Bipolar disorder, Roger is always trying to be the centre of attention, regardless if the attention is good or bad. B) C. Develops from encountering obstacles on the road to personal growth b. less emphasis on the remote past This suggests that Jack has developed ___. D. Psychodynamic She cannot really identify why she feels this way, and she finds it nearly impossible to relax. C. Compulsions; obsessions They need to sleep near their attachment figures. S- Suicidal thoughts c. is largely unlearned, but can be brought under the influence of the environment B. Dissociative identity disorder Are a conscious cry for attention Jack experiences panic attacks in his office and in the park where he goes jogging. A. Agoraphobia C) c. Frank, a 50-year-old male B. C. Bodily sensations She takes the help of her friend to search her apartment but she does not find any video cameras. which of the following is a difference between transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), which are used for treating psychological disorders? After being diagnosed with major depression, Tracy finds herself struggling to manage the disorder. D. Difficulty committing to decisions C. Long strings of disconnected words e. antidepressant, compared to traditional psychoanalysis, modern psychoanalysis includes all of the following EXCEPT: These 14 accounts are from the Adjusted Trial Balance columns of a company's 10-column work sheet. A) B. Social anxiety disorder The investigators measured life events experienced by the participants at different ages. In which mood disturbances are the primary symptom E. irresponsible behavior, The cognitive model of panic disorder focuses on misinterpretations of: E. la belle indifference, Which anxiety disorder has the lightest lifetime prevalence in the population? e. minor changes in bodily sensations, Regarding genetic factors in schizophrenia, which of the following statements is false? Whenever Dan, who is well-off, helpful and good-natured, enters a shop, he is overpowered by an irresistible urge to steal something, be it just a cent's worth eraser. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): have thoughts that they cannot dismiss, especially negative thoughts that most people can disregard. Work with our consultant to learn what to alter. Which of the following was a problem with the dopamine hypothesis? Severely traumatic incident a. defense mechanism in which unacceptable thoughts are pushed into the unconscious b. a mild depression c. repetitive acts d. an involuntary, persistent idea, emotion, or urge e. delusions of persecution a. defense mechanism in which unacceptable thoughts are pushed into the unconscious Fear of leaving one's home is a. acrophobia b. agoraphobia Which of the following is an ability that Penny most likely lacks? C. Low levels of dopamine production a. activating event D. Researchers have found that women and men tend to cope with depression differently, with men more likely to ruminate His thoughts begin to race and he imagines himself to be the messiah. C. Nate, who has developed a drug abuse problem that is affecting his health Which of the following is a behavioral therapy technique, often used for phobias, in which a therapist pairs relaxation with gradual exposure to a phobia object, generating a hierarchy of increasing contact with the feared object? Mental disorder A. Avoid anxiety-invoking situations D. Neurotransmitter D. A loss of memory with no identifiable physical cause C. Social deviance A. Panic attacks can last more than an hour They acquire items even though they may not have space for it D. Lifelong course; in late adolescence or early adulthood C. Chronic but not lifelong course; in late adolescence or early adulthood It is likely that Ted shows abnormal functioning in which part of his brain? B. 2. Although her friend is convinced that no one is spying on Tiana, Tiana feels that the spies must have known they were going to search the house. Chapter 22 Flashcards | Quizlet E. Erik Erickson and Carl Jung, Regarding panic disorder, which of the following statements is false? B. B. A. Abnormal Psychology Ch.5 - 8 Flashcards | Quizlet To be diagnosed, PTSD symptoms must arise directly after the traumatic event E. misplaced blame, Fannie goes to a humanist therapist. Which of the following individuals is most likely to be classified as a patient with schizophrenia showing negative symptoms? D) D. Patterns of agitated, purposeless motion C. Wealthy people rarely suffer psychological disorders Which of the following disorders is Sonya most likely affected by? Highest among family members B. Dissociative identity disorder c. somatic symptom disorders According to the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R), in any given year, what percent of adults suffer from at least one type of anxiety disorder?, 6.1.2. A. To study depression, Avshalom Caspi and colleagues followed a group of nearly 1,000 people from age 3 until age 26. Antisocial personality disorder Gen psych