In 2009, he co-sponsored two bills calling for peace in Darfur. A bill to amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to transition the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to the supplemental nutrition assistance program, and for other purposes. All Rights Reserved, Was bipartisanship at play in Bidens first 100 days? 26 RC# 49. "[132] Since 2010, the securities and investment industry has been the largest donor to Schumer's senatorial campaigns. Reich said Schumer gave the bank a "heart attack", saying, "Would the institution have failed without the deposit run? [130], In 1987, then-Representative Schumer wrote a New York Times op-ed opposing repeal of the GlassSteagall Act of 1933, titled "Don't Let Banks Become Casinos". Progressive House staffers staged a protest in Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumers office, urging him to keep negotiating on climate change legislation amid talks with Senator Joe Manchin. Attorney. to Share Facts", "Conservative media focus their criticism on Schumer, Democrats following Trump's firing of Comey", "Dems once critical of Comey line up to denounce his firing", "Schumer demands assurances on Russia probe after Trump fires FBI chief", "Schumer: GOP attacks on FBI 'delusional,' 'paranoid', "White House bars Dems from Nunes meeting on probe", "Schumer, Pelosi: Include us in FBI informant briefing", "Schumer: 'What kind of justice will John Roberts be? [280], In March 2020, Schumer came under controversy for statements he made about Supreme Court justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, both of whom were nominated by Trump. [58], When it was revealed that Canon Inc. was considering relocating from its corporate headquarters in Long Island because of a dispute over road infrastructure funding, Schumer stepped in to advocate that New York state redirect federal stimulus dollars to make the road improvements and keep the company and its jobs on Long Island. [113], Schumer received an "A" grade on the 2008 Drum Major Institute's Congressional Scorecard on middle-class issues. [222] In June, before a planned meeting between Trump and House Republicans for discussions on the compromise immigration bill, Schumer warned that House moderates would lose credibility if they succumbed to pressure and enacted "the hard right's agenda". Below are Senator Schumers remarks: Were facing this [48] A photograph of a smiling Schumer peering from behind Malia Obama as Obama took the oath of office went viral and became a meme. They don't believe in King David. Schumer said the hearing's two goals were to ascertain whether Bush had the power to form a tribunal apart from an attempt at interacting with Congress and whether a military tribunal was the most efficient instrument. Chuck Schumer (Democratic Party) is a member of the U.S. Senate from New York. Schumer and other members of Congress were removed from the Senate chambers. We provide names, titles, policy [161], In April 2002, during a Senate speech, Schumer called the Bush administration's Middle East policy "muddled, confused and inconsistent" and said the planned meeting between Secretary of State Colin Powell and Yasser Arafat would contradict Bush's stated stand against terrorists and those harboring them. [73] In May, after the White House invited two Republicans and no Democrats to a briefing by Department of Justice officials on an FBI informant who made contact with the Trump campaign,[74] Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI director Christopher A. Wray calling for "a bipartisan Gang of Eight briefing that involves congressional leadership from both chambers". Here you will find contact information for Senator Chuck Schumer, including his email address, phone number, and mailing address. Senator Charles Ellis Schumer is an American politician. He is a senior U.S. Senator from New York under the Democrats since 1999. He has been the Senate Majority leader since January 2021. [242] He opposed the Federal Marriage Amendment, saying in 2004 that DOMA made it obsolete. [8] His father ran an exterminating business, and his mother was a homemaker. Schumer chaired the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee from 2005 to 2009, overseeing 14 Democratic gains in the Senate in the 2006 and 2008 elections. It's to change the nominee. "We believe that having strong bipartisan depth is critical to achieving results for our clients, and Aaron's proven track record of working with Democrats and Republicans alike to foster key relationships and pass key legislation will be invaluable.". Former Senator Chuck Grassley Chief of Staff Aaron Cummings You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions." Area Manager, Kevin Jacobs Brian Wagner, [69], In October 2016, after FBI director James Comey announced the reopening of an investigation into whether Hillary Clinton, then the Democratic presidential nominee, mishandled classified emails during her tenure at the State Department, Schumer said that he had lost confidence in Comey. He visits all 62 counties every year and has delivered countless large and small victories across the state, including delivering $20 billion to rebuild after the 9-11 terror attacks and passing a $63 billion relief package to help New York recover from Superstorm Sandy. He criticized Obama, saying: "past administrationsboth Democrat and Republicanhave protected Israel from the vagaries of this biased institution [the U.N.]