Desire spiritual gifts and yield to their operation through you within the body of Christ (I Cor. 8. BIND ALL STRONGHOLDS AND TELL THEM THAT THEIR ONLY ASSIGNMENT IS TO GO, BIND AND GAG ALL LYING SPIRITS, THEN PRAYER THE PRAYER OF BLESSING OVER THEM. I now close off all portals in my house by the shed blood of the lamb. After the people have prayed and been led in prayer, then: MINISTER TO EXERCISE AUTHORITY OVER THE MEETING: Satan, we come against all powers, principalities, evil forces in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. The prayer of binding and loosing halts Satans activities. 18:18 Verily I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. The word declares, we shall reign and rule as kings (walk as overcomers. The following prayer is a good one to pray before starting the day: Lord, I cover myself and everyone around me with the blood of Jesus. * We order the princes and rulers to be bound with chains and thrown down before the other spirits and your foreheads to be written in red letters that Jesus Christ is my Lord. 3:5) in this life, PRAISE GOD! 12:11, Eph 6:10-18, 2 Cor 10:3-5, 1 John 4:4-14) (Against Ruler Demons: Hate Ps 64, Gal 5:22-23, 1 Thes 4:8, Prov. What is the immediate context of authority over demon spirits and to bind and to loose? I am covered and protected by the blood of Jesus. 14.1K subscribers. Time people lifted their hands to the Lord for the lives of their children. Rebellion is hindering our preteens, teens and young adults from being all they can be; puts a wrench in the plans that God has for our children. * As the Red Sea swallowed Pharaoh and his army let it be so for every demon of rebellion, that is holding me captive, COME OUT!! 33. 5:17). Lord Jesus Christ, we ask that you direct the angels to minister to our needs, we lose warring angels, ministering angels, protocol angels, security angels, evil angels, territorial angels, the Holy Spirit and the Seven-Fold Spirit of God. Everything standing against the purpose of God for my life be dismantled, in the name of Jesus. We forbid all retaliation, backlash and vengeance from evil spirits on this person or family, property, finances, pets, or any of the deliverance workers, their families, properties, finances, or those that they pray for. It is the legal right to use power a legitimate, God ordained right. Gen. 3:4-5; g) Slandering the saints. 4. * The angels of God are tying you and removing you to the abyss. THE STEPS ABOVE REMOVES THE LEGAL RIGHTS FOR THE DEMONS TO STAY, WHEN ITS TIME FOR THEM TO BE CAST OUT. The following prayers spoken by the deliverance worker are meant to be guidelines, not a firm ritual to be followed, and contain elements we have found to be important: NOTE: For those who have not yet been saved, and anyone else that is unsure of his salvation, it is very necessary to recommit and invite Jesus to take up residence in your life before you engage the enemy in these serious warfare prayers. Anoint with oil. in his name. 7. 6. Take me back to my childhood days and show me all the openings that came about through hurts, abuses and the absence of love, so I can release those people that offended me and secure myself freedom from all emotional bondages that came in through my wrong response to being rejected, so that I can once more walk in who I really am and not the personality I now am. Daily Prayer of Binding and Loosing 9. * I command that as you exit, you will not transfer to anyone but go to exactly where Jesus wants you to go and never return. (Hosea 4:6), Prayer of Release from Hermes /Hermaneutics, The Truth about Christian Denominations, Cults andSects, The Rise of the Global Church of Lucifer by CharlesLawson, Anti-Santa Card 2019: The Truth aboutChristmas, The Doctine of Christ the Only Way toGod, Deliverance Prayer To Break Witchcraft and Mind ControlProgramming, Invalid reasons for staying in a church teaching falsedoctrine, The Bible, The Armour of God and The Sacred Names ofGod, Recovery / Freedom from Codependency Narcissist / JezebelAbuse, Prayer for Protection Against Demonic Oppression, Prayer to Renounce Generational Family Iniquity, Prayer of Release from the Stronghold of Rape and the Spirit of Baphomet. and then he will spoil his house. 40. Remember, it is a fact that demons take on personalities in order to carry out their job functions. I loose my mind, will, and emotions from every assignment and spirit of darkness in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit I thank you for helping me to keep my confession straight and in line with the will of God. The strongman guards something of that is great value to the victim and strategizes how to hold the captive to that thing he values the most or he prevents you from achieving that which is valuable in your eyes. ), Perseus Tammuz Phoroneus Lord Of Heaven Nimrod The Sun Nin Belus, Aida Odeo Beltis Goddess Of Wisdom Anahita Ardvi Sura Anahita Anat Anath Atargatis Isis Ceres Shing-Moo Sati Virgin Mary Re-Anen Josephine Delilah St. Barbara Aida-Odeo Mother Of The Gods Mother Of Lies Mother Of Cheating Inanna Enheduanna Gaia Hather Demeter Kali Ariadne. Satan must respect the blood (Rev. 31. 