chapter 13 - A. Diatheses; delusions A. Dissociative amnesia Agoraphobia (ag-uh-ruh-FOE-be-uh) is a type of anxiety disorder. b. biochemical changes in the brain W- Worthlessness An intense anxiety about being in places from which escape might be difficult. B. Maladaptive behavior B. D. Schizophrenia is best described as a type of _____ disorder. B. In the blank space beside each account, write the letter C to which a normal account balance is extended on the work sheet. Only a minority of people found it effective in managing their symptoms. suffer from psychotic disorders, Studies show highly creative people are more likely, people with autism or asperger's being extremely gifted in one domain, disorders involving gross distortions of thoughts and perceptions by loss of contact with reality, 5 major symptoms of schizo (positive and negative), 1. Psych disorders Flashcards | Quizlet Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies ruminative coping? A) Coltraines fears are characteristic of: B. C. Free-floating D. Unconscious aggressive desires a 70-year-old female Psychotic behavior E) Separation Anxiety Disorder. c. to become aware of his true feelings, fix his self-image, and come to accept himself the way he is Biological predispositions plus stress or abusive environments together produce psychological disorders. Persistent anxiety without a specific focus guilt For the past few months, Melanie was feeling so sad that she could not leave her bed most mornings. E. about 16.5 percent of U.S. adults develop major depression at some point in their lives, Exaggerating the importance of negative events or personal flaws describes which type of cognitive distortion? They develop physical complaints such as headaches, stomaches, or nausea. Fear of being in places from which escape might be difficult. A. Hallucinations D. Serotonin and acetylcholine C. Auditory B. Manic-depressive disorder Those experiencing PTSD may have recurring and intrusive, distressing recollections of the event Biological predispositions plus stress or abusive environments together produce psychological disorders. C. Obsessive-compulsive disorder A person who has extreme difficulty maintaining relationships e. agoraphobia, Which of the following biological factors is most likely to be considered in the cognitive explanation of anxiety disorders? b. D) A. A distorted self-image increasing the availability of serotonin in the brain. A) It represents a form of attention-seeking role playing Rocko is the class clown and is unable to sit through class without drawing attention to himself. _____6. Garrett is taking a phenothiazine. Unearned Revenue What will be the goal of Garths therapy? E. kinesthetic, Major support for the sociocultural model of abnormal behavior is provided by evidence that: He thinks he is indispensable, often makes unreasonable demands, and he ignores the needs or wishes of others. b. phobias a. Schizophrenia occurs somewhat more frequently in other cultures that in the U.S., and its symptoms are similar across cultures A. C. Schizophrenia Hormones Bipolar disorder can be best described as a. experiencing hallucinations and hearing voices. C. Most people feel anxious or depressed from time to tome A. D. Grandiosity Multiple Choice -17 an intense anxiety of being evaluated negatively by others fear of interacting with strangers fear of being in places from which escape might be difficult an intense anxiety and fear of being out in public Previous question Next question As a result, he fails to hold a regular job and is seldom productive. C. If someone threatens suicide, it is best to ignore it so as not to encourage repeated threats D. African Americans and Hispanic Americans E. disturbance of mood, perception, or behavior, All but which of the following people have a specific phobia? A. Dissociative disorders can involve amnesia Obsessed with his physique, he often goes on bizarre diets to keep up his physical appearance. A. Perceptions that occur without appropriate external stimuli She has difficulty getting out of bed to face the day and has lost interest in formerly pleasurable activities. E. epinephrine and dopamine, In a manic episode of bipolar disorder, a person might be characterized by all but which of the following? D. 5 to 8% Claire suffers from dissociative identity disorder and exhibits traits of schizophrenia as well. Which of the following is not a symptom of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)? c. claustrophobia D. Functional neurological symptom disorder Which of the following best describes the diathesis-stress view? 2; minor and major tranquilizers This description sounds like a case of: _____5. If someone looks at her "strangely," she becomes very anxious. A. Anxiety His brain shows an enlargement in the fluid-filled spaces. Cynthia is a schizophrenic who shows almost all of the symptoms related to the disorder. d. consequence B. C. Internal, global, and unstable 4% E. conversions; diatheses, The disorder that most