We beg for a label. OTOH, my deadlift is mediocre and I have had several setbacks through injury. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You see my wrists? The extra bodyweight helps tremendously. Strength athletes, bodybuilders and other sports figures doing whatever it takes to win relied on the drugs. Uber die Umwandlung des Dehydroandrosterons in Androstenol-(17)-one-(3) (Testosterone); um Weg zur Darstellung des Testosterons auf Cholesterin (Vorlauf Mitteilung). Officially, his personal best was 608.87 pounds. The International Powerlifting Federation 's (IPF) recognition by the International Olympic Committee as the official governing body, as well its longevity has resulted in their championships being deemed the official world championships, and the results of these are shown below. Peace ~ Bear : The last one he did on August 23rd, 1981 in Anaheim, California. I found that using 20 and even as many as 50 rep squat sets (with as much poundage as possible) maintains quad mass but also has a mid-range cardiovascular effect which contributes to overall health and fitness, which is especially important as a guy ages past age forty-five. Gallagher TF, Koch FC (November 1929). I am counting calories, weighting myself daily, taking photos, hitting gym 4 times per week. 2022 USA POWERLIFTINGLioness Arise. He also held the American record at 220 pounds with a 580-pound bench and has done over 500 pounds at 198. He even stated that most of his success came from his stretch training philosophy, long period of training, good food and medication. I see some guys that can afford very wide grip. Some key words. Well, I guess I will not get much more bigger naturally, like ever. Mike made me a believer when I saw him in bench press action: he blasted 490 pounds to lockout weighing 175. The brain of the modern natural bodybuilder is overstimulated by never-ending information. What is your opinion on Paul Anderson was he using anything to achieve his lifts? 1.5 times your bodyweight seem like an adequate number. I spent the last several years building MyStrengthBook from scratch and enjoy the practicing and learning about building customer focused products. A barrel-chested upper body and tree trunks for thighs were connected by a compact waist. Lets be honest we only really care about numbers as naturals cause deep down inside we still hold onto the hope that by getting our lifts from 100kg 120kg we are going to look it. Ruzicka L, Wettstein A (1935). Not breathing squats (for those familiar with that deliberately-lighter-poundages variation), but 20-rep squats with heavy and gradually heavier poundages. This strength and power tradecraft came from master lifters whose only allegiance was to progress. Mike McDonald was a bench press freak of nature. We really appreciate it! Obviously, steroids were already widely available at the time. As he added bodyweight, world records fell in whatever of four weight classes he chose to reside in. Have you ever seen an animal that allows itself to love itself only after reaching a certain degree of self-improvement? Mike said that rapid progress in developing muscle strength at the expense of tendon strength is a serious mistake. "Mike MacDonald is unequivocally the greatest bench presser who ever walked the face of the Earth," Judd Biasiotto wrote in "Powerlifting USA." I am sorry, but this is the only way for the average human. I lived, breathed, slept, and ate the deadlift to get to that point. In many regards, thats precisely where he stayed. In Iron Man Magazine (early 70s) Mike cites that a mistake many new beginners The suggestion came from Bill Kazmaier.It should help building up thestabilizermuscle and make the descentmore controllable. Among those experiments were 20-rep squat sets. MacDonald was 5-foot-9 tops and, if ever there were an hourglass figure, it belonged to him. He considers himself puny now but he still hits a double bicep with 16 and impresses my kids. You are constantly forcing yourself and overcoming inner voices. Got Questions? I think a lot of it is not the steroids. Soon the floor press transformed into the belly bench because many lifters started to implement the so-called belly toss technique a method relying on a glute bridge to get the weight up. Had he stayed a full 242# all of the time he would have likely hit at least 635#-650# officially as a 242#er.he also had dreams of getting the 275# WR in the bench press as at the time it was only 605#-608# by bench legend Dr. Tom Hardman who eventually officially did 614# in 1982! Even though most would say this makes me a cold person, its the world that made me and all people like me this way, we had to become this to succeed. These ultra-basic strength strategies serve as the foundation for the strength strategies he champions and represents to this day. Concerning the Metabolism of Testosterone to Androsterone. I can only front squat 60kg (55) and deadlift 90kg for 5 reps. We both 61. David KG, Dingemanse E, Freud JL (May 1935). Mike now brings his expertise John Kuc one of the best powerlifters of all time and a training partner of Jim Williams is open about his steroid use. Can I replace it with the close grip bench press? Learn the psychology of the transformative process. Mike was a big believer in pre-stretch. His favorite exercise for increasing his barbell single rep maximum was dumbbell bench presses. @TruthSeeker: Can you please myth-bust or confirm Warrior diets? In this article I will present you Mike MacDonalds Training Secrets. A . I have no problem planking for long times (idiotic exercise but some buddies of mine insist we