10. Amen amen. I bind and cast out the demon gods, Beel, Belial, Hubaal, Nemhrod, Apolo, Zeus, Marduk, Beelzebub, Osiris, Tammuz, Dagon, Hermes, Baphomet, and Pan and all other names Satan goes by!! We must hate these spirts and be aggressive about changing the way we do things to be free. Amen.. 5. The lessons should be followed in chronological order to derive maximum benefits. Powerful anointing I now release everyone to your O Lord and ask that you forgive them, and I ask that you bless them with salvation and provide all their needs. When believers use the principle of binding and loosing the right way, sin is addressed, prayers are answered, and Gods power is free to be released in history. This is the result to be expected when we bind and loose based on Gods standard and criteria. Thy will be done in earth, asit isin heaven.. 12. The Greek word for bind in this passage before us is luo which means to fasten or tie he is made none functional, his powers are vetoed/rendered null and void, he loses his ability to carry out his many evils against us. Self-control 1:19, Isa. Loosing however, refers to the loosing of a captive or person in bondage. Make certain you are properly adorned: put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provisions for the flesh lust, envy, strife, bitterness, fornication, hatred, and so forth (Ro. However, from their experiences, it is not a guarantee of instant success it is just one of the ministry steps/exercises that should be put into operation in deliverance. It is no longer a prayer where we cry to God for help, it is a matter as rising up as sons with the power and authority which is in Christ and telling the devil what he is to do. I have the keys of the kingdom, and whatever I bind on Earth is bound in heaven, and whatever I loose on Earth is loosed in heaven (Matthew 16:19). 12. 6:16). Dont wait until you get into a situation or things get tense before you do this. HQk0w 6. BEGIN TO OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND FORCE OUT THE DEVILS DO NOT KEEP YOUR MOUTH CLOTHES OR THE DEVILS WILL GO BACK DOWN. SATANS POWER CAN BE SEEN IN OPERATION THROUGH HIS FALLEN ANGELS AND EARTHBOUND SPIRITS/STRONGMAN AND ORDINARY DEMONS AS LISTED: a) Permitted to afflict the righteous. 0000003326 00000 n My Glory and the Lifter of my head release me from every deception, in the name of Jesus. 0000001752 00000 n In such cases, you can expect several weeks up to a year after deliverance during which the Lord will gradually heal your mind and emotions (Rom. Arsenal Prayers of Heaven by John Ramirez. 2:16, 1 Peter 4:1-2) I have been bought with a price, I am not my own, I belong to God 1 Cor. If you are not sure of what you should loose for what you are binding up leave us a comment below and well be happy to give you some suggestions. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. My name is legion for we are many. The principle of binding and loosing/how to bind and loose in Jesus NamePlease take just a moment to agree with me in prayer. TO BE PRAYED BY VIETNAM VETERANS AND/OR THEIR SPOUSES AND CHILDREN: I BREAK ALL CURSES SPOKEN BY ANY BUDHAST MONKS, OVER MYSELF AND MY FAMILY THAT COULD CUASE ME/US: to never find peace, to always be angry, to have a wondering spirit. We bind fallen angels and demons and loose ourselves from them. 35. please reply. Use your authority and weapons as you pray this prayer out loud. Withdrawal, Fantasy, Daydreaming, Timidity, Self -Awareness, Shyness, Sensitivity, Chattering, Nervousness, Vivid Imaginations, Fear Of Germs, Frustration, Impatience, Inordinate Affection, For Animals, Intolerance, Insanity, Self-Rejection, Self-Accusation, Tension, Fear Of People, Compulsive Confession, Envy, Fear Of Judgment, False Compassion, Fear Of Rejection. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matthew 16:19), Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matthew 18:18), Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19), Binding the enemys plans; loosing Gods plans. 16. Then, we call forth Gods will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Fear, insecurity, frustration, difficulty learning, potential corruption, discord, growth in the occult and cults, selfishness, doubt, inability to achieve, hypochondriac and church splits, spirits of unnatural power to seduce you, bondage spirits, spirits that tie you to a friend by putting guilt and condemnation on you that would hinder you from getting your freedom, spirits that give you an unnatural attraction for your friend, children who are bound by their mothers and dads with dominating their married lives, spirits who cannot. I bind up fear and I loose the perfected love of Christ this would be based on the scripture (1 John 4:18) There is no fear in love. Please like, comment, subscribe to our channel and share on social media! 