resembles common notions of insanity, madness, or lunacy is: Psychotic disorder; thought disorder -Some ventricles (fluid-filled spaces in brain) are larger in schizophrenics than in normals, producing abnormalities in cerebral cortex, theory that certain mental disorders (such as schizophrenia) develop when people with a genetic or acquired vulnerability are exposed to high levels of stress, try to help clients view psychological problems as learned behaviors that can be changed, If past learning experiences can produce problems, method for reducing intense anxiety in which the client visualizes a graduated series of anxiety provoking stimuli while maintaining a state of relaxation, immediately exposing a fearful client to the most distressing item on the desensitization hierarchy, the client watches others perform the desired behavior, setting up rules that specify the behaviors to be strengthened through reinforcement, systems of reinforcing desirable behaviors with tokens that are later exchanged for desired rewards, learning to associate physical or psychological discomfort with behavior, thoughts, or situations the client wishes to stop, helping clients change the way they think as well as how they behave, 6 major categories of drugs used to treat mood and anxiety disorders, monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and lithium, (SSRIs)- drugs prescribed primarily for depression and some anxiety disorders that work by making more serotonin available in the synapse, a class of anxiety reducing drugs that can be addictive, but are less dangerous than barbiturates which carry a risk of overdose, a salt that is prescribed for its ability to stabilize the mania associated with bipolar disorder, Phenothiazines, Tardive dyskinesia, Traditional antipsychotics, Atypical antipsychotics, drugs used to treat schizophrenia; help diminish hallucinations, confusion, agitation, and paranoia but also have adverse side effects, repetitive, involuntary movements of jaw, tongue, face, and mouth and body tremors resulting from the extended use of traditional anti-depressant drugs, historically, the first medications used to manage psychotic symptoms, newer antipsychotic drugs, which do not create tardive dyskinesia, Electroconvulsive therapy, Deep brain stimulation, ECT)- treatment of last resort for severe depression that involves passing an electrical current through a person's brain in order to induce a seizure, Helen Mayberg studies area 25 in brain, connected with thinking areas of prefrontal cortex and limbic structures involved in emotion- overactive area 25 could lead to negative thinking and depression B. Extreme suspiciousness or mistrust of others E. a loss of a physical function that defies explanation, Which model of abnormal behavior is the most comprehensive? They focus on helping him develop a nonjudgemental attitude toward himself. D. Generalized anxiety disorder D. Panic disorder A. Diatheses are generally genetic in nature, although they may also involve psychological factors A) Obsessive-compulsive Disorder. ___ disorder is a major psychological disorder characterized by motor tension, hyperactivity, and apprehensive expectation or thoughts. A. Dissociative identity disorder D. Different eye colors Dopamine and norepinephrine _____2. B. The one determining feature of abnormal behavior is unusualness C. Behavioral model d. heightened activity in certain regions of the brain D. Multiple personality disorder c. mental disorders or mental illnesses E. 7 to 10%, Perhaps the earliest idea regarding abnormal behavior was that: IN- Insomnia or excessive sleeping B. A. Schizophrenia Caleb is likely to be treated with which type of drug? A, a loss of memory due to head trauma The sensation lasts for several minutes, and he often believes he is "going crazy". C. Dissociative identity disorder This describes a form of: C. Illness anxiety disorder D. Involves distorted cognitions as well as learning influences C. The role of stressful life experiences in creating a diathesis B. A. Derealization disorder 8. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. A. Dangerousness C. La belle indifference B. Somatic symptom disorder B. A. Jonathan, who is hearing voices A. Familial environment characterized by neglect and harsh punishment A. Aaron Beck b. fear is a general feeling of anxiety or dread that is not specific to particular situations a. personality disorders His psychiatrist is most likely to prescribe ___ to treat his condition. b. e. humanistic, Regarding cross-cultural differences in schizophrenia, which of the following statements is true? d. Betty, a 50-year-old female _____8. Men and women are equally likely to be affected Morality He also is very fearful of dating. She is likely to describe abnormal behavior in terms of: C. Biopsychosocial D. Conversion disorder A. C. Psychodynamic b. Schizophrenia occurs somewhat more frequently in other cultures than in the U.S., and particular symptoms vary from culture to culture Hence, they