. [192] The Assault Weapons Ban, which banned semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and handguns with certain features, expired in September 2004 despite attempts by Schumer to extend it. A resolution notifying the House of Representatives of the election of a President pro tempore. Under Schumer, the Democratic Party gained six seats in the Senate in the 2006 elections, defeating incumbents in each of those races and regaining Senate control for the first time since 2002. For these efforts, Field and Stream magazine honored Schumer in its "Hero Awards" in 2008. In 2006, DSCC staffers obtained a copy of Maryland's 2006 Republican Senate candidate Michael Steele's credit report. A bill to prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities who need long-term services and supports, and for other purposes. HAPPENING NOW: Were asking Senator Schumer to negotiate like this is the coldest summer of the rest of our lives (it is). In 1974, Schumer ran for and was elected to the New York State Assembly, filling a seat previously held by Schumer's mentor, Congressman Stephen Solarz. In 1982, as a result of redistricting, Schumer faced a potential matchup with Solarz, but the matchup did not materialize. 11 RC# 98, On the Amendment S.Amdt. In January 2021, Schumer became Senate Majority Leader, the first Jewish leader of either chamber of Congress. It's about time that they made the village of Gowanda whole for the damage done in this flood. (Earlier on Monday, Manchin announced he had tested positive for Covid-19 and was working remotely. It was a spinoff from the old Countrywide, and like Countrywide, it did all kinds of profligate activities that it never should have. A resolution commemorating the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Good Friday Agreement, and for other purposes. [136], In his book released in March 2010, No One Would Listen, Bernie Madoff whistleblower Harry Markopolos passed along an unsourced claim that Schumer called the SEC for information about the Madoff investigation. [227], Schumer conceded his actions might have caused some depositors to withdraw their money prematurely, but said, "if OTS had done its job as regulator and not let IndyMac's poor and loose lending practices continue, we wouldn't be where we are today. As state director, Brennan oversees the Schumer team in New York, a critical role for a senator who is prides himself on staying attuned to local issues and visits all 62 counties every year. Pichardo. Schumer voted on the impeachment charges of President Bill Clinton in both houses of Congress. 14 to S. 316 (No short title on file) RC# 66, On the Amendment S.Amdt. "[189] In July, Schumer disavowed claims that the Democratic Party considered Russia its top priority and named health care and economic stability for working-class families as its primary concerns. That's not right. RESOLUTION To authorize testimony and representation in United States v. Grillo. [111] When companies began selling gloves, pills, inhalers, diuretics, shampoos and other products during the 2009 swine flu scare, Schumer urged the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to open an investigation. [129], In April 2014, the United States Senate debated the Paycheck Fairness Act (S. 2199; 113th Congress), a bill aimed at addressing the gender pay gap in the United States. Lower Colorado Basin Regional Office P.O. A bill to treat certain liquidations of new motor vehicle inventory as qualified liquidations of LIFO inventory for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. [128], In March 2002, as the Senate worked on a compromise to save an election reform bill that stalled due to Republicans' believing it was not combative enough against voter fraud, Schumer and Senator Ron Wyden led a successful effort in protecting an amendment allowing first-time voters to be verified with only a signature. [246], Schumer supports the cancellation of $50,000 or more in federal student loan debt for every borrower by executive action. He is one of several Democratic staffers who spend their free time organizing their progressive colleagues, through both formal channels (the Congressional Request a demo today or learn more about LegiStorm Pro subscription options. Twenty-nine unions and labor groups are backing Schumer, the campaign announced, including 1199 SEIU, District Council 37, Teamsters Joint Council 16 and the the New York City and New York state Building Trades Council. A BILL To protect a persons ability to determine whether to continue or end a pregnancy, and to protect a health care providers ability to provide abortion services. In 1980, 16th district Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman won the Democratic nomination for the Senate seat of Republican Jacob Javits. Gov. If you disagree with a politician, organize your fellow citizens to action and vote them out of office. [271], While discussing an immigration bill on the Senate floor in 2010, Schumer likened Indian tech giant Infosys Technologies to a "chop shop". [268], In 1994, Schumer joined the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Congress in a campaign to get the IRS to revoke the tax-exempt status of the Palestinian-American charity the Holy Land Foundation, which by the time it was shut down in 