10:7-8, Matt. We can loose spirits of God into our life or the lives of others, using the name of Jesus: In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind every spirit that is not the spirit of God. 19. But when a stronger than he shall come upon him and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armor (complete armor = shield, sword, lance, helmet, greaves, breastplate, wherein he trusteth and divideth his spoils. Matthew 16:19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven., There are so many people that are still walking around searching for the keys of the kingdom of heaven when God already gave it to us in this scripture. Understanding Let the demonic anointing of the vicious cycle decrease until it is dried up. Determine that every thought, word and action will reflect the very nature of Christ. Freedom After that, we can loose, or call forth Gods plans for restoration. Please subscribe here. Welcome everyone on the prayer line and those that will join us on the website. Pray for They will not be able to operate in any aspect of my life or have any influence over it, in Your Holy Name and according to your word Amen. Spirit of grace and supplication (Zech 12:10) I ask you to have them free my soul from bondage by whatever means is required. We ask You to send the gifts of THE HOLY SPIRIT to minister to the needs of the people and accomplish what you want done. Yes, it is so subtle but so true. Excellence NOTE: REMEMBER TO INCLUDE ALL THE NAMES OF THOSE THAT OFFENDED YOU, MASS DELIVERANCE SESSION: WIN WORLEY (SEE TAB/PRAYERS IN DELIVERANCE PREP. God of jobs at one time when I put my job first, family second and God last. 3:;13 that you redeemed us from the curse of the law of sin and death, you blotted out all the ordinances that were written against us, and your blood cleanses me now from all of my sins even as I now forgive others who have wronged me or harmed me both the living and the dead. IF THIS HAPPENS, THEN THEY HAVE A LEGAL RIGHT BEFORE GOD TO REMAIN. 3. In the name of Jesus Christ, by the power of His blood, I break off every power of the kingdom of darkness and cancel every argument in heaven that has established itself against the plans of God in my life and spoil every attack of the enemy. * Jesus is our Lord and Master and we operate in His authority, COME OUT. I am covered and protected by the blood of Jesus Christ. * Come out by fire, out of the mouth and all openings. 10. Job. The strongman controls the movement of demons related to the stronghold. * WHEN I CALL YOUR NAME, YOU MUST COME OUT IN THE NAME OF JESUS AND BY THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF THE LAMB. 12. For those with Roman Catholic connection: bind spiritual death, mind bondage, harlotry, brain washing, Babylon, false doctrine, religious deception, spiritual darkness, sorcery, quenching the spirit Matt. Father, I thank you for sending your Son Jesus to die for me, and resurrecting him to sit at your right hand in Heaven right now. Satan, I command you in the name of the Lord Jesus, to go You dont have an option. 51:20, Ps. WebBinding And Loosing Prayer Win Worley is open in our digital library an online access to it is set as public hence you can download it instantly. The authority has been given to the believer in Christ Jesus to bind and loose. ALMIGHTY GOD, I ask you to send angels to gather and restore my soul to its rightful place in me. _____________ Come forth, I shall live and not die and declare the oracles of God, in the name of Jesus. John Chapter 10:10 tells us that the enemy has come to do three things; to steal, to kill and destroy. Ux)i "#. I BREAK ALL CURSES SPOKEN BY ISLAMIC MULLAHS, OVER MYSELF AND MY FAMILY THAT COULD CAUSE ME/US TO BE INFIDELS, NEVER BEING ABLE TO PROVIDE FOR MY OWN HOUSEHOLD IN JESUS NAME. Leaving spiritual leadership up to Earline about how to raise children. That is, the demon spirits who are defending him under his control. NOTE: Some timely advice when doing deliverance. Jer. * I cut all evil connection to this body by every spirit of bitterness, you all must go. 16. However, after accepting Christ, they learned very quickly that their Christian walk would not be a bed of roses as they were up against a formidable enemy and were being taught very little in how to overcome Satan's wiles. God bless you with perfect peace as your mind is stayed on Christ. The person being ministered to must do their part also. (Advise Keep Handy), Bind all strongholds (Spirits of Distraction, Oppression, Block Receiving Word, Spirit of Offence, Spirits of Suspicion, Discouragement, etc.). BREAK MASONIC CURSES IF APPLICABLE (SEE SUDDUTH MANUAL). 