do it because they feel like it will help them tightening their gut so I play along, just to annoy them). No more mass. For instance, Ric Drasin whose debut was in 1965 is openly talking about all the drugs that he and his friends used to take. Here he weighs 200 and is shown with his cambered "MacDonald Bar." Mike loved dumbbell bench pressing but dumbbells past 150 were rare and awkward. Xiong. Paavo Nurmi, 1921, recomending one prohormone called rejuvetin. The next truly enormous bench goes to Ted Arcidi who lifted 666.9lb (303kg) without wrist wraps on April 1, 1984 in Honolulu while weighing significantly less than his predecessors 286lbs/130kg at 511/181cm. The cambered bar allowed and enabled pec and shoulder pre-stretch. They are minor PBs though, a few kgs here and there but I am still pretty pleased though. total weight. This will help you to avoid injuries. I think thruthseeker is on the money in terms of what can be expected naturally if you train and eat correctly. During the early 40s, Russell Earl Marker, an American chemistry professor, discovered that the raw materials required for testosterone synthesis could be derived from the plant diosgenin. I love nattyornot cause it will slap you in the face with the truth and nothing but the truth ! Thanks for keeping at it. I was told this by the professors at the University of British Columbia. Our proven products provide our customers with possibilities not available with other inverters. Next year, in the Melbourne Olympics, Anderson won a 90+ kg weight division, weightlifting gold medal. Train the internal plumbing In 2021, with the 40th Anniversary of the organization Cardiovascular Training Use dumbbells the way Mike McDonald used them before he got too strong. I then joined the army and played lots of rugby with a maintenance type routine for 10 years to keep my strength at that level. So he went to the sauna, but must have stayed inside too long. We cant answer that question with certainty, but it is worth mentioning that steroids were a part of the wrestlers regimen in the 60s. Good part of the book is written on asumptions and not real data, evidence and science Because this helped him to stretch the chest and blast off the weight. I think the truth is much more appealing than the fake shit the closet pinners try to sell. I have been able to get away with a very wide bench press grip for years. MacDonald once held every bench press world record from the 181-pound class all the way up to 242 pounds. Macdonald joined the U-M coaching staff after seven seasons with the NFL's Baltimore Ravens. In this article I will present you Mike MacDonalds Training Secrets. Also, its clear he never really got ultra lean, which made it able for him to hold onto his muscle mass. MacDonald was an avid fisherman, but never could bring himself to hunt. It seems the more you dont care about people or what they think the more they try to get your attention. I was an Inmate at the Correctional Reception Center in Orient, Hello Brian, How is Henry doing? Upon returning from war, MacDonald went back to dominating on the bench. In theory, a very gifted natural may get close, but I wouldnt hold my breath for the average population. I am a lifetime natural bodybuilder/powerlifter and have been training since 11 years of age (turning 43 tomorrow) I have competed in nabba, nabba wff, inba and nzfbb in New Zealand and had success in all of these federations in the classic, athletic and physique class categories (I weighed around 61-65 kg at a height of 5ft 5- 165cm). The next bench press record is under the name of Pat Casey who presses 615.5 lb (279.7 kg) on March 25, 1967 to become the first man benching 600lbs officially. Condolences go out to his family and many friends. Mental Psyche Eventually, you realize that you cant change the world and give up for better or worse. It is the best proof yet furnished of the value of the discovery.. If you want to learn more about our training philosophy check out our Progressive Resistance Resource Page. To paraphrase the authorSo how much can a natty bench(? Its very hard anyway to find more profound people who appreciate real values And if you are doing all of that to set records while competing against others who are doing the same but also roiding their brains out, the option to remain a full-blown natty brah is simply not on the table. In my forty-five years of PED-free bodybuilding (with below-average maximum-muscle-mass potential), Ive used various squat routines for long periods of time (at least twelve months at a time; and, by the way, if hypertrophy is the goal, squats arent the only productive compound leg presses produce as much hypertrophy as squats for most guys). doi:10.1002/hlca.193501801176. Therefore, the new highs have been the result of two factors increased popularity of the bench press (larger pool of lifters) and anabolic steroids. Im reading this article and thinking to myself How the fuck this guy knows what a cat is thinking? I then tried again to get some PBs at around 34 and got back to the same levels again. Others are doing it because they tend to eat too much otherwise. now add to that the fact that, if the bencher relaxes and pauses, the bells will stretch upper and lower pecs and all three deltoid heads. Pacifico won against another American, Mel Hennessey, at 110 kg, both with enormous benches of 260 kg and 255 kg. Make light weights heavy, use dumbbells to bench and invoke McDonalds pre-stretch tactic. 