(2002), in this case supplemented from the map of Hunt and Mabey (1966). Generally classified as a quartz monzonite porphyry but in the area of Skidoo, it is mostly gneissic but in part porphyritic and has fluidal structures with dark phenocrysts of biotite. It overlies Mississippian carbonates and has not been directly dated. *9 Members* alternating siliciclastic and carbonate facies lower four (of the nine) members and the lower part of the fifth member contain Early Cambrian olenellid trilobites. This part of the valley has numerous cotton top cactus, blister beetles and cholla cactus. Those missing 20 formations have not yet been added to our Stratigraphy Collection. An alternating bluish-gray limestone and thin light-gray bands of marble with fusilinids and crinoid columnals in the upper section. These recent studies indicate that strike-slip faulting and extension occurred in separate phases. Hiking Mosaic Canyon: Trail Guide & Photo Gallery - ROAD TRIP USA b. The first event metamorphosed Death Valley's Precambrian basement rocks and occurred around 1,700 million years ago. a. Detachment faults (italicized): TDTucki Detachment; EFEmigrant Detachment; HFHarrisburg fault; HCHanaupah Detachment. Topography is colored with a nonlinear scale ranging from pale blues below sea level through greens and browns to white of the Sierra Nevada peaks. The rocks on its exposed and barren ridge are famous for being shaped by wind erosion and are called ventifacts. [9] There is a parking area and hiking paths.[10]. The only fossiliferous bed is shale below limestone member neat middle of formation. As shown in Figure 6, this section is also seen in the extensional allochthons on the east flank of Tucki Mountain. A siltstone/shale formation that is exposed in the northern part of Panamint Range in the Tucki Mountain Region. Dates. The scarce springs and surrounding lush oases support thriving plant communities and attract a wide variety of animals. Shaly and silty units increase in abundance in the upper part of the formation. The area covered ranges from Kingston Peak to the southeast of Death Valley, northeast to the Southwest Nevada Volcanic Field (SWNVF), and as far west as the Darwin Plateau on the west side of Panamint Valley. The Panamint Range, rather than being a large fault block detached from above the Black Mountains, is a core complex like the northern end of the range at Tucki Mountain. (2002) and Hunt and Mabey (1966). Examination of structural, stratigraphic, and timing relationships in the region suggests that this interpretation needs revision. Several lakes have occupied Death Valley since the close of the Pleistocene epoch 10,000 years ago, but these younger lakes were quite shallow compared to Lake Manly (See Badwater and Devils Golf Course above). Death Valley NP is renowned world-wide for its exposed, complex, unique tectonics and diverse geologic resources. Syringopora (closely spaced colonies). Nearly black to grayish-yellow dolomite; some chert nodules; base marked by brownish-weathering shaly and cherty limestone and dolomite; incipiently to highly contact metamorphosed. (1999). Dashed line shows inferred location of the detachment fault across the Panamint Range. Pressure and heat transformed the stone into the metamorphic rock we call marble. Middle third is mostly light-green quartzite and siltstone, and minor distinctive arkosic conglomerate. The upper part of this limestone is highly fossiliferous and characterized by the corals Syringopora and Zaphrentites. Also not consistent with this model is the fact that the Panamint Range is much higher in elevation (highest point is Telescope Peak, 3368 m) than the Black Mountains (highest point is Funeral Peak, 1946 m); this would mean that the hanging wall of the detachment would be higher than the footwall, a structurally unlikely scenario. Ages of basalt within the succession constrain the age of the formation to between 5 and 3.3 Ma (Nyborg and Buchheim, 2009). Unit is 457 m thick in the northwestern Spring Mountains, 500 m thick in the Striped Hills and 350 m thick at Bare Mountain, 420 m thick in the Montgomery Mountains. Goodwin is medium gray to grayish-orange weathering limestone and dolomite, dark-brown weathering chert layers, and distinctive intraclastic limestone conglomerate; contains trilobite and brachiopods fragments, and sparse ooids; base of Goodwin contains Late Cambrian conodonts in the Spring Mountains and souther Sheep Range. From 1.8 billion-year-old metamorphic rocks exposed in the Black mountains, to recent playa sediments deposited in the valley basins, Death Valley possesses a superb geologic record. By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to