2001 was the country's largest Muslim charity. Setting Consumer Standards for Lithium-Ion Batteries Act. A BILL To amend title 10, United States Code, to provide for concurrent receipt of veterans disability compensation and retired pay for disability retirees with fewer than years of service and a combat-related disability, and for other purposes. [66] The legislation also attempted to prevent frivolous lawsuits by brand-name drug manufacturers claiming generic drugs infringed their patents. [60], In November 2017, Schumer and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand announced $1,908,486 in funding for Head Start and Early Head Start programs at the Community Action Organization of Erie County, Schumer saying the federal funding would yield "real results to young students in Western New York by providing them with the resources they need to succeed both in and out of the classroom". What's happening: Billionaire businessman Elon Musk visited the Capitol on Wednesday and met with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, according to The measure in the House was H.R 4807, and in the Senate, S. 2333; these were introduced to require a 45-day review of this transfer of ownership. [247], In September 2007, Schumer proposed that the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) raise Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's conforming loan ("affordable") limits from $417,000 to $625,000, thereby allowing these government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) to back mortgages on homes priced up to $780,000 with a 20% down payment. The endorsements arent a 103-141, 107 Stat. [286], The Schumers have two children, Jessica and Alison, both graduates of their father's alma mater, Harvard College. Schumer aide Brian Fallon said, "except for winning an NRA marksmanship award at age 14, the senator does not own a gun or have a license to carry one". [110] Schumer is also seeking a ban on the use of cadmium, a carcinogen known to impair brain development in children, in toys and children's jewelry. In response, Schumer said the provision was a compromise with Henry Hyde and other colleagues and that it was opposed by people who did not properly read the law. We confirmed a historic number of federal judges, lowered drug costs, & created more jobs in the first two years [224], A Treasury Department's Inspector General audit found that the primary causes of IndyMac's failure were associated with its business strategy of originating and securitizing Alt-A loans on a large scale. Schumer said the panel would focus on Russian meddling and potential threats from other countries such as China and Iran. 83 to S. 870 (No short title on file) RC# 93, On the Amendment S.Amdt. Douglas, a senior policy director at Crowell, is former finance director to U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and Beale, also a senior policy director, is a former staffer to U.S. Electrical & Computer Engineering. "Obviously Russia is in the news. [35] The supervisor resigned from the DSCC.[36]. Both IndyMac and Countrywide helped cause the housing crisis we're now in. A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to "Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards". [277] While Schumer has not taken a public position on the traffic-calming project, whose most prominent feature is a two-way protected bike path, his wife, Iris Weinshall, is a prominent advocate against the project, and the New York Post reported that Schumer has lobbied against the bike path behind the scenes. ', "Schumer: Roberts is 'demeaning' the Supreme Court", "Schumer: Miers doesn't have enough support", "Here's What Republicans and Democrats Are Saying About Obama's Supreme Court Nomination", "Chuck Schumer appealed to Trump to pick Merrick Garland for Supreme Court", "Schumer threatens filibuster if Trump doesn't pick 'mainstream' court candidate", "Schumer: Democrats will filibuster Gorsuch nomination", "Neil Gorsuch Confirmed by Senate as Supreme Court Justice", "Schumer: Kavanaugh should answer direct questions on Roe because he weighed in on other decisions", "Schumer: Share 'confidential' Kavanaugh documents with entire Senate", "Schumer: Kavanaugh wouldn't say Roe v. Wade was 'correctly decided', "Schumer: Kavanaugh hearing should be delayed after Cohen plea deal", "Chief Justice John Roberts rebukes Chuck Schumer for comments about Kavanaugh and Gorsuch", "Graham opposes censuring Schumer over Supreme Court quote, worries it could lead to censure of Trump", "SCHUMER: FCC VOTE TO END NET NEUTRALITY ALLOWING ACCESS TO THE WEB TO BE BLOCKED OR SLOWED FOR MILLIONS OF AMERICANS SIMPLY CANNOT STAND; REPEAL OF NET NEUTRALITY WILL TURN INTERNET INTO A TOLL ROAD, WHERE ONLY THE HIGHEST PAYING CUSTOMERS WILL RULE; SENATOR PUSHES PLAN TO OVERTURN DECISION WITH A MAJORITY VOTE BY CONGRESS", "Senate Democrats Close to Majority on Vote to Restore Net Neutrality Rules", "Senate backs effort to restore 'net neutrality' rules", "Schumer blames congressional GOP for net neutrality repeal", "Committee Assignments of the 118th Congress", "OnTheIssuesLogo Charles Schumer on Abortion", "Anti-Abortion Lawmakers Kill House Bankruptcy Bill", "Opinion | Chuck Schumer: Our Rights Hang in the Balance", "U.S. [145], In March 2006, the House Appropriations Committee voted to block an amendment allowing Dubai Ports World to