27:1-2 and with the confidence that Gods mighty hands and His legions of angels are at work on my behalf and every soul on this prayer line seen in Jer. 15. He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain. please pray for me, I am alone in this world and have single for too long and Im tired of it, please pray for me and a spouse. Matt. Go to the stronghold you are dealing with, have them renounce the stronghold you are working on and its manifestations and fruits (listed). I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ: Lord, Master and Savior. I now ask you to forgive them and bless them with salvation. Sickle cell pain no more, cancers nomore, healthy minds and bodies. Schizo, Damnable Seed, a commanding ruler: Double Mindedness; (Mental Illness), (Rejection). Job. * Father, fill up every vacant spot left with you holy presence as the demons exit I pray. I break their power and command them to leave me now in the mighty name of Jesus. Father, I ask you to restore all the fragments of my soul to their proper position as they were before Adam and Eve sinned, in the name of Jesus. Jezebel: If you have cast out the previous demons, cast out Jezebel now. We are going to list several scriptures that have to do with powerful weapons that the Lord has instructed us to apply as we do battle against the forces of darkness. This statement is basically very practical advice on the spiritual mechanics of major deliverance ministries. I loose my finances from every spirit of poverty, debt, and lack. THEN YOU PROCEED TO CAST THEM OUT. Matthew 12:29: Or else how can one enter a strongmans house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strongman? We bind Satan in the name of Jesus. REPEAT. * YOU MUST LEAVE THE PEOPLE; YOU DONT HAVE AN OPTION. * Lord your word says in Matt. Until we realize this we will not win. 11:32. 61:7) in Jesus Holy name (Ps 118:25; Ps 35:27; Isa 61:9).I am making a demand and instructing my seed as well as commanding The Blessing that belongs to me to come forth now, you have no choice but to come to me now. *Note that evil spirits often have specific functions and names. Learn to ask forgiveness when you sin. Jesus is telling us in the above passage, that we cannot enter a strongmans house to reclaim your goods before you first bind up the strongman rendering him incapable of resisting your commands. 45:11. Copyright 2023 Healing And Deliverance Ministries. * Ill have you know, we have on the whole armor of God and are covered with the blood of Jesus from head to toe. 21. 6:16-18), the anointing, forgiveness, praying in the spirit, tithing, offerings, love, the fruit of the spirit, marching/walking/stomping/dancing/clapping/silence/shouting (Dr. Cindy Trimm). 2. * I send the Holy Ghost fire to burn you up a thousand times hotter than hell. comments l have recorded some of them in my diary. I declare them to be all my enemies, I want them out of my life completely and I call on you Lord, in Jesus name to set me free in the name of Jesus Christ., I now close the door to all OCCULT practices and command all connected spirits to leave me now in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. CURSE OF AHAB AND JEZEBEL NOTE: If unable to keep pace with the prayer, be in agreement as I pray force the demons out by coughing (keep mouth open-keep pail, bucket or plastic bag at hand). First we bind the plans of evil in the situation we are facing in the name of Jesus Christ. You will not prevent anyone on this prayer line from getting their freedom from your evil fellow agent of rebellion. 17 For if by one mans offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace. WebThrough prayer we are to exercise the authority given to us, I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in Heaven; 3. Spirit of Elijah (II Kings 2:15) Here are some other prayers and bible verses: The Psalm 91 Prayer for a Hedge of Protection, Bible Verses to Pray for Protection and Against Fear. Until then, God bless you and remember you have the power and authority to do this because it was given to you by Jesus himself. Lord, flood us with your love so that we can be confident and fearless, for perfect love casteth out all fear. * I LOOSE BURNING JUDGMENT AND DESTRUCTION UPON YOU ALL, COME OUT BY FIRE. What keeps a person from accepting Jesus? This condition can wreak havoc in a persons life. REFER TO LESSONS #6, 7, 8 OR UNDER THE PRAYER TAB FOR A FULL BREAKDOWN OF THE CURSES, SPIRITS AND PRAYERS. WHEN ADDRESSING THE GROUP OF SPIRITS, YOU ARE DEALING WITH. Faithfulness James 4:7 AMP And I will give unto thee the keys of the Declare that you have on the whole armor of God (Eph. its easy 16:18-19 [18] And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Spirit of prophecy (Rev 19:10) Fairness Honesty Lust, Fantasy Lust, Perverseness, Jealousy, Paranoia, Self-pity, Depression, Suicide, Guilt, Pride, Vanity, Loneliness, Fears, Attention Seeking, Inferiority, Harlotry, Rejection, Unfairness. Amen. 54:17), therefore, I overrule and overthrow the plans of trouble makers, scoffers, persecutors, character assassins, all ill-spoken words, ill wishes, enchantments, divinations, spells, hexes, curses, witchcraft prayers, soulish prayers, every tormenting spirit sent by a witch, warlock, sorcerer, spiritualist or person from the dark side (Deut.

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