacional-de-elecciones-rechaza-fallo-del-tribunal-constitucional-que-le-permite-al-congreso-acusar-a-su-presidente/. Human Rights Watch interviewed a 15-year-old child, Christopher Junior Husco Soto, who was shot as he was crossing a street on his way home in Pichanaki on December 16, 2022. A/6014 (1966), entered into force January 4,1969, ratified by Peru on September 29,1971, Art. 16) at 52, U.N. Doc. Constitution of Peru of 1993, Art. Fiscala inicia investigacin contra Dina Boluarte y Alberto Otrola por presunto genocidio y homicidio calificado, Infobae, January 11, 2023, https://www.infobae.com/america/peru/2023/01/10/fiscalia-inicia-investigacion-contra-dina-boluarte-y-alberto-otarola-por-presunto-genocidio-y-homicidio-calificado/ (accessed April 4, 2023). The biggest threat: cocaine smuggling. Meanwhile, sectors of government have been taking action to weaken checks on their power. Res. [320] Commanders deployed soldiers to engage protesters on their own, not in support of police, with no less-lethal weapons or shields, just their Galil assault rifles. [108] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Mara del Rosario Lozada Sotomayor, chief prosecutor in Arequipa, February 20, 2023. 115, https://lpderecho.pe/constitucion-politica-peru-actualizada/ (accessed April 4, 2023). In addition, the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (the Mandela Rules) establish that people in the custody of the state must be provided with adequate space, appropriate ventilation, lighting, heat, sanitation, clean water, adequate and nutritious food, and a clean environment. [276] Human Rights Watch remote interview with Valia Aguirre, February 7, 2023. Haziran 22, 2022 . 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[95] Expolica est implicado en crimen de suboficial calcinado en Juliaca, La Repblica, March 24, 2023, https://larepublica.pe/sociedad/2023/03/24/puno-expolicia-esta-implicado-en-crimen-de-suboficial-calcinado-en-juliaca-protestas-9-de-enero-lrsd-783816 (accessed March 30, 2023). Provide prosecutors, the Ombudspersons Office, and the Ministry of the Interior with updated data on identity controls. [314] Local non-governmental organizations have also expressed concern that prosecutors who are members of the team have little or no experience investigating human rights abuses. In the same time period, another man was killed in Arequipa and another in La Libertad, and both died from gunshot wounds. They are responsible for passenger, baggage and cargo screening . [131] Human Rights Watch interviews with Ruth Brcena Loayza, Ayacucho, February 1, 2023; Christopher Huzco Soto, Lima, February 6, 2023; and Bernardino Fortunato Catasi and Karina Hancco Arapa, Arequipa, February 4, 2023; and remote interviews with Maritza Tomalla Maucaylle, February 12, 2023; Demetrio Aroquipa, February 15, 2023; and Rosa Luque Mamani, February 20, 2023. At the post office, a suitcase frame carries a mysterious substance that prompts agents to call upon chemical experts, who must use all their knowledge to determine if the substance is illegal or not. [169] Human Rights Watch interviews with Jos Zapata, Ayacucho police chief, Ayacucho, January 31, 2023; and David Gustavo Pacheco, director of the Ombudspersons Office in Ayacucho, Ayacucho, January 31, 2023. On March 31, 2023, the attorney general created a special team of prosecutors to investigate human rights violations, crimes against human rights defenders, and certain serious crimes against journalists during protests from December 2022 through March 2023. Our findings were confirmed by an Interior Ministry investigation. According to news media, Congress decided in December 2022 to more than quadruple the amount of money it spent on daily lunches for congressmembers. 51. Crisis poltica y protesta social: Balance defensorial tras tres meses de iniciado el conflicto, Ombudspersons Office report number 190, March 2023. 39/46, annex, 39 U.N. GAOR Supp. That impedes specializing in investigations into abuses by security forces.

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