must have moved the video cameras before her search. B. Olfactory She goes to school, water polo practice, and completes her homework like usual, though she constantly has these thoughts on her mind. Tendency toward mood swings and stormy relationships with others A. C. Pattern of avoiding social relationships out of fear of rejection C. Distorted thinking Cash He tends to miss a lot of school as a result of physical ailments, likely due to his dieting. B. He says he can hear his neighbors talking in his head, conspiring to kill him. E. some behaviors may be abnormal in the majority cultures but normal in the minority culture, Therapist Charlotte Manley is a behaviorist. e. Jake, an 18-year-old male, As described in the text, behavioral models of abnormality assume that abnormal behavior: a. psychological oddities e. is largely the result of genetics, but can be influenced by learning, Garth goes to a psychodynamic therapist for treatment of his anxiety. D. Usualness A. Tiana strongly believes that she is being spied upon. B. Edwinas therapist believes her symptoms best represent: A. ___ is defined as the speech of people with schizophrenia, which may follow grammatical rules but be nonsensical in terms of content. The inability of young children to acquire phobias D. Irving, who hears voices He is unable to keep his emotions in check, and arguments heat up quickly such that Gary often attempts to harm himself. Emotions that switch quickly between depressive and manic B. c. the closer the genetic relationship a person shares with a schizophrenic individual, the greater the likelihood that the person will have or develop schizophrenia E. generalized anxiety disorder, Schizophrenia is best described as a type of ______ disorder. e. dissociative disorders, The irrational or excessive fear of enclosed spaces is called: c. intense surges of fear and anxiety that peak within a few minutes. Which of these is not one of those major symptoms? A. D. Carl Rogers Which of the following is an example of a traditional antipsychotic drug? E. acrophobia; agoraphobia, Ella finds herself extremely frightened whenever she sees a snake. C. Adolescents who have a friend who attempted suicide are less likely yo attempt suicide themselves Visual Thought disorder; psychotic disorder E. prenatal, A breakdown in the logical structure of thinking and speech, revealed in the form of a loosening of associations, best describes which psychological disorder? Hysteria C. Waxy flexibility B. C) B. Misfortune telling Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Amos, who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, has negative symptoms. d. excessive stimulation and constant excitement C) Eva is most likely suffering from ___. A. E. negative symptoms; positive symptoms, Reduction of anxiety that occurs when feared objects are avoided is the basis of which explanation of phobic avoidance? C. Conversion symptoms provide secondary gain E. humanistic, Felicia reports that she is hearing voices that continually demean and belittle her. C) D. Abnormal behavior patterns may be expressed differently in different cultures Physical; depression Synesthesia. B. Lambic system and hypothalamus C. The role of classical conditioning in the development of phobias C. Somatic symptoms and related disorders A Caucasian-American male Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder in which you fear and avoid public places or situations where you might feel panicked, trapped, helpless or embarrassed. B. Amygdaloid Schizophrenia results from an express of dopamine in the brain. C. A matter of how people interpret events A. C. Dopamine A. Dangerousness B. Stanley, who battles depression B. B. This fact is an example of which way that culture influences ideas about abnormality? In this case, it is likely that Laine would be classified as having: a. generalized anxiety disorder b. obsessive-compulsive disorder c. schizophrenia d. a phobic disorder D. a phobic disorder B. Obsessive-compulsive disorder D) Panic attacks represent a syndrome that can occur with . _____7. A. Humanistic Compulsions are. B. B. Phobias On other days, he feels very depressed, inactive, and does not even get up from his bed. D. Schizophrenia Now his room is usually clean. b. antipsychotic D. Generalized anxiety disorder Multiple personality disorder D. Involving extreme anxiety e. heredity plays an important role in schizophrenia, but biological and environmental factors also play important roles, Regarding anxiety disorders, which of the following statements is false? In a recent study, researchers used light to stimulate neurons in the orbitofrontal region of the brain in mice and were able to decrease compulsive behaviors. His suspecting behavior costs him his relationship. c. anxiety disorders are some of the most commonly experienced psychological disorders a. repeated, unwanted thoughts, urges, or images. E. corpus callosum, In schizophrenia, behavioral excesses are to ______ as behavioral deficits are to ______. She tells Sonya's physician that there has been a marked change in Sonya's eating behavior. People who had inherited two short forms of the serotonin gene were more likely to exhibit depressive symptoms following stressful life events than were those who had inherited the long form. E. self-actualization, Take occasionally finds himself in a state of sheer terror. Owner, Capital They have difficulty parting with possessions because of their deep intrinsic value Represents the defense mechanism of displacement Internal, global, and stable Which of the following is least likely to be characteristic of a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)? Based on this description, he is probably suffering from: B) A. Hippocampus B. Dissociative disorders include cases of people with "multiple personalities" E. Meghan, who is afraid of flying in airplanes, Pablo has an intense fear of giving oral presentations in class. Personality disorders E. whether a person having a diathesis develops a particular disorder is primarily dependent on his or her cluster of personality traits, Edwina is constantly worried. d. major depressive Which of the following observations indicates that the child stands at a higher risk of developing psychotic disorders? Mental illness Intelligent people are more likely to suffer from severe forms of abnormality In ___ therapies, therapists apply the principles of classical and operant conditioning to treat psychological disorders. D. Are produced voluntarily to obtain sympathy In the context of personality disorders, Gary's behavior indicates that he is suffering from ___. E. severe disorders such as schizophrenia and depression are more prevalent in wealthy, industrialized nations, Regarding gender and suicide, which of the following statements is true? E. irrational and distorted thinking patterns, Angelique has not left her house for two years, she is completely terrified of going out. B. Melatonin E. a breakdown in the logical structure of thinking and speech, Perceptions are to ______ as beliefs are to ______. When assessing a client with partial-thickness burns over 60% of the body, which finding should the nurse report immediately? E. people who attempt suicide and fail arent serious about killing themselves, The sociocultural model explains abnormal behavior in terms of: D. More men attempt suicide, but more women complete the suicide act He has insomnia and fatigue, feels guilty, has thoughts he would be better off dead, and has thought about how he could die without anyone knowing it was a suicide. Psychopathology Midterm Flashcards | Quizlet During a therapy session, Ron starts to talk about his fears and expresses his intense, unconscious emotions. Identify Xavier's condition that resulted in the breakup. a) A client with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) tells the nurse, "Sometimes I feel so frustrated. B) They become so anxious that they withdraw from their parents. B. Sociocultural B. Highly resistant to change C. The tendency for people with depression to have maladaptive attributions style Laine is so afraid of airplanes and flying that he even experiences extreme anxiety when he watches a plane in a movie take off or land. B. Compulsive Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A mental illness that affects or is manifested in a person's brain and can affect the way the individual thinks, behaves, and interacts with others is known by the the American Psychiatric Association as _____., Rick has been distressed over a long period of time. Psychological disorders appear with equal frequency in all cultures studied D. Depression who among the following broke new ground by discovering dopamine and its functions? The tendency for people with functional neurological symptom disorder to be unconcerned about their symptoms E. irregular brain wave patterns, Persistent anxiety that is not tied to any particular object or situation is called: E. emotional distress, Twin and adoptee studies provide strong evidence for a ______ factor involved in anxiety disorders. A. Joe, who is afraid of spiders This content does not have an Arabic version. C. Highest among dizygotic twins C. Somewhat easy to change A. Perceptions that occur without appropriate external stimuli C. An African-American male Jason, who has borderline personality disorder, is undergoing treatment that combines cognitive-behavioral therapy with mindfulness training. Obsessive compulsive disorder requires a compulsion to receive a clinical diagnosis. E. Bizarre behavior, Tatiana is a schizophrenia patient with delusional thinking. This means Jurgen experiences: B. Jealousy Some compulsions seem to be related to specific obsessions. E. faulty perceptions or interpretations of reality, Which theorist is associated with the study of learned helplessness? D. The tendency for people with bipolar disorder to swing dramatically from one end of the mood spectrum to the other

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