our, Copyright 2023 Geological Society of America. Following a right-hand bend and broader left turn, the canyon further constricts at 1.25 miles, forming orange- and gray-tinted narrows. Further south, between the Copper Canyon and Mormon Point turtlebacks, the Mormon Point Formation is also in fault contact with basement rocks, in this case the Mormon Point turtleback (Hayman, 2006; MP, Fig. These rock formation began as limestone deposited during Late Precambrian (about 850-700 million years ago) when the area was covered by a warm sea. 3 Lake Manly Deposits The suggestion in this paper that the Panamints are not a far-traveled extensional allochthon means that this reconstruction must be reexamined. b. They are in fault contact with the Copper Canyon turtleback (Drewes, 1963; Holm et al., 1994). a. The primary source of the dune sands is probably the Cottonwood Mountains which lie to the north and northwest. This model, using the preceding data and interpretations, includes two tectonic phases separated by a short interval of relative tectonic quiescence, as summarized in the timing chart in Figure 3. 4. Later researchers discovered that the region had experienced substantial tension that pulled large blocks of crust apart. Death Valley is a pull-apart basin, as originally proposed by Burchfiel and Stewart (1966), formed in the last 3 m.y. Their paper was published in the same year as Hunt and Mabey's (1966) seminal paper that mapped the geology of Death Valley. They are made up of Proterozoic basement gneiss, early Tertiary pegmatitic intrusives, and Late Miocene plutonic rocks. Later studies suggest that in places the depth ranges up to 9,000 feet (2,700m).[6]. 3) Smith Mountain granite. McKenna and Hodges (1990) mapped extensional structures at Trail Canyon. Mosaic Canyon, Death Valley National Park - Explore the USA Along this profile, then, Death Valley is an asymmetric graben with a steep (50) eastern fault and less steep (30) western fault. Vegetation in the area is sparse, largely confined to hearty sagebrush. Reviews. The strong link between Pacific-North America plate motion and structural evolution of the ECSZ is emphasized by this synchronous timing. There are different horizontal linear features on the northeast flank of the butte that are ancient shorelines from this lake. Contained within its boundaries is a diverse rock record stretching throughout most of geologic time. (Blair and Raynolds, 1999); (4) although there are angular unconformities within these formations, there are no data such as progressive tilt (Snow and Lux, 1999) to suggest that they were deposited in active grabens. 18 to 5 Ma, involved Basin and Rangestyle low-angle extension with fault blocks made up predominantly of Paleozoic sediments moving on detachment faults that exhumed rocks from mid crustal levels. The students stayed in a Beatty hotel and visited nine total sites in Death Valley National Park. Early + Middle Pleistocene HIKING NOT ADVISED AFTER 10 AM IN THE SUMMER. 6 Nova Formation The largest dune is called Star Dune and is relatively stable and stationary because it is at a point where the various winds that shape the dunes converge. A simple average of their compilation yields dimensions of 15.2 km wide by 1550 m relief. It features megabreccia and other rock formations, petroglyphs, and wildlife of various kinds, including bighorn sheep. The Panamint Range is more symmetric, with perhaps a slightly steeper western flank. Top ways to experience Golden Canyon and nearby attractions. 2 Playa Salt Deposits Fossils include brachiopods, colonial and solitary corals, gastropods, pelmatozoan ossicles, and stromatoporoids. Lee et al. 19 Keeler Canyon Formation At the junction where the unimproved road from Ubehebe Crater meets roads to the Racetrack Playa and Hunter Mountain (364537N 1173233W / 36.76028N 117.54250W / 36.76028; -117.54250), there is a sign reading "Teakettle Junction. Open grooves in the ventifacts are called flutes. Syringopora have also been found. Formed of steep cliffs, it is composed of red colored oxidized rocks and is visible from Zabriskie point and the Golden Canyon trail. Massive black dolomite, 400-800 feet thick. a. a. The gneiss displays mylonitic fabric consistent with westward displacement of the extensional allochthons (McKenna and Hodges, 1990). Far below the surface, high pressure and temperature altered the dolomite into the metamorphic rock, marble. a. Lacustrine and alluvial fan deposits found throughout the valley surface. In the Black Mountains, the detachment surface tracks over the top of the Badwater turtleback and is covered by Late Miocene to Pliocene sediments of the Artist Drive Formation. No fossils. Death Valley is mysterious enough by day. Group is about 410 m thick in the Dry Mountain area of the Cottonwood Mountains, 384 m thick in the Panamint Range, 320 m thick in the Nopah Range, 360 to 700 m thick in the Spring Mountains and souther Sheep Range, 957 m thick in the Pahrangat Range, and 1,050 m in NTS area. Thickness about 1 000 feet but variable because of shearing. As Figure 4 shows, outcrops of Paleozoic sediments along the eastern side of the range are continuous from Tucki Mountain southward along the eastern slope of the Panamints, and these Paleozoic sediments are interpreted to be Basin and Rangestyle extensional allochthons. Red Cathedral is a geological formation located between highways 178 and 190. At Tucki Mountain, the detachment tracks over the top of the anticline that forms Tucki Mountain (Fig. No fossils. In this interpretation, motion was accommodated along the Amargosa detachment fault. 3). Red Wall Canyon, Death Valley National Park, California The scale of this core complex, 3040 km wide by 60 km long with an amplitude of 4 km, is larger than other well-known core complexes like the Snake Range and Whipple core complexes (Block and Royden, 1990). Rocks now in the crest of the range were metamorphosed to greenschist facies, representing 10 km burial, in the Jurassic, with retrograde metamorphism associated with granitic intrusions in the Cretaceous (Labotka and Albee, 1990). *2 Members* Lower member is limestone and upper member is siltstone. The other period of interruption occurred between 350 and 250 Ma when sporadic pulses of mud swept southward into the Death Valley region during the erosion of highlands in north-central Nevada. Similar rock travel patterns have been recorded in several other playas in the region but the number and length of travel grooves on The Racetrack are notable. Pleistocene-Pliocene 4) commenced prior to intrusion of the 10.6 Ma Little Chief stock, which was intruded to 3 km below the contemporary surface. Dolomites - Wikipedia Near the end of this extensional phase and lasting until ca. 4). Mosaic Canyon's polished marble walls are carved from the Noonday Dolomite and other Precambrian carbonate rocks. The turtlebacks are therefore formed of rocks that were exhumed due to extension and at the same time were intruded by a variety of igneous rocks. Total thickness of formation 1,200-1,500 feet. Sharp edges of ventifacts called Kanters are formed when two or more facets (planar surfaces) intersect. Cambrian The following list of geologic formations and corresponding ages represents what has been collected in the park and are available for viewing at our curatorial facility. Cichanski (2000) suggests that the higher-angle faults are part of the Panamint Valley strike-slip fault. Metaluminous ash-flows and associated rocks derived from the Timber Mountain caldera complex at 11.6-11.4 Ma. Total Round Trip Distance: 260 miles. b. Dolomite, with some limestone, at base, shale unit in middle, massive dolomite at top. Ash beds, conglomerate, marl beds, mudstone, tephra beds. Mosaic Canyon is a canyon in the north western mountain face of the valley which is named after a stream-derived breccia sediment with angular blocks of dolomite in a pebbly matrix. Lack of preserved basinal section equivalent to the Black Mountains Artist Drive Formation and younger formations across the top of the Panamint Range suggests that the range was a high by 8 Ma, although the northwestern flanks were low enough at 10 Ma to begin accumulation of Nova Basin sediments (Fig. Chemical weathering and hydrothermal alteration cause the oxidation and other chemical reactions that produce the variety of colors displayed in the Artist Drive Formation and nearby exposures of the Furnace Creek Formation. Pennsylvanian The Basin and Range extensional detachment tracks over the top of the range, with extensional allochthons perched on the eastern flanks of the range. In all current models, strike-slip and low-angle extensional faults are regarded as synchronous. Both the Walker Lane and ECSZ are characterized by north- to northwest-trending topography with active dextral strike-slip and normal faults (Oldow et al., 1994, 2008; Henry et al., 2007; Lee et al., 2009; Dokka and Travis, 1990a, 1990b). Brachiopods abundant, especially Spirifer , Cyrtospirifer , Productilla , Carmarotoechia , Atrypa. 1. Hunt and Mabey (1966) recognized this structure and correlated it with the Amargosa Thrust of Noble (1941). The fourth and final event occurred quite recently, geologically speaking. 