operate some terminals at U.S. ports, an amendment that was inserted into the emergency supplemental funding bill for military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. List of Contacts Addresses and Phone Numbers, Copy of Reclamation Organizational Chart (Adobe Acrobat .pdf file - 300 KB), 303-445-3012 A tweet posted by NBC News reporter Julia Jester features a short video purporting to show one of the staff members in handcuffs, explaining why the group jeopardized their careers to take the action. [211], In August 2004, after American officials leaked the arrest of Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan to reporters, Schumer said he was troubled by the decision to reveal Khan's identity, citing the fact that the public had learned little of Khan's role in providing the information that led Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge to announce a higher terror alert level. [63] A coalition of consumer groups supported the legislation and Schumer told reporters that its enactment would reduce prescription drug costs by over 60% per prescription in addition to saving consumers $71billion over the next decade. RESOLUTION Notifying the President of the United States of the election of a President pro tempore. [72], In January 2018, Schumer said that since Mueller's investigation began, the United States "has had to endure conspiracy after conspiracy from the right wing, Republican congressmen, senators and of course the right-wing press, which acts in total cahoots" in regards to their views on the FBI, and that the Republicans' effort to discredit Mueller "has now devolved into delusional, self-serving paranoia". He has been called an "incorrigible publicity hound". Schumer said, "China has stolen millions of jobs and trillions of dollars [but] administrations from both parties haven't been strong enough to fight back. That's not American. [157] He planned to tell the White House, then his Senate colleagues, and then the public, but the White House leaked the news during the Republican debate in what CBS News described as an "apparent attempt to limit coverage". Northern Border Regional Commission Reauthorization Act of 2023. Washington says its hungry for bipartisanship, but its split on what exactly bipartisanship means and whether theres enough of it. Disapproving the action of the District of Columbia Council in approving the Revised Criminal Code Act of 2022. What's happening: Billionaire businessman Elon Musk visited the Capitol on Wednesday and met with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, according to Schumers office. [165], Schumer supported Israel in the 2014 IsraelGaza conflict. A resolution supporting the observation of National Trafficking and Modern Slavery Prevention Month during the period beginning on January 1, 2023, and ending on February 1, 2023, to raise awareness of, and opposition to, human trafficking and modern slavery. In 2017, Schumer wrote to Trump advocating for a block on China that would prevent it from purchasing more American companies to increase pressure on Beijing to help rein in North Korea's nuclear missile program. The incoming Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, persuaded Schumer to serve another term as DSCC chair. [191], In 1994, then-Representative Schumer and Senator Dianne Feinstein authored the Assault Weapons Ban. The resolution stated the United States "should refuse to make available any current or former diplomat, civil servant, political appointee, law enforcement official or member of the Armed Forces of the United States for questioning by the government of Vladimir Putin". "[183], In August 2013, after Russia granted asylum to Edward Snowden, Schumer said Putin was behaving like a "schoolyard bully", adding, "The relationship between the United States and Russia is more poisonous than any time since the Cold War because of all of this. I've been advocating for this for months and months and months; I'm glad everyone came together and finally did the right thing. [179] After Kim and Trump issued a joint statement, Schumer said the meeting between the two had given "a brutal and repressive dictatorship the international legitimacy it has long craved" and that the agreement lacked details on achieving a pathway to the Korean peninsula being denuclearized, how the United States would verify North Korea's disarming, and an assurance of cessation for enrichment of plutonium and uranium from North Korea. affairs. The report was paid for with the DSCC credit card issued to the researcher's supervisor. Caucus, Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, New York Bipartisan Congressional Delegation, Senate Caucus on WMD Terrorism (Weapons of Mass Destruction), Congressional Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Caucus, Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, Congressional International Creativity and Theft-Prevention Caucus, Director of Constituent Services; NYC Office Manager, New Media Director / Online Communications, Speechwriter / Editor / Publications and Documents, Director of the Senate Diversity Initiative, Grants Director; Legislative Correspondent Supervisor, Mailroom Manager / Mail Operations / Mail Services, Press Secretary / Communications Director / Other Liaison, District Director / District Chief of Staff, Deputy Director of the Senate Diversity Initiative, Director of Community and External Affairs, Director of Energy and Environmental Policy, Research Assistant; Rapid Response Assistant, Director of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, "[219], In January 2018, Schumer stated that any agreement on the status of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals before its March expiration would have to be included in the spending bill. [262], As chair of the Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts, Schumer took a lead role in the investigation of the dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy. In 2007, after Bush nominated former federal judge Michael Mukasey to become attorney general of the United States (replacing Gonzales, who had resigned), Schumer expressed support for Mukasey. [203] After the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) showed the American Health Care Act would cause millions of Americans to lose health coverage, Schumer said, "Republicans in Washington and the president should read this report cover to cover, throw their bill in the trash can and begin working with Democrats on a real plan to lower costs for the American people. [223], On June 26, 2008, Schumer took the extraordinary step of publicly releasing letters he had written to regulators about IndyMac Bank, the country's seventh-largest savings and loan association and ninth-largest originator of mortgage loans, which he considered a severely troubled institution. He passed the New York state bar in early 1975, but never practiced law, choosing a career in politics instead.[18]. Chuck Schumer Here are some of the actual bipartisan things that have happened so far in Bidens first 100 days: Lawmakers unanimously passed three bills Of the 11 bills the Officer who shot Ashli Babbitt [160], Schumer was a supporter of the Iraq War Resolution but was very critical of President George W. Bush's strategy in the Iraq War; he suggested that a commission of ex-generals be appointed to review it. [249] As part of a package of regulatory reforms that Schumer pushed in response to the subprime foreclosure crisis, he called for the creation of mortgage industry regulators to protect borrowers from deceptive lending practices and called for the Securities and Exchange Commission to move from Washington to New York so that it was in closer proximity to the industry it was charged with overseeing. A resolution to authorize testimony and representation in United States v. GossJankowski. [251], Schumer had been a staunch defender of low taxes on hedge fund and private equity managers in the mid-2000s, arguing that this was necessary to protect the industry. As the attack persisted, Schumer and Pelosi released a joint statement calling on Trump to demand the rioters leave the Capitol and its grounds immediately. [258][259] Some demonstrators complained that the bill had originated with wealthy campaign contributors who would reward legislators for passing the bill. [71] In a Senate floor speech, Schumer called for a "impartial and independent" investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, announcing that the Democrats had agreed that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein not be able to appoint a special prosecutor for an investigation into Russia's meddling; that Comey meet with the Senate; and that Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions meet separately with senators. ", NYC DOT Prospect Park West Bicycle Path, "Here it comes the inevitable Prospect Park West bike lane lawsuit! [31][283], Schumer and his wife, Iris Weinshall, were married on September 21, 1980. [45] Schumer has appeared on The Daily Show seven times. In 1998, Schumer ran for the Senate. A resolution honoring the life and legacy of the late James George Abourezk. RESOLUTION Recognizing the 202nd anniversary of the independence of Greece and celebrating democracy in Greece and the United States. Here are some of the actual bipartisan things that have happened so far in Bidens first 100 days: Mitt Romney talks with media following a debate for the GOP Senate candidates in Provo in May 2018. I think Mitt Romney has created a very careful balance as an elected official, said Jason Perry, director of the University of Utahs Hinckley Institute of Politics, following Romneys first year as senator. [164], Schumer was the first senator to call for U.S. support for Kurdish independence after the 2017 Kurdistan Region independence referendum, releasing a resolution calling for the U.S. government to change its policy to "support a political process that addresses the aspirations of the Kurds for an independent state". Many IndyMac depositors either panicked or, from another perspective, justifiably acted and withdrew funds in the 11 days before IndyMac failed. 10017-2054 (212) 486-4430: Schumer Calls for Texas Court to Reform Rules Amid 'Judge Shopping' Claims By Jacqueline Thomsen (Reuters) - Top U.S. Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer "[254] He later stood by the assertion but also said that raising taxes on those making more than $250,000 was necessary to bring in enough revenue. He served as the lead Senate Republican negotiator of the First Step Act, the most significant federal criminal justice reform package in more than 40 years, which was signed into law in December 2018.

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