900lbs? This fits right in with my experiencein my early 30s (Im 64 now) I maxed out my bench at 305 and weighed just under 200 pounds at 6 2. Powerlifters like it because it helps the bench by building "honest" upper body strength without leg drive and excessive arching. The reverse also held true. This at the Potomac open in 1979. He reportedly had tripled as much as 570# prior to the meet. Mike won the second most prestigious national powerlifting in 1977 when he won the Junior National Powerlifting Championships. The bench press is easily the most practiced lift in the gym, everyone that has lifted weights has bench pressed. The bar has a 2" camber, allowing the lifter to . Credit for that likely goes to all the pushups MacDonald had done while his three sisters sat on his back. Maybe a little, but never the way we want too. Mike McDonald was a bench press freak of nature. He then did paused repetitions. I doubt it. {source}. www.duluthnewstribune.com/sports/other/4392575-mike-macdonald-was-bench-presser-ages. Silent Mike is one of the most straightforward tells-it-like-he-sees-it people in strength sports. Keep up the good work truth seeker! MEET MIKE. Notice the wide grip and the thick chest two elements that make it possible to lift heavier barbells thanks to the shorter range of motion. Thats right. At the highest level, strength sports work like this either all of the top dogs are taking or none of them are. Butenandt A, Hanisch G (1935). Born in 1948, MacDonald didnt get into lifting weights seriously until he was 17 or 18. Its nutrition and rest and a good lifting cycle and a positive attitude and a good, well planned rep by rep lifting cycle. Why? The last one he did on August 23rd, 1981 in Anaheim, California. He did 2 sets of 3 reps with this bar. MacDonald was, as so often has been said, the world's greatest raw bench presser. About three years after Hackenschmidts record, his trainer Georg Lurich belly-benched 443lbs/201kg. The MariaDB Foundation is a global non-profit established to promote, protect, and advance the codebase, community, and ecosystem of the free and open source MariaDB database. I weigh 68kg and 1rm is 105kg! By: Ryan Mink. Truth Seeker, once again your TRUTH is well researched and enlightening. Check out the link for his beginner and advanced training protocols. Condolences go out to his family and many friends. Build functional muscle He operated a business in Duluth catering the lifting community and also run Macs Gym. If you really want to reach very high numbers as an average natural (high 300s and 400s), you will have to carry extra weight. It's expected to be one and done for Michigan defensive coordinator Mike Macdonald, who is working on a deal to return to the Baltimore Ravens as defensive coordinator. 100% true; we all have one lift that we own. I have good genetics, wide shoulders and I was always more muscular than my punny friends(too bad I am short :)). Assistance work: Keep same EZ curl bar routine and hammer curls except add weight if possible. Ultimately, it is hard to know with certainty whether Hepburn was a full-blown natty throughout his whole career. Those wrists, cartoonish as they may have been, were part of a powerful package that carried MacDonald, a 1966 graduate of Duluth Cathedral, to the pinnacle of his sport. If you need to bench X number to love yourself, you havent learned the lesson. Well, we all have an affinity with one of the compound moves. My best quadriceps hypertrophy gains occurred during my first three consecutive years of training while doing squat programs of three worksets of 5-9 reps ( 7 reps was my psychological favorite) twice in seven days. But that could happen only if you are unaware of your inherent value. I happened to stumble across a great article on Neckberg.comwhere they had resurrected an old Iron Man McDonald training article the old small format Mabel and Perry Iron Man was known for accuracy. Rob forget about numbers bra, just stay lean, and lift for yourself, granted when us 10 years + lifters have already reached our genetic potential all we have left are numbers and weights, but still some days I like to just lift for the sake of lifting. I thought I was just starting, because I want to get as big as these guys on Internet. He is passionate about helping . It took me 3 years to get there from 315 at BW of 165. We spend too much time worshiping the stars. Hence you go with the flow and not think too much about it. Q: Do you feel that drugs, and I am talking about STEROIDS, are necessary for promoting exceptional strength gains for a powerlifter? He was known for his pressing strength as well as squat. I resided virtually without human contact other than my family members and lover for 3 years but We look at their pictures, videos, social media accounts. Bench, EZ curl bar bench presses, narrow grip max weight. 0:00. Get the cold truth about the art & science of physical transformation from Marty Gallagher and his fascinating guests. Then the 220 pound class, 596. If you have a quality barbell, a platform, and some squat stands, 99% of your training needs will be covered. If you are looking for a quick way to gain muscle with it, look away. Because the gap in terms of strength and size between a natural and a non-natural is simply way too big. But when you put the filters and the online legends aside, you are left with a world far different from the Internet fairly tales. Stephens said thats because he couldnt kill anything. The drugs offer irreplaceable superhuman advantages that no natural method can match. You cannot have one without the other, for the fact that the human body has not changed over the last century as much as they want you to believe.

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