27 Eureka Quartzite This shale contains linguloid brachiopods and trilobite trash beds with fragments of "Ehmaniella." Racetrack Playa is a seasonally dry lake (playa) located in the northern part of the Panamint Mountains that is famous for rocks that mysteriously move across its surface. 3). 4; the Noonday Dolomite is included in the Johnnie Formation in this digital compilation), with the highest peak of the range at Telescope Peak consisting of argillites of the Johnnie Formation (Albee et al., 1981). This age is an important constraint on initiation of Basin and Range extension, as the Bat Mountain Formation is interpreted to have been deposited in a basin formed during the early stages of extension (Cemen et al., 1999). Mostly equivalent with the Highland Peak Formation as use by Tschanz and Pampeyan (1970) in Lincoln Country. Mostly thick-bedded arid massive dark-colored dolomite, thin-bedded limestone member 500 feet thick 1 000 feet below top of formation, 2 brown-weathering shaIy units, upper one fossiliferous, about 200 arid 500 feet, respectively, below thin-bedded member. b. The Lower Limestone Member was collected and is described as predominantly limestone of intermediate grays, in 1- to 3-foot beds, much of it containing silt, sand, or siliceous pebbles; interstratified with shale, partly carbonaceous; small, dark-gray spheroidal chert nodules in limestone near base. Dolomite! - Review of Mosaic Canyon, Death Valley - Tripadvisor Most of this formation (lower 2/3 to ) is cliff-forming, medium-dark-gray, burrow-mottled, irregularly thin-to-thick-bedded dolomite with common planar laminations; includes nodules and lenses of dark-grey to dark-brown chert. Darwin Falls is a waterfall located on the western edge of Death Valley National Park near the settlement of Panamint Springs, California. Check out the Golden Canyon Hike audio tour on the free NPS App. a. At Mosaic Canyon, for instance, where the detachment surface is exposed (TD, Fig. This desert butte was once an island in a lake that filled Death Valley several times during the Pleistocene ice ages. Fan gravel; silt and salt buried under floor of playa; perhaps 2,000 feet thick.]. In Snow and Wernicke's (2000) reconstruction, this correlation is used to restore the Panamint Range to a position adjacent to the Nopah Range. This canyon was formed through a process of cut and fill which included periodic erosive floods followed by long periods of deposition and uplift. The 3 Ma restoration is shown in two phases for convenience. (1974) showed that the turtlebacks include many linear structures parallel to the direction of strike slip, ranging from minute slickenslides to fault mullions tens or hundreds of meters in amplitude (Wright et al., 1974, p. 54). This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents of the National Park Service. This third event folded the layered Precambrian and Cambrian sedimentary rocks. At the same time and further south along the Black Mountains, the Copper Canyon and Mormon Point Formations were deposited. A 20 m thick white quartzite marks the base of the unit in the Specter Range and northwestern Spring Mountains. Mostly shale, in part olive brown, in part purple. * 4 Members* Diatoms and plants give the Miocene age. The NevadaCalifornia state line is labeled NV/CA. Cambrian Contact with overlying Bonanza King Formation is commonly marked by a change from slope-forming yellowish-weathering limestone of the Carrara to more massive cliff-forming limestone and dolomite of the Bonanza King formation. The Lippincott Member (?) Death Valley National Park is one of many units within the National Park service established because of its underlying geologic theme. *3 Members* In the lower, cherty member there are Halysites, Favosites, Syringopora, rugose corals, articulate brachiopods, conodonts, and crinoid debris. Shorelines of ancient Lake Manly are preserved in several parts of Death Valley, but nowhere is the record as clear as at Shoreline Butte. Contains basalt, alluvial and lacustrine deposits and vertebrate trace fossils in the lacustrine strata (e.g. Noonday Dolomite is limestone that was formed 750 million years ago when Death Valley was part of the Pacific Ocean, before being buried, heated, and exposed to enormous amounts of pressure. The massive expanse of white is made up of almost pure table salt. The cross section of Figure 9 with, superimposed at Badwater, a generalized cross section across an oceanic megamullion structure (megamullion data from Tucholke and Lin, 1998). 37 Noonday Dolomite A feature of these intrusives is that they are intruded along the structural top of each turtleback, with the Willow Springs diorite structurally beneath the younger (Fig.

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