or "What's the pronunciation of " So, if you would like to hear audio of the biblical words pronounced, and you have know how to pronounce them, just click the links. hez'uh-KI -uh] * [ Hiddekel] * [ (aka Tigris) - Hid'dekel - Daniel 10:4 (h2313) - HID-uh-kel, HID-ih-kel] * [ Hierapolis - Hierap'olis - Colossians 4:13 (g2404) - hi 'uh-RAP-uh-lis, hi 'ih-RAP-uh-luhs] * [ hierarchy* - - w98 5/15 29 - HI -uh-rahr'kee, HI -rahr-] * [ hieratic* - - it "Writing" - hi 'uh-RAT-ik, hi -RAT-ik] * [ hieroglyph* - - g91 1/22 7 - HI -ruh-glif ] * [ hieroglyphic* - - it "Writing" - hi 'ruh-GLIF-ik] * [ Hieronymus* - - it "Versions (Latin 'Vulgate')" - hi (')-uh-RAH-nuh-muhs, hi -RON-uh-muhs] * [ Higgaion - Higga'ion - Psalm 9:16 (h1902) - hih-GAY-yon, hih-GAY-yuhn] * [ Hilkiah - Hilki'ah - Jeremiah 1:1 (h2518) - hil-KI -uh] * [ Hillel - Hil'lel - Judges 12:15 (h1985) - HIL-el] * [ Hinnom - Hin'nom - Joshua 15:8 (h2011) - HIN-uhm] * [ hippodrome* - - it "Jerusalem (Under Herod the Great)" - HIP-uh-drohm'] * [ Hippolytus* - - w97 3/1 10 - hih-POL-luh-tuhs] * [ historicity* - - it "Archaeology (Palestine and Syria)" - his'tuh-RIS-ih-tee (listen)] * [ Hittite - Hit'tite - Genesis 23:10 (h2850) - HIT-ti t, HIT-i t] * [ Hivite - Hi'vite - Genesis 10:17 (h2340) - HI -vi t] * [ hoary - ("gray" in NW) - Leviticus 19:32 AS, Da, DRB, KJ (h7872) - HOHR-ee, HAWR-ee] * [ Hobab - Ho'bab - Numbers 10:29 (h2246) - HOH-bab] * [ holocaust - ("burnt sacrifice" and "whole burnt offerings" in NW) - Job 42:8 DRB (h5930); Hebrews 10:6 DRB (g3646) - HOH-luh-kawst', HAH-, also -kahst' or HAW-luh-kawst] * [ homer - ho'mer - Leviticus 27:16 (h2563) - HOH-muhr] * [ homily*; homiletic* - - w98 5/15 30; g74 7/8 11 - HAH-muh-lee; hah'muh-LET-ik] * [ homologoumena*] * [ (distinguished from the antilegomena) - - - hoh'moh-loh-GOU-meh-nah, hoh'moh-luh-GOO-muh-nuh, -GYOO-] * [ hoopoe] * [ (hoopoes, houp, lapwing in some Bibles) - hoopoe, it hoo'poe - Leviticus 11:19 (h1744) - HOO-poo', HOO-poh'] * [ Hophni - Hoph'ni - 1 Samuel 1:3 (h2652) - HOF-ni] * [ Hophra] * [ (aka Apries) - Hoph'ra - Jeremiah 44:30 (h6548) - HOF-ruh] * [ Horeb] * [ (aka Sinai) - Ho'reb - Exodus 3:1 (h2722) - HOH-reb] * [ Horesh] * [ (forest, wood in some Bibles) - Ho'resh - 1 Samuel 23:15 (h2793) - HOH-rehsh, HOR-esh] * [ Hor-haggidgad - Hor-haggid'gad - Numbers 33:32 (h2735) - hor'huh-GID-gad, hor'hag-GID-gad] * [ Hori - Ho'ri - Numbers 13:5 (h2753) - HOH-ri] * [ Horonaim - Horona'im - Isaiah 15:5 (h2773) - hor'uh-NAY-im] * [ Horonite - Hor'onite - Nehemiah 2:10 (2772) - HOR-uh-ni t] * [ Horus* - - ip-2 52 - HOHR-uhs, HOR-, HAWR-] * [ Hosanna, also Hosannah - ("Save, we pray you!" We dont say dog; we say DAW ug (but there is not break in the vowel sound.) Heb. Learn how to pronounce hundreds of Bible words with the click of a button - all for free. pronounce joppa in the bible - propertydepotusa.com midrashim) - - w99 3/15 27 - MID-rash, -rahsh, Seph. if (verticalpos=="fromtop"){ AboutPressCopyrightContact. (h5971, h776) - ahm' hah-AHR-ets (usu. Joppa is a village in Massac County, Illinois, with a population of 313. JSFX_FloatTopDiv(); nuh-VEE-im] * [ Nibhaz - Nib'haz - 2 Kings 17:31 (h5026) - NIB-haz] * [ Nicaea* - - g01 6/8 12 - ni -SEE-uh] * [ Nicaean* - - g73 1/8 18 - ni -SEE-uhn] * [ Nicanor - Nica'nor - Acts 6:5 (g3527) - ni -KAY-nuhr] * [ Nicodemus - Nicode'mus - John 3:1 (g3530) - nik'uh-DEE-muhs] * [ Nicolaitan - ("Nicolaus" in NW) - Revelation 2:6 AS, By, TEV, Yg (h3531) - nik'uh-LAY-uh-tuhn] * [ Nicolaitane - ("Nicolaus" in NW - Revelation 2:6 Da, KJ (h3531) - nik'uh-LAY-uh-tayn] * [ Nicolaus] * [ (Nicolaitanes, Nicolaitans in some Bibles) - Nicola'us - Revelation 2:6 (g3531) - nik'uh-LAY-uhs] * [ Nicopolis - Nicop'olis - Titus 3:12 (g3533) - nih-KOP-uh-lis] * [ Niger - Ni'ger - Acts 13:1 (g3526) - NI -guhr, NI -juhr] * [ Nile - Nile - Exodus 2:3 (h2975) - NI L] * [ nimbus* - - rs 354 - NIM-buhs] * [ Nimrod - Nim'rod - Genesis 10:8 (h5248) - NIM-rod] * [ Nimrud* - - it "Calah" - NIM-rood] * [ Nimshi - Nim'shi - 2 Kings 9:2 (h5250) - NIM-shi] * [ Nineveh - Nin'eveh - Genesis 10:11 (h5210) - NIN-uh-vuh] * [ Ninevites - Nin'evites - Luke 11:30 (g3536) - NIN-uh-vi tz] * [ Nippur* - - it "Babylon" - nih-POOR] * [ Nisan - Ni'san - Nehemiah 2:1 (h5212) - NI -san in NW, also NIS-uhn (listen), NEE-sahn, nee-SAHN, -SAWN (listen)] * [ Nisroch - Nis'roch - 2 Kings 19:37 (h5268) - NIS-rok, nis-ROHK (listen)] * [ niter or nitre] * [ (soda in some Bibles) - ("alkali" in NW) - Proverbs 25:20 Da, DRB, KJ (5427) - NI -tuhr] * [ No] * [ (city, aka Thebes) - No - Jeremiah 46:25 (h4996) - NOH] * [ No-amon - No-a'mon - Nahum 3:8 (h528 + h4996) - noh-AY-muhn, also -AH-muhn, -AM-uhn] * [ Noah - Noah, it No'ah - Genesis 5:29 (h5146) - NOH-uh] * [ Noe] * [ (variant of Noah) - ("Noah" in NW and most Bibles) - Genesis 5:29 DRB (h5146); Matthew 24:37 DRB (g3575) - NOH-ee] * [ Noemi - ("Naomi" in NW) - Ruth 1:2 DRB (h5281) - NOH-uh-mi] * [ noisome - - Ezekiel 14:15 KJ (h7451); Revelation 16:2 AS, KJ (g2556) - NOI-suhm] * [ Noph - Noph - Isaiah 19:13 (h5297) - NOF, NOHF (listen)] * [ Nubia] * [ (Cush, Ethiopia in most Bibles) - ("Ethiopia" in NW) - Esther 1:1 (h3568) - NOO-bee-uh, NYOO-bee-uh] * [ nuclear*] * [ (compare nucleus) - - g99 8/22 4 - NOO-klee-uhr, NYOO-, by metathesis -kyuh-luhr] * [ nucleus*] * [ (compare nuclear) - - w99 8/15 5 - NOO-klee-uhs, NYOO-] * [ Numbers - Numbers (Bible book) - Numbers 1:1 ftn. Have you ever observed that it is not as much WHAT you say, as HOW you say it? in NW) - Revelation 19:1 AS (g239) - hal'uh-LOO-yuh, not hal'ay-LOO-jah] * [ Halys*] * [ (River, modern Kizil Irmak) - - sh 82 - HAY-luhs] * [ Hamadan*] * [ (ancient Ecbatana) - - it "Ecbatana" - ham'uh-DAN (listen), -DAHN, HAM-uh-dan'] * [ Hamath] * [ (modern Hama) - Ha'math - Isaiah 36:19 (h2574) - HAY-math, HAY-muth] * [ Hammurabi* - - it "Babylon" - ham'uh-RAH-bee, ham'oo-, hah(')-moo-RAH-bee] * [ Hamor - Ha'mor - Genesis 33:19 (h2544); Acts 7:16 (g1697) - HAY-mahr, HAY-mor] * [ Hanani - Hana'ni - 1 Kings 16:1 (h2607) - huh-NAY-ni] * [ Hanamel] * [ (Hanameel in some Bibles) - Han'amel - Jeremiah 32:7 (h2601) - HAN-uh-mehl (huh-NAM-ee-uhl, hay-, HAN-uh-meel in some Bibles)] * [ Hananiah - Hanani'ah - Daniel 1:6 (h2608) - han'uh-NI -uh] * [ Hanes - Ha'nes - Isaiah 30:4 (h2609) - HAY-neez, HAY-nes] * [ Hannah - Han'nah - 1 Samuel 1:2 (h2584) - HAN-uh] * [ Hanukkah] * [ (also spelled Chanukah, Chanukkah) - ("festival of dedication" in NW) - John 10:22 ALT, ISV - HAH-nuh-kuh, Ashk. There is also a phonetic guide to use to see the proper pronunciation of Tabitha . The Sites of the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands - BiblePlaces.com par-oo-SEE-ah (listen)] * [ Parthia; Parthian - ; Par'thians - Acts 2:9 CEV, TEV (g3934); Acts 2:9 (g3934) - PAHR-thee-uh; PAHR-thee-uhn(z)] * [ Pasach - Pa'sach - 1 Chronicles 7:33 (h6457) - PAY-sak] * [ Pasargadae* - - dp 151 - puh-SAHR-guh-dee'] * [ Pasch; Pascha* - - Ezekiel 45:21 DRB (h6453) and Hebrews 11:28 DRB (g3957); w94 3/15 5 - PASK; PAHS-kuh] * [ paschal* - - w90 2/15 12 - PAS-kuhl] * [ Pashhur - Pash'hur - Jeremiah 20:1 (h6583) - PASH-huhr] * [ Pashur] * [ (aka Pashhur) - ("Pashhur" in NW) - Jeremiah 20:1 KJ (h6583) - PASH-uhr] * [ Patara - Pat'ara - Acts 21:1 (g3959) - PAT-uh-ruh] * [ Pathros - Path'ros - Isaiah 11:11 (h6624) - PATH-ros, not PATH-ruhs] * [ Patmos - Pat'mos - Revelation 1:9 (g3963) - PAT-muhs] * [ patriarch - ("family head" in NW) - Hebrews 7:4 AS, DRB, KJ (and others) (g3966) - PAY-tree-ahrk'] * [ patriarchal* - - w95 9/15 20 - pay'tree-AHR-kuhl] * [ patristic* - - Daniel 9:2 ftn. charismata* - - w98 2/15 23; g82 2/8 3 - kuh-RIZ-muh; kuh-RIZ-muh-tuh, kar'iz-MAH-tuh, kuh-RIZ-muh-tah] * [ charismatic* - - ip-2 164 - kar'uhz-MAT-ik, kair'riz-MAT-ik] * [ Charlemagne* - - dp 243 - SHAHR-luh-mayn'] * [ chasm - chasm - Luke 16:26 (g5490) - KAZ-uhm] * [ chaste - chaste - James 3:17 (g53) - CHAYST] * [ chasten - - Proverbs 18:17 KJ (h3256) - CHAY-suhn] * [ chastise - chastise - Proverbs 18:17 (h3256); Luke 23:16 (g3811) - chas(')-TI Z, CHAS-ti z'] * [ chastisement - chastisement - Isaiah 53:5 (h4148) - chas(')-TI Z-muhnt] * [ chastity - chastity - 2 Corinthians 11:3 - CHAS-tuh-tee] * [ Chebar - Che'bar - Ezra 1:1 (h3529) - KEE-bahr] * [ Chedorlaomer - Chedorlao'mer - Genesis 14:1 (h3540) - ked'uhr-lay-OH-muhr, ked'or-lah-OH-mer] * [ chehth, also cheth, heth] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Chehth - Psalm 119:57 (verse heading) - KETH, KHET (listen), KHETH, KHAYT, KHAYTH] * [ Chemosh - Che'mosh - Judges 11:24 (h3645) - KEE-mosh] * [ Cheng* - - g86 5/22 25 - JUHNG] * [ Chephirah; also Caphira - Chephi'rah - Joshus 9:17 (h3716) - kuh-FI -ruh, kih-] * [ cherub] * [ (angelic creature) - cherub, it cher'ub - Exodus 25:19 (h3742) - CHER-uhb] * [ Cherub] * [ (city) - Che'rub - Ezra 2:59 (h3743) - KEE-ruhb] * [ cherubim - ("glorius cherubs" in NW) - Hebrews 9:5 KJ (g5502) - CHER-uh-bim', also CHER-yuh-bim'] * [ Chesed - Che'sed - Genesis 22:22 (h3777) - KHEE-sed] * [ chesedh*] * [ ("loving-kindness; loyal love") - Heb. mahr-KHESH-vahn] * [ Marcion*; Marcionite* - - w83 9/15 12 - MAHR-shuhn; MAHR-shuh-ni t, -see-uh-, -shee-uh-] * [ Marduk] * [ (aka Bel, Merodach) - ("Merodach" in NW) - Jeremiah 50:2 By, CEV, NE, TEV (h4781) - MAHR-dyook, -dook] * [ Mari* - - it "Amorite" - MAH-ree] * [ Mark - Mark (Bible book) - Acts 12:12 (g3138) - MAHRK] * [ Martha - Martha, it Mar'tha - Luke 10:38 (g3136) - MAHR-thuh] * [ martyr] * [ (witness in most Bibles) - ("witness" in NW) - Revelation 2:13 KJ (g3144) - MAHR-tuhr] * [ Mary - Mary, it Ma'ry - Matthew 1:18 (g3137) - MAIR-ee, MAR-ee, MER-ee, MAY-ree] * [ Masada* - - it "Jerusalem Destroyed by the Romans" p. 751 - muh-SAH-duh, Heb. { To pronounce one syllable words correctly, readers must stretch out the vowel sound. It was the only natural harbor on the Mediterranean between Egypt and OT Acco (NT Ptolemais). To this place also the wood cut in Lebanon by Hiram's men for Solomon was brought in floats (2 Chr. This means that they are more likely not only to sound like natives when they speak, but also to understand which sounds are in words that natives to them (i.e., improved listening comprehension). Listen how. che'sedh - Micah 6:8 ftn. (g58 "agora"); Acts 28:15 KJ (g5410) - FOR-uhm] * [ frankincense - frankincense - Exodus 30:34 (h3828); Matthew 2:11 (g3030) - FRANG-kin-sen(t)s', -kuhn-] * [ fraudulent - fraudulent - Proverbs 28:16 (h4642) - FRAW-juh-luhnt] * [ Frey*; Freya* - - g00 12/8 27 - FRAY; FRAY-uh] * [ friar* - - g97 5/8 18 - FRI (-uh)R] * [ frieze* - - ip-2 124 - FREEZ (listen)] * [ Frigga* - - g00 12/8 27 - FRIH-guh] * [ froward - ("tortuous"; "hard to please" in NW) - Psalm 18:26 AS, KJ (h6141); 1 Peter 2:18 AS (g4646) - FROH-uhrd, -wuhrd] * [ fundamentalist* - - w97